Pokemon Ruby/saphire Action Replay Codes

  • November 2019
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------------------------------------------------------Pok�mon Ruby & Sapphire USA Action Replay V.3 Codes FAQ Ver 3.4 ------------------------------------------------------0. Version History, Copyrights & Special Notes. 1. Action Replay V.3 Codes. 1.0 Master Codes. 1.1 Pokemon's Data Codes. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9

Always Male/Female Codes.* Always Maxed Genes Codes.* Pokerus Code.* Select Ability Code.* Always Shiny Display Code.* Always Shiny Code.* Day Care Codes. Pickup Ability to Everyone Code.* Select Personality Codes.*

1.2 Pok�mon Encounter Codes. 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6

Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes.* Wild Pokemon's Level Modifier Codes.* Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes.* New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes. New level Modifier Codes. New Genes Maxed Out Code.

1.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes. 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6

Unlimited Items Code.* Make Pok�mons learn any TM-HM Codes.* Make HM Moves erasable Code.* PC Items Codes. Secret Base Items Codes. Bag Items Codes.

1.4 Miscellanous Codes. 1.4.1 Unlock Full Pokedex Codes. 1.4.2 Mirage Island Code.* 1.4.3 Southern Island Event Codes. 1.4.4 Feebas Tiles Code.* 1.4.5 All badges, Pokedex, Pokenavi... Code. 1.4.6 Money Code. 1.4.7 Walk Through Walls Code.* 1.4.8 Secret Trainer ID Codes.* 1.4.9 All Pok�mon in Pokedex Codes. 1.4.10 All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes. 1.4.11 Share Experience After Battle Codes. 1.4.12 Trainer Card's Stars Codes. 1.4.13 Trainer Card's Back Codes.

1.4.14 1.4.15 1.4.16 1.4.17 1.4.18 1.4.19 1.4.20 1.4.21

Fast Egg Hatch Code. Immediate Battle Code. Select Battle Type Codes. Find Feebas Seed Code.* Always Catch Pokemon Code.* Steal other Trainer's Pokemon Code.* Wild Lati@s Codes.* Battle Tower Code.*

1.5 Lavaridge's Egg Code. 1.5.1 Lavaridge's Egg Enabler Code.* 1.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes.*

2. Action Replay (and GSA) Codes for Version 1.2 or lower. 2.0 Master Codes. 2.1 Pokemon's Data Codes. 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9

Always Male/Female Codes.* Always Maxed Genes Codes.* Pokerus Code.* Select Ability Code.* Always Shiny Display Code.* Always Shiny Code.* Day Care Codes. Pickup Ability to Everyone Code.* Select Personality Codes.*

2.2 Pok�mon Encounter Codes. 2.2.1 Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes.* 2.2.2 Wild Pokemon's Level Modifier Codes.* 2.2.3 Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes.* 2.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes. 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5

Unlimited Items Code.* Make Pok�mons learn any TM-HM Codes.* Make HM Moves erasable Code.* PC Items Codes. Secret Base Items Codes.

2.4 Miscellanous Codes. 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.4.9

Unlock Full Pokedex Codes. Mirage Island Code.* Southern Island Event Codes. Feebas Tiles Code.* All badges, Pokedex, Pokenavi... Code. Money Code. Walk Through Walls Code.* Secret Trainer ID Codes.* All Pok�mon in Pokedex Codes.

2.4.10 2.4.11 2.4.12 2.4.13 2.4.14 2.4.15 2.4.16 2.4.17 2.4.18 2.4.19 2.4.20 2.4.21

All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes. Share Experience After Battle Codes. Trainer Card's Stars Codes. Trainer Card's Back Codes. Fast Egg Hatch Code. Immediate Battle Code. Select Battle Type Codes. Find Feebas Seed Code.* Always Catch Pokemon Code.* Steal other Trainer's Pokemon Code.* Wild Lati@s Codes.* Battle Tower Code.*

2.5 Lavaridge's Egg Code. 2.5.1 Lavaridge's Egg Enabler Code.* 2.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes.* 3. Thanks.

----------------------------------------------0. Version History, Copyrights & Special Notes. ----------------------------------------------V1.0 : 1st release. V1.1 : Made some corrections, added Secret Trainer ID and All Pokemon in Pokedex Codes. V1.2 : Added Trainer's Eyes Codes. V1.3 : Added Share Experience After Battle Codes. V1.4 : Added Trainer Card's Stars and Trainer Card's Back Codes. V1.5 : Corrected Sapphire Master Code (should work now). V1.6 : Added Fast Egg Hatch Code. V1.7 : Corrected Max Genes Codes. V1.8 : Added PC Items Codes, Lavaridge's Egg Codes. V2.0 : Added Route 101 Pokemon Modifier and Secret Base Items Codes, made a lot of changes/corrections... V2.1 : Added Pokerus Code. V2.5 : Added Select Ability Code, Always Shiny Display Code, Always Shiny Codes, Immediate Battle Codes, Select Battle Type Codes, Find Feebas Seed Code, Special Note 4, and made some corrections. V2.6 : Changed the Find Feebas Seed Code to a *way easier* one to use, added Day Care Codes, added some correction to the Feebas Tiles Code. V2.7 : Our Mirage Island Theory was proven false. We apologize, and corrected it. We also made a new (working) code for Mirage Island. We also found out that the Feebas Tiles could change EVERY DAY, at random. V2.8 : Added Pickup Ability to Everyone Code, and a link to our Feebas Tile Finder (see 1.4.17 Find Feebas Seed Code) v2.8b: Fixed a mistake with Pickup v2.8c: Added a note about GamesharK/Action Replay v3 V2.9 : Corrected some errors, added Select Personality Codes. V3.0 : Re-Release with AR v.3 Codes. Added New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes, New Level Modifier Codes, and New Genes Maxed Out Code for AR v3. Added "All Genes Maxed Out" in the Always Maxed Genes section, Always Catch Pokemon codes and Steal other Trainer's Pokemon for both v1/2 and v3.

V3.1 : Added Wild Lati@s Codes for both AR V1/2 and V3. V3.2 : Corrected the "Steal other Trainer's Pokemon Code." for ARV3, changed the Pokerus Code. V3.3 : Verified all the codes, and corrected the non-working ones, and added the Battle Tower Code. V3.4 : Corrected an error in the "new level modifier" and the "new genes modifier" codes. Changed the Always Shiny Code so the "Shiny Hack" eggs gets deleted when you have finished with the code.

This document is (c)2003 by Pokemonhacker and loading/pika ([email protected]). We worked hard to create these codes so please dont steal them! All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you plan to use theses codes in your FAQ/Website, give credits where it's due. And we do NOT authorize people to use these codes for any commercial use. Before emailing please make sure you are using a code suited for your Version. If you bbought your ActionReplay recently chances are you need 1.3 Codes if not and you didn't update for a long time you might have to use .2 Codes.

Special Note 1 : All these codes are in Action Replay format, and work for both Pok�mon Ruby and Sapphire games. Most of these codes use a feathure that exists ONLY in the Action Replay. That means these codes won't likely be ported to CBA (Code Breaker Advance), unless they upgrade their device... Special Note 2 : We put some informations about Nintendo being able to spot if you hacked the game. If you plan to Link you game to the NGC, or transfer Pok�mons with the next Pok�mon game, don't use codes that Nintendo can spot. Remember : cheating is bad :) Special Note 3 : These codes shouldn't erase your data nor turn your Pok�mon into 'Bad Eggs'. However, if this (or any other problem) happens, we cannot be held reponsible for any dammage done to your cartridge, your AR, your GBA, or yourself. USE THESE CODES AT YOUR OWN RISK.

--------------------------1. Action Replay v.3 Codes. --------------------------**************************************************************** !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! These codes do ONLY WORK on Action Replay V.3 if you're using version .2 or lower refer to the 2nd section of the faq If you have the cable you may update your device for free, just get the update from www.codejunkies.com

**************************************************************** ----------------1.0 Master Codes. ----------------You have to enter these codes in your Action Replay / Gameshark in order to use the other codes of these FAQ. Pokemon Ruby Master Code : DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 530823D9 16558191 Pokemon Sapphire Master Code : DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 B4564EFE 23F44BF2

------------------------1.1 Pokemon's Data Codes. -------------------------

------------------------------1.1.1 Always Male/Female Codes.* ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Enter one of these codes and you'll set the gender of the next wild Pok�mon you'll see (if it has any gender or course). Note : It can still be Shiny, with a chance of 1/8192. Always Female Pok�mons Code : 0C3D5307 ABB44D7C 78DA95DF 44018CB4 Always Male Pok�mons Code : 0C3D5307 ABB44D7C 141BB87C 83D7018F

------------------------------1.1.2 Always Maxed Genes Codes.* -------------------------------

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. You can only enter one of these code at the same time. Gene Maxed Out (value of 31) for wild Pok�mons: HP Gene : 28330312 B9E777D4 141BB87C 83D7018F Attack Gene : BD34E89C 46AC3FDD 141BB87C 83D7018F Defense Gene : C5F9E49A 1DC472F1 141BB87C 83D7018F Speed Gene : 05DF5C70 440053F5 25260C8D 25207DAE Special Attack Gene : 0526A00A F717AC06 141BB87C 83D7018F Special Defense Gene : 3362EF2D D6B8C92E 141BB87C 83D7018F All Genes Maxed Out : AB5FF5EF A7716843 4B5258BD DBEA8F6E

------------------1.1.3 Pokerus Code.* ------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Use this code to make ALL your Pokemon catch the Pokerus after a fight. (even if they already caught it) C784FC61 63EBC3B6 117279A9 85478753 And here are some explanations about the Pokerus : The Pokerus is a virus that infects Pokemon. But it's not a bad thing : when a Pokemon has caught the Pokerus, the Effort Values it gains after a battle are doubled ! You see if your Pokemon has the Pokerus by looking at its summary. If you see "STATUS PKRS" under its picture, that means your Pokemon is infected.

