Powershare Products Guide

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The Apple PowerTalk/PowerShare Products Guide



©1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleLink, AppleShare, AppleTalk, HyperCard, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh, Macintosh Quadra, Newton, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AOCE, AppleSearch, AppleMail, AppleScript, DigiSign, DocViewer, Finder, Power Macintosh, MessagePad, PowerShare, PowerTalk, QuickTime, and WorldScript are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. NuBus is a trademark of Texas Instruments. PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp. used under license therefrom. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Other companies and products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies and are used here without any intent to infringe on the trademarks. Product information is subject to change without notice. Mention of non-Apple products or services is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of these products. All understandings, agreements or warranties, if any, take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users. 9/94

Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................4 Agents...........................................................................9 Mail-Capable............................................................11 PowerTalk Personal Gateways.........................22 PowerShare Server Gateways..........................29 Team Productivity................................................31 Utilities.......................................................................40 Company Index......................................................45 Product Index.........................................................47


Introduction People collaborate everyday. We talk on the phone, meet face-to-face, and exchange written documents. Technology has enhanced our ability to collaborate by providing us options to fax, shop at home, receive an e-mail, and participate in electronic “conferences” with people around the world. But, the increase in the number of ways which we can collaborate has spawned with it additional layers of complexity in accessing and managing our communication. Some examples include: “Was that e-mail address SMITH.JOHN@ APPLE.MACINTOSH.INTERNET, or [email protected]...?” “Did you send that memo to me on AppleLink, CompuServe, QuickMail, the Internet, or did you fax it?” “Please send this month’s sales report to our district offices. Fax it to the Chicago manager and send it to the New York manager over the Internet. Or was it Fax New York and Internet to Chicago? What about San Francisco, are they using QuickMail?” “When signing onto the information highway, is it first name first or first name last?” As a result, people spend as much time dealing with the technology behind their communications than with what they’re trying to say. Apple’s goal has always been to make our computers both more useful and easier to use. Increasingly, we are accomplishing this goal through providing extensions to the Macintosh system software. This approach allows us to make innovative functionality accessible both from the desktop and directly from within applications, using the intuitive, consistent Macintosh user interface. By integrating collaboration into our system software, we’re making the breadth of existing collaboration tools more accessible and are providing the foundation for a broad range of new collaboration solutions. Toward this end Apple has introduced the Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE), an umbrella of technologies designed to weave collaboration into the fabric of the Macintosh. Apple’s first two products based on AOCE are PowerTalk system software and PowerShare Collaboration Servers. Based on the solid foundation of AOCE, PowerTalk system software is designed to simplify the process of communications as well as to extend the realm of collaborative possibilities. It streamlines users’ handling of existing communications methods such as voice messages, fax, and e-mail, providing a consistent interface to these disparate services—regardless of the particular application being used. And it enhances collaboration by enabling intelligent routing and digital signatures. PowerShare Collaboration Servers extend PowerTalk capabilities into the client/server realm. They provide for secure network communications—overcoming a frequent barrier to collaboration within enterprises. And they are easy to set up, administer, and expand.




PowerTalk System Software PowerTalk provides a set of collaborative services that allow users to send electronic mail, share files, and digitally “sign” and forward documents. Because PowerTalk is implemented at the system software level, these collaboration capabilities are accessible not only from the desktop, but also directly from within every PowerTalk-supported application. Their common user interface minimizes the time and cost associated with learning new applications by providing a consistent way to access a range of collaboration services. Apple began shipping PowerTalk with System 7 Pro. As part of System 7.5, PowerTalk becomes available to all System 7 users on Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers. PowerTalk does not require a server and can be used on a peer-to-peer basis with a modem or AppleTalk local area network, such as Ethernet or LocalTalk. PowerTalk features include: • Universal Desktop Mailbox. PowerTalk allows users to enjoy the benefits of a single mail box and a consistent interface for browsing and searching information regardless of the number of communications services they use. It provides a single mail box icon for all incoming and outgoing mail—including on-line services, fax, voice, electronic mail from various sources, and documents from any application. The universal mail box makes use of third-party gateway software that allows seamless information exchange among users. With mail agents that are available from third party developers, users can manage the ever-increasing flow of electronic correspondence. Mail agents can automatically sort and forward incoming mail, archive mail after it is read, monitor databases and information sources, and create personalized newspapers by delivering pre-selected types of information directly to the user’s desktop mail box. • Catalogs and Information Cards. Catalogs store information about users and other objects required to facilitate effective communication. Information in the catalogs are contained in Information Cards. Information Cards keep individual or group profiles containing electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers, personal notes, and more. Because PowerTalk supports drag-and-drop delivery, files and folders can be sent to others by simply dragging them onto Information Cards. By defining new catalog templates, developers can extend and customize catalog functionality to deliver access to any type of information. The implementation of catalog storage ranges from Personal Catalogs (collections of Information Cards stored on a user’s hard disk) to sophisticated hierarchical, distributed, and replicated repositories of information such as those implemented by Apple’s PowerShare Catalog server. Software developers can provide access to virtually any type of database through the catalogs mechanism. • AppleMail and Support for Mail in Every Application. PowerTalk includes a built-in letter application, AppleMail, which provides entry-level mail capabilities that includes support for messages that contain stylized text, images, and video. Unlike many electronic-mail applications, AppleMail does not require a server.

6 Introduction In addition to providing mail capabilities with AppleMail, PowerTalk also extends mail functionality to every application by providing a “mailer” that provides a standard user interface for a mailing label which can be attached to documents. Applications that take advantage of the Mailer are “mail-capable” and allow users to send a given document to any number of people using any available mail system, including fax. The Mailer also features the ability to contain multiple enclosures and to attach a digital signature. The mailer eliminates the need for special purpose e-mail applications. Information can now be sent directly from the application. Mail-capable applications make sending mail as easy as printing. • DigiSign. DigiSign digital signatures technology provides a mechanism to electronically approve and verify data. The data can range from a single cell or field to a complete compound document. With DigiSign, users can attach an electronic signature as well as verify other signatures and determine if a document has been altered. In order to use DigiSign PowerTalk users must obtain an approved signer file from RSA Data Security, Inc. (Redwood City, CA). See “Digital Signatures” later in this section. For the first time, users can sign documents without the time-consuming process of printing them and circulating them for approval. Instead, documents can be routed through electronic mail, allowing them to be completely processed electronically. This allows any individual or organization to do business with others in a more time- and cost- effective manner. • The PowerTalk Key Chain. This security technology provides a single mechanism for securing access to multiple network and desktop services, including the mailbox. A single user log on provides access to all password-protected services (such as file servers, electronic mail, and communication) attached to the key chain. • PowerTalk Direct Dial-up Mail. This personal gateway lets users exchange mail with PowerTalk users who are not presently on the network. Users with a Macintosh computer, modem, and telephone line can connect to other PowerTalk users to exchange mail and documents anywhere at anytime. Digital Signatures In order to use the DigiSign feature of PowerTalk users will need to obtain an approved signer file from RSA. The approved signer positively identifies the signer of an electronic document. Before validating a signature DigiSign will check the integrity of the document to ensure that it has not been altered since it was signed. For a digital signature to be recognized and trusted worldwide users need a Signer Approval—a Digital Certificate. RSA Certificate Services Center (CSC) offers several ways of obtaining these Approvals. Individual Signer Approvals can be purchased directly from the CSC or the CSC can issue hundreds or thousands of Approvals for employees on behalf of a company. Organizations can purchase a complete highsecurity system for issuing Signer Approvals complete with tamper-proof, electromagnetically-shielded secure hardware for storage of the Signers. The RSA Certificate Services Center also offers easy access to worldwide “hot lists” so that users can verify that a given Signer hasn’t beed revoked, stolen, or otherwise comprimised. Users can access the



Revokation Lists using an automated telephone line or through a modem connected to the RSA BBS or a variety of public information services providers including internet. For a detailed description of RSA products, services, and prices please call RSA at (415) 595-8782, or send e-mail to [email protected]. PowerShare Collaboration Servers For larger installations and more complex requirements, Apple also offers PowerShare Collaboration Servers software as an optional product to augment the capabilities offered by PowerTalk. PowerShare provides sharing and administration of centralized collaboration services. By providing for the consolidated administration of shared information catalogs and gateways, PowerShare lets the PowerTalk user take advantage of server-based messaging, catalog, authentication, and privacy services on an AppleTalk network. Thus PowerShare enables teams of people to work together more easily—whether they are collaborating on projects, routing a document through several electronic signature levels, or communicating with each other with disparate electronic-mail systems. The PowerShare Mail Server acts as a store-and-forward agent for PowerTalk messages which ensures delivery even when the sender and recipient systems are not available on the network at the same time. All messages reside on the server instead of on the individual PowerTalk user’s computer allowing central management and backup of messages. Storing mail on the server makes it easy to receive mail remotely from someone else’s office or on the road. And PowerShare servers can exchange mail with other messaging systems (such as Microsoft Mail, CE Software’s QuickMail, and Internet/SMTP) through messaging gateways from companies such as Star*Nine Technologies, Inc. The PowerShare Catalog Server is a shared repository for collaborative information, such as employee databases and corporate directories. Storing PowerTalk catalogs on shared servers minimizes administrative overhead. PowerShare Catalog Servers also provide an additional layer of network security. With PowerShare, both parties in any network communication initiated through the catalog—whether they are users or services— are authenticated to one another using a private key encryption algorithm. Once an authenticated network session is established the data exchanged during the session are automatically encrypted. Multiple PowerShare servers can work together using distributed, replicated catalogs that provide higher performance and greater reliability. These replicated catalogs are easy to manage because PowerShare automatically keeps them synchronized. And, to allow multiple PowerShare servers to span several time zones, a time service is available. A remote administration application allows support professionals to administer a PowerShare server from any Macintosh on the network which is running PowerTalk. PowerShare administrators can control access to catalogs, catalog folders, catalog records, and catalog attributes.

