Post Peak-oil Scenario: Since We Have Already Reached The Outer

  • Uploaded by: Franke Schein
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 866
  • Pages: 3
POST PEAK-OIL SCENARIO: Since we have already reached the outer threshold of the Peak Oil Crisis, as was predicted back in the early 1970’s during the crunch, I thought it would be prudent to outline what I think, could be the long term ramifications of continued of this trend: (remember, that these are my own thoughts on this subject) 1) OPEC raised the price of crude oil to well over $150.00 per barrel. Globally, price for gasoline, diesel, heating oil, and lubricants rise significantly. Distributors are hard pressed to keep up with the increased demand, as people go on a buying frenzy. 2) A small population of the country decided to forego the use of gasoline, and parks the internal combustion vehicles, opting for mass public transit instead. 3) Within months, the price of oil is once again raised. The situation in the mid-east has rapidly deteriorated again, and the oil speculators getting worried. (their worried that they won’t have enough millions to support their lifestyles--) 4) The first to be hardest hit is the transportation industry. The large mega-trucking companies reduce their overall services, and layoff 30% of their driver workforce. 5) Airline services follow suit. The price for airfare triples, and most airlines are teetering on the brink of financial ruin. Many of the smaller airlines go bankrupt within weeks. 6) Railroad services are drastically reduced. The five major rail lines cut back their services, thereby reducing the amount of raw goods, and consumer commodities that normally flow along this venue. 7) large metropolitan cities see a shortage of fuel hit their markets. Gas lines ensue, and greedy retailers seizing the opportunity, raise the price of gasoline even more. 8) Disenfranchised families are forced to park their vehicles, taxi cabs services reduce the numbers of vehicles, and eventually fold after raising the fares beyond what most people can afford. 9) City buses shutdown, due to financial constraints on the already overburdened city government infrastructure. Many people are left without transportation to, and from work. 10) Employers feel the crunch, as most of the work force can’t show up to operate the business and make profits. Many small businesses shut down almost overnight.

11) With OPEC reaping billions of dollars, and the already devalued American dollar, foreign investors drop the dollar as a viable currency. Gold becomes the standards, and it’s prices skyrocket overnight. 12) The federal treasury is near collapse. American currency isn’t backed by the gold standard, and the paper that the dollar is printed on, becomes worthless. 13) Retailers, unable to sell their products at fair market value, impose gold and silver as the chief currency. Most people having neither, are left with little prospect of buying food and household subsidence supplies. The situation quickly becomes untenable for most. 14) In some cities, small scale rioting quickly turns to all out looting. Hungry and desperate people smash into storefronts, grabbing anything of value. Grocery store chains are quickly inundated with hordes of armed looters. Private security guards stand no chance against the swelling crowds. 15) Police officers can do little, but “report and observe”. The officers that attempt to intervene, are quickly gunned down, or can do little to stem the tide of rising violence and theft. Most police forces become ineffective. 16) The Governor activates the National Guard, but only 20% actually show up for duty. Most stay home to protect their families, or are already caught up in the situation within their own neighborhoods. The National Guard is utilized to protect vital government centers from ravaging crowds. Little concern is given to already burning areas of the town, or the plight of the citizen contained with them. 17) Some people form into small enclaves within their respective neighborhoods. Anyone approaching is usually shot on the spot, especially those people carrying weapons, or large groups. Quickly, certain areas of town become armed camps, the bunker mentality follows. 18) A massive military rebellion occurs within the ranks of troops stationed abroad. Many hijack aircraft and sailing vessel, returning home to the shores of a decimated America. They form themselves into company size Para-military units, spreading out to fan across the land. Many turn brigand in order to survive. Bringing even more lawlessness into the situation. 19) The Federal Government collapses altogether. Cabinet members, and various “leaders” are transported to secure military facilities around the nation. Heir exodus heralds in a new breed of criminals. With no effective police, military, or emergency forces available; the President request humanitarian assistance from the United Nations.

20) China, Russia, and other non NATO forces arrive by the plane and boat loads. American military forces are integrated within the ranks of these foreign troops. 21) Martial Law is declared by the military and puppet civilian governments. Weapons ownership is prohibited. Offenders are executed on the spot. Small survival groups are quickly labeled “terrorist”, and their destruction is imminent. 22) Private property is seized by government troops. This includes petroleum fuels, ammunition, and other supplies deemed necessary to the continuity of government, and/or the pacification of lawless areas. All weapons, ammo, night vision gear, cammie clothing, and any military related product is seized. Resistors executed or imprisoned immediately.

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