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POM Assignment Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following aspects are essential to ensure quality of purchased items? Correct Answer Defining right quality for the job , Vendor performance evaluation , Making sure that suppliers understand the requirements Your Answer Defining right quality for the job , Vendor performance evaluation , Making sure that suppliers understand the requirements Select The Blank Question The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment components and partly due to emergency actions. Correct Answer Unexpected Your Answer Unexpected True/False Question After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be collected back. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question In case of centralised inspection, inspection rooms generally become bottleneck and cause delay in taking action regarding rejection or rework. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type Correct Answer Dependent and independent Your Answer Dependent and independent Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer Factory Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Components of Production Management include Correct Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning Your Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

Which of the following is the criteria for the percentage defectives in the zone of the indecision? Correct Answer Lots having the percentage defective more than AQL but less than LPTD Your Answer Lots having the percentage defective more than AQL but less than LPTD Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study? Correct Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting Your Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting Select The Blank Question The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift or weekly holiday is ________. Correct Answer Overtime working Your Answer Overtime working Select The Blank Question An Ideal OC curve is ________ shaped curve that accpets all the lots with quality equal to or better than AQL . Correct Answer Rectangular Your Answer Rectangular Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following causes can be responsible for derailing the production schedule in a factory? Correct Answer Errors in drawings , Delay in receipt of material from vendor , Excessive absenteeism Your Answer Errors in drawings , Delay in receipt of material from vendor , Excessive absenteeism Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following situations demand the economic consideration while selecting a job for method study? Correct Answer Unorderly movement of men and materials , Excessive process defectives , Too many suggestions received for improvement from a department or section Your Answer Unorderly movement of men and materials , Excessive process defectives , Inconsistent quality True/False Question During set up of X bar-R control chart, control limts should be practically revised from time to time as additional data is accumulated. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard? Correct Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable Your Answer

Absolute uniformity , Undesrstandable , Economically viable Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Toung Sweet Sweet Eye Crack Crack Nose Burnout Burnout Ear Impact Roughness Select The Blank Question The ________ is the defect level for which lots are regarded as bad lots. Correct Answer Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective Your Answer Acceptable quality level True/False Question Floor inspection delays the identification of faults which can not be rectified immediately before large lots are spoiled. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question Cent percent inspection is required on WIP prior to the key, critical or costly operation. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The document which incorporates details of process planning for a job is called Correct Answer Route Sheet Your Answer Route Sheet True/False Question Repetitive movements between work stations which are difficult to be traced on string diagrams can be conveniently shown on flow diagrams. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production?

Correct Answer PERT & CPM Your Answer PERT & CPM Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Your Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What can be the worst effect due to excessive vibration? Correct Answer Breakdown Your Answer Breakdown Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the relation between duration of an activity and length of an arrow? Correct Answer No relation Your Answer No relation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the nature of the sampling plan for critical defects? Correct Answer Tight Your Answer Tight Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Correct Answer Condition monitoring Your Answer Condition monitoring Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times? Correct Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Your Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following techniques is used by industrial engineering department to obtain the utilisation index? Correct Answer Work Sampling Studies

Your Answer Break Even Analysis Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following factors play important role while selecting or rejecting a particular site from legislation and taxation point of view? Correct Answer Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences Your Answer Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following cases can be referred as operation in method study recording? Correct Answer Change in physical characteristic , Consumption of physical effort , Change in chemical characteristic Your Answer Change in physical characteristic , Consumption of physical effort , Movement of material True/False Question An activity can share the same tail event and same head event with any other activity. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ must ensure that the product satisfy the functional requirements of it's usage. Correct Answer Quality of design Your Answer Quality of design Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of pure materials? Correct Answer Bakeries , Ice factories , Woolen Your Answer Bakeries , Ice factories , Woolen Select The Blank Question The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as nonmeasurable characteristics of the product. Correct Answer Specifications Your Answer Specifications Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Site factors for plant location include Correct Answer Suitability of land Your Answer Suitability of land Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan.