8 Introduction PowerTalk and PowerShare Solutions Third party developers have embraced the AOCE technology by developing products which support PowerTalk and PowerShare features. These products, some of which are described in the following pages, provide solutions to make collaboration easier for individuals and to enhance team productivity. Making Collaboration Easier for Everyone

PowerTalk, in combination with third party mail gateways and agents, makes sending information as easy as drag and drop. Group information cards can be used to streamline the communication of information to multiple people, regardless of their method of communicating. The user simply drags and drops the memo onto a group information card and PowerTalk automatically sends the memo via each group member’s preferred method of receiving it. Whether the preferred method is Fax, CompuServe, Internet, QuickMail, PowerShare, or some other mail service, PowerTalk can distribute the memo to these other services by using the installed personal (or server) gateway(s)—all done transparently to sender and recipient. The universal mailbox provides a one stop repository on the desktop for managing all correspondences. Electronic mail, faxes, and voice messages can be gathered by gateways and stored in the universal mailbox. There’s no longer a need to log into several different e-mail services, voice mail systems, and sorting through the office fax machine for important memos. All can be found in the universal mailbox. Mail agents can be used to automatically sort, forward, and respond to messages received by the universal mailbox. Enhancing Team Productivity

Where PowerTalk has made it easier for individual collaboration, the PowerShare Collaboration Servers have opened the door to many solutions which enhance collaboration between groups of people. Large groups can use server gateways to exchange e-mail among themselves as well as with other parts of the company and clients regardless of the recipient’s e-mail application. A reader application, such as Common Ground, allows recipients to read a document even if they don’t have the document’s application or if the document was created on another computing platform. A calendar application can be used to coordinate and synchronize meetings and appointments. And the bulk of the company’s business processes can be automated using an electronic forms package. Forms and documents can be routed intelligently and automatically over a secure network. Group editing products allow reviewers to “mark up” documents online and they can approve documents using DigiSign. Conclusion Today’s highly competitive, global economy continues to demand increased efficiency. Through tools such as PowerTalk and PowerShare, Apple is helping organizations to meet these demands by improving the ways in which their employees can work together. In addition to developing our core collaborative technologies, Apple has worked with third party companies to develop products which take advantage of PowerTalk and PowerShare features. These products can be used to build solutions to help us manage the onslaught of technology intended to make us more productive.

Agents PowerTalk-based applications called software agents help users by automatically gathering relevant information and by handling the growing volume of interpersonal communication by diverting, forwarding, or otherwise acting automatically on users’ correspondence. Mail-handling agents take actions based on the subject of a letter, the sender, or other criteria, applying rules established by the user. For example, a financial analyst can use a mail-handling agent to automatically check subject areas of incoming electronic mail for the word “budget” or “financials” and then automatically move them to his monthly budget preparation folder. A news software agent can automatically scan newswire services–such as AP or Reuters—for articles that match a user’s criteria, and channel those articles into the user’s desktop mailbox Another agent might automatically forward appropriate incoming items to a user’s associates when that user is on vacation, or reply to clients, telling them when the user will return to the office. The following products are some of the first PowerTalk agents available. Mainstream Newscast for PowerTalk Mainstream Newscast for PowerTalk is a wireless broadcast information service that delivers real-time news from the world’s leading sources by means of FM sideband and satellite. Mainstream Newscast for PowerTalk users can create their own custom “electronic newspapers.” The “newspapers” are automatically sent to any PowerTalk address or group according to schedules defined by the end user. Users may monitor business and general news from more than 150 information services derived from 20 information providers. SRP: Software only $995; FM Hardware: $495; Satellite Hardware: $990; Installation: $500

Mainstream Data, Inc. 420 Chipeta Way, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84108 (801) 584-2800

Distributed in the following countries: USA




PowerAGENT PowerAGENT automates time-consuming jobs by getting data from databases, automating database functions such as generating reports and lists, and distributes data using PowerTalk and PowerShare servers. PowerAGENT allows users to schedule database tasks to run at specific times, based on data conditions, or repetitively, every hour, day, week, and so on. PowerAGENT specializes in retrieving and distributing information. It retrieves data from databases such as FileMaker Pro and, using PowerTalk, routes that information to the appropriate person. Using PowerShare servers, and the necessary gateways, users can make sure that sales information reaches the sales manager, even when that person is out of the office. Invoices and statements can automatically be sent by fax machine to customers, reminding them when payments are overdue, or e-mail the latest financial spreadsheets to the CFO. SRP: $149

SouthBeach Software Corporation 2631 Lincoln Avenue Coconut Grove, FL 33133 (305) 858-8416

Distributed in the following countries: USA


Mail-Capable Through PowerTalk technology every application can become “mail capable” and a Mail command in the Macintosh File menu will become as ubiquitous as the Print command is today. Currently, users who want to send a document to others must exit the creating application, launch a separate electronic-mail application, address a message, and then attach the document using complex, multistep actions. But with PowerTalk-based applications, users can create documents with their favorite word processing or desktop publishing program, add attachments, and then simply sign them and send them to others as easily as they print documents today. This can be done regardless of the mode of transmission for each addressee. Some of the first PowerTalk mail-capable products available are described below.

Stuffit Deluxe Stuffit Deluxe doubles disk space, saving time and money when sending files over network and modem lines, allowing users access to files compressed on other computer platforms, and helps users backup infrequentyly used files. Stuffit Deluxe has built-in Powertalk support. Users can easily add the PowerTalk mailer and digital signatures to Stuffit archives right from the stuffit Deluxe application. With Stuffit Deluxe's built-in translators, users can expand files compressed on PCs and UNIX Systems right from the Finder. These compression formats include Zip. Arc, UUencode, UNIX Compress, gzip, tar, BinHex, MacBinary, and others. Stuffit Deluxe also includes Stuffit SpaceSaver for transparent disk compression. Once files are compressed with SuperSaver, users can access them as you normally would uncompressed files. SRP: $129

Aladdin Systems 165 Westridge Drive Watsonville, CA 95076 (408 761-6200

Distributed in the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA



BBEdit BBEdit 3.0 combines general purpose text-editing capabilities with ease of use and support for System 7.5 technologies, including AppleScript, PowerTalk, and Macintosh Drag and Drop. In addition to flexible textediting capabilities, BBEdit 3.0 offers a multi-file search, ability to transparently read and write DOS and UNIX format files, and easy extendibility through plug-in code modules. Integrated support for the PowerTalk mailer makes BBEdit the ideal tool for composition of e-mail, and integrated XTND translation gives BBEdit the ability to read and search text contained in any translatable word-processor files. SRP: $99

Bare Bones software, Inc. P.O.Box 108 Bedford MA 01730 (508) 651-3561

Distributed in the following countries: USA

NetWORKS NetWORKS is a network monitoring and alerting application that monitors AppleTalk, TCP/IP, DECnet, Novell IPX, and SNMP devices and services on a network and uses pocket pagers, e-mail, (QuickMail, MSMail, SMTP Mail, PowerTalk), graphic and audible alarms to alert network managers. NetWORKS also monitors free disk space on servers, LaserWriter status, and performs numerous AppleTalk device-specific tests. Follow-up procedures, event logs, and device reliability statistics are among NetWORKS’ key features. With the addition of PowerTalk, NetWORKS is capable of forwarding an alert on network events to any other PowerTalk application. This provides extended notification options for the network administrator and ensures critical network events are communicated to all affected people. The following scenario is an example: NetWORKS detects a file server is down; NetWORKS automatically sends an alert to the administrator’s pager giving the server name, location, and status; NetWORKS automatically creates an AppleMail “letter” and forwards it by means of PowerTalk to all affected users indicating that the administrator is aware of the problem; the administrator resolves the problem; NetWORKS detects that the server is back in operation and immediately sends a message by means of PowerTalk informing people that the problem has been resolved. SRP: $995 for an unlimited number of nodes

Caravelle Networks Corporation 301 Moodie Drive, Suite 306 Nepean, Ontario K2H 9C4 Canada (613) 596-2802

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, USA


QuickMail AOCE QuickMail AOCE (Apple’s Open Collaboration Environment) combines QuickMail’s familiar interface and forms technology with Apple Computer’s PowerTalk system software. As a native PowerTalk application, QuickMail AOCE does not require gateways to talk with a PowerShare server. QuickMail AOCE allows anyone to compose and send mail to any address supported by PowerTalk peer-to-peer network clients and through any PowerShare server—including any existing QuickMail network. QuickMail AOCE uses the innovative features found in the PowerTalk software, such as the convenience of drag and drop enclosures and the security of digital signatures. With the QM Forms application, anyone can create custom forms that reduce paperwork, automate routing, and increase business productivity. QuickMail AOCE can also use the AppleScript program to drive other programs and respond to user-written scripts from applications such as HyperCard and QuicKeys. The AppleScript program combined with QM Forms allows users to create messages that will automatically calculate fields, enter specific text, and sign their names. By using thirdparty QuickMail gateways for PowerTalk, users can mix traditional QuickMail clients with QuickMail AOCE clients and traditional QuickMail servers with PowerShare servers in any combination. SRP: $99 single user; $599 for 10-user pack

CE Software, Inc. 1801 Industrial Circle, W. P.O. Box 65580 West Des Moines, IA 50265 (515) 221-1801

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

ClarisWorks ClarisWorks includes a powerful word-processor with an outliner, a 120,000 word spell checker, and a 600,000 word thesaurus; a spreadsheet with charting and graphics; a database; slide show presentations; and electronic communication capabilities. ClarisWorks allows users to always work in a WYSIWYG view so they can see their work displayed exactly as it will print. With ClarisWorks, users work within a single application and simply select the appropriate tool to write text, create tables, analyze numbers, or produce charts or graphics. The tools work consistently allowing users to produce polished documents or presentations incorporating any combination of text, graphics, tables, spreadsheets, and charts. ClarisWorks requires only 800K of disk space and runs in under 1 megabyte of RAM. ClarisWorks reads and writes Microsoft Excel and Word files, and more than 35 other import and export file filters are provided for the most popular Macintosh, Windows and DOS applications.