To make the Pokerus spread, take the infected Pokemon in your party, and make some battles. After each battle, the other Pokemon will have a chance to get infected by the virus. The virus will disappear after about four days. At this moment, the "STATUS PKRS" will be gone, but you'll see a black dot to the left of its level's number. That means three things : - this Pokemon will never be able to be infected again, - that it'll stop to infect other Pokemon, - that its EV gains are doubled. If you put an infected Pokemon in the PC, the virus will not spread, but the infected Pokemon will not loose its Pokerus Status. There are two ways to get infected by the Pokerus : - Find a RL Friend whose Pokemon has caught the Pokerus, and ask him to give you one of his infected Pokemon. Make the virus spead to your Pokemons, and then give him his Pokemon back. - Make a lot of battle. After a battle, you have 1 chance out of 21845 (more precisely 3 chances out of 65536) that one of your Pokemon get infected by the Pokerus. This is very very rare. As a matter of comparison, you have 1 chance out of 8192 to find a shiny Pokemon.

-------------------------1.1.4 Select Ability Code.* -------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. You might know that each Pokemon has 1 or 2 abilities (Pick Up Items, Run Away...). You can't give a Pokemon an ability that he can't have, but you can choose which ability you prefer when a Pokemon that has 2 abilities is created. Use this code to get the 1st ability : 1801D754 AFDD78F8 8E883EFF 92E9660D Use this code to get the 2nd ability : 1801D754 AFDD78F8 AD86124F 2823D8DA If a Pokemon has only 1 ability (most of them do), these codes won't do anything. -------------------------------1.1.5 Always Shiny Display Code.* --------------------------------

If you use theses codes, Nintendo will not know that your Game has been hacked. Choose either one of these codes : - Switch Shiny/Normal Colors in Battle : With this code, all "normal" Pokemon will look Shiny, and all Shiny Pokemon will look normal during battles. They'll go back to normal once the code if off. 9C9A6FEF 898BA04C B9D6A4E9 F3B94D86 We choose to make the Shiny Pokemon become normal so you can still find (and catch) them during the game. - Make all Pokemon have Shiny Colors in "Summary" : 92565F8E 37F62000 BCDCB406 2F2FD763 With this code, all Pokemon will look Shiny when you look at them using the "Summary" Menu. They'll go back to normal once the code if off.

-----------------------1.1.6 Always Shiny Code.* -----------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. It's kinda hard and long to make this code work, so be very careful when using it. It might destroy your game, so please follow the steps one by one ! !!! We made this code because it was funny to do it. We won't offer ANY SUPPORT for it. So, if you can't make it work, just don't use it. And if it destroyed your game, don't blame us. !!! This codes will NOT WORK with any other Type 6 code, which are the codes that let you choose wich Pokemon you encounter in the wild. HOWEVER, you can get ANY SHINY POKEMON if you do the following : - Use the Lavaridge's Egg Code to get the Egg of the Pokemon you want, but don't make it hatch yet !!! Save your game. - Now use the Fast Egg Hatch Code, move one step, and if the Egg didn't hatch, save your game. Repeat until the Egg hatch, and reload your last save. - Follow the Steps 1-6 (see below) (or steps 5-6 if you have aleady done 1-4), and make the Egg hatch (by walking a bit).

The Pokemon you choosed will be Shiny!

*Step 0 (only if you want to catch Pokemon in battle) : If you are going for a Shiny rampage, you should have something like 99 Master Balls on you. You will only be able to get the Shiny Pokemons one by one, so it could be better if you get them on your 1st try. Use the code provided in this FAQ (or in mastersord's FAQ) to get them. *Step 1 : Turn on the GBA and launch the game without codes. Make sure you have the 1st slot of your *1st* Pokemon's Box free (in the PC). Make sure you have in the 2nd slot of the *1st* Pokemon's Box a Pokemon YOU CAUGHT IN THE WILD YOURSELF. !!!!!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE A POKEMON YOU CAUGHT YOURSELF IN THE 2ND SLOT OF THE 1ST POKEMON'S BOX, THESE CODES WILL MESS YOUR GAME. !!!!!! Turn off the GBA. *Step 2 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your AR : 976D45AA 7C2FA520 95B5736A D81AA0D4 3C82432D 5241E50F 07074F51 4D44B5ED 63E57C61

70DED391 AB2B1F18 9A869755 AD38898D 373FA918 5AF197B8 2D5383FE CBA1B894 62BECFC3

Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 3 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your AR : 06DDDF96 B36286AE 4F939A11 F888BD99 A5590580 27F0C5E9

7C0A8B7E A534289E 40B3158B 2AB439D3 6662BF8F 303157D9

2BD4B84A F47F7503 6107155D 060683E0

D8920C27 7B5DD639 E974D81C FDA7DFEE

Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 4 : Turn on the GBA and start the game without codes. Load your game. Now look in your PC. You'll see a strange Egg in the 1st slot of the 1st box. It'll be named "Shiny Hack". DONT'T MOVE IT, DON'T LOOK ITS SUMMARY. Just check it's there. If it isn't, put whatever Pokemon you want in the 1st slot, then move it again to free the 1st slot, then go back to Step 2. Turn off the GBA. ***************************************************************************** Now you have created the Shiny Hack Egg. To find Shiny Pokemons, you have to have it in the PC, in the 1st slot of your 1st box, then do steps 5-6. You won't have to redo steps 1-4, unless you loose the Shiny Hack Egg. If you move this egg, the code following codes will crash the game, and you'll have to go back to step 1. ***************************************************************************** *Step 5 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your AR : 835D1A4F E96484A8 C4536904 F823DE96 10AB0A07 5E2BFCDB Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. (You'll see your Trainer Name is messed up : don't worry !) Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 6 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your AR : DECA073C C4CDEFBC 044E75ED E19D9470 Now the next Pokemon that will be created (wild, egg..) will be always Shiny.

THIS ONLY WORKS FOR THE 1ST POKEMON THE GAME CREATES. IF, AFTER THAT, YOU TRY TO ENCOUNTER A WILD POKEMON, CREATE AN EGG (BY BREEDING), MAKE AN EGG HATCH, OR RECEIVE A POKEMON OR AN EGG FROM SOMEONE, THE GAME WILL CRASH!!! It actually means you can : - Find a wild Pokemone ONCE, then save your game. - Receive a Pokemon from someone ONCE, then save your game. - Receive an EGG from someone ONCE, then save your game. - Put 2 Pokemon in the Daycare (to make them breed) then save your game. - Make an EGG hatch, then save your game. Once you've made one of these, you'll see that your Trainer Name's is back to normal : THAT MEANS THE NEXT TIME THE GAME CREATES A POKEMON, THE GAME WILL CRASH IF YOU HAVE THE CODE ON. So save your game, and turn off the GBA! *Step 7 : Now, if you want to catch more Shiny Pokemon using this code, just redo steps 1-6. Else, if you have finish, do the following : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your AR : 5E753B0E AD4D2313 3D368F37 CC9FE760 74ABD592 EA0FA052 Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA.

If you want more shiny Pokemon, just redo steps 5-6. We made it so the data of the Shiny Pokemon are calculated in a somewhat random way, so the Pokemon will be as close as possible to a Pokemon really created by the game. That means it'll have random gender, random stats... But, if Nintendo looks closely at the data, they WILL KNOW it has been hacked. That's it.

--------------------1.1.7 Day Care Codes. --------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked.

Put 2 Pokemons that can breed into the Day Care (located on Route 117). Enter one of these codes, and wait for the egg to be created (walk around). Once the old man is telling you he has an egg for you, press R or L (see below) during the dialog to get the desired effect : Code #1 Press R to have a Female Pokemon in the egg : 7A2C40E4 06AFEFA1 9AB20DC0 97849B9B Code #2 Press L to have a Male Pokemon in the egg : A0F59292 AB07DEFE A88D8B3A 975E4033 Special Notes : - These Codes only work for Pokemon that have a gender! - You can also use the Fast Egg Hatch codes to get the desired Pokemon very fast :) - Be aware that you can't use the Always Shiny Pokemon Codes on an egg created with these codes, else any effect of the Day Care Codes you used will be erased.