Correct Answer Producer's risk Your Answer Producer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following defects can be observed during preventive inspection by using human senses? Correct Answer Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration , Leakage of a gas Your Answer Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration , Leakage of a gas Select The Blank Question The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through inspection which requires stoppage of machines. Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance Your Answer Working Maintenance True/False Question Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Lack of material planning results in the following Correct Answer Over ordering , under ordering , stockouts Your Answer Over ordering , under ordering , stockouts True/False Question F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question Work study is also called ________ study Correct Answer Time and Motion Your Answer Time and Motion Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Factor Analysis Method to evaluate layouts Technique for evolving and analysis of layouts Minimization of production delays Objective of good layout

Objective of good layout Maximum visibility Principles of good layout Principles of good layout Scale model Layout analysis Method to evaluate layouts Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Following is one of the techniques used for Material Planning for high value material Correct Answer MRP Your Answer MRP Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you understand by totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on it's ability to satisfy the customer? Correct Answer Quality Your Answer Quality Select The Blank Question One detachable ticket is prepared for each ________. Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Worker POSTED BY MINDGRILL AT 2:23 AM 0 COMMENTS


LABELS: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Production and Operations Management - 2 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are minimum requirement for a good quality of design? Correct Answer Resonable cost , Resonable procurement time , Resonable manufacturing time Your Answer Resonable manufacturing time , Resonable cost , Resonable procurement time Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where does the central line is located in case of p-chart? Correct Answer at p bar Your Answer at median Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer

Factory Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Your Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Producer's risk Your Answer Producer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Material Requirement Planning is very useful in following situations Correct Answer Long Lead time for procurement , Several levels of assemblies in product , Long manufacturing cycle Your Answer Long Lead time for procurement , Long manufacturing cycle , Demand for the product is not known Select The Blank Question The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Correct Answer Quality control Your Answer Quality control Select The Blank Question The ________ is the process of withdrawing the equipment from the production line, dismantling it unitwise, visualising defects, effecting adjustments, replacing worn-out parts and finally building it up to get desired accuracies. Correct Answer Reconditioning Your Answer Overhauling Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as Correct Answer Productivity Your Answer Productivity True/False Question In case of two handed process chart, the simultaneous activities of both hands are recorded opposite to each other on the chart. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Match The Following Question

Correct Answer Your Answer Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Work Sampling Machine utilization Machine utilization Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following factors play important role while selecting or rejecting a particular site from legislation and taxation point of view? Correct Answer Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences Your Answer Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the study of repetitive short cycle operations which involve quick hand / feet motions? Correct Answer Micromotion study Your Answer Macromotion study True/False Question An activity should represent an operation or set of operations which can be performed using a particular kind of equipment or a special skill. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following products should be produced by using mass production? Correct Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set Your Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set True/False Question In case of X bar, if the process is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be collected back. Correct Answer False

Your Answer False True/False Question Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What does the points falling outside the control limits indicate? Correct Answer Presence of assignable causes Your Answer Mean = Standard deviation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which industry out of the following industries require maximum consideration for safety factor while selecting plant location? Correct Answer Nuclear power plant Your Answer Nuclear power plant Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are assignable cause? Correct Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting Your Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Play in guide rods , Errors in setting Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A good plant layout helps in Correct Answer Reducing handling costs Your Answer Reducing handling costs Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study? Correct Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting Your Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting True/False Question An activity can share the same tail event and same head event with any other activity. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Work study is also called ________ study