Using ClarisWorks mail commands, users can add a PowerTalk mailer to a ClarisWorks document and send the document to other PowerTalk users. Once a mailer is attached, a ClarisWorks document is similar to an AppleMail letter; the mailer is the address area and the document is the content where users type their letter. A mailer can be added to a new or existing document. Before sending the doument, the user will have the option of attaching their digital signature. SRP: $299

Claris Corporation 5201 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara, CA 95052 1-800-3CLARIS

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide in 45 countries

MacWrite Pro 1.5 MacWrite Pro supports Apple’s PowerTalk system software, providing access to the sophisticated and convenient messaging features built-in to System 7. Users can send, enclose and sign documents directly from within MacWrite Pro 1.5. MacWrite Pro 1.5 fully supports AppleScript, which allows end-users, thirdparty developers, and IS staff to customize certain tasks using pre-defined Apple events built into MacWrite Pro. More than 40 Apple events give users access to numerous functions within MacWrite Pro 1.5. Users can create scripts for automating complicated or often repeated tasks, such as mail merges or batch file conversion. A QuickTime tool provides a flexible way of inserting and playing back movies placed in any MacWrite Pro document. Movies can be looped, played back and forth and scaled precisely. Edit Graphic Object (EGO) support provides users with an intuitive way of including and editing math equations and other graphic objects in their MacWrite Pro documents. EGO technology allows the user to skip copying and pasting back and forth between MacWrite Pro and external EGO-supported applications. All education units include FREE Spanish, French, and German dictionaries. MacWrite Pro allows users to spell-check multiple languages in the same document without switching dictionaries. Using MacWrite Pro mail commands, users can add a PowerTalk mailer to a MacWrite Pro document and send the document to other PowerTalk users. Once a mailer is attached, a MacWrite Pro document is similar to an AppleMail letter;the mailer is the address area and the document is the content where users type their letter. A mailer can be added to a new or existing document. Before sending the document the user has the option of attaching their digital signature. SRP: $249

Claris Corporation 5201 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara, CA 95052 1-800-3CLARIS

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide in 45 countries


netOctopus netOctopus by Pole Position is a comprehensive network management application that allows network and computer administrators to supervise, manage, and update Macintosh and personal computers without leaving their desks. More than a hundred information items keep users informed about hardware, system software, peripherals, files, and more. With the PowerTalk mailer, users can send all information retrieved with netOctopus to any user or even mail complete databases to other administrators. When users identifiy a problem, they can fix it right away by installing the correct files with netOctopus. Or install or update entire application packages with netOctopus’ support for Apple Installer scripts. Users can also adjust the clock, send messages to other users, restart computers, and more. These commands work on a hundred computers as well as on one. netOctopus asynchronous architecture means that users won’t have to wait for one action to be completed before they can continue working. Support for AppleScript allows users to integrate netOctopus with other applications and build custom applications on top of it as well as automate recurring tasks. netOctopus is fully scriptable and attachable. When users are away from their offices, netOctopus allows users to use ARA to manage the network as if they were in the office. SRP: $645 10 user version

HELIOS USA 10495 Bandley Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 864-0690

Distributed in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA

Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel 5 for the Macintosh supports the PowerTalk mailer, which enables the sending of your spreadsheet documents to other PowerTalk users from within the Excel application. Microsoft Excel 5 provides a new set of features that let users get more information from their data. AutoFilter can be used to see a subset of the user’s whole list. Subtotals recognizes subgroups and adds them up for users automatically. An outline is also created for the worksheet so users can build reports with any level of detail with a few mouse clicks. Cross-application drag-and-drop makes working with multiple programs easier. Now with cross-application drag-and-drop editing users can drag-and-drop Microsoft Excel tables right into Word. Users can also link a Microsoft Excel table to its source document. Microsoft Excel has many task-specific toolbars that arrange the tools together. One example is the Workgroup toolbar, which included tools such as Find File, Routing, and Send Mail that allow users to share documents and collaborate with coworkers. The Scenario pulldown list lets users create and view different scenarios for their worksheets. All Microsoft Excel files are three dimensional workbooks which let users edit, format, and consolidate their worksheets. Workbook Tabs allows users to navigate between your worksheets.



Microsoft Excel 5 for the Macintosh supports the PowerTalk mailer, which enables the sending of spreadsheet documents to other PowerTalk users from within an application. The PowerTalk mailer is essentially an attachment to an existing document that contains sender, recipient, subject and enclosure information. Microsoft Excel 5 for the Macintosh also supports PowerTalk’s digital signature technology, which lets users add their signature to a PowerTalk mail message. The signature feature is based on state of the art RSA public key cryptography which assures authentication as clearly as a hand-written signature. SRP: $299

Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmont, WA 98052 (206) 882-8080

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA

Microsoft Office Microsoft Office 4.2 for the Macintosh and Power Macintosh is a collection of full-featured programs that work together like one program using new technologies like IntelliSense and OfficeLinks. Microsoft Office 4.2 for Macintosh includes Microsoft Excel 5.0, Microsoft Word 6.0, Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0, and a workstation license for Microsoft Mail 3.1 for AppleTalk Networks. Microsoft Office 4.2 for Macintosh supports the PowerTalk Mailer functions, allowing users to use PowerTalk to send word-processing documents, spreadsheets, or presentations to other PowerTalk users from inside the Microsoft Office programs. SRP: $499

Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmont, WA 98052 (206) 882-8080

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA

Microsoft PowerPoint With the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation graphics program users can create professional presentations by creating overheads, on-screen electronic presentations, high-quality 35-mm slides, speaker’s notes, audience handouts, and outline pages, providing everything you need to communicate clearly to others. You can work seamlessly with people in the PC world—PowerPoint for Windows looks and works the same as PowerPoint for Macintosh. And that same compatibility is coming soon to Power Macintosh. As a member of the Microsoft Office family of programs, PowerPoint features IntelliSense technology— built-in intelligence that senses what users want to do. Routine tasks are automatic and complex jobs are easier. For example, users can choose from a set of templates with the Pick a Look Wizard and have it customize the look of a presentation. The AutoContent Wizard allows users to choose a presentation type and the wizard helps organize the content. PowerPoint is part of the family of Microsoft Office programs


that work alike and work together. Microsoft PowerPoint also features OfficeLinks, which makes it possible to share text, data, and graphics—either between programs or between people in a workgroup. PowerPoint 4.0 for the Macintosh supports the PowerTalk mailer, which enables the sending of your presentation documents to other PowerTalk users from within the PowerPoint application. The PowerTalk mailer is essentially an attachment to an existing document that contains sender, recipient, subject, and enclosure information. SRP: $299

Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmont, WA 98052 (206) 882-8080

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA

Microsoft Word Microsoft Word features IntelliSense technology— built-in intelligence that senses what you want to do and produces the desired result, making routine tasks automatic and complex jobs easier. Word offers IntelliSense innovations such as AutoCorrect and AutoText, which can automatically fix typos and expand users’ own abbreviations into full text. Other features include customizable toolbars; a new vertical ruler; 100 levels of Undo; Wizards that can build entire page layouts; improved Mail Merge; and powerful tools for creating forms. A macro language plus support for the AppleScript application allow users to create custom solutions. Word supports the QuickTime program, QuickDraw GX printing, and more. All programs in the Microsoft Office family work alike and work together. Microsoft Word 6 for the Macintosh supports the PowerTalk mailer, which enables the sending of your word processing documents to other PowerTalk users from within the Word application. The PowerTalk mailer is essentially an attachment to an existing document that contains sender, recipient, subject, and enclosure information. Word supports reading and writing files in “image file” format, which enables the sending of Word documents by means of the PowerTalk program to fax machines or computers equipped with fax-receiving capabilities. Microsoft Word 6.0 also supports Apple’s interchange file format, which ensures that users who receive Word documents by means of the PowerTalk application will be able to read them using AppleMail, Apple’s basic mail message editor. The AppleMail application comes free with every copy of the PowerTalk program. This capability means PowerTalk users who do not use Microsoft Word can still read messages written in Microsoft Word, even if they include graphs, and so on. SRP: $299

Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmont, WA 98052 (206) 882-8080

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA



Nisus Writer In addition to core text-processing and graphics features, Nisus Writer 4.0 includes unlimited undos, noncontiguous selection, customizable keyboard menu equivalents, complete graphics creation (color, nudge, snap to grid) and a powerful macro language for automating repetitive tasks. This version incorporates a redesigned interface and completely new documentation with on-line help, Style Sheets, and automatic indexing. Nisus Writer uses WorldScript, so users can enter English and other romanic languages, Japanese and other two-byte languages, and right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew even in the same document, without switching word processors or systems. Using the PowerTalk Mailer, the basic Send command allows users to send files, fully formatted, from within Nisus Writer to others on a local network or to correspondents anywhere who are accessible electronically. In addition, Nisus Writer 4 enables Reply (automatic response to received files) and Forward (automatic redirecting of received files). Besides PowerTalk, other new features include recorded Sound Annotation, Text-to-Speech in five languages, Publish and Subscribe, QuickTime, Apple events and Frontier Scripting. As added value, the Nisus Writer 4 package contains special versions of Tycho Tablemaker and the full MathType Equation Editor which are accessible from within Nisus Writer. SRP: $495 without Language Key—supports Roman-based languages and Japanese; and $595 including Language Key for additional language support, including 2-byte and right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew

Nisus Software, Inc. 107 S. Cedros Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 1-800-922-2993

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, England, Germany, Iran, Isreal, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, USA

Now Utilities Now Utilities places the items you need most often at your fingertips through the customizable menus and extension management. It allows users to have instant access to important files, folders, and applications, and even saves keystrokes as you type. Now Utilities supports the PowerTalk mailer providing key productivity benefits under System 7.5. With PowerTalk, you can easily e-mail PICT, TIFF, JPEG and EPS images, text, QuickTime movies, or digitized sounds to colleagues down the hall or across the world.