Now a bit of explanation about breeding and eggs : When you put 2 pokemon that can breed in the Day Care, they can make an egg. The Egg creation is random, and occurs when you walk. When the egg is created, the game stores a random number (1-65535) somewhere. Then, when you take the egg from the old man, another random number (this time 0-65535) is computed. The game put these two numbers together, and use them to create the Pokemon (for people that used to read the japanese Pokemon thread on cmgsccc, the 2 numbers will become the MAP). Moreover, as the numbers are random, things like shinyness, gender, or traits wont be given by the parents to the child. So breeding 1 or 2 shiny Pokemon won't give more chances to get a shiny child.

-------------------------------------1.1.8 Pickup Ability to Everyone Code.* -------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will not know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Enter this code, and all your Pok�mon will have the Pickup ability as a bonus (their other ability will still fully work, and with the code they'll

have a chance to find items after the fights). 8A56A1C4 8FA1C490 65DA389A 09D8882C Small note about the Pickup ability : It works only after a battle you won (either against a wild Pokemon or a Trainer). When the battle ends, all Pokemon in your party that have the Pickup ability have 1 chance out of 10 to find any of the following item : 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 4% 1%

: : : : : : : : : :

Super Potion Ultra Ball Rare Candy Full Restore Revive Nugget Protein Full Heal PP Up King's rock

There *might* be a possibility that a special event gives you a Master Ball with Pick Up, but we haven't found anything about it...

------------------------------1.1.9 Select Personality Codes. ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo should *not* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Once you've enter one code, all the Pokemons you'll encounter will always have the personality you choosed, until you reload your game. This does not work for Pokemon that hatch from eggs, and for Pokemon that don't appear randomly. Hardy : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 D0E34D66 5796A7D3 Lonely : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 D73BC50A 5F47AA0E Brave : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 E485844D 2F24038C Adamant : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 5EB8DEEE 692ED298 Naughty :

8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 83286B46 6479AA98 Bold : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 35EB915F 08F33974 Docile : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 A58F6F1B BFB13FEF Relaxed : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 34027F23 7E7E1599 Impish : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 Lax : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 D593BF29 E18AAAE5 Timid : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 1BC372C9 06B4D17F Hasty : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 D4950A99 D729D80A Serious : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 93F04759 F95753D9 Jolly : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 Naive : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 56F744B0 37E16732 Modest : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 E1EB2109 4480C28D Mild : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 A2461E51 304137B6 Quiet : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 0456554B 66D3AAF9 Bashful : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 B05B4CCD A0A1505B

Rash : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 909149AB 2DE8726A Calm : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 31F62F82 D9A0C100 Gentle : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 9A41D845 41B93FE6 Sassy : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 D47DA721 6C3B9FFC Careful : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 1A15BF1E E72650E4 Quirky : 8CA19DF6 CAAA4B16 5A7B2626 21ECD183

---------------------------1.2 Pok�mon Encounter Codes. ----------------------------

---------------------------------1.2.1 Wild Pok�mon Modifier Codes.* ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if you catch a Pok�mon that can't be catched without codes. Once you've enter one code, you'll encounter only one kind of Pok�mon, until you reload your game. Theses codes work with the wild Pok�mons you encounter by walking in the grass, walking in the caves, and surfing (that means it won't work for fishing). This codes will only make you fight *OLD* Pok�mons. For the new Pok�mons, you can check '1.2.3 Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes' or '1.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes'. Note 1 : In case you didn't notice, the Pok�mons are listed using the old Pok�dex numbers. Note 2 : Never activate two of these codes at the same time!

001 - BULBASAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD86124F 2823D8DA 002 - IVYSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB84463B B2609644 003 - VENUSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3542F0A7 7D2E171F 004 - CHARMANDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7 005 - CHARMELEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08506D61 55CBD9A8 006 - CHARIZARD 39E924C4 4136A9DD A56395D2 8AF46857 007 - SQUIRTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCDCB406 2F2FD763 008 - WARTORTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 268349C8 63FF53CE 009 - BLASTOISE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A 010 - CATERPIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 358CC2BF 9BFA3518 011 - METAPOD 39E924C4 4136A9DD DC725D4E 3A20792F 012 - BUTTERFREE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33EFFB7C E1794F5B 013 - WEEDLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9A86D92A 635F8DBC 014 - KAKUNA 39E924C4 4136A9DD CCEC9F6E 5A2A0F12 015 - BEEDRILL 39E924C4 4136A9DD

F3D99280 49F4EEDC 016 - PIDGEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 139BBA32 2DC356C8 017 - PIDGEOTTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F7B0F2F 257173EA 018 - PIDGEOT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 13659B39 95BD80E5 019 - RATTATA 39E924C4 4136A9DD E5C49E22 47B157F2 020 - RATICATE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 60C9DC15 1AD9B226 021 - SPEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE 022 - FEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23689847 DA918B8D 023 - EKANS 39E924C4 4136A9DD A5BA4CFA CA5D771C 024 - ARBOK 39E924C4 4136A9DD B75D69F0 7C3B3103 025 - PIKACHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9D4A1BFF 05120D39 026 - RAICHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD CE7B779B AE493550 027 - SANDSHREW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DFC4CBD 20BB83B6 028 - SANDSLASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD CFC711B9 0585971F 029 - NIDORAN Female 39E924C4 4136A9DD B6450111 C65005BC

030 - NIDORINA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BA329E0 CEB39484 031 - NIDOQUEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E 032 - NIDORAN Male 39E924C4 4136A9DD A38262A2 825F8CF0 033 - NIDORINO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33D5E08A 037AB9C4 034 - NIDOKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82E3DD4B EBFEF864 035 - CLEFAIRY 39E924C4 4136A9DD E8EAB84F 26C8AB6B 036 - CLEFABLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D15755D8 AF5BE6F1 037 - VULPIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 276AF592 A3A635CC 038 - NINETALES 39E924C4 4136A9DD 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA 039 - JIGGLYPUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD B18AC7E0 E667A184 040 - WIGGLYTUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7CEDC4CF F95C5521 041 - ZUBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47596727 51BB292A 042 - GOLBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13 043 - ODDISH 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF723724 F31E5F64 044 - GLOOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD

A386B043 9DEB5064 045 - VILEPLUME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4A2748A4 F888F1C9 046 - PARAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD EAD30258 3988D84F 047 - PARASECT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 74CFC9E9 82CD278E 048 - VENONAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A 049 - VENOMOTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD DFDFFF0A 8919BB28 050 - DIGLETT 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA7199EC 664F9418 051 - DUGTRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCC0FB44 1A047D3C 052 - MEOWTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3 053 - PERSIAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BEC25D3 787468AE 054 - PSYDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 70CEC019 12F0A7B0 055 - GOLDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32E8BC37 7712CF08 056 - MANKEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD DAAB0C35 55611812 057 - PRIMEAPE 39E924C4 4136A9DD B82FBCB6 C954F4ED 058 - GROWLITHE 39E924C4 4136A9DD CD7047AB 42D861F2

059 - ARCANINE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3099D33C 49E66A04 060 - POLIWAG 39E924C4 4136A9DD AF0908F3 650FE1BD 061 - POLIWHIRL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C29C3277 063E67E9 062 - POLIWRATH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8DC834CF BFECCA56 063 - ABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5738CFE5 515C61CF 064 - KADABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67CA1286 0E3A5D83 065 - ALAKAZAM 39E924C4 4136A9DD C91954D9 68AAD246 066 - MACHOP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39 067 - MACHOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 95EFD5EA DD857E98 068 - MACHAMP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45 069 - BELLSPROUT 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF2E3B09 3B30426E 070 - WEEPINBELL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0030C455 4F43BB12 071 - VICTREEBEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58 072 - TENTACOOL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 65C4E9C5 24CA1894 073 - TENTACRUEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD

51DDE51A 00DE2CE3 074 - GEODUDE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 399F7170 D519951E 075 - GRAVELER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDF655E3 9BDEE49C 076 - GOLEM 39E924C4 4136A9DD 103F567C 2F1A9043 077 - PONYTA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 877A6953 8F6209F2 078 - RAPIDASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 195BAD3F C840CA28 079 - SLOWPOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4CEC5478 ACBC593C 080 - SLOWBRO 39E924C4 4136A9DD FE7C44DB 7672B1D8 081 - MAGNEMITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705 082 - MAGNETON 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3 083 - FARFETCH'D 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9121060C 74B908E0 084 - DODUO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 920BE3C7 3E00359C 085 - DODRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02258041 19ABFE29 086 - SEEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8EC19A12 FD47B55F 087 - DEWGONG 39E924C4 4136A9DD E18D1069 1053E30C

088 - GRIMER 39E924C4 4136A9DD EB7F9C3F DB3192F5 089 - MUK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729160A9 F8F73577 090 - SHELLDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92A2030E 24F19E86 091 - CLOYSTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB078533 1A99C72A 092 - GASTLY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 99B8A848 91759EFF 093 - HAUNTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7F14537B 6C00E975 094 - GENGAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA9A9758 4221EBF4 095 - ONIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 54D9A0DB 68FC768F 096 - DROWZEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD C5C4BBBB 55B1B77F 097 - HYPNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD F4BB6321 8E9265DB 098 - KRABBY 39E924C4 4136A9DD D83FACC2 7D31E557 099 - KINGLER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF0F431F 400EF220 100 - VOLTORB 39E924C4 4136A9DD ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93 101 - ELECTRODE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C2333CD 141730A7 102 - EXEGGCUTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD

8D2F9E72 8719250B 103 - EXEGGUTOR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 744AF614 12D8281B 104 - CUBONE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D9E3884F 37500E3F 105 - MAROWAK 39E924C4 4136A9DD CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2 106 - HITMONLEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9EDB950D 454533E5 107 - HITMONCHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3535FA3A EBECD355 108 - LICKITUNG 39E924C4 4136A9DD F582757C 16122B78 109 - KOFFING 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF93F87F BC1AB791 110 - WEEZING 39E924C4 4136A9DD D966DA15 88BBB73A 111 - RHYHORN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4 112 - RHYDON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9071D41E 55259C19 113 - CHANSEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD38C4DB B5EBB8A7 114 - TANGELA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 100D1518 466A2D06 115 - KANGASKHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8F4BE409 7110788B 116 - HORSEA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02401CFF F2742052

117 - SEADRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD B0160E28 ED6B68EC 118 - GOLDEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 29061002 69BB68FF 119 - SEAKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 676505B9 904C9DE3 120 - STARYU 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7D9A00C 7BFB7AAC 121 - STARMIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0E2752FA 51091446 122 - MR.MIME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0922D9A2 C1E680BA 123 - SCYTHER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 28BEFBB3 68DE4569 124 - JYNX 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB0FC84E D45216CF 125 - ELECTABUZZ 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78 126 - MAGMAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD C644F8D1 4159A2D6 127 - PINSIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AEFBB853 03F4B721 128 - TAUROS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1D5557F2 FACC2BA7 129 - MAGIKARP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04658924 E67574E2 130 - GYARADOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56156F0A D2F071F2 131 - LAPRAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD

483AC796 E3850B8F 132 - DITTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3613AA25 2CC1B172 133 - EEVEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4B78A144 F02E1187 134 - VAPOREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD D82AEDF5 F23B27A4 135 - JOLTEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1850F0B1 AAFB142F 136 - FLAREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB622741 B3F84F8B 137 - PORYGON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6EE60CB5 746DFF03 138 - OMANYTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DBD6215 4FD65295 139 - OMASTAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23F20EC6 1368F543 140 - KABUTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32A2B3E0 40DB80D9 141 - KABUTOPS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2058318E 392B7EE5 142 - AERODACTYL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C44B6463 DB3237C3 143 - SNORLAX 39E924C4 4136A9DD E9ADF485 15BE8FA7 144 - ARTICUNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7B594AF C1DA18AB 145 - ZAPDOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 83E25054 9C927E5E

146 - MOLTRES 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8DEC3CC A014B094 147 - DRATINI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D 148 - DRAGONAIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786 149 - DRAGONITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 796E6824 2B208DD5 150 - MEWTWO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6 151 - MEW 39E924C4 4136A9DD B751BDF4 95CEF4CC 152 - CHIKORITA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 539C7E13 DD795F72 153 - BAYLEEF 39E924C4 4136A9DD 39D823E3 9EB6C9AA 154 - MEGANIUM 39E924C4 4136A9DD A2F7F837 7F974DEB 155 - CYNDAQUIL 39E924C4 4136A9DD E4995046 3D00BF91 156 - QUILAVA 39E924C4 4136A9DD B9CCC7BB D4C29E22 157 - TYPHLOSION 39E924C4 4136A9DD B5592578 FBB9A4ED 158 - TOTODILE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6699EF70 D7B03D43 159 - CROCONAW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33C5C90B D46AD9DC 160 - FERALIGATR 39E924C4 4136A9DD

E1F0FEFA D0036CD4 161 - SENTRET 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6C2D5D5E 008A751F 162 - FURRET 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2B34A3C7 A829209F 163 - HOOTHOOT 39E924C4 4136A9DD B33DAC5B 29EB7EB5 164 - NOCTOWL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8E0B9473 A4AE2B53 165 - LEDYBA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F2FD32D 941693B4 166 - LEDIAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1CD7078F A7384A34 167 - SPINARAK 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF975E40 430B4806 168 - ARIADOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD F3D55605 74AE5C52 169 - CROBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56FC2792 3AEFE3F9 170 - CHINCHOU 39E924C4 4136A9DD D70D1018 A021245F 171 - LANTURN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2D2CC458 21BDD10C 172 - PICHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 90AECEE5 A888F8AE 173 - CLEFFA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08C2447D 2096B6AE 174 - IGGLYBUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7F35EE0 D224ECDE

175 - TOGEPI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82269FC8 9579FD5A 176 - TOGETIC 39E924C4 4136A9DD E3581C9B AE652F9A 177 - NATU 39E924C4 4136A9DD B635603F B1E81481 178 - XATU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 459823AE 3F1683A4 179 - MAREEP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0783E965 C5165BF8 180 - FLAAFFY 39E924C4 4136A9DD F510A285 5288E291 181 - AMPHAROS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3CE54322 74A86618 182 - BELLOSSOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD F0088391 0C65D5E3 183 - MARILL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 51EB125F EAA0FCBE 184 - AZUMARILL 39E924C4 4136A9DD E832EF37 64D0E6A2 185 - SUDOWOODO 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDA1AC43 4A067FAE 186 - POLITOED 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5C6CD179 E18C31EF 187 - HOPPIP 39E924C4 4136A9DD B1BC8307 69EF9C2C 188 - SKIPLOOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD E32EA0FE CB37FF3B 189 - JUMPLUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD

C03FCFEF 84CB37BA 190 - AIPOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD A45DFE4F F27A9D8D 191 - SUNKERN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 165C689B AF94A177 192 - SUNFLORA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 36838BE7 E5367C3A 193 - YANMA 39E924C4 4136A9DD E500846E 9A4FF5C7 194 - WOOPER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6F071CA9 63FF4902 195 - QUAGSIRE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67375392 E7F55C24 196 - ESPEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF8A105C 72CEF63E 197 - UMBREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF708FD1 C5E8B000 198 - MURKROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 98F8C8F7 EEA657B9 199 - SLOWKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43D2617C C2F14DFB 200 - MISDREAVUS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2E5E5AEB 22EBF9FF 201 - UNOWN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 10998FB0 656B5C99 202 - WOBBUFFET 39E924C4 4136A9DD EC4EB940 2C63CA65 203 - GIRAFARIG 39E924C4 4136A9DD 41377A90 E36247DE

204 - PINECO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43C3A9BF 477AF067 205 - FORETRESS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 55815067 03B03952 206 - DUNSPARCE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4F8D48EA 9336834B 207 - GLIGAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729F34AB 5B1018D0 208 - STEELIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1FE62E14 130CD2F8 209 - SNUBBULL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 77C7197D 502B8B56 210 - GRANBULL 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF223304 929E964E 211 - QWILFISH 39E924C4 4136A9DD C9551136 F45B0236 212 - SCIZOR 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8D4BFAE D2C136F5 213 - SHUCKLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD A94D8CB8 560257D4 214 - HERACROSS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 779D6EBF 3139EFF6 215 - SNEASEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C21BA23A 95AB64BD 216 - TEDDIURSA 39E924C4 4136A9DD EDEB2FF0 88466B79 217 - URSARING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2607FA8F 4BF940FA 218 - SLUGMA 39E924C4 4136A9DD

E2899947 9269834F 219 - MAGCARGO 39E924C4 4136A9DD A58E1198 6E004BAD 220 - SWINUB 39E924C4 4136A9DD F949DADD BBC8B5CD 221 - PILOSWINE 39E924C4 4136A9DD AA68D49C B33C8972 222 - CORSOLA 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDEFF53A EC57A23F 223 - REMORAID 39E924C4 4136A9DD A67D580A B44A4DF4 224 - OCTILLERY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 78BA5E9D BA836EEB 225 - DELIBIRD 39E924C4 4136A9DD BC1FE4EC 9F1818A1 226 - MANTINE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3AF8DB31 042E9DF9 227 - SKARMORY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92DE3CD4 65C14106 228 - HOUNDOUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD CABF0A0B B0E620D3 229 - HOUNDOOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD D8D99C49 B49D47DC 230 - KINGDRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2B185541 DB13ACF6 231 - PHANPY 39E924C4 4136A9DD CBCB02D6 C41FE3F4 232 - DONPHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8A6C516 12ECADE5

233 - PORYGON2 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04EA10C3 8DB0146F 234 - STANTLER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9C0B5F02 A2857BBC 235 - SMEARGLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 49D7E467 103D0D48 236 - TYROGUE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3D2030E2 B2A0CACE 237 - HITMONTOP 39E924C4 4136A9DD A357C435 8BC380D1 238 - SMOOCHUM 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8C287F7F E3950A6E 239 - ELEKID 39E924C4 4136A9DD A78E8FFA EDB5DA5C 240 - MAGBY 39E924C4 4136A9DD D77AEB51 E63292DB 241 - MILTANK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1A55F1D1 2FCDADEA 242 - BLISSEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 01EA07BF 793C86F2 243 - RAIKOU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43FF33D1 F368CDE6 244 - ENTEI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C8037A6 BE1D9DB2 245 - SUICUNE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 80755BDB E392B806 246 - LARVITAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2C8E4296 84D8D6E3 247 - PUPITAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD

8418E051 5C53CE38 248 - TYRANITAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32D66B09 40354103 249 - LUGIA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 545C676A 51FFDC1C 250 - HO-OH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 437065EF 67DF37EF 251 - CELEBI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4AEC27E8 A5FF1540

-----------------------------------------1.2.2 Wild Pok�mon's Level Modifier Codes.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. These codes change the level of the wild Pok�mon you encounter. Like the Wild Pok�mon Modifier codes, they'll be "always on", until you reload your game. !! Enabler Code : !! BB0C2FFA D24902D2 Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

0: 78DA95DF 44018CB4 1: 8BB602F7 8CEB681A 2: 00939804 4086FF3B 3: 2BD38F05 D5A578B1 4: 5685B807 3787DACB 5: A9E4EA45 3651CADD 6: E37D365E D7EAB6AB 7: 51374592 F7A27768 8: A08DD229 10D187E3 9: D84D4738 70F68A80 10: 4C6C2B8C CD0528EB 11: 1F1785AC 433A6DC2 12: B4F6F07D 8F56BA40 13: E32BCCB1 07782CD6 14: D4ABF236 D713B4E0 15: 3CD3295F 921F1D1C 16: B9C51F47 95395496 17: 784E8A1B 83A3E0EF 18: 902D754C 80AFE55F 19: 9D362B43 96A4D044 20: 8C434E48 F703A9E1 21: CC449941 F0BBB13A

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72: 73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79:

CEDDB323 4688F12F F6DA2242 2D02A8EA 9D2895EF 1BB7262E 79693C0B B98E773A A457FA67 881976CC 0073F88A 792E7A0F 0965B686 C70600E8 0CF8B98B 2E7A201E 9B169FF5 7928BBA3 155D7103 7B9DFCEF BA697C16 CCED8F7A 58EAABBC 710D8A2D 2EC0F0EC E951E67F B743EDBF 4BF9418B CBEB73A3 9818C0C6 8A448A37 1855C5A3 72898F14 3E7B9D1E B62795CF 05858D31 314DD562 1DE20256 202ABE52 8AA97E8E 8655EB8B ACFA01BA AFD8D98B 1C2D3029 23D312F1 20999F30 51CF1F27 845807DF 628E474E DF5B6268 7781E696 2390ED5B FD22366B 39E224D9 2056B422 600E909B 2E14F003 287541CA

FFA50BB1 FF9DBE10 E2EDA644 9B748C49 6A2BEE59 80989B57 A82C5A23 D6E0D6AD BCD9C478 20B658FF 0A4E81B6 F4BF8DDB 64E170F2 789A0DAC 706A26BE 5EDBDEE3 CBABA5A6 C55BBEAB D66B8A15 830C6BDA 93D76910 8EC0F43C FC3CA9C2 45E999F3 6B1A061F BFD89E41 B82BB83A EFC87C19 90A08906 E03F8431 583B581C 70B67919 3F2CD864 5CE7F0DC CEAE6A48 D4449EFE 05A14AD1 C4AB72E6 BDC4E314 D5A80225 26823B03 15A282DC 21E6E4D4 63D27E35 77111159 F1874934 2E270374 2140D018 E708D501 4EC6A43E 7D4D1BAB F7A08F55 83B5DB98 232864F2 AB6E09BD 524CA077 6BE9DAB3 8951C140

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

80: 9675F502 DB139F05 81: BB099C03 1B03F256 82: 6DC87BB5 6FE8ACDD 83: D82A82B0 CAB7DFD4 84: F738C6D5 A33DF2E1 85: FB80C720 E028C27A 86: 1906A7C9 D7EBAA39 87: D31623FE 50011104 88: D052E037 C6886109 89: A4E99E04 BB9B2A8F 90: 750CEC25 D42EAE36 91: 1CAC5FD6 92679660 92: A5CCA03B 7FED218A 93: 08CBA806 AE4A2260 94: 722C0931 68DA1B05 95: 32DCE4F7 2ABBC366 96: 9F6EE1B2 D14F1E6F 97: 095F268D 77B7D906 98: C2955A45 B3CBC610 99: FCEFE173 1DCCEB51 100: 56307399 25DF4466

--------------------------------------1.2.3 Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes.* --------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if you catch a Pok�mon that can't be catched on Route 101 without codes. ! Use only ONE of these codes at the same time ! These codes will change one of the Pok�mon of Route 101 (a Lvl. 2 Zigzagoon) to the Pok�mon of your choice (that will be Lvl. 2). Unlike the '1.2.1 Wild Pok�mon Modifier Codes', you won't find the choosen Pok�mon all the time, you will ONLY find it on Route 101, and you can choose to find one of the new Pok�mon. Remember : you might encounter the Pok�mon you choosed at the first battle, or might have to go over 12 (or more) battles before seing it... It'll just be a matter of luck, so be patient :) 001 - BULBASAUR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10 002 - IVYSAUR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F04033EF 7702B0F4 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E F04033EF 7702B0F4 003 - VENUSAUR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C94706E8 F5FEB0A8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C94706E8 F5FEB0A8 004 - CHARMANDER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6C88DA6C 4AA42590 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6C88DA6C 4AA42590 005 - CHARMELEON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 31CB9052 DFA45B86 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 31CB9052 DFA45B86 006 - CHARIZARD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 BC51E511 49D43A23 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E BC51E511 49D43A23 007 - SQUIRTLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9D49FED5 B1F55D30 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9D49FED5 B1F55D30 008 - WARTORTLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3D211952 DE92C25C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3D211952 DE92C25C 009 - BLASTOISE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F20528D3 5C0AEE3C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F20528D3 5C0AEE3C

010 - CATERPIE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D95B49B6 085CEC44 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D95B49B6 085CEC44 011 - METAPOD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EF8C186A 48A55338 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EF8C186A 48A55338 012 - BUTTERFREE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0718EC2E DBEB2E2C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0718EC2E DBEB2E2C 013 - WEEDLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 15BBAB19 5F39FC65 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 15BBAB19 5F39FC65 014 - KAKUNA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F3357900 FAABDC66 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F3357900 FAABDC66 015 - BEEDRILL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 222C5768 3B0D60E6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 222C5768 3B0D60E6 016 - PIDGEY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5483DD13 B5A5B62A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5483DD13 B5A5B62A 017 - PIDGEOTTO

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 C08DF524 Sapp : D2B627D9 C08DF524

9222D5C8 F4B4CEA0 CC5D585E F4B4CEA0

018 - PIDGEOT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5FFE98F4 DFC14449 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5FFE98F4 DFC14449 019 - RATTATA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F394258B 747D8767 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F394258B 747D8767 020 - RATICATE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6254D922 8A230D80 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6254D922 8A230D80 021 - SPEAROW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7C634E2B B6E09CEB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7C634E2B B6E09CEB 022 - FEAROW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A1C255BE 0653594B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A1C255BE 0653594B 023 - EKANS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 54F0E495 09C20E53 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 54F0E495 09C20E53 024 - ARBOK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

858121EA 9AD2951C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 858121EA 9AD2951C 025 - PIKACHU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A7E25EF2 F6A528FC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A7E25EF2 F6A528FC 026 - RAICHU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AA5904CE 0E5B7A49 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AA5904CE 0E5B7A49 027 - SANDSHREW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D17B05D0 BE911C66 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D17B05D0 BE911C66 028 - SANDSLASH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0065B0E8 73F52DA2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0065B0E8 73F52DA2 029 - NIDORAN Female Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D036ADF9 855E93F2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D036ADF9 855E93F2 030 - NIDORINA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 29570693 00351D08 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 29570693 00351D08 031 - NIDOQUEEN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 4B6332E7 BB8523AF Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4B6332E7 BB8523AF 032 - NIDORAN Male Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 906D7251 31E49065 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 906D7251 31E49065 033 - NIDORINO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 48B12835 58F803D5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 48B12835 58F803D5 034 - NIDOKING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 977FA165 4D67B6FE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 977FA165 4D67B6FE 035 - CLEFAIRY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A96D7D34 EB473FEF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A96D7D34 EB473FEF 036 - CLEFABLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 10B91CA3 28D2DA4C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 10B91CA3 28D2DA4C 037 - VULPIX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E7E1C3A2 FF368732 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E7E1C3A2 FF368732 038 - NINETALES Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2F402F8A 8889D79E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2F402F8A 8889D79E

039 - JIGGLYPUFF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 48BAA21B 1A66DB4C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 48BAA21B 1A66DB4C 040 - WIGGLYTUFF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8BB73031 A5756961 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8BB73031 A5756961 041 - ZUBAT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 4A7EE366 3C548B70 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4A7EE366 3C548B70 042 - GOLBAT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 535F7542 A58B1EA9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 535F7542 A58B1EA9 043 - ODDISH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C3D9CC50 82E86F6B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C3D9CC50 82E86F6B 044 - GLOOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 301FEC35 470760F5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 301FEC35 470760F5 045 - VILEPLUME Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 4A697B5C B34C0B1E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4A697B5C B34C0B1E 046 - PARAS

