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POWER THOUGHTS FOR TRIUMPHANT LIVING By DIANA M. SYKES A few examples to POWER your day! Ordering information at the end. 1

CONTENTS Power Thought Title

Page Number

What Are You Talking About? It Does Matter! 7 - 10 Where Is Your Focus? 11 - 14 Life - Liberty - Happiness Can Be Yours! 15 - 16 Who Will Say Restore? 17 -19 Be Enthusiastic- It Is Catching! 20 -24 Need Answers? Look To Jesus! 25 - 27 You Can Have What You Say! 28 - 29 Did You Know God Has A Plan Just For You? 30 Would You Like To Please God? 31 - 32 Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So! 33 - 34 What Does Your Garden Grow? 35 - 36 Are You An Overcomer, 37 - 40 Or Are You Being Overcome? Does It Really Matter What You Think About? 41 - 44 Are You Over Your Circumstances Or Under Them? 45 - 46 Is It Possible To Limit God? 47 - 49 Delay Is Not Denial 50 - 53 Whose Report Will You Believe? 54 - 57 What Is Fuelling Your Life? 58 - 62 Against All Hope? Believe In The Promises Of God! 63 - 64 Be Transformed! 65 - 67 Never Give Up! 68 - 71 Obstacles Get Out Of My Way 72 - 73 What Does It Take To Enter Your Promised Land? 74 - 76 Would You Like To Unlock Heaven’s Best? 77 - 78 God Has A Benefit Package For You 79 - 80 Because Of His Great Love! God Has Not Changed His Mind About You, 81 - 83 But . . .Do You Need To Change Your Mind About Him? Do You Want Tomorrow To Be Better Than Today? 84 - 87 Little Is Much When God Is In It! 88 - 93 Champions Of The Faith - What Does It Take 94 - 98 To Be A Winner? Are You Being "Short-changed" In Life When You 99 - 102 Should Be "Multiplying"? Have You Ever Felt Fenced In? God Knew You 103 - 107 Would And He Made A Way Out! Fiery Darts Of Life - How To Quench Them! 108 - 112 Revelations for Resolutions - Keys For 113 - 118 Successful Living. Be Enthusiastic! Remember Not To Forget! 119 - 121 Satisfaction Guarantee 122 - 124 Great News! Your Words Can Change 125 - 127 Your World. You Have Obstacle Removing Ability, 128 - 131 But Do You Know What To Do With It?

Here are a few examples POWER THOUGHT: What Are You Talking About? It Does Matter! 2

Scripture: Psalms 35:27 & 28 “Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause; and let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness and of Your praise all the day long.” In the Book of Judges, Chapter 6, there is a powerful story of a man named Gideon. His life and that of his family, and even broader than that, the children of Israel are about to be changed. But first God had to change this man’s very poor self- image so that His will could be performed. Gideon had to be willing. Here was a man threshing wheat by the winepress, trying to survive, while hiding from his enemies. Gideon's experiences had taught him that every time he would sow something and produce crops, his enemies would come and steal from him. But, when his people began to cry out to God for answers, something wonderful happened. In essence, the Lord said that He had brought them up from Egypt and out of the house of bondage. He told them He had delivered them out of the hands of all who oppressed them and, not only that, but He gave them their land. He also told them, I am the Lord, your God. (God is interested in you as an individual!) Do not fear their gods in whose land you dwell, but you have not obeyed my voice. What was God saying? I had a great plan for you . . . but you forgot and chose another direction. In verse 12, it says, “And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” Gideon, in shock that someone thought that highly of him said, "0h my Lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all the miracles, which our Fathers told us about saying, did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? But now He has forsaken us and delivered us into their hands.” Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites, have I not sent you?” So Gideon said to the Lord, “How can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh and I am the least in my Father's house.” Can you relate to some of the questions that Gideon asked God? Let’s look at some powerful truths: 1. God brought the children of Israel out of bondage to bring them into something great. 2. When they took their eyes off of God-and quit talking about His greatness and all that He had done for them and was planning to do, they began to fear and fell captive to their enemies. Fear leads to a feeling of despair that then leads to questioning the faithfulness of God. 3

God had to get Gideon to see himself in the light of who He was and what His purposes were for him. That is why God addressed him as "a mighty man of valor" when, in essence, Gideon, at that time, was anything but a man of valor. He was literally hiding himself from his enemies. He was living in fear. Gideon basically said to God, “Do you realize who you are talking to? Don't you know, God, there is not anyone who has any respect for our family. We are the least in the city?”