Correct Answer Time and Motion Your Answer Time and Motion Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which kind of gauge consists of electrical contacts operating a series of colloured signal lamps which indicate whether the dimension is correct, oversize or undersize? Correct Answer Multiple gauging Your Answer Multiple gauging Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Components of Production Management include Correct Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning Your Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning True/False Question Only skilled worker can use the fixed limit gauge. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are major benefits of identifying the critical path? Correct Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events which are critical and as such must be carefully controlled and monitored , It identifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources. , It helps to exercise "control by exception". Your Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events which are critical and as such must be carefully controlled and monitored , It reduces the paperwork , It identifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are reason due to which the progress of work is rarely in line with it's plan? Correct Answer Absenteeism , Machine breakdowns , Substandard performance against prefixed production standards Your Answer Absenteeism , Machine breakdowns , Substandard performance against prefixed production standards Select The Blank Question The ________ is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of the job characteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the producing company. Correct Answer Inspection order Your Answer Inspection order Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times? Correct Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be

independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Your Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Select The Blank Question Capacity decisions have a direct influence on performance of production system in respect of ________ Correct Answer Delivery performance Your Answer Delivery performance True/False Question Breakdown of machines, absenteeism of worker does not dislocate the manufacturing activity in process layout Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Operation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following possibilities can be explored by using flow process chart? Correct Answer Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the distance traveled by the workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production losses Your Answer Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the distance traveled by the workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production losses Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The document raised by PPC which authorises different functions to take action as per instruction is called Correct Answer Work Order Your Answer Work Order True/False Question Dust gets mixed with lubricants, forms an abrasive substance and causes pre-mature failure of machinery. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Draining and refilling of oil reserviors of plunger pump Yearly

Yearly Parts lubricated with oil nipple Daily Daily Tools and slideways two to three times a day two to three times a day Table lubrication Weekly Weekly Select The Blank Question Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised inspection. Correct Answer easier Your Answer easier True/False Question Operation process charts though indicates the sequence of events but do not show movements. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Consumer's risk Your Answer Consumer's risk Select The Blank Question A ________ is another form of subcontracting. Correct Answer Hiring capacity Your Answer Hiring capacity Select The Blank Question The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment components and partly due to emergency actions. Correct Answer Unexpected Your Answer Unexpected Select The Blank Question Production Planning is a centralised activity which includes functions such as ________ Correct Answer Scheduling Your Answer Scheduling Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the zone beyond LTPD in case of Oc curve of a general plan?

Correct Answer Zone of rejection Your Answer Zone of rejection Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where the ignorance towards the degradation of machine leads to? Correct Answer Eventual breakdown Your Answer Eventual breakdown POSTED BY MINDGRILL AT 2:21 AM 0 COMMENTS


LABELS: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Production and Operations Management - 1 http://scdlpapers.blogspot.com True/False Question The problems of congestion, bottlenecks and backtracking can not be visualized by using templates and models. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are some of the factors which influence process planning Correct Answer Order Quantity , Process capability of machine , Delivery Dates Your Answer Process capability of machine , Delivery Dates , Order Quantity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Gross requirement of products is determined on the basis of Correct Answer Both forecast and pending orders Your Answer Both forecast and pending orders True/False Question Skill of labour force in a product type layout is usually higher than in the process type of layout Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In exponential smoothing method,for a stable demand pattern and better smoothing effect, value of fraction( Alpha) selected is Correct Answer 0.05 to 0.10 Your Answer 0.05 to 0.10

True/False Question Recording of movement is not necessary in case of method study in any form. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following may be the objectives of project crashing? Correct Answer To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost , To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources Your Answer To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost , To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the next stage to the inspection based quality control in the historical development of quality management. Correct Answer Quality assurance Your Answer Total Quality management Select The Blank Question The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through inspection which requires stoppage of machines. Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance Your Answer Shutdown Maintenance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads to Correct Answer Poor Customer Service Your Answer Low Productivity Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Correct Answer Condition monitoring Your Answer Condition monitoring True/False Question Inspection should be conducted on all incoming materials, semifinished items, bought out components, subcontract items prior to any operation, assembly. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question

The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Correct Answer Acceptable quality level Your Answer Acceptable quality level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Production Planning includes Correct Answer Predetermination of manufacturing requirements Your Answer Predetermination of manufacturing requirements Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Expediting function is concerned with following activities Correct Answer Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule Your Answer Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule Select The Blank Question The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Correct Answer Quality control Your Answer Quality control True/False Question A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Pessimistic time b b Expected time Te Te Optimistic time a a Most likely time m m True/False Question Breakdown is inversly proportional to the investment in W.I.P. Correct Answer