SRP: $89.95

Now Software, Inc. 921 SW Washington, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205-2823 (503) 274-2800

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium,France Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, South America Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

PacerTerm PacerTerm is a full-featured, multi-window network terminal emulation program. Suited for mixed networking environments, PacerTerm allows users to communicate with host computer systems using LAT, TELNET, ADSP, PPP, SLIP, Serial, or Modem connections. Users can transfer files using FTP, XMODEM, ZMODEM, Kermit, or text protocols. PacerTerm provides complete PC-ANSI, TTY, VT102, VT320, and VT420 terminal emulation so users can run existing host applications. PowerTalk mailer support allows users to share host data collected by means of a terminal session with other PowerTalk users. Multiple windows can be configured to use any combination of terminal emulation, connection, and file transfer protocols—all at the same time. PacerTerm also provides, easy-to-use palettes of SoftKeys; users can configure a button or icon to perform any combination of actions automatically. HyperTalk scripting coupled with full support for flexible user-definable dialogs allow PacerTerm users to build front ends to host applications. PacerTerm’s fully mappable and programmable keyboard feature is unique among Macintosh communications applications; users can program any key or key combination to send text, invoke terminal functions, run scripts, and load new palettes of SoftKeys. SRP: $249

Pacer Software, Inc. 1900 West Park Drive, Suite 280 Westborough, MA 01581 1-800-PACER-02

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Denmark, Europe, Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA

GraceLAN Server Manager The GraceLAN Server manager lets network administrators monitor, control, and administer multiple AppleShare file servers from one remote location. Administrator's can set user access privileges, passwords, setup Users and Groups, and notify users across the network when the file server is going down. The Server manager's alarm system also provides notification of problem situations so that action can be taken from a remote location to avoid or solve these problems. Since Server manager runs in the background, a Macintosh computer does not have to be dedicated to server management. Server Manager incorporates PowerTalk mailer functionality into its messaging system, allowing PowerTalk to warn administrators of server problems and notify users of events on the network.



SRP: $395

Technology Works, Inc. 4030 Braker Lane West Suite 500 Austin, TX 78759 1-800-244-6623

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, USA

Useful Voice Processor for Macintosh, AOCE Edition Voice Processor turns a Macintosh computer into a fully functional dictation station. Users can create “tapes” on a hard drive that contain hours of dictation; the dictation is compressed on-the-fly as it is recorded. Voice Processor permits manual transcription by providing a transcription pane into which users can type during playback, and users can control the playback from the keyboard. Voice Processor is fully integrated with the PowerTalk mailer. Users may mail recordings and their transcriptions via any PowerTalk-compatible transport, including AppleTalk and CompuServe. Voice Processor also fully supports Apple’s DigiSign technology, allowing the user to apply a digital signature to the recording and to any part or all of the transcription. SRP: $259.95, quantity 1; $999, 5-pack; $1,799, 10-pack; $3,799, 25-pack

Useful Software Corporation 12 Page Street Danvers, MA 01923-2825 1-800-666-9828

Distributed in the following countries: USA

PaperPort PaperPort allows users to transfer paper materials into their Macintosh computers. Users can then easily fax or e-mail the information to others, file it for future retrieval, OCR it to transform a page into editable text, or make a copy of it by using a printer. PaperPort consists of a personal scanner and software that allows for organization and communication of documents. PaperPort has direct links to PowerTalk making it easy to share scanned information with other PowerTalk users. The PaperPort software also has several built-in links to the most popular e-mail, fax, and OCR software applications. SRP: 399

Visioneer 2860 W. Batshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 (415) 493-9599

Distributed in the following countries: USA


WordPerfect for Macintosh and Power Macintosh WordPerfect 3.0 for Macintosh and Power Macintosh is a powerful and easy to use word processor with an innovative, Macintosh interface that brings out the program’s power and functionality. WordPerfect’s Button Bars, Ruler Bars and Status Bar provide quick access to both basic and advanced features. WordPerfect 3.0 is the first full-featured word processor to be fully recompiled and optimized to take advantage of the superior speed of the PowerPC processor-based Macintosh systems. A special installation option allows users to designate either the 68K-based or Power Macintosh computer. WordPerfect 3.0 provides feature compatibility with the current versions of WordPerfect on other platforms through features such as Tables, Equation Editor Drag and Drop Text and Document Preview in Open Dialog. WordPerfect 3.0 was also first to support Apple Computer’s System 7 Pro which combines PowerTalk, AppleEvents, AppleScript, WorldScript and QuickTime. WordPerfect 3.0 includes a built-in drawing package with powerful drawing tools plus bezier curves, polygons and a free-rotation tool. Other popular features include an integrated grammar checker, styles, columns (newspaper, parallel and extended), text boxes, kerning, find/change, macros, borders, sort, merge, speller, thesaurus, headers, footers, stationery and zoom editing. WordPerfect 3.0 incorporates the PowerTalk mailer to allow users to easily send, reply, and forward WordPerfect documents to other PowerTalk users. SRP: $495

WordPerfect, The Novell Applications Group 1555 N. Technology Way Orem, UT 84057 1-800-321-4566

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, USA

PowerTalk Personal Gateways Personal gateways offer PowerTalk software users opportunity to expand the desktop mailbox by extending it to any interpersonal communications system and technology. The universal desktop mailbox can be used to send and receive information from a variety of sources including fax and voice mail systems. A personal gateway resides on your Macintosh or PowerBook computer and provides direct access to a specific communication service. Included in this category is Catalog Access Software that permits users to access and browse through any catalog. In-house and commercial developers can provide access to other catalogs, such as X.500 directories or to private directories residing on hostbased systems. In addition, catalog access software can provide users with access to information databases such as a telephone directory on a CD-ROM or host-based system. The following products are a few of the PowerTalk personal gateway products currently available. CompuServe Mail for PowerTalk CompuServe Mail for PowerTalk is a personal gateway that allows users to send messages created in PowerTalk-savvy applications by means of CompuServe Mail. By using the CompuServe Mail for PowerTalk extension, users can exchange messages with the Internet, AT&TMail, AT&T EasyLink, MCI Mail, Sprintmail, Infonet, Deutsche Bundespost, Nifty-Serve, Advantis, BT Messages Services, and arCom, as well as sending messages by facsimile and Telex. SRP: $5 (includes $5 usage credit)

CompuServe, Inc. 5000 Arlington Centre Boulevard P.O. Box 20212 Columbus, OH 43220 1-800-848-8990 USA (614) 529-1340 Outside USA

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide


PowerTalk Personal Gateways23

PhonePro PhonePro is a powerful, easy-to-use telephone applications builder for the Apple Macintosh family of computers. PhonePro enables your Macintosh computer to control your phone through an intuitive iconicbased user interface that makes it easy to build and customize virtually any telecommunications application. Each icon is a building block that represents a simple action, such as answering the telephone or playing a message. Icons are connected in a flow chart fashion to create a broad range of inbound and outbound telephony applications such as voice messaging systems with electronic mail integration, integrated voice response system, call center applications, electronic bulletin boards, and fax on demand systems. PhonePro serves as a gateway for voice message delivery to PowerTalk’s universal mailbox. Users can build their own Integrated Voice Response solution by including a simple voice mail system. Their Macintosh computers can pick-up the phone, take messages, forward them to your desktop mailbox or even make outbound calls. PhonePro comes complete with pre-scripted, customizable applications you can run out of the box or customize to suit your needs. SRP: SRP $349 software only; $950 hardware/software bundle

Cypress Research Corporation 240 E. Caribbean Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 752-2700

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh is an electronic messaging application that implements recommendations from the 1984 CCITT X.400 P2 international messaging standard. Users can exchange messages and attached files with other Macintosh, PC, video terminal, and workstation users across an enterprise network. TeamLinks includes a PowerTalk personal gateway that allows mail-enabled applications, such as AppleMail or word processors, to send messages through TeamLinks Mail. SRP: $49

Digital Equipment Corporation 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754-2571 1-800-DIGITAL

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide


PowerTalk Personal Gateways

ETE Communicator The ETE Communicator is a portable communications and navigation server that enables Newton PDAs to communicate wirelessly by means of cellular phone or digital packet radio. Each ETE Communicator comes equipped with a choice of the following communication and navigation features: Cellular Phone (voice and data); Digital Packet Radio supporting the RAM Mobile Data or ARDIS networks; 14.4Kbps data/fax modem; and Global Positioning System receiver. The ETE Communicator is a compact module that fits underneath the Apple MessagePad(s) or the Sharp ExpertPad. With each ETE Communicator, ETE provides a PowerTalk personal gateway that facilitates the wireless transfer of data between Macintosh computers and Newton personal digital assistants equipped with the ETE Communicator. ETE also provides the requisite PowerTalk Catalog Templates to allow Apple’s standard catalog information cards to include addresses for Newton's equipped with ETE Communicators. ETE’s Communicator Development Kit for Newton includes APIs that allow any NewtonScript application to take advantage of the many features of the ETE Communicator. ETE’s development software is designed to simplify the process of incorporating wireless communications and navigation services into a NewtonScript application. Using ETE’s tools, a developer can reduce the complexity of sending data over a wireless network to a single function call. ETE’s communications technology allows bi-directional wireless access to and between Newtons equipped with ETE Communicators and with PowerTalk enabled desktop Macintosh computers. Each ETE Communicator comes equipped with a built-in data/fax 14.4kbps modem, serial connector pass-through, a lighting system, battery charger and power supply and built-in software. SRP: $399-1,699, depending on configuration

ETE, Inc. 12526 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130 (619) 793-5400

Distributed in the following countries: Australia (Dec’94), Canada (Jan’95), France (1stQ’95), Germany (1stQ’95), The Netherlands (1stQ’95), NewZealand (Jan’95), USA (Now)

NOTIFY! for PowerTalk NOTIFY! for PowerTalk is a personal mail gateway that works with PowerTalk’s built-in mail capabilities to provide seamless wireless connectivity. Any PowerTalk-savvy application, including the AppleMail application, can be used to send messages to pagers or wireless receivers simply by choosing send from the menu bar, in the same way that an application can print by choosing print.