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 EE2D51CF Sapp : D2B627D9 EE2D51CF

9222D5C8 73506379 CC5D585E 73506379

047 - PARASECT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B39FB8A6 18F9597C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B39FB8A6 18F9597C 048 - VENONAT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2713B05D 566003E0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2713B05D 566003E0 049 - VENOMOTH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EF24BCA1 FD8C494B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EF24BCA1 FD8C494B 050 - DIGLETT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 09A82FD3 D175B0A4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 09A82FD3 D175B0A4 051 - DUGTRIO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7A50F38A 822B82C7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7A50F38A 822B82C7 052 - MEOWTH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2968E9FB 1C177E06 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2968E9FB 1C177E06 053 - PERSIAN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

935EC117 F2B7918F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 935EC117 F2B7918F 054 - PSYDUCK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 653D51B0 D790339B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 653D51B0 D790339B 055 - GOLDUCK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 539F9A16 1B7868CD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 539F9A16 1B7868CD 056 - MANKEY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0ED3577E 6E4DE022 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0ED3577E 6E4DE022 057 - PRIMEAPE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B9E7266B EFEED74A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B9E7266B EFEED74A 058 - GROWLITHE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F72460D5 A5CEEDFF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F72460D5 A5CEEDFF 059 - ARCANINE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EFDFDA7F C344DDE0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EFDFDA7F C344DDE0 060 - POLIWAG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9B26CD33 8C0B6743 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9B26CD33 8C0B6743 061 - POLIWHIRL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9422AD20 2504C02D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9422AD20 2504C02D 062 - POLIWRATH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 95A7C7CE C61B7915 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 95A7C7CE C61B7915 063 - ABRA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 85CF33E7 1CB34796 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 85CF33E7 1CB34796 064 - KADABRA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D09E5EAB 1F6B7132 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D09E5EAB 1F6B7132 065 - ALAKAZAM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C046A74F 915AF853 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C046A74F 915AF853 066 - MACHOP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EEE89B1A 6874E317 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EEE89B1A 6874E317 067 - MACHOKE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CBFA1DA3 2D2C90C6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CBFA1DA3 2D2C90C6

068 - MACHAMP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 97B09482 F1E86A66 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 97B09482 F1E86A66 069 - BELLSPROUT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3BB39C63 BB43206A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3BB39C63 BB43206A 070 - WEEPINBELL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 882C85D1 FAF60F79 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 882C85D1 FAF60F79 071 - VICTREEBEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 844B718B AEABD305 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 844B718B AEABD305 072 - TENTACOOL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C82FE313 CA3BB787 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C82FE313 CA3BB787 073 - TENTACRUEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0DA45CE4 9DF0A2E2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0DA45CE4 9DF0A2E2 074 - GEODUDE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 37E43E02 39569BDA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 37E43E02 39569BDA 075 - GRAVELER

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 8D73985C Sapp : D2B627D9 8D73985C

9222D5C8 7B811707 CC5D585E 7B811707

076 - GOLEM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C5630661 FE54E7FC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C5630661 FE54E7FC 077 - PONYTA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AD81CF27 A2018FE9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AD81CF27 A2018FE9 078 - RAPIDASH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2E0A63A3 D5B287CC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2E0A63A3 D5B287CC 079 - SLOWPOKE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1CFD3AF9 47130737 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1CFD3AF9 47130737 080 - SLOWBRO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A0623DCB A11A4CA7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A0623DCB A11A4CA7 081 - MAGNEMITE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A3E18F18 B2C583ED Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A3E18F18 B2C583ED 082 - MAGNETON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

BDB8AB33 FBB11EBE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E BDB8AB33 FBB11EBE 083 - FARFETCH"D Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 564AAC9C E483E1FF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 564AAC9C E483E1FF 084 - DODUO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C5DC387A CC70020A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C5DC387A CC70020A 085 - DODRIO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 32E9E3B1 707B4A43 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 32E9E3B1 707B4A43 086 - SEEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A9BBCE9D 482447C2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A9BBCE9D 482447C2 087 - DEWGONG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 22F41A3B 3B289E01 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 22F41A3B 3B289E01 088 - GRIMER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CAFE32D4 4369B152 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CAFE32D4 4369B152 089 - MUK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C7250E94 A15FB29B Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E C7250E94 A15FB29B 090 - SHELLDER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5B5B8C18 3C5C5CFF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5B5B8C18 3C5C5CFF 091 - CLOYSTER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 22427A8C 64E22C54 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 22427A8C 64E22C54 092 - GASTLY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 37C6EDF6 5A6E8234 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 37C6EDF6 5A6E8234 093 - HAUNTER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 412F3A25 795CE637 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 412F3A25 795CE637 094 - GENGAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 752E91C7 C3E390E5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 752E91C7 C3E390E5 095 - ONIX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D9A5A859 D0CB457A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D9A5A859 D0CB457A 096 - DROWZEE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9ED708FF 87E9216A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9ED708FF 87E9216A

097 - HYPNO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9DE7BF9C C50FD32C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9DE7BF9C C50FD32C 098 - KRABBY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A4BD08DB 32DE42BB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A4BD08DB 32DE42BB 099 - KINGLER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 53B8D452 055B3799 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 53B8D452 055B3799 100 - VOLTORB Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F9AC7221 9A540CC7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F9AC7221 9A540CC7 101 - ELECTRODE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A1AB4B6B 84D8EFCA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A1AB4B6B 84D8EFCA 102 - EXEGGCUTE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EE74A8CD 3D8ABF2C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EE74A8CD 3D8ABF2C 103 - EXEGGUTOR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 ED2D64AF 96F2BDAB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E ED2D64AF 96F2BDAB 104 - CUBONE

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 4B4F22B2 Sapp : D2B627D9 4B4F22B2

9222D5C8 3B2D7F33 CC5D585E 3B2D7F33

105 - MAROWAK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9A5F2BB7 5158BDED Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9A5F2BB7 5158BDED 106 - HITMONLEE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2C980BB1 920358C2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2C980BB1 920358C2 107 - HITMONCHAN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 09606644 631287CD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 09606644 631287CD 108 - LICKITUNG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F23BD82E CEAAA9FE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F23BD82E CEAAA9FE 109 - KOFFING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D6E2D1B2 5D0334C3 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D6E2D1B2 5D0334C3 110 - WEEZING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B4B77BF8 786F8403 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B4B77BF8 786F8403 111 - RHYHORN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

7AD54CD3 3D82FC9E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7AD54CD3 3D82FC9E 112 - RHYDON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 45DD3192 D6B8CFE5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 45DD3192 D6B8CFE5 113 - CHANSEY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AF8A3CFB 8A4D21BB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AF8A3CFB 8A4D21BB 114 - TANGELA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1F8CF8DF 1963B42B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1F8CF8DF 1963B42B 115 - KANGASKHAN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5EBCF4FB 4185F08E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5EBCF4FB 4185F08E 116 - HORSEA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 449F7F6B 8E96BA9E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 449F7F6B 8E96BA9E 117 - SEADRA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A7F544E4 42B4158A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A7F544E4 42B4158A 118 - GOLDEEN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2B5E690F 4FA28381 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2B5E690F 4FA28381 119 - SEAKING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EC366398 B21E5FA2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EC366398 B21E5FA2 120 - STARYU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6FE8DDD2 0386E176 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6FE8DDD2 0386E176 121 - STARMIE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E6BE2CD4 8C0B1D99 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E6BE2CD4 8C0B1D99 122 - MR.MIME Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D9B5D5B7 C73685B3 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D9B5D5B7 C73685B3 123 - SCYTHER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C108C202 9FE5B286 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C108C202 9FE5B286 124 - JYNX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2167BEAB DD7D0613 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2167BEAB DD7D0613 125 - ELECTABUZZ Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F9A21AB2 99E257BA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F9A21AB2 99E257BA

126 - MAGMAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7A719B42 32567327 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7A719B42 32567327 127 - PINSIR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 952242D9 E0103AE5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 952242D9 E0103AE5 128 - TAUROS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 70C9DB7A C3AA6649 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 70C9DB7A C3AA6649 129 - MAGIKARP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 44510F53 AFE1D1A4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 44510F53 AFE1D1A4 130 - GYARADOS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1D6F2F32 A9D6BEC4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1D6F2F32 A9D6BEC4 131 - LAPRAS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3C99A927 F6D34734 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3C99A927 F6D34734 132 - DITTO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 ACF112F3 E0B10D57 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E ACF112F3 E0B10D57 133 - EEVEE

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 44C0B41C Sapp : D2B627D9 44C0B41C

9222D5C8 4CAF6364 CC5D585E 4CAF6364

134 - VAPOREON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 17C081D2 333A124A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 17C081D2 333A124A 135 - JOLTEON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C6A77E0A 7E4F7A4F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C6A77E0A 7E4F7A4F 136 - FLAREON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E2503B4B 8711F870 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E2503B4B 8711F870 137 - PORYGON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B825FF2D C3F77E8F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B825FF2D C3F77E8F 138 - OMANYTE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E1115072 B75DFF39 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E1115072 B75DFF39 139 - OMASTAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8D725200 9B6F340B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8D725200 9B6F340B 140 - KABUTO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

