Post Graduate Diploma In Business Administration B6011 Marketing Management Instructions:

  • June 2020
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POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION B6011 MARKETING MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This assignment, which carries 100% of the total marks for the module, is compulsory for students appearing for the coming Post Graduate diploma in Business Administration 2. The assessment criteria are: (a) Substance (b) Originality of work (c) Presentation Use of illustrations / examples, where appropriate Independent research on the relevant topics is encouraged. 3. Special consideration would be given to students who demonstrate an in-depth analysis of the questions. 4. Candidates who simply regurgitate their answers from the course manual may risk failing the assignment. 5. Any similarities between individual assignments will result in a fail grade. 6.

The assignment should be about 4,000 words (total).

7. Pages should be clearly numbered. 8. The format of the assignment should be as follows: (a) • • • • • (b) (c) (d) •

Front cover (i.e. title page), stating the: Module name and code Student’s full name and I/C number Class code Name of lecturer Submission date Contents page Main body of the assignment References Example: Kotler, P. (1997) Marketing Management – Analysis Implementation, and Control (9th edition). Prentice Hall International.


9. Retain a photocopy of your course assignment. 10. Complete your assignment and hand it in by: ________________________________


MARKETING MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet: William Shakespeare. It is said that brands are the heart of marketing and business strategy. Marketing is about decommoditising the enterprises’ offer. If what is on offer is perceived as the same as those of competitors, then customers and consumers will be indifferent towards the product offering.

Identify an enterprise of your choice. Detail clearly, with supporting material, why you believe this enterprise to be the most appropriate for this assignment. Identify and critically assess the branding methods used by this enterprise to differentiate its product offering. [15 marks]

Prepare a comprehensive analysis of the relevant industry sector you have chosen. You should pay particular attention to the role played by branding in this industry: how has this role changed over the years, where will it be in the future? [25 marks]

Focusing clearly upon the enterprise which you have chosen, you must now complete a thorough strategic marketing plan using the information gleaned from your research thus far (secondary and primary). You must focus upon what, in your opinion, are the branding issues relevant to success for your enterprise. Your views must be substantiated by relevant material. [45 marks]

NB: Reference fully the theory you are studying and integrate it with the practical situation outlined in the above scenario. [15 marks] [100 marks]

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