False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Production Planning is a centralised activity which includes functions such as ________ Correct Answer Scheduling Your Answer Scheduling Select The Blank Question A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is called as ________. Correct Answer Maintenance Your Answer Maintenance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A good plant layout helps in Correct Answer Reducing handling costs Your Answer Reducing handling costs Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Producer's risk Your Answer Producer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Components of Production Management include Correct Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning Your Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Your Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the subtasks of the maintenance phase of the method study? Correct Answer Monitoring and control , Performance appraisal , Audit on savings Your Answer Monitoring and control , Performance appraisal , Audit on savings True/False Question short cycle job should be studied for macroscopic motions.

Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the specifications at minimum cost to the firm. Correct Answer Quality control system Your Answer Quality control system True/False Question Inspection Order can be a verbal order Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Need for change in layout can occur due to following reason Correct Answer introduction of new product Your Answer improve quality Select The Blank Question Goods after final inspection should accompany ________to enable dispatch department to identify and draw correct reference. Correct Answer Forwarding note Your Answer Forwarding note Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the different methods of recording actual progress of work? Correct Answer Display boards , Progress cards , Network updating Your Answer Display boards , Progress cards , Network updating Select The Blank Question The term ________ emplies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce. Correct Answer Opportunity cost Your Answer Opportunity cost Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's crashed time? Correct Answer Crash cost Your Answer Normal cost

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer Factory Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Operation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the selection of the job for the method study on the basis of manufacturing difficulties? Correct Answer Technical consideration Your Answer Economic consideration True/False Question In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the end event equals to the earliest event time minus duration of that activity. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Work Sampling Machine utilization Machine utilization Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study? Correct Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting Your Answer Brazing , Welding , Riveting Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as Correct Answer Productivity

Your Answer Productivity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In case of Batch Production which kind of labour is expected? Correct Answer Skilled in one specific Manufacturing Process Your Answer Skilled in all Manufacturing Processes Select The Blank Question The ________ is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of the job characteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the producing company. Correct Answer Inspection order Your Answer Inspection order Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the factors on which the structure of the transportation cost depends? Correct Answer Average distance of shipment , Characteristics of the commodity , Medium of shipment Your Answer Average distance of shipment , Characteristics of the commodity , Medium of shipment Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the ideal place to inspect jigs and fixtures in a mass manufacturing unit? Correct Answer Separate inspection room Your Answer Separate inspection room True/False Question In Gantt Chart, the horizontal lines devide vertical lines into sections which represents either operations or work centres. Correct Answer True Your Answer True ---Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Why graphical method of recording is preferred over the descriptive method during method study? Correct Answer It segregates effective part form ineffective parts , It reduces effort involved in writing , Critical examinations easier and more effective Your Answer Critical examinations easier and more effective , It segregates effective part form ineffective parts , It reduces effort involved in writing Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the subfactors of community facilities or social infrastructure? Correct Answer Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment Your Answer Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Consumer's risk

Your Answer Consumer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of consumption of physical effort during recording for method study? Correct Answer Bending , Positioning , Unloading Your Answer Bending , Positioning , Unloading Multiple Choice Single Answer Question How to claculate the producer risk in the OC Curve? Correct Answer Probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling Your Answer Probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling Select The Blank Question The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as nonmeasurable characteristics of the product. Correct Answer Specifications Your Answer Specifications Select The Blank Question The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Correct Answer Quality control Your Answer Quality control True/False Question Expediting action is necessary if the delays and interruptions are abnormal and hence any subsequent delay is bound to extend the promised delivery date. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Process Engineer does not get sufficient time for designing tooling for most economic production run when Correct Answer Delivery time is less Your Answer Delivery time is less Select The Blank Question The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through inspection which requires stoppage of machines. Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance Your Answer Shutdown Maintenance True/False Question Breakdown of machines, absenteeism of worker does not dislocate the manufacturing activity in process layout Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Correct Answer Acceptable quality level Your Answer Acceptable quality level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's crashed time? Correct Answer Crash cost Your Answer Crash cost Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the first three steps of Critical Path Analysis technique? Correct Answer Activity relationships , Activity identification , Network construction Your Answer Activity relationships , Activity identification , Network construction