4FB5C1FE 9A5D4980 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4FB5C1FE 9A5D4980 141 - KABUTOPS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F2B643F3 B879B734 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F2B643F3 B879B734 142 - AERODACTYL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1A6E3488 35C87A63 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1A6E3488 35C87A63 143 - SNORLAX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 494C773A DD7D9CE1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 494C773A DD7D9CE1 144 - ARTICUNO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EEBA0AAF 7AD6BC38 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EEBA0AAF 7AD6BC38 145 - ZAPDOS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 363685D4 4AF7AF8A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 363685D4 4AF7AF8A 146 - MOLTRES Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A547E4A5 5BFA0E47 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A547E4A5 5BFA0E47 147 - DRATINI Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A13A1C2D 897DA520 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E A13A1C2D 897DA520 148 - DRAGONAIR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C9939BC7 ABD582E5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C9939BC7 ABD582E5 149 - DRAGONITE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 412F37DD 8A69B13B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 412F37DD 8A69B13B 150 - MEWTWO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AD33BFE9 1192F4A1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AD33BFE9 1192F4A1 151 - MEW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 51CAA2F5 214E3CF0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 51CAA2F5 214E3CF0 152 - CHIKORITA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D630A321 1FC17E76 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D630A321 1FC17E76 153 - BAYLEEF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 306EEB93 4A131051 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 306EEB93 4A131051 154 - MEGANIUM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7DABCC33 36BC85D2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7DABCC33 36BC85D2

155 - CYNDAQUIL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C8CE50D5 4C22C7DC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C8CE50D5 4C22C7DC 156 - QUILAVA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9B2BB901 112E7ABB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9B2BB901 112E7ABB 157 - TYPHLOSION Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2C7D5352 244C498C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2C7D5352 244C498C 158 - TOTODILE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A414168A D97DA926 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A414168A D97DA926 159 - CROCONAW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 689BC54D 8002CB30 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 689BC54D 8002CB30 160 - FERALIGATR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 68181E8C 7E3AECCF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 68181E8C 7E3AECCF 161 - SENTRET Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C0724E99 B7B35C1D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C0724E99 B7B35C1D 162 - FURRET

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 A69C697D Sapp : D2B627D9 A69C697D

9222D5C8 80465A72 CC5D585E 80465A72

163 - HOOTHOOT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7817899A 5BABF247 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7817899A 5BABF247 164 - NOCTOWL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E0F2927D F3BC0134 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E0F2927D F3BC0134 165 - LEDYBA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 958CF5EF 7BD84C8E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 958CF5EF 7BD84C8E 166 - LEDIAN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 64BF478B FD2D1161 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 64BF478B FD2D1161 167 - SPINARAK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2B548EEF 928CF05C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2B548EEF 928CF05C 168 - ARIADOS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3367393B A0F827CA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3367393B A0F827CA 169 - CROBAT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

AB96E8E8 5B364DAA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AB96E8E8 5B364DAA 170 - CHINCHOU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D1519326 C04FAA24 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D1519326 C04FAA24 171 - LANTURN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C37CEB81 44DCFE45 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C37CEB81 44DCFE45 172 - PICHU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E8DE9CAD 108848C1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E8DE9CAD 108848C1 173 - CLEFFA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8541786B D3EBA5F4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8541786B D3EBA5F4 174 - IGGLYBUFF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C8744426 1E78B05C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C8744426 1E78B05C 175 - TOGEPI Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C033731C 197C09DC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C033731C 197C09DC 176 - TOGETIC Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AD6C73B5 06EF14C4 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E AD6C73B5 06EF14C4 177 - NATU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 467AB77D 3137D118 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 467AB77D 3137D118 178 - XATU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3BD1D4AB D5DFCADD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3BD1D4AB D5DFCADD 179 - MAREEP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8FBA8AF6 26F68561 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8FBA8AF6 26F68561 180 - FLAAFFY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3D2F278C D680A132 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3D2F278C D680A132 181 - AMPHAROS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 81F5E4D8 A396ADD8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 81F5E4D8 A396ADD8 182 - BELLOSSOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5910ECE9 612678A8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5910ECE9 612678A8 183 - MARILL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 ACEFAC45 B67FE028 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E ACEFAC45 B67FE028

184 - AZUMARILL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 11756155 D0374378 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 11756155 D0374378 185 - SUDOWOODO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 543A7F3D 9E3A6915 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 543A7F3D 9E3A6915 186 - POLITOED Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B1C7B73A FE86EF1A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B1C7B73A FE86EF1A 187 - HOPPIP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 70627C57 0C15CCF6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 70627C57 0C15CCF6 188 - SKIPLOOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8A1FE2F7 5E290091 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8A1FE2F7 5E290091 189 - JUMPLUFF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CC83BAB0 F4D05D9A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CC83BAB0 F4D05D9A 190 - AIPOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7643BC12 B7D2EC6A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7643BC12 B7D2EC6A 191 - SUNKERN

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 46ED2DC6 Sapp : D2B627D9 46ED2DC6

9222D5C8 4C9F2C62 CC5D585E 4C9F2C62

192 - SUNFLORA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6984B4EB 5B253AF1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6984B4EB 5B253AF1 193 - YANMA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1C36A545 A6CB3187 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1C36A545 A6CB3187 194 - WOOPER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0EFCA831 F5D30784 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0EFCA831 F5D30784 195 - QUAGSIRE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 400ED9FC 95BB0357 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 400ED9FC 95BB0357 196 - ESPEON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 654119A5 2E046099 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 654119A5 2E046099 197 - UMBREON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5E16E8D5 FA5D354A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5E16E8D5 FA5D354A 198 - MURKROW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

78667401 7D32ECFD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 78667401 7D32ECFD 199 - SLOWKING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 00C4561B E0F79756 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 00C4561B E0F79756 200 - MISDREAVUS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A30319A0 9DE588F5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A30319A0 9DE588F5 201 - UNOWN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1C970D2C FD3EEC93 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1C970D2C FD3EEC93 202 - WOBBUFFET Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D53B5F0A 24857651 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D53B5F0A 24857651 203 - GIRAFARIG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D71525C7 0879A1C8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D71525C7 0879A1C8 204 - PINECO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 17E10153 76AEBF84 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 17E10153 76AEBF84 205 - FORRETRESS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F9C4B047 D06171F7 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E F9C4B047 D06171F7 206 - DUNSPARCE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E1328CCF 84E7B24C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E1328CCF 84E7B24C 207 - GLIGAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 33AF4B19 3B770BE2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 33AF4B19 3B770BE2 208 - STEELIX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D2B3D937 5E80B7EB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D2B3D937 5E80B7EB 209 - SNUBBULL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 04138CCA 2FE9C3D4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 04138CCA 2FE9C3D4 210 - GRANBULL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AAD75F8A 07CD9334 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AAD75F8A 07CD9334 211 - QWILFISH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EDF51092 5B0CB4F4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EDF51092 5B0CB4F4 212 - SCIZOR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1E2C7F07 B4B6724C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1E2C7F07 B4B6724C

213 - SHUCKLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 928F1C2E 41C3BA55 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 928F1C2E 41C3BA55 214 - HERACROSS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 68B9A00C 8F2642F1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 68B9A00C 8F2642F1 215 - SNEASEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AEEE595D C95195D5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AEEE595D C95195D5 216 - TEDDIURSA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AC7C7E6D 10382996 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AC7C7E6D 10382996 217 - URSARING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 18ACF60A E5E1C57C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 18ACF60A E5E1C57C 218 - SLUGMA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1F571167 D1BCCBA4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1F571167 D1BCCBA4 219 - MAGCARGO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1AD00AC2 96A99228 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1AD00AC2 96A99228 220 - SWINUB

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 18E469BF Sapp : D2B627D9 18E469BF

9222D5C8 2DC2E732 CC5D585E 2DC2E732

221 - PILOSWINE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 76020566 8060A1D2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 76020566 8060A1D2 222 - CORSOLA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 4DAE7CE0 135AE71E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4DAE7CE0 135AE71E 223 - REMORAID Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 282D6BE9 95A5C24F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 282D6BE9 95A5C24F 224 - OCTILLERY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 58A5ACD3 5DAA82AE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 58A5ACD3 5DAA82AE 225 - DELIBIRD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B0EA8BA1 BA00B768 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B0EA8BA1 BA00B768 226 - MANTINE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6F852796 C3862670 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6F852796 C3862670 227 - SKARMORY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