In verse 24, after God had convinced Gideon he was a mighty man of valor, it says that Gideon built an altar and called it, “The Lord is Peace.” He then became what God declared him to be when he accepted and declared who God was to him. 4. The exciting principle here for everyone who puts their faith and trust in God is that peace and prosperity are God's ideas. The literal meaning in Hebrew for these two words, peace and prosperity, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, is Shalom. Take this to heart today - Shalom means the following: To be made safe in mind, body or estate To be complete To make restitution and restoration To fare well - to be prosperous and whole! As our leading scripture so clearly affirms, if you will favor God's righteous cause, which has so much to do with your conversation, the Lord will be magnified. As you go about the Father’s business growing in the knowledge of His 3

intentions that He has established in His Word, prosperity and peace will be the outworking of this lifestyle which gives the Father much pleasure! That is how you (Let) the Lord be magnified. He is a God of restoration of that which has been lost. 5. Gideon had to destroy the altars of Baal that his family had set up before God could give him victory. Did you know that one of the big mindsets today that can hinder you fulfilling your dream is unbelief? Doubting the goodness of God is unbelief. Everyone believes in something or someone. Check out who or what your confidence is in. Words like, "My family never has had anything. It won't change now or, where I live there are no opportunities or, no one believes in God like that, and I don’t suppose I can expect a promotion this year?” etc. etc. Are all self-inflicting words that bring defeat, despair and open the door for lack to come into your life. Gideon had a choice to stay with the “same old image” or go with God’s image. The same choice is yours. Apply that truth to your situations in life and watch out! Realize that if “what you have been talking about” is not what God has to say about you or your situations, now is the time to begin speaking of His righteousness and all He has planned for you through faith in His Word! And it shall come to pass! Decide today to become a mighty man or woman of valor. This means to become a person of virtue, a person of strength, of might, of power, riches and substance. Decide to agree with God! Start today. That is God’s plan for you!

POWER THOUGHT: Delay Is Not Denial Scripture: Habakkuk 2:1-4 “I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me, and how I may reply when I am reproved, Then the Lord answered me and said, record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one that reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it (the dream/vision/goal/desire/plan) tarries, wait for it. For it will certainly come, it will not delay. The Amplified Bible says it this way: It will not be behindhand on its appointed day. Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith.” Habakkuk had been complaining to God about unrighteous people. It appeared to him that they were having a great advantage over the righteous people at that time. So Habakkuk was waiting to hear what God would tell him to do. God clearly and succinctly answered: Write something down – get a plan! Sometimes our lives seem to be put "On Hold" because we do not stay sure or purposeful about what we desire to see come to pass. It often can feel as though things are just not as they should be when we believe we are doing our utmost. Life often seems to be passing us by. God told Habakkuk to give Him something specific to work with and to keep it before Him, and he would have his desires met at the appropriate time.


God's timing will always cause blessings to come for the believer and those connected to him. Had Habbakuk lost sight of the importance of having faith that God would perform His Word? He was looking around and complaining instead of looking up and trusting. There is a very interesting story in Luke 1: 5-20. The soon to be parents of John the Baptist, Zacharias and Elizabeth, were commended by God as righteous and blameless in His sight. They had been petitioning the Lord for a long time for a child and the Word says they were well advanced in years. A very important point to realize is that God is not moved by age when it is time for your miracle! God sent the answer to their petitions by the Angel, Gabriel, at the time of fulfillment of their request. Zecharias, however, got into doubt and unbelief because it seemed he had waited so long for the answer and the Angel had to shut his mouth in order to fulfil Zecharias' petition. He had to keep Zecharias from talking himself out of the blessing he had been asking for and the blessing that would have not only affected his joy and gladness but the very plan of God! While the seed (the promise) was growing, Zacharias remained silent but when it, the promise, came forth, God let him speak again. Then he began prophesying. As will be your case, the long delay was not denial. The Word says, we are co-laborers together with God. Take time today to state or re-establish the dreams/goals/desires you want to see come to pass. Ask the Lord's forgiveness for complaining and procrastinating. These also can be two major causes for no fruit or slow fruit bearing. Realize that God is an awesome God! Nothing is too hard for Him. Again, He is no respecter of persons, age, status, environment, etc. He looks for your faith and trust in Him and His Son. Hebrews 4:2, “For indeed we have had good news preached to us; just as they did also; but the Word they heard did not profit them because it was not united by faith with those that heard it.” The Word will PROFIT you if you allow it to. Today mix what you have read with faith – know what you truly desire to come to pass - and stand firm in your petition. It shall surely come to pass! These are exciting days – God is doing mighty miraculous things in the lives of His people – make a decision not to miss out. Get prepared for the great destiny God has for you. Don’t let delay rob you of your victory, hold fast, knowing it is on the way.