PowerTalk Personal Gateways25

NOTIFY! for PowerTalk is the latest addition to Ex Machina’s line of wireless servers for Macintosh computers. The NOTIFY! line can send wireless alphanumeric messages through any paging network directly into pocket pagers and PCMCIA pagers in portable computers such as Apple’s PowerBook computer and Newton personal digital assistant. SRP : $495 developers kit; $150 client license; Multi-packs and site licenses available

Ex Machina, Inc. 11 East 26th Street New York, NY 10128 (718) 965-0309

Distributed in the following countries: USA

DSK Cataloger & Template Constructor Database Scripting Kit Cataloger provides the ability to integrate relational database systems with AOCE personal and server based catalogs. Users can browse tables and records from 4D Server, DAL Server, ORACLE 7, Sybase, and other information sources at the Finder level. Individual records can be browsed and edited through AOCE templates created with the Template Constructor application. Cataloger is a Catalog Service Access Module (CSAM) that in-house developers can use to create catalogs that display selected tables and records. Database grants are fully honored, and access information is stored in the keychain. The Template Constructor application is used to create customized AOCE templates. Templates can be generated with static and editable fields, pop-up menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, and other object types. Drag and Drop operations can be specified for each template (dragging a record on to an application that supports the Drag Manager can drop specified fields). Host-based mail catalogs, phone catalogs, contact catalogs, and other types of database information can be created, displayed and edited at the Finder level. AppleScript, searching, sorting, and other capabilities are fully supported. SRP : $495 developers kit; $150 client license; Multi-packs and site licenses available

Graphical Business Interfaces, Inc. R.R. 1, Box 260A Monticello, IN 47960 1-800-424-7714

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

Internet PowerClient Internet PowerClient allows users to connect their Macintosh computers to the Internet. It works with the PowerTalk software, that allows personal computer users to exchange information intuitively. Internet PowerClient provides access to worldwide file transfer, e-mail, and news services.


PowerTalk Personal Gateways

The Internet PowerClient consists of a family of communication modules including PowerNews, PowerMail and PowerFTP. PowerNews lets users gain access to their favorite topics by clicking a menu item. PowerMail is a PowerTalk personal gateway that lets you send e-mail right from your favorite word processor to anyone on the worldwide Internet. PowerFTP lets you access file servers from the PowerTalk Catalog browser which is integrated right into the user’s Macintosh desktop, so it is always available. To send a letter to another person, the user just drags the icon of the recipient into his or her document, and it’s sent. SRP : $79.95

OpenSoft 640 Veteran Ave., Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90024 1-800-996-OPEN

Distributed in the following countries: USA

Mail*Link Internet for PowerTalk Mail*Link Internet for PowerTalk is a personal mail gateway that allows PowerTalk users to send and receive Internet mail with any mail-enabled application. Incoming Internet mail is placed in the user’s PowerTalk universal mailbox on the desktop. The gateway is installed on the user’s Macintosh and accesses a UNIX mail account using SMTP and POP3 protocols. A variety of enclosure handling methods is supported including MIME, ensuring that all information, including video, audio and graphics is transmitted intact. The gateway is compatible with both LAN and SLIP/PPP dial-up connections. SRP: $65 for a single user; Multi-user packs available; Educational discounts and site licenses available

StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 (510) 649-4949

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

Mail*Link MS for PowerTalk Mail*Link MS for PowerTalk is a personal mail gateway that allows PowerTalk users to access a Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk account. Incoming MS Mail messages are placed in the user’s PowerTalk universal mailbox. The MS Mail directory can be queried from within the PowerTalk mailer. The gateway is installed on the user’s Macintosh computer and automatically runs at configured intervals. Any PowerTalk mailenabled application can be used to send and read mail.

PowerTalk Personal Gateways27

SRP: $65 for a single user

StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 (510) 649-4949

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA


PowerTalk Personal Gateways

Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk is a personal mail gateway that allows PowerTalk users access to a QuickMail mail account. Incoming QuickMail messages are placed in the user’s PowerTalk universal mailbox. QuickMail Address Books can be viewed as PowerTalk Catalogs and the Nameserver can be queried from within the PowerTalk mailer. The gateway is installed on the user’s Macintosh computer and automatically runs at configured intervals. Any PowerTalk mail-enabled application can be used to send and read mail. SRP: $65 for a single user; Multi-user packs available; Educational discounts and site licenses available

StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 (510) 649-4949

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

STF PowerFax Personal Edition (PE) STF PowerFax PE is a FAX personal gateway for PowerTalk which uses the standard PowerTalk mail facilities to send and receive fax documents. FAX documents can be sent directly from AppleMail or other mail-capable applications. Incoming FAX documents are delivered directly to the PowerTalk universal mailbox. Recipient addresses are stored in PowerTalk catalogs. A fax viewer application is included for reading received documents on screen. Received faxes can be forwarded by simply adding a mailer. SRP: TBD

STF Technologies, Inc. I-70 and Highway 23 P.O. Box 81 Concordia, MO 64020 (816) 463-2021

Distributed in the following countries: USA

VoiceAccess VoiceAccess is a voicemail gateway for PowerTalk which allows messages to be stored and played back and forwarded from the PowerTalk universal mailbox. SRP: TBD

STF Technologies, Inc. I-70 and Highway 23 P.O. Box 81 Concordia, MO 64020 (816) 463-2021

Distributed in the following countries: Q4 ‘94–USA

PowerTalk Personal Gateways29

X.500 Catalog Gateway for PowerTalk X.500 is an international standard suite of protocols defined to provide directory services and a range of ancilliary services. With the X.500 Catalog Gateway installed, a PowerTalk user with TCP/IP access to the Internet can browse and search X.500 catalogs. The user can use e-mail addresses stored in X.500 to address messages through SMTP e-mail gateways (such as those available from StarNine). It is important to note that this X.500 gateway provides no access to, or any provision for, X.400 e-mail systems. The X.500 Catalog Gateway uses a protocol that is specifically targeted at simple management applications and browser applications that provide simple read/write interactive access to a directory. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a Draft Internet Standard for access to X.500 Directory Services that is now in wide use. An important characteristic of LDAP is that it provides almost all of the functions of X.500 without the overhead of the OSI protocol stack; LDAP operates over TCP/IP networks to query X.500 servers. SRP: Freeware

University of Michigan 1009 Green Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (313) 936-0816

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

PowerShare Server Gateways PowerTalk users can easily exchange mail with users connected to other messaging systems in the enterprise. Server gateways let PowerTalk users take advantage of the universal mailbox for sending and receiving information from a variety of sources without having to install personal gateways on their individual Macintosh computer. Server gateways reside on a PowerShare Collaboration Server on the local area network. Remote users can use Apple Remote Access Software to connect to the AppleTalk network and get access to all the mail stored on the PowerShare server including mail collected from the server gateways. Below are some of the first PowerTalk server gateways available. Mail*Link SMTP for PowerShare Mail*Link SMTP for PowerShare is an all-encompassing mail integration solution for PowerShare Collaboration Servers. The gateway connects PowerShare Mail Servers to the Internet as well as other email systems such as QuickMail, Microsoft Mail and cc:Mail on SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) backbones. Host-based mail system such as PROFS and ALL-IN-1 are also accessible via SMTP. The gateway uses state-of-the-art Internet mail technologies such as MIME to ensure that all data, including video, audio and graphics is transmitted intact to other mail systems and mail forwarding so that SMTP mail is available to you anywhere in the world via the Internet. Used in conjunction with Mail*Link Directory Services, the Mail*Link family of gateways is a complete Macintosh mail integration solution. SRP: $595 for 10 users; $995 for 20 users; $1,995 for 50 users; $42,995 for 100 users; Educational discounts and site-licenses available

StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 (510) 649-4949

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

Mail*Link Directory Services for PowerShare Mail*Link Directory Services is a standalone directory services server system that gives PowerTalk users access to a wide range of E-mail and directory information. A natural complement to Mail*Link SMTP for PowerShare, Mail*Link Directory Services gives PowerTalk users access to QuickMail, Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks, UNIX-based and MHS-based E-mail addresses. In addition, PowerTalk users can access any kind of directory information on UNIX and Macintosh computers including databases and X.500 directories.