True/False Question Dust gets mixed with lubricants, forms an abrasive substance and causes pre-mature failure of machinery. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following can be subtypes of corrective maintenance? Correct Answer Shutdown Maintenance , Design-out Maintenance , Design-in Maintenance Your Answer Shutdown Maintenance , Design-out Maintenance , Design-in Maintenance Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Correct Answer Condition monitoring Your Answer Condition monitoring Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Production Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Toung Sweet Sweet Eye Crack Crack Nose Burnout Burnout Ear Impact Impact Select The Blank Question The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the specifications at minimum cost to the firm. Correct Answer Quality control system Your Answer Quality control system Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the meaning of " Product features" according to J.M.Juran? Correct Answer Quality of design Your Answer Quality of design Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following method can be used to record the facts during the method study? Correct Answer Micromotion study , Cyclegraph , Chronocyclegraph Your Answer Micromotion study , Photograph , Cyclegraph , Chronocyclegraph True/False Question All activities must not be tied up into the network Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are types of sampling plan? Correct Answer Single sampling plan , Double sampling plan , Multiple sampling plan Your Answer Single sampling plan , Double sampling plan , Multiple sampling plan Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question How many of the following are types of specification? Correct Answer Material specifications , Dimensional specifications , Performance specifications Your Answer Material specifications , Dimensional specifications , Performance specifications

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Plant layout facilitates processing of products in most effective manner through the following Correct Answer Shortest possible distance , Shortest processing time , Minimum movement Your Answer Shortest possible distance , Minimum movement Select The Blank Question Work study is also called ________ study Correct Answer Time and Motion Your Answer Time and Motion True/False Question Operation Process Chart provides information on time and distances Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Plant Layout is concerned with optimum arrangement of the following Correct Answer Storage space , Machines , Material Handling Equipment Your Answer Storage space , Machines , Sequence of operation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Management often fails to realize the importance of efficient layout due to following reason Correct Answer losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements Your Answer losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements True/False Question Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with the tooling available on shop. Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question Feasibility of time schedule requires that an activity be scheduled before any of it's predecessors are scheduled. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer Factory True/False Question Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the basic philosophy of statistical process control? Correct Answer Prevention is better than cure Your Answer Prevention is better than cure Multiple Choice Single Answer Question How does the control chart of statistical quality control helps the operating personnel? Correct Answer Identify the presence of an assignable cause before it develops Your Answer Identify the presence of an assignable cause before it develops Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Where does the central line is located in case of p-chart? Correct Answer at p bar Your Answer at p bar

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following may be the objectives of project crashing? Correct Answer To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost , To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources Your Answer To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost , To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources Select The Blank Question The ________ advocates maintenance procedures whereby the condition of the plant is constantly watched through systematic inspection to unearth unhealthy conditions and preventive Correct Answer Preventive Maintenance Your Answer Preventive Maintenance True/False Question A network should be progression of activities always moving forward. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the ideal place to write a description of an activity in a network? Correct Answer Above the arrow Your Answer Above the arrow Select The Blank Question In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________. Correct Answer 0.01 to 10% Your Answer 0.01 to 10% True/False Question For p-chart, the central line of fraction defectives is determined by average percentage defectives. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which phase of method study is concerned with analyzing the facts critically, generating alternatives which form the basis for selection and development of improved methods? Correct Answer Critical examination Your Answer Critical examination Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following policies is advisable in case of low product variety and large volumes? Correct Answer Low Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines Your Answer Low Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which kind of inspection is followed in case of product layout? Correct Answer Pilot inspection Your Answer Pilot inspection Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Work Sampling Machine utilization Sampling Inspection Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling POSTED BY MINDGRILL AT 10:34 AM 0 COMMENTS