POWER THOUGHT: Where Is Your Focus? Scripture: Gen. 15: 5 & 6 “And He brought him outside his tent into the starlight and said, look now toward the heavens and count the stars - if you are able to number them. Then He said to him, So shall your descendants be. And he, Abraham, believed in, relied on, remained steadfast to the Lord and He counted it (believing) to him as righteousness.” A large part of the Apostle Paul’s ministry was to encourage individuals to focus on who they are in Christ Jesus and to believe what He has said in His Word concerning their inheritance as His children. Often when ministering we have found that people have failed to have a focus or dream they are working towards. Their lives have become complicated and fast paced with no direction. Just getting 5

by each day is as far as they are able to see. Because of this, God’s purpose and plan for their life is not being realized or even understood when the fact is that God does have a destination for each person’s life. You are important to the Lord! It is very interesting and powerful in our scripture that God had to bring Abram outside of his circumstances to get his mind off of what was going on inside of him. God had to take him out of his surroundings to get him to look up so that he would see and comprehend what God was saying to him. This is such an important principle to think about! God did not want him to wait until tomorrow...because the reality is procrastination is a thief! The Bible repeatedly declares that today is the day of salvation. He is not only talking about our eternal destination, but our entire life-- spirit, soul and body. Listen to what God had to say to Abram and believe today for the change to begin in your life. God had to get Abram to look up instead of down and around. God gave him specific instructions that he was to follow. Go outside - look up - do it now - count the stars - if you can. Of course Abram could not count the stars. God was showing him in a way that he could picture the blessings He was planning to give him and the fact that they would be so much he would not even be able to count them! Abram took a giant step of faith and did what God told him to do which increased his ability to see how big God is and how much God wanted to accomplish through him and for him. Verse 6 “And he believed in the Lord.” If you read the first few verses of Genesis 15, you will see that the Lord had made some promises to Abram - but - Abram was telling the Lord all the reasons why it could not happen! The points to think about and relate to your life are as follows: 1 God did not give up on Abram because he had questions and concerns, and he has not given up on you. 2 He brought him outside of his circumstances so that he could give him a picture to focus on! 3

This brought faith to Abram and faith pleases God!

Think about your circumstances. Be challenged to consider what a great and mighty God you serve. Look Up! Be willing to ask Him what His big plan is for you and trust him to speak to you. Focus your attention on all that Christ Jesus has already accomplished on the cross and believe what the Bible declares in III John. “Beloved, (That is a beautiful term of endearment from God towards you.) I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” Sometimes we carry negative emotions from wounds and criticisms that prevent us from believing that we can move beyond our current circumstances to something vital. If this is your case, step outside of your normal pattern of thinking and allow Jesus to show you what you can be and do. Also, ask Him for release from “things” that you may not even be aware of that are keeping you locked into a cycle of defeat or lack!


True soul prosperity is accomplished through removing the old clutter - past experiences, painful memories or events and allowing Jesus to replace them with His truth and purposes for you. It is very much like removing the old program from a computer so that a new program can be put in. Realize as Abram was honest with God and openly shared his worries, frustrations and concerns, God did not shut the door on Abram's future but, in fact, opened it even wider because Abram was literally about to see himself as God saw him. Trust that He will do the same for you. Be willing to deal with the past. Get rid of the hurts by giving them to Jesus. The Bible says He bore your sorrows and carried your grief so do not keep holding on to them. Be focused on your dream. Have a big dream - God does! Do it today! POWER THOUGHT: Life - Liberty – Happiness Can Be Yours! Scripture: Psalms: 1: 1-2 (Amplified) ” Blessed, happy, fortunate, prosperous and enviable is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly (following their advice, their plans and purposes nor stands submissive and inactive) in the path where sinners walk nor sits down (to relax and rest) where the scornful and the mockers gather.” Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address said, “We hold these truths to be self - evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness!” Our scripture focuses on the man or woman who will put God’s word first: Verse 2, “But his delight and desire are in the Law (Word) of the Lord and on His law (the precepts, the instruction, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates, ponders and studies by day and by night.” Are you unhappy? Who have you been spending time with? Listening to? Do you find yourself in lack? Whose advice and counsel have you taken? Envying others? You do not have to be! Begin to believe Psalms 1 is for you and walk in that truth that you are blessed, happy and fortunate because God said so! Do it by faith and watch it become a reality as you do your part. True happiness and liberty comes from spending time with the Lord, walking and delighting in His truths and knowing what He has said about you. In order to be happy, you must realize that success in life is a journey, not a stopping place. Each day is a gift. We realize true happiness when we are able to delight ourselves in our Creator. We do this by walking with Him, sharing and talking with Him, praying and petitioning Him according 7