PowerShare Server Gateways 31

Mail*Link Directory Services includes a server that runs on a single Macintosh and a CSAM for PowerTalk clients. The bundle includes access modules for PowerShare, QuickMail and Micorsoft Mail for AppleTalk networks (the UNIX and MHS modules are sold separately). Separate client software with more extensive searching options is also available. SRP: $2,995 single server license; Additional modules cost extra

StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 (510) 649-4949

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

Team Productivity Individuals who work in teams want improved group communications capabilities for collaborating across time zones and geographies. But non-PowerTalk collaborative applications have several disadvantages, such as requiring users to maintain multiple directories and “in-baskets.” For example, calendaring applications enable users to propose meetings with others and electronic-mail applications enable users to send letters to others. However, each application requires the user to follow different steps when selecting addresses from each different directory catalog. Similarly, recipients of meeting proposals must access and open these items from the in-basket of their scheduling application, using different steps than are required by their electronic-mail system. With PowerTalk technology, scheduling, calendaring, group authoring, and other collaborative applications can share the same catalog and message storage/routing facility. Users benefit from accessing catalog information in one easy-to-use, consistent way, as well as receiving all their correspondence in the same universal mailbox. Workflow solutions increase organizational productivity by streamlining processes and costs associated with routing and handling paper. For example, the routing and approval of purchase orders is done almost completely manually today, because they require manual written signatures. With PowerTalk technology, purchase orders can be processed and approved completely electronically, using PowerTalk messaging, catalog, and verifiable digital signature capabilities. Bypassing in-house manual mail distribution systems and approval methods saves users and organizations substantial costs as well as time. Individuals can simply use off-the-shelf PowerTalk savvy applications to implement their own ad hoc workflow solutions. And through AppleScript, Apple’s system wide scripting system, PowerTalk technology offers users extensive opportunities to personally automate the sequence and process of their work. For example, an accounting program could be customized to generate a letter to a department head whenever that department is approaching budget overruns. The products in this section some of the initial products that elevate team productivity to a new level. DataModeler DataModeler allows users to produce on screen forms to enter, edit, display, and print many types of data. DataModeler is designed to help offices move to a paperless environment. Any DataModeler Form can be




filled out and transmitted with PowerTalk. Some typical applications for DataModeler include the “While you were out” slip. Through the use of DataModeler, purchase orders and requisitons can move from the requisitioner or buyer to the purchasing department or the vendor without paper or delay. Sales expense reports can be filled out and delivered when the sales people contact their home offices by means of the AppleTalk Remote Access application. DataModeler allows users to display various types of data such as text, number, date, time, phone, sequence, Boolean, list, document, sound, picture, and QuickTime movies in user defined boxes. DataModeler will recognize screen forms created in any graphics program or printed forms digitized from a scanner. DataModeler automatically identifies squares, rectangles, and lines as boxes in which users may want to insert data. Users can create, size, and position boxes in the interface as well. DataModeler provides entry and display filters along with full color appearance attributes. Options for “lock after,” “mandatory,” and “retain last entry” are included. DataModeler calculates computed fields and displays results on screen. The form and the data or just the data can be printed at 300 dpi. SRP: $39 without PowerTalk; $69 with PowerTalk

1st Desk Systems, Inc. 55-57 Cape Road Mendon, MA 01756 1-800-522-2286

Distributed in the following countries: USA

InfoDepot InfoDepot provides project management capabilities for businesses. Users can manage their work—their “projects”—in their own way, without the constraints of traditional project management software. InfoDepot has a variety of views that are flexible enough to handle all types of information. Text, dates, numbers, pictures, sound, movies can be organized and rearranged quickly. Added or changed data in one view is automatically updated in the outline, table, timeline, form, chalkboard, and calendar. Users can build custom tables, perform date and math calculations, and see dates on a timeline or calendar. Users can save views of their documents to focus on specified information. InfoDepot has multiuser capabilities, so an entire project team can work with the same document at the same time. Other features include full search and sort capabilities and connections to other documents. InfoDepot has complete AppleScript and PowerTalk support so users can share information with other users and software. The information about any project or task can be authenticated through Digital Signatures, which is especially important in a group environment. The support for PowerTalk allows any document or image to be mailed to other team members. And the Apple Script support allows access to all the information in the document, including the PowerTalk mailer.



SRP: $295

Chena Software, Inc. 905 Harrison Street Allentown, PA 18103 (610) 770-1210

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Central Europe, France, Japan, USA

Face to Face for Macintosh Face to Face is a software application that allows people anywhere to use their telephones and desktop computers to review and annotate documents together, in real time. With Face to Face, two users of any mix of Macintosh and Microsoft Windows-based computers can simultaneously view documents, guide one another with electronic pointers, and make instantaneous annotations using a simple set of drawing tools— all while they talk on the telephone. And they can do this without regard for the types of computers involved, the particular applications used to create the documents, or the type of network available—whether it be ordinary, low-speed modems, AppleTalk, TCP/IP, or a high-speed service like ISDN. Face to Face for Macintosh supports the Mailer, Catalog, and Authentication Services of PowerTalk system software and PowerShare collaboration servers. Face to Face documents and meeting files can be sent to remote users by the Send Letter capability of PowerTalk. Face to Face meeting users can be selected from the PowerTalk Catalog browser and the Authentication services are used to validate the appropriate permission levels for the transmission of files and access to PowerShare Catalogs. SRP: $179

Crosswise Corporation 105 Locust Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 459-9060

Distributed in the following countries: USA

Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh Timbuktu Pro is a remote control and file transfer utility for Macintosh computers that allows remote access to your desktop and files from anywhere on the network. Timbuktu Pro provides cross-platform screen sharing and file transfer features that allow network administrators to troubleshoot and fix problems on any Macintosh or PC computer. Office workers can use Timbuktu’s screen sharing for real-time collaboration on documents or products. Work-at-home users can access other Macintosh or PC computers on the corporate network through Timbuktu’s support for dial-up AppleTalk and TCP/IP such as Apple Remote Access, SLIP or PPP. Timbuktu Pro supports PowerTalk. Simply browse the PowerTalk Catalog for Timbuktu hosts, either Macintosh or PC, and make your connection directly from within PowerTalk. No need to open the Timbuktu Pro application. PowerTalk Information Cards can also contain the Timbuktu address information to help you connect to users’ computers via the familiar business card approach.



Users can remotely control another computer without degradation typically associated with screen sharing products. Timbuktu Pro also allows users to work together on projects in real time over long distances, saving time and money through reduced travel expenses. In addition to its AppleTalk support, Timbuktu Pro now supports connections to other Macintosh computers over TCP/IP-based networks. Macintosh users can share screens and transfer files over both local area and wide area networks including the Internet. Timbuktu Pro is backward compatible with Timbuktu 5.0 for Macintosh and Timbuktu for Windows so both Macintosh and Windows computer users can work together in cross-platform workgroups. Timbuktu Pro users can share their screens and files with multiple users simultaneously for true collaborative computing with Timbuktu Pro’s multi-host and guest features. And Timbuktu Pro’s security features insure that computer screens and files are protected from access by unauthorized users. Timbuktu Pro’s security features allow the network administrator to determine policy for how Timbuktu is configured on each computer and for enforcing guidelines on Timbuktu usage. SRP: $199, single user; $299, 2-user; $999, 10-user; $1,999, 30-user; $5,500, 100-user

Farallon Computing, Inc. 2470 Mariner Square Loop Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 814-5000

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

TeamAgenda TeamAgenda is a personal and group scheduler for the Macintosh computer that specializes in coordinating people and resources within a team setting. It also features integration with PowerBook computers and Newton personal digital assistants. By integrating with the PowerTalk system, TeamAgenda allows requests for meetings, which are received by mail letters, to be incorporated into a TeamAgenda schedule and treated as a regular commitment. TeamAgenda can also send commitments from within a user’s schedule to those people who do not have TeamAgenda running on their Macintosh computers. SRP: $139, single user; $499, 5-user

MacVONK Canada, Inc. 940 6th Avenue S.W., Suite 1101 Calgary, Alberta T2P 3T1 Canada (403) 232-6545

Distributed in the following countries: Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA



Office Tracker Pro Office Tracker Pro combines group scheduling, time management, in/out tracking and PowerTalk e-mail to help people work together. Everyone can quickly see available times for co-workers, conference rooms and resources; send and receive mail; and see who or what is “in” or “out”. Office Tracker Pro takes full advantage of the PowerTalk structure. Users can compose, send, and receive e-mail with the familiar PowerTalk mailer interface. Enclosures can be dragged from the desktop and dropped right in. With mail gateways, other network users can receive mail or event notifications through existing mail applications such as Microsoft Mail, QuickMail or CC:Mail, even if they are Windows, OS/2 , DOS, or UNIX users. PowerShare catalogs are used to store schedule information on the client and server machines. The catalogs auto-synchronize so users can take their schedules off line and re-connect later, keeping both current. A PowerTalk template provides server access to the PowerShare catalog information. Office Tracker Pro is fully scriptable and recordable. Users can create customized scripts to link in to many other AppleScript supported products such as FileMaker Pro, Informed, HyperCard, and others. SRP: $695, 10-user; $1,295, 20-user; $2,495, 50-user; $3,995, 100-user

MILUM Corporation P.O. Box 163985 Austin, TX 78716-3985 (512) 469-2966

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Canada, England, Sweden, USA

Things to Do! Things To Do! is a single and multi-user to-do list manager with workflow capabilities. Things To Do! lets any number of users share task-oriented lists across the network, which makes project management, daily task management workflow, and teamwork easier. Each item on a list can include file attachments that auto-launch their corresponding applications, as well as alarm reminders; information such as status, assigned to, and date due; and more. Item types are represented by colorful icons and descriptions, such as a car icon to represent “errand”. To-Do lists can be taken off line and re-synchronized automatically when re-connected. The PowerTalk mailer provides an easy way to send items over the network to other Things To Do! users so tasks can be assigned to people over the network and followed up with no confrontation. Full AppleScript support allows Things To Do! users many options in working with other AppleScript supported products. SRP: $99, single-user; $495, 10-user; $695, 20-user; $1,295, 50-user

