P.q.sucuaN NG Prr-rprNas
oF THE Purr-rpprNEs
25 May2009
All Philippine and KoreanExhibitors Members of the FilipinoCommunity and Guests Re: "One Philippines"Exhibitionat the SeoulCity Plaza,29-31 May2009 In observanceof the mourningperiodby the Koreanpeopleon the passing awayof theirformerPresidentRohMoo-hyun lastSaturday, 23 May2009,the Philippine Embassyin Seoulhasdecidedto deferto a laterdatethe holdingof the "OnePhilippines" Exhibitionat the SeoulCityHallPlazascheduled this weekend,29-31May2009. The Embassyis now considering holding the "OnePhilippines" Exhibition that jointlycommemorates the 60thanniversaryof the PhilippinesKorearelations, 111tn Philippine Independence DayandMigrant Workers'day on 27-28June 2009.Thevenueof the Philippine event willbe announced later. I regretany inconvenience thatthe postponement of the eventmighthave causedyou. I lookfonruard to yourcontinuing cooperation andfull supportfor our "OnePhilippines" Exhibition. Thankyou.
Jin Song Bldg., 34-44, ltaewonl-dong, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul 140-201, Korea Tel.(822)796-7387-9 Fax.(822)796-O827