Postpartum Medication Sheet

  • June 2020
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MEDICATION SHEETS Student name: Allie Jones Date: September 14th, 2009 Drug name: Rhogam Drug Classification: immune globulins Pregnancy Risk Category: C Indication for use in this area: Rh- patient exposed to Rh+ blood by pregnancy or delivery of an Rh+ infant or fetal-maternal hemorrhage due to amniocentesis Route and usual range of dose: IM; before delivery: 1 vial standard dose (300 mcg) at 26-28 weeks, following delivery: 1 vial standard dose (300 mcg) within 72 hours of delivery. Specific dosing for your patient: 7324/7322: N/A Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations: injection site reactions including: swelling/redness/pain/warmth, skin rash, body aches; explain to the patient the purpose of the medication in protection of future Rh+ infants Evaluation of Medication: prevention of erythroblastosis fetalis (antibody response and hemolytic disease of the newborn) Drug name: Motrin Drug Classification: nonopioid analgesics, NSAID Pregnancy Risk Category: B (1st trimester), otherwise C Indication for use in this area: mild to moderate pain Route and usual range of dose: PO 400 – 600 mg Q4-6hrs Specific dosing for your patient: 7324: 400-600 mg Q4-6 hours PRN, 7322: 400 mg Q4 hrs PRN Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations: headache, dizziness, rhinitis/tinnitus; additive adverse GI side effects with other NSAIDs and corticosteroids Evaluation of Medication: decrease in severity of pain Drug name: Percocet Drug Classification: opioid agonists, opioid agonist/nonopioid analgesic combinations Pregnancy Risk Category: C (oxycodone alone) Indication for use in this area: moderate to moderately severe pain Route and usual range of dose: PO 5 – 10 mg q 3 – 4 hr oxycodone & 325 mg acetaminophen; acetaminophen or aspirin dosage should not exceed 4 g/day Specific dosing for your patient: 7324/7322: 5/325 1-2 tabs Q4 hours PRN Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations:

confusion, sedation, respiratory depression, constipation; use with caution in patients receiving MAO inhibitors; Evaluation of Medication: decrease in severity of pain without a significant alteration in LOC/respiratory status. Drug name: Toradol Drug Classification: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, nonopioid analgesics Pregnancy Risk Category: C Indication for use in this area: short-term management of pain (<5 days) Route and usual range of dose: PO, 20 mg initially, followed by 10 mg q 4 – 6 hr PRN; IV, single dosing 30 mg q 6 hr Specific dosing for your patient: 7324: 30 mg IV Q4 x4 doses; 7322: N/A Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations: drowsiness, dizziness, GI bleeding, anaphylaxis; patients with a history of asthma/aspirin-induced allergy/nasal polyps have increased risk for development of hypersensitivity reactions. Evaluation of Medication: decrease in severity of pain, patients not responding to one NSAID may respond to another. Drug name: Colace Drug Classification: stool softener Pregnancy Risk Category: C Indication for use in this area: prevention of constipation through promoting incorporation of water into stool, resulting in softer fecal mass. Route and usual range of dose: PO, 50 – 400 mg in 1 – 4 divided doses Specific dosing for your patient: 7324/7322: two 100 mg BID Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations: hypersensitivity; encourage other forms of bowel regulation (increased bulk/fluid intake, increased mobility) as this medication does not stimulate intestinal peristalsis; throat irritation, mild cramps, rashes. Evaluation of Medication: Soft, formed bowel movement usually within 24 hours to five days. Drug name: Ampicillin Drug Classification: aminopenicillins Pregnancy Risk Category: B Indication for use in this area: prevention of infection in high-risk patients undergoing cesarean section; treatment of moderate urinary tract infection Route and usual range of dose: PO, IV preferred 250mg - 500 mg QID (IM available)

Specific dosing for your patient:7322/7324:N/A Potential side effects/adverse reactions/ nursing considerations: distributed into breast milk, can cause rash/diarrhea/sensitization in the infant; diarrhea, rashes; rapid administration can cause seizures Evaluation of Medication: prophylaxis prevention of infection, treatment of urinary tract infections in the postpartum patient

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