to His will, which is His Word, the Bible and expecting with great faith that we will experience the life, liberty and happiness He created us to enjoy. As Abraham Lincoln said, “God has given each person a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Take time to ask yourself some important questions. Is the direction my life is going in where I should be focusing? Find out what makes you happy inside. Begin to let this be your prayer focus and believe that God will help you as you pursue the talent and purpose you were created for.

POWER THOUGHT: GREAT NEWS! YOUR WORDS CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12:37 “For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.” New American Standard The Bible encourages us to guard the tongue and to bridle it. Why? It can guide your life to new horizons when used the way God intended for it to be used. In the Book of James, Chapter 3, James speaks of the tongue in comparison to a bridle in a horse's mouth. Picture a large strong horse and the ability the rider has over that horse to control and even stop its movement by restraining the bit in the horse’s mouth. Think about this in relation to your life. Think about your words. Are they stopping and controlling your life or moving it along into greener pastures so that you are experiencing vitality, health, and peace? James 3 also compares the tongue to a great ship driven by rough winds and the ability the small rudder has to turn the great ship as the helmsman determines! Think about the “ship” of your life. Where is your life being driven? Determine that your tongue will turn the tide of your life in the direction God intended, especially in the midst of storms! Remember Isaiah said, "God creates the fruit of your lips." James 3 also says the tongue is a fire. A tiny spark can set ablaze an entire forest. I remember when my son was in the Scouts, I participated in a Mother/Son camping expedition. As we were gathering logs for the campfire, we were shown you have ever known. Choose to believe words written in the Bible about you and declare them! Then they will be seeds going to produce fruit in your life and much success for your journey. Everyday you prophesy your future by the words you speak. The meaning of prophecy is to foretell, forecast or foresee! Let the truth of Isaiah 57:19 become imprinted on your heart and mind so that your life will be satisfied with good. God says through Isaiah, "I create the fruit of the lips." Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life or death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Life and Death are in the power of the tongue and the words you speak are seeds. In time, they will bring whatever you are speaking as a harvest!


How to use this book These Power Thoughts can be read as a part of your daily inspiration as the Lord leads rather than front to back! Ask the Lord Jesus to show you, guide you to the exact Power Thought that will charge and ignite your faith so that you will be ready for accomplishing all that the Lord Jesus would have for each day. This book has been used very successfully as a workbook for gatherings & prayer meetings Enjoy and may the Lord richly bless you in all your endeavors in Jesus Name. How to order this book Author Direct P.O. Box 7869 Charlotte, NC 28241-7869 USA Price US$ 9.95 Please make check payable to: DS Investments For bulk orders E-mail: [email protected] Website www.Dreamshapers.net


Bible Versions Used New American Standard Bible The Lockman Foundation 1960-62-63-68-71-72-73-75-77 Spirit Filled Life Bible 1991 by Thomas Nelson Inc. The Holy Bible New King James Version 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. The Holy Bible New Century Version 1987-88-91 by Word Publishing King James Version Crown Copyright England, Eyre & Spottiswoode London The Living Bible 1971 by Tyndale House Publishing The Amplified Bible Expanded Edition Copyright 1987 by Zondervan Corp. & the Lockman Foundation Extracts taken from: As A Man Thinketh By, James Allen Grosset & Dunlap Publishing Group. 1934 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 How To Succeed in Life By, Ned Grossman Copyright 1994, 95, 96, 98, 99. The Miriam Webster Dictionary Copyright 1997 by Miriam Webster, Inc. Be All You Can Be, By John C. Maxwell Copyright 1987 SP Publications, Inc. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Copyright 1995 by Thomas Nelson Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary The Pitman Press, Bath, UK New Edition Copyright W & R Chambers Ltd. 1972


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