MILUM Corporation P.O. Box 163985 Austin, TX 78716-3985 (512) 469-2966

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Canada, England, Sweden, USA



Common Ground Common Ground lets users convert documents to an exact representation of the original that can be viewed and printed by anyone regardless of applications, computers, or fonts. Support for the PowerTalk mailer allows PowerTalk users to send fully formatted documents without worrying about which applications or fonts the recipient has. Support for the Windows platform in Common Ground for Windows allows PowerTalk users to send fully formatted documents to Windows users. SRP: $189.95

No Hands Software, Inc. 1301 Shoreway Road, Suite 220 Belmont, CA 94002 (415) 802-5800

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA

PacerForum PacerForum is used for conferencing, data sharing, brainstorming and information distribution. PacerForum enables workgroups to quickly solve problems through project collaboration and on-line conferencing. It uses the bulletin board conferencing model to support interpersonal communications and to share organizational information. The product supports file, sound, graphics and QuickTime video attachments. PacerForum supports sending mail, using PowerTalk, from within the PacerForum application and using PacerForum to read received mail messages. Users can select Add Mailer from the Mail menubar pulldown to send the contents of the current PacerForum topic to other PowerTalk mail users. PacerForum file attachments are placed in the mail enclosure area and any graphic attachments are expanded and placed with the text area. Combining PowerTalk mail support with PacerForum provides users with a complete interpersonal communications solution. Person-to-person messaging is provided by PowerTalk and is integrated with PacerForum’s group discussion and information storage capabilities. SRP: $549, 5-user; $1,995, 25-user

Pacer Software, Inc. 1900 West Park Drive, Suite 280 Westborough, MA 01581 1-800-PACER-02

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Scandinavia, United Kingdom, USA

Informed Foundation Informed Foundation is a fully-integrated suite of forms-processing applications that allow users to build a complete electronic forms system. A crucial element of Informed’s ability to handle the whole paper forms process electronically is digital signatures. Using PowerTalk directly from within the application, Informed permits signing and verifying of signatures. Informed works with PowerShare—making specific calls to the



PowerTalk Authentication & Encryption Manager—to make secure and verifiable approval available on any form designed with Informed. Time cards are an example of this process: Before Informed and PowerTalk, time cards were handled manually. Verification of when the data was entered on the form was impossible; inconsistencies between how information—such as dates—was entered led to errors, which were often impossible to detect until after the fact; and all of the manual data had to be retyped in order to submit it into an accounting system. A time card system using Informed and PowerTalk is completely electronic. The form’s design remains familiar; data can be verified as it is entered through lookups to databases; forms can be signed on a daily basis, and sent electronically for approval; a collection of forms can be approved at one time, and the data submitted to an accounting system without rekeying. SRP: $495

Shana Corporation 9650 20th Avenue, Suite 105 Edmonton, Alberta T6N 1G1 Canada (403) 463-3330

Distributed in the following countries: USA

Atlantis Data Publisher Atlantis Data Publisher matches the powerful Snow Report Writer engine up with a desktop publishing drawing layer to provide flexible data publishing. All of the powerful reporting capabilities of the Snow Report Writer are provided with Atlantis. Reports can include free-form text along with numeric and textual data from your databases. Multiple lines per data record/row are supported, as well as multiple file relationships to join data together from multiple sources into one report. Perform calculations and sophisticated data manipulations, totaling, counting, etc. Atlantis also has a “drawing layer” (on top of the reporting layer) which allows you to apply desktop publishing to your reports. With PowerTalk, you can use the Atlantis Data Publisher to automatically mail your reports to a list of subscribers, by specifying Mail output when publishing a report. PowerTalk then allows the publication to thereafter automatically mail to your specified list of subscribers. Atlantis Data Publisher also uses PowerShare technologies to allow you to time publications to run later or at specific intervals, using Snow’s agenting software. SRP: $895

Snow Development Group 2360 Congress Avenue Clear Water, FL 34623 (813) 784-1845

Distributed in the following countries: USA



Snow Report Writer Snow Report Writer allows you to access your data and create reports the way you want to see them formatted. You can produce any kind of report imaginable from your data: financial reports, management reports, accounting reports, special forms, statements, invoices, form letters, labels, and so on. Reports can include free-form text along with numeric and textual data from your databases. Multiple lines per data record/row are supported, as well as multiple file relationships to join data together from multiple sources into one report. Perform totaling, counting, and other calculations and sophisticated data manipulations. In addition to printing and displaying your reports on screen, you can also use the Snow Report Writer to transfer data into other formats, such as spreadsheets and other databases. With PowerTalk, you can use the Snow Report Writer to automatically mail your reports to a list of subscribers by specifying Mail output for a report. PowerTalk then allows the report to thereafter automatically mail to your specified list of subscribers. Snow Report Writer also uses PowerShare technologies to allow you to time reports to run later or at specific intervals, using Snow’s agenting software. SRP: $695

Snow Development Group 2360 Congress Avenue Clear Water, FL 34623 (813) 784-1845

Distributed in the following countries: USA

ACT! for Macintosh ACT! is a contact management tool to help you manage your business relationships more productively. ACT! features a powerful contact database, activity scheduler, report generator, and word processor. ACT! supports all features in the PowerTalk mailer which are implemented through the ACT! e-mail messaging feature. The ACT! mailer contains fully functional From and Recipients (to) fields that support all recipient types including PowerTalk business cards dragged to the recipients field. Documents, applications, and files of any type may be attached to an e-mail message using the Enclosures field in the mailer. ACT! supports the PowerTalk Key Chain where logging onto a remote volume is necessary. For example, using a multi-user database located on an AppleShare server, ACT! allows you to add the remote volume’s password to the PowerTalk Key Chain. This makes it possible to access any number of remote computers and databases using the same Key Chain password. ACT! supports all PowerTalk catalog options. From the PowerTalk Personal Catalog, the standard catalog browser, the AppleTalk catalog and any PowerShare catalogs may be accessed. A PowerTalk individual or group account can be added to the personal catalog by holding down the option key and clicking on the Save button—when the Recipients field is open.



ACT! extends PowerTalk functionality by incorporating PowerTalk addresses directly in ACT! databases, utilizing them for selective queries and addressing modes. ACT! is fully networkable, even with ACT! for Windows users, and includes support for AppleScript functions. SRP: $249.95

Symantec Corporation 10201 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 1-800-441-7234

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA

GroupWise 4.1 GroupWise 4.1 is the electronic messaging component of the Novell GroupWare family of work group productivity software products. GroupWise 4.1 combines electronic mail, personal calendaring, group scheduling, task management, rule-based message management, and workflow routing into a single application. GroupWise is licensed for the network and the mobile user. With the dual logon application, a mobile user selects Remote while on the road and Network when the PowerBook is using the docking station. Remote users create and respond to messages and connect via asynchronous to upload the information to the main office with automatic synchronization. GroupWise also supports pagers, wireless modems, and the touchtone telephone, and the Telephone Access Server can read calendar items, tasks, and other important messages. GroupWise's support for PowerTalk includes the ability to address using the PowerTalk mailer. The user can create, and send a message with the interface provided by the GroupWise client. SRP: $695

WordPerfect, Novell Applications Group 1555 N. Technology Way Orem, UT 84057 1-800-861-2507

Distributed in the following countries: World-wide



Utilities The following products offer additional PowerTalk functionality. These products are useful for system integrators and value-added resellers who are building PowerTalk and PowerShare solutions. Apple Remote Access Client Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh software provides an easy, productive, and secure way to connect a desktop Apple Macintosh or PowerBook computer to information and resources at a remote location. And because it works with all Apple Remote Access–compatible servers—including the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server and Personal Server software—it lets you choose the level of server support you need, whether you belong to a small workgroup or a multinational corporation. PowerTalk users who are not members of a PowerShare network, but are members of QuickMail or Microsoft Mail network can use Apple Remote Access software and personal gateways to receive his or her mail in the PowerTalk universal mailbox. PowrTalk users who are members of a PowerShare network can take advantage of the server gateways installed on the PowerShare server, which eliminates the need to install PowerTalk personal gateways on the client Macintosh computer. By using Apple Remote Access software to dial-in to the network, users gain access to all mail stored on the PowerShare server, including the mail collected from server gateways (Microsoft Mail, QuickMail, SMTP, and so forth.) SRP:$59

Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-1010

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

Apple Remote Access Personal Server Apple Remote Access Personal Server for Macintosh software allows a Macintosh computer to communicate with another Macintosh or an entire AppleTalk network system over standard telephone lines. Apple Remote Access Personal Server software features single-step installation that requires no special technical knowledge.