LABELS: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT(SET-2) Production and Operations Management - 5 POM assgn Multiple Choice Single Answer Question MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type Correct Answer Dependent and independent Your Answer Dependent and independent Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Main objective of a good plant layout is Correct Answer Reduce material handling cost Your Answer Reduce material handling cost True/False Question As a general rule, the number of tail event of an activity is more than that of it's head event. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Producer's risk Your Answer Producer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times? Correct Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Your Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Select The Blank Question The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component , product or material should withstand. Correct Answer Environmental specifications Your Answer Environmental specifications Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are some of the factors considered for evaluation of alternative layouts Correct Answer Flow of Material , Equipment utilization , Ease of supervision

Your Answer Flow of Material , Ease of supervision , Delivery performance Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are assignable cause? Correct Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting Your Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting True/False Question All activities must not be tied up into the network Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________. Correct Answer 0.01 to 10% Your Answer 0.01 to 10% True/False Question In case of X bar, if the process is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the base for considering activity time as single time estimate or three time estimate? Correct Answer Level of uncertainty Your Answer Availability of labour Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Correct Answer Acceptable quality level Your Answer Acceptable quality level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's normal time? Correct Answer Normal cost Your Answer Normal cost Select The Blank Question

A good maintenance system is not a luxary but a ________. Correct Answer Necessity Your Answer Necessity Select The Blank Question A ________helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine by change of route of some of the jobs or by diverting work to other machine. Correct Answer Control board Your Answer Move order Select The Blank Question The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Correct Answer Quality control Your Answer Quality control Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer Factory Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Work Sampling Machine utilization Machine utilization Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling Select The Blank Question A ________ is another form of subcontracting. Correct Answer Hiring capacity Your Answer Hiring capacity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In an organization there may not be a formal PPC department if Correct Answer Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very large

Your Answer Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very large Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following cases can be treated as delay during recording of method study? Correct Answer Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor , Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn Your Answer Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor , Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn True/False Question Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with the tooling available on shop. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Order preparation process for products manufatured to order requires following documents Correct Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order Your Answer Sales Order , Work order , Purchase order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Your Answer Reduce lead time True/False Question Cent percent inspection is often more practical and economical than sampling inspection. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantages Correct Answer Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily Your Answer Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following technique is event oriented ? Correct Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique Your Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the meaning of " Product features" according to J.M.Juran? Correct Answer Quality of design Your Answer Quality of design Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Crash cost of an activity Cc Cc Normal time of an activity Tn Tn Crash time of activity Tc Tc Normal cost of an activity Cn Cn Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are uses of diagrams in method study? Correct Answer Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of material. Your Answer Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of material. True/False Question A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Route Sheet generally contains following information Correct Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour Your Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour True/False Question Cellular layout is based on the concept of Group Technology Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

Which varaible is taken along the abscissa or X axis? Correct Answer Time Your Answer Standard deviation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the advantages of suburban location? Correct Answer Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction Your Answer Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Correct Answer Condition monitoring Your Answer Condition monitoring Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Expediting function is concerned with following activities Correct Answer Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule Your Answer Recording progress of work , Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department Select The Blank Question Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised inspection. Correct Answer easier Your Answer time consuming Select The Blank Question The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift or weekly holiday is ________. Correct Answer Overtime working Your Answer Overtime working True/False Question In case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of the first event is zero. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is represented by an arrow in a network?

