Police Redefining Mssa June-09

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  • Words: 801
  • Pages: 7
Police re-define MSSA’s

Below are some points that may be of assistance for those of you who are planning to contact ACT about the police’s new definition of an MSSA.

By arbitrarily redefining the definition of MSSA’s the police are circumventing parliament, preventing any review or over-sight by parliament. Is it reasonable for the police to act in such a way without their employers being informed?

Broadening the definition of an MSSA is an issue that affects the 25% of households that own firearms. Asking people to spend around $1,000 on a new gun licence & security is unreasonable in tough economic times & is bound to further alienate the police from ordinary New Zealanders.

Registering more guns will not reduce crime in any way. No criminal will register their guns which could link him to a crime.

Registration of firearms is ideal for allowing the police to steal private property at a later date when ordered to by corrupt politicians.

Police have used the gun registrar to steal private property before in: 1920, 1941, 1950, 1974, 1992. The most significant of these dates are 1920 when NZ adopted the British gun laws due to fear of Communist revolution & 1974 when a gun could no longer be kept for self-defense.

What justification do the police have for registering more guns because they have some physical characteristic that the police object to? Are the police able to provide an objective case for this?

Have any crimes been committed by legal gun-owners with these types of guns? None that I know of, neither have criminals used them.

Why is it that Act claim to be on the side of gun-owners but fail to publicly support them E.G. Greg Carvell, MSSA’s, David Garret wanting all guns registered (there are other cases too)

Redefining MSSA’s is squandering police resources. It will require huge man-hours & large amounts of money to set up, operate & enforce. This time & money would be better spent using the police to catch real criminals who commit violent crimes.

If the police have sufficient time to squander on redefining MSSA’s, then they have too much time. Effectively the police are saying we could do with less police numbers as they are now trying to create extra work for themselves to keep them busy & justify huge expense to the tax-payer

Since police are wasting their expensive resources on new schemes like redefining MSSA’s that will not reduce crime, this is yet another reason for the police to be made accountable. The police complaint authority is a scam & police should be made to explain their actions to an independent organisation such as the Governor General’s Office.

Police need to be made accountable to the people who pay for the police resources. This is another justification for the local police commander to be elected by the community he is meant to report to instead of being accountable to some unanswerable Bureau-Rat. Police national headquarters should also be disempowered to discourage this waste of resources & prevent government from forcing poorly thought out policing onto the tax-payer.

Photo montage of 'A' Cat to MSSA firearms



'A' Cat



'A' Cat

'A' Cat

'A' Cat

'A' Cat














Military style semi automatic firearms (MSSA) - advisory to Arms Officers and Arms Dealers

As a result of concerns about the application of the definition of 'sporting configuration' as it applies to semi automatic firearms Police have reviewed the definition of MSSAs. The result of this review was considered by the Police executive in the week beginning 1 June 2009. 'Sporting configuration' in relation to a semi automatic firearm means being without certain features, one of which is 'a military pattern free standing pistol grip'. If the semi automatic firearm has an obvious pistol grip that allows a full hand pistol grip, enabling the firearm to be used as an assault weapon then the qualifier of 'military pattern free standing pistol grip' is met irrespective that the pistol grip may be connected to the stock. The HK USC .45 and SL8-4, and the druganov style stock retain the practical functionality of a pistol grip and much of the appearance and thereby fall within the definition of being MSSAs. A montage has been compiled by way of explanation. A fore grip also comes within the definition of 'military pattern free standing pistol grip'. The provisions of the Arms Act 1983 as they apply to MSSAs are now to be applied to these firearms. Police are now developing policy to address those who possess what are now considered MSSAs.

Superintendent A W McLeod National Manager Operations 9 June 2009

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