Whether at home or on the road users can retain access to all of the resources of their office computer or network. Users can send and receive electronic mail, collaborate on a shared project, or print to a network-connected printer. SRP: $199

Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-1010

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server The Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server provides a flexible, scalable, and secure way to offer network access to large numbers of remote or mobile users. Used in conjunction with one or more Apple Remote Access Serial Cards, it allows a Macintosh computer or a Workgroup Server to support from 4 to 16 simultaneous dial-up connections. Unlike conventional complex server software, the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server is designed to streamline administrative tasks, while maximizing administrator productivity and control. The software installs in minutes and features sophisticated management capabilities, including industry-standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support. This allows administrators to flexibly manage and maintain connections. Adding ports is simple, and the server features an automatically generated activity log that can be exported to a variety of programs for further analysis. On the client side, the Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh software is also designed with efficiency and productivity in mind: from its single-step installation to such productivity-enhancing features as full System 7 integration and extensive connection-management capabilities. Users can also be confident that their work will be secure. The Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server offers a host of sophisticated security features that allow administrators to maintain the integrity of the network. These features—such as password aging, location validation, and the ability to filter access to services—make it one of the most secure remote access servers available. And because its security architecture is supported by leading third-party security vendors, administrators can choose to augment the server’s built-in security features with additional challenge-and-response security modules. SRP: $1299

Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-1010

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

PhoneBridge PhoneBridge is a hardware and software device that gives your Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or PowerBook computer voice telephony capabilities. PhoneBridge can make calls, receive calls, and enable



voice mail applications on your Macintosh computer. Users can dial from any PIM, address book, contact manager, or database that supports the "Make Call" Apple event. It also decodes Caller ID, allowing record lookup in PIM or database before answering calls and includes a robust dialing application and basic personal voice mail application. PhoneBridge is compatible with all popular voice mail applications on the Macintosh platform. Power users and developers have complete control of all hardware and software features of PhoneBridge, allowing easy integration with their existing code base (C/Pascal), database environment, or end-user scripted environment (FrontMost, FaceSpan, HyperCard, etc.) PhoneBridge uses PowerTalk information cards to initiate calls. Users can drop PowerTalk "business cards" directly onto the PhoneBridge dialer window. SRP: $500

Collaboration Technologies 2136 Bowdoin Street Palo Alto CA 94306-1212 (415) 494-6611

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide

TeleSearch TeleSearch is a tool kit for making any telephone directory accessible from CD-ROM. It consists of custom software for conversion, indexing, verification, and retrieval of telephone listing-related data as well as email, fax, or in-house directories. Users can search by any attribute (name, first name, maiden name, address, street number, zip code, city, profession, Yellow Pages category, area code, phone number). A Catalog Service Access Module (CSAM) for PowerTalk is under development. This module enables users to lookup individual addresses, phone numbers, etc. by accessing a PowerShare catalog. SRP: variable

CTM Development SA rue Schaub 4 CH-1202 Geneva Switzerland (+41 22) 734 47 47

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA



AOCE Connection Kit AOCE Connection Kit provides PowerTalk and Digital Signature services for 4th DIMENSION and HyperCard users. The toolkits can be used by software developers and end-users to use standard PowerTalk facilities within HyperCard and 4th DIMENSION, such as the directory browser and the standard mail package. In addition to the standard interface, developers and end-users can incorporate the PowerTalk messaging and catalog services within their native scripting environments to create automated messaging environments. These Connection Kits can be used to archive messages received from other users, to filter incoming mail, create automated replies, or to create automated information services, such as mailing database information to users on a specified basis. The AOCE Connection Kit for HyperCard consists of a set of XFCNs and external windows that incorporate the Standard Mail and Catalog facilities, along with demonstrations and a mail-filtering stack that users can use immediately to control their universal mailbox as well as for a basis of custom development. The AOCE Connection Kit for 4th DIMENSION incorporates the Standard Mail and Catalog facilities, along with demonstrations and a mail-filtering database that users can use immediately to control their universal mailbox as well as a basis for custom development. Digital Signature services can be used within 4th DIMENSION to sign individual fields, records, or files. Authentication commands are provided to verify the signatures within 4th DIMENSION procedures. Each kit includes the Scriptable Mailer, an application that uses the AppleScript program to create and receive messages. Users can write scripts in their native environments or use the AppleScript services to perform custom actions for assembling or retreiving mail messages. SRP: $99 developers kit; No royalties for distribution.

Graphical Business Interfaces, Inc. R.R. 1, Box 260A Monticello, IN 47960 1-800-424-7714

Distributed in the following countries: Worldwide



Radius StageTwo Rocket with RocketShare RocketShare is Radius’ software extension to System 7 that enables one or more Radius Rocket cards to function as independent, networked computers inside a single Macintosh computer. Rocket cards are NuBus cards powered by Motorola 68040 processors and may be configured with as much as 128 MB of RAM (sold separately). The StageTwo Rocket is the newest member of the Rocket family and includes a SCSI-2 port for dedicated hard-disk drives and other SCSI devices, as well as the RocketShare software. PowerTalk and PowerShare servers allow Radius multiprocessing solutions on the Macintosh. With RocketShare, network administrators can consolidate multiple PowerShare server applications, such as mail and host gateways, on several Rocket cards in a single Macintosh computer. For example, a Power Macintosh 8100 with three Rocket cards might execute AppleShare file services on the Macintosh processor, a mail server on one Rocket card, and a mail gateway on the second card. The third Rocket card might be used to run a calendaring application. Other server configurations might consist solely of gateways, providing users with access to the Internet, PROFS, X.400, and other resources external to their local computing environment. As shared services are added to the network, task-specific Rocket cards can be added so that server performance does not degrade. Intelligent software agents that search, filter, and categorize incoming messages and documents can be run on a Rocket in the background, acting in concert with the Macintosh processor running other software applications. RocketShare also provides for the development of collaborative applications. Under RocketShare, each Rocket card runs its own copy of System 7 and communicates to other computers on the network using standard AppleTalk protocols. Rocket cards communicate to each other and the host Macintosh computer over a dedicated NuBus network. Applications that communicate using System 7 Interapplication Communication (IAC) Protocols run without modification under RocketShare. Developers writing collaborative applications can create a network of as many as five Macintosh computers in a single physical machine, depending on how many free NuBus slots they have. SRP: $1,999

Radius, Inc. 1710 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 954-6454

Distributed in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

Company Index 1st Desk Systems, Inc. ...............................................................................32 Aladdin Systems ..........................................................................................11 Apple Computer, Inc. ..........................................................................40, 41 Bare Bones Software...................................................................................12 Caravelle Networks Corporation ...........................................................12 CE Software, Inc. ..........................................................................................13 Chena Software, Inc. ..................................................................................33 Claris Corporation .................................................................................13, 14 Collaboration Technologies.......................................................................42 CompuServe Inc. ..........................................................................................22 Crosswise Corporation ...............................................................................33 CTM Development SA.................................................................................42 Cypress Research Corporation ...............................................................23 Digital Equipment Corporation ..............................................................23 ETE, Inc. ...........................................................................................................24 Ex Machina, Inc. ...........................................................................................24 Farallon Computing, Inc. ..........................................................................33 Graphical Business Interfaces, Inc. ...............................................25, 43 HELIOS USA.....................................................................................................15 MacVONK Canada, Inc. ..............................................................................34


Company Index47

Mainstream Data, Inc. ..................................................................................9 Microsoft Corporation .................................................................15, 16, 17 MILUM Corporation ...................................................................................35 Nisus Software Inc. .....................................................................................18 No Hands Software, Inc. ...........................................................................36 Now Software.................................................................................................18 OpenSoft...........................................................................................................26 Pacer Software, Inc. ............................................................................19, 36 Radius Inc. ......................................................................................................44 Shana Corporation .......................................................................................37 Snow Development Group ................................................................37, 38 SouthBeach Software Corporation ........................................................10 StarNine Technologies, Inc. ..............................................26, 27, 29, 30 STF Technologies, Inc. ...............................................................................27 Symantec Corporation ...............................................................................39 Technology Works, Inc...............................................................................20 University of Michigan .............................................................................28 Useful Software Corporation ..................................................................20 Visioneer..........................................................................................................20 WordPerfect, The Novell Applications Group ..........................21, 39

Product Index Apple Remote Access Client.....................................................................40 Apple Remote Access Personal Server................................................40 Apple Remote Access Multiport Server..............................................41 ACT! for Macintosh......................................................................................38 AOCE Connection Kit....................................................................................43 Atlantis Data Publisher..............................................................................37 BBEdit................................................................................................................12 ClarisWorks.....................................................................................................13 Common Ground............................................................................................36 CompuServe Mail for PowerTalk...........................................................22 DataModeler....................................................................................................31 DSK Cataloger & Template Constructor...............................................25 ETE Communicator.......................................................................................24 Face to Face for Macintosh.......................................................................33 GraceLAN Server Manager.......................................................................19 GroupWise 4.1................................................................................................39 InfoDepot ........................................................................................................32 Informed Foundation ................................................................................36 Internet PowerClient..................................................................................25 MacWrite Pro 1.5..........................................................................................14


Product Index49

Mail*Link Directory Services for PowerShare.................................29 Mail*Link Internet for PowerTalk........................................................26 Mail*Link MS for PowerTalk...................................................................26 Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk...................................................................27 Mail*Link SMTP for PowerShare...........................................................29 Mainstream Newscast for PowerTalk.....................................................9 Microsoft Excel...............................................................................................15 Microsoft Office.............................................................................................16 Microsoft PowerPoint.................................................................................16 Microsoft Word..............................................................................................17 netOctopus.......................................................................................................15 NetWORKS .......................................................................................................12 Nisus Writer....................................................................................................18 NOTIFY! for PowerTalk..............................................................................24 Now Utilities...................................................................................................18 Office Tracker Pro........................................................................................35 PacerForum.....................................................................................................36 PacerTerm.......................................................................................................19 PaperPort.........................................................................................................20 PhoneBridge....................................................................................................41 PhonePro..........................................................................................................23 PowerAGENT...................................................................................................10


Product Index

QuickMail AOCE ............................................................................................13 Radius StageTwo Rocket with RocketShare.......................................44 Snow Report Writer.....................................................................................38 STF PowerFax Personal Edition (PE).....................................................27 Stuffit Deluxe..................................................................................................11 TeamAgenda .................................................................................................34 TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh...............................................................23 TeleSearch.......................................................................................................42 Things to Do!...................................................................................................35 Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh...................................................................33 Useful Voice Processor for Macintosh, AOCE Edition.....................20 VoiceAccess.....................................................................................................27 WordPerfect for Macintosh and Power Macintosh........................21 X.500 Catalog Gateway for PowerTalk................................................28

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