Correct Answer Activity Your Answer Activity True/False Question As a general rule, a site five times the actual plant size is considered minimum for parking, access facilities and future expansion. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The document raised by PPC which authorises different functions to take action as per instruction is called Correct Answer Work Order Your Answer Work Order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A good layout makes effective use of space. Utilization of space for a department like Stores can be measured by Correct Answer Proportion of Cubic volume space utilized Your Answer Ratio of area utilised to area available Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Operation POSTED BY MINDGRILL AT 10:29 AM 0 COMMENTS


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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type Correct Answer Dependent and independent Your Answer

Dependent and independent Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Main objective of a good plant layout is Correct Answer Reduce material handling cost Your Answer Reduce material handling cost True/False Question As a general rule, the number of tail event of an activity is more than that of it's head event. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan. Correct Answer Producer's risk Your Answer Producer's risk Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times? Correct Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Your Answer Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available. Select The Blank Question The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component , product or material should withstand. Correct Answer Environmental specifications Your Answer Environmental specifications Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are some of the factors considered for evaluation of alternative layouts Correct Answer Flow of Material , Equipment utilization , Ease of supervision Your Answer Flow of Material , Ease of supervision , Delivery performance Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Which of the following are assignable cause? Correct Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting Your Answer Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting True/False Question All activities must not be tied up into the network Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________. Correct Answer 0.01 to 10% Your Answer 0.01 to 10% True/False Question In case of X bar, if the process is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the base for considering activity time as single time estimate or three time estimate? Correct Answer Level of uncertainty Your Answer Availability of labour Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Correct Answer Acceptable quality level Your Answer Acceptable quality level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's normal time? Correct Answer Normal cost Your Answer

Normal cost Select The Blank Question A good maintenance system is not a luxary but a ________. Correct Answer Necessity Your Answer Necessity Select The Blank Question A ________helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine by change of route of some of the jobs or by diverting work to other machine. Correct Answer Control board Your Answer Move order Select The Blank Question The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Correct Answer Quality control Your Answer Quality control Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Correct Answer Factory Your Answer Factory Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning Work Sampling Machine utilization Machine utilization Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling Select The Blank Question

A ________ is another form of subcontracting. Correct Answer Hiring capacity Your Answer Hiring capacity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In an organization there may not be a formal PPC department if Correct Answer Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very large Your Answer Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very large Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following cases can be treated as delay during recording of method study? Correct Answer Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor , Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn Your Answer Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor , Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn True/False Question Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with the tooling available on shop. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Order preparation process for products manufatured to order requires following documents Correct Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order Your Answer Sales Order , Work order , Purchase order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to Correct Answer To meet the intended function at lowest cost Your Answer Reduce lead time True/False Question Cent percent inspection is often more practical and economical than sampling inspection. Correct Answer

False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantages Correct Answer Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily Your Answer Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following technique is event oriented ? Correct Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique Your Answer Project Evaluation & Review Technique Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the meaning of " Product features" according to J.M.Juran? Correct Answer Quality of design Your Answer Quality of design Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Crash cost of an activity Cc Cc Normal time of an activity Tn Tn Crash time of activity Tc Tc Normal cost of an activity Cn Cn Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are uses of diagrams in method study? Correct Answer Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of material. Your Answer Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of

material. True/False Question A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Route Sheet generally contains following information Correct Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour Your Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour True/False Question Cellular layout is based on the concept of Group Technology Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which varaible is taken along the abscissa or X axis? Correct Answer Time Your Answer Standard deviation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the advantages of suburban location? Correct Answer Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction Your Answer Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction Select The Blank Question The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Correct Answer Condition monitoring Your Answer Condition monitoring Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Expediting function is concerned with following activities Correct Answer Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule Your Answer Recording progress of work , Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department Select The Blank Question Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised inspection. Correct Answer easier Your Answer time consuming Select The Blank Question The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift or weekly holiday is ________. Correct Answer Overtime working Your Answer Overtime working True/False Question In case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of the first event is zero. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is represented by an arrow in a network? Correct Answer Activity Your Answer Activity True/False Question As a general rule, a site five times the actual plant size is considered minimum for parking, access facilities and future expansion. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities. Correct Answer False

Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The document raised by PPC which authorises different functions to take action as per instruction is called Correct Answer Work Order Your Answer Work Order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A good layout makes effective use of space. Utilization of space for a department like Stores can be measured by Correct Answer Proportion of Cubic volume space utilized Your Answer Ratio of area utilised to area available Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Correct Answer Operation Your Answer Operation

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