Pr Marketing Action Plan

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 2
Valerie Lynn Dieter EDSL 670

Public Relations / Marketing Action Plan GOAL:

Library patrons in our school will use the QuizStar program for curriculum instruction and SOL preparation and remediation.

Objective #1:

Teachers will use the QuizStar program for curriculum quizzes and/or tests and for nine week’s tests.

Target Groups:

All teachers at Salem Church Middle School

Strategies:     

What? Where? When? Who? How?

Train teachers in the use of QuizStar Computer Lab 234 During team planning on December 13, 2006 Library Media Specialist and Technology Coordinator A 45 minute hands-on training session.

Communication Tools:      

Email notifying staff of required training; Handout of key points during training; PowerPoint presentation outlining uses and purposes of the program; Demonstration of QuizStar program; One-on-one help during sign-up and training; and Follow up email with additional information and contact information for help.

Evaluation:  Written evaluation at conclusion of training;  Online survey after the first nine week’s test (using


Valerie Lynn Dieter EDSL 670

Objective #2:

Students will use the QuizStar program for curriculum quizzes and/or tests and for nine week’s tests.

Target Groups:

All Salem Church Middle School students

Strategies:  What?    

Where? When? Who? How?

Have students successfully register for and use the QuizStar program for all classes. All school computer labs and library computers. During all classes January to June 2007 Classroom teachers and Library Media Specialist Through collaboration with classroom teachers, each class will spend one session in the lab registering for QuizStar and successfully completing one course quiz. After the first session, students will continue to use QuizStar under the direction of the classroom teachers with assistance from the LMS as needed either in large groups in the computer lab or on an individual basis in the library media center.

Communication Tools:    

Handout of registration process during first session; Demonstration of how to take a quiz; One-on-one help during first quiz session; and Follow-up handout (if needed) on any troubleshooting topics.

Evaluation:  Assessment of student progress using the program reporting tools; and  Student survey at the end of first semester.


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