EA0D1CC1 7C8B3A66 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EA0D1CC1 7C8B3A66 228 - HOUNDOUR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6E1DA214 3BC18D43 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6E1DA214 3BC18D43 229 - HOUNDOOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 31BD26A7 37DB3F1E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 31BD26A7 37DB3F1E 230 - KINGDRA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 72ADA6A9 7E06293D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 72ADA6A9 7E06293D 231 - PHANPY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CCAE0182 80C67098 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CCAE0182 80C67098 232 - DONPHAN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 055A66F7 15F2FA55 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 055A66F7 15F2FA55 233 - PORYGON2 Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5CACA8D1 4B64690B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5CACA8D1 4B64690B 234 - STANTLER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 83622529 957906B6 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 83622529 957906B6 235 - SMEARGLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 277E9B6D C40C8AE9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 277E9B6D C40C8AE9 236 - TYROGUE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8AFCBACE 672BD921 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8AFCBACE 672BD921 237 - HITMONTOP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 DDA26FDE 64143E11 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E DDA26FDE 64143E11 238 - SMOOCHUM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F8443B08 A12AAA25 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F8443B08 A12AAA25 239 - ELEKID Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CCBA6932 1CA8D9C8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CCBA6932 1CA8D9C8 240 - MAGBY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 907DAD84 627CFF1C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 907DAD84 627CFF1C 241 - MILTANK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 652227A0 EA1238E5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 652227A0 EA1238E5

242 - BLISSEY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 37DA9C95 B9871DCF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 37DA9C95 B9871DCF 243 - RAIKOU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 FF9CB85B 0BA321E0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E FF9CB85B 0BA321E0 244 - ENTEI Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7F430B99 CCB0487C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7F430B99 CCB0487C 245 - SUICUNE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 375970BB F4F2C39E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 375970BB F4F2C39E 246 - LARVITAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8E2F51C2 89FB5CAF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8E2F51C2 89FB5CAF 247 - PUPITAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 90AA0E20 DFDCCE94 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 90AA0E20 DFDCCE94 248 - TYRANITAR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 FD5CA013 37F5F5F6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E FD5CA013 37F5F5F6 249 - LUGIA

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 8162CD62 Sapp : D2B627D9 8162CD62

9222D5C8 148302CF CC5D585E 148302CF

250 - HO-OH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5FF144EF D4FDE2B0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5FF144EF D4FDE2B0 251 - CELEBI Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 52164BAA 764DC05F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 52164BAA 764DC05F 252 - TREECKO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 52A8BC7E 3926A8D4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 52A8BC7E 3926A8D4 253 - GROVYLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AD54F800 5499CBFB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AD54F800 5499CBFB 254 - SCEPTILE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 912B5160 8CB40C82 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 912B5160 8CB40C82 255 - TORCHIC Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5BBCC25E 71025538 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5BBCC25E 71025538 256 - COMBUSKEN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

DED86C54 4C83AD68 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E DED86C54 4C83AD68 257 - BLAZIKEN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5A92BD73 0426AA59 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5A92BD73 0426AA59 258 - MUDKIP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B35E2B86 65E0F1AD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B35E2B86 65E0F1AD 259 - MARSHTOMP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 80E01026 B9BC450C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 80E01026 B9BC450C 260 - SWAMPERT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7B4F5244 6330C0BB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7B4F5244 6330C0BB 261 - POOCHYENA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 445E2EB6 0F1BFF1E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 445E2EB6 0F1BFF1E 262 - MIGHTYENA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 4F6BFE0E 60D2D4C0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 4F6BFE0E 60D2D4C0 263 - ZIGZAGOON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CB82EC61 B1AD5688 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E CB82EC61 B1AD5688 264 - LINOONE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 247CA115 33A17C1D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 247CA115 33A17C1D 265 - WURMPLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1508052C 58560AB9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1508052C 58560AB9 266 - SILCOON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6FE5B773 5A389EAB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6FE5B773 5A389EAB 267 - BEAUTIFLY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 73F46FDB 1BD14A01 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 73F46FDB 1BD14A01 268 - CASCOON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 387E380B E8E9FB3C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 387E380B E8E9FB3C 269 - DUSTOX Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F05DDF77 30CB8357 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F05DDF77 30CB8357 270 - LOTAD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 BCA97424 A855462E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E BCA97424 A855462E

271 - LOMBRE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6F057234 C935522E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6F057234 C935522E 272 - LUDICOLO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E6343B61 59745236 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E6343B61 59745236 273 - SEEDOT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2AB4CC27 14FE9A8D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2AB4CC27 14FE9A8D 274 - NUZLEAF Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E4FE0380 0219B470 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E4FE0380 0219B470 275 - SHIFTRY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7A557386 D66C208A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7A557386 D66C208A 276 - NINCADA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6E315AFB CEF25B7E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6E315AFB CEF25B7E 277 - NINJASK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C3AFDEFD 24CBE3C6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C3AFDEFD 24CBE3C6 278 - SHEDINJA

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 681DEE8B Sapp : D2B627D9 681DEE8B

9222D5C8 487A135F CC5D585E 487A135F

279 - TAILLOW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 DABE107E 871A67DB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E DABE107E 871A67DB 280 - SWELLOW Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AE71B539 161F72EF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AE71B539 161F72EF 281 - SHROOMISH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 62DA2D41 3F16D470 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 62DA2D41 3F16D470 282 - BRELOOM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 358024CF A5B4B61F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 358024CF A5B4B61F 283 - SPINDA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 09786EBF 5A9FFA69 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 09786EBF 5A9FFA69 284 - WINGULL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 EC85A4DC 57CA9C86 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E EC85A4DC 57CA9C86 285 - PELIPPER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

6935F761 1079A8BE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6935F761 1079A8BE 286 - SURSKIT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 286CDD4E 8D280586 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 286CDD4E 8D280586 287 - MASQUERAIN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5B9A790A 60FEDA53 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5B9A790A 60FEDA53 288 - WAILMER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 71BC2D30 D17F1FB2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 71BC2D30 D17F1FB2 289 - WAILORD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6D397288 18447EFD Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6D397288 18447EFD 290 - SKITTY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E404C1C5 0A368A3B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E404C1C5 0A368A3B 291 - DELCATTY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7D60AE0B 23D73A86 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7D60AE0B 23D73A86 292 - KECLEON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3A7854CC 675638E0 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3A7854CC 675638E0 293 - BALTOY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0C7E3A2B 60BB9CBC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0C7E3A2B 60BB9CBC 294 - CLAYDOL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A7B51355 77528400 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A7B51355 77528400 295 - NOSEPASS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F5F7206E 7D5D7F9A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F5F7206E 7D5D7F9A 296 - TORKOAL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9436A9A0 99D5DC12 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9436A9A0 99D5DC12 297 - SABLEYE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2AD670E9 16C96FD0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2AD670E9 16C96FD0 298 - BARBOACH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 DF9130FF 9FC0307C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E DF9130FF 9FC0307C 299 - WHISCASH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5ACACDF8 AA03776C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5ACACDF8 AA03776C

300 - LUVDISC Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 5840CFDC C81DAD86 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 5840CFDC C81DAD86 301 - CORPHISH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 01FBD12B D1887454 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 01FBD12B D1887454 302 - CRAWDAUNT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2DCE4D06 F55841DE Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2DCE4D06 F55841DE 303 - FEEBAS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D53BFC4E 85D91689 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D53BFC4E 85D91689 304 - MILOTIC Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 DFF1631E 57715BE5 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E DFF1631E 57715BE5 305 - CARVANHA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1BC52CE1 138732D8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1BC52CE1 138732D8 306 - SHARPEDO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 152761C8 A0F039BB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 152761C8 A0F039BB 307 - TRAPINCH

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 049BD735 Sapp : D2B627D9 049BD735


308 - VIBRAVA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1C6A16E1 2C7D33C7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1C6A16E1 2C7D33C7 309 - FLYGON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7E0B9B11 3E3DFB88 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7E0B9B11 3E3DFB88 310 - MAKUHITA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D4A4E962 D3183E9B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D4A4E962 D3183E9B 311 - HARIYAMA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3753DFD9 FF20CB95 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3753DFD9 FF20CB95 312 - ELECTRIKE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D6E68327 A16C0CEB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D6E68327 A16C0CEB 313 - MANECTRIC Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C6281957 D473AFF8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C6281957 D473AFF8 314 - NUMEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

E2D7B7CA 212C616B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E2D7B7CA 212C616B 315 - CAMERUPT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3A3155DF CBA78D3C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3A3155DF CBA78D3C 316 - SPHEAL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 6EE34BE7 0006EA10 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6EE34BE7 0006EA10 317 - SEALEO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1B69B406 5E3CAE8E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1B69B406 5E3CAE8E 318 - WALREIN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 53BEFC70 436037DA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 53BEFC70 436037DA 319 - CACNEA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0658E3EB D7E83A4F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0658E3EB D7E83A4F 320 - CACTURNE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 03292FEC 5ADD05F4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 03292FEC 5ADD05F4 321 - SNORUNT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 719D6804 4773C5CE Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E 719D6804 4773C5CE 322 - GLALIE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 34085A0F CC8B4842 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 34085A0F CC8B4842 323 - LUNATONE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 342DE53D 05E310C2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 342DE53D 05E310C2 324 - SOLROCK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D501BC39 D9DC1286 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D501BC39 D9DC1286 325 - AZURILL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C75A8E87 A4247CCA Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C75A8E87 A4247CCA 326 - SPOINK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 568A77A7 A31EC70E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 568A77A7 A31EC70E 327 - GRUMPIG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3E62B929 65A0B12D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3E62B929 65A0B12D 328 - PLUSLE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9E7ED143 E9BB20E1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9E7ED143 E9BB20E1

329 - MINUN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C756D962 779DC5A0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C756D962 779DC5A0 330 - MAWILE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E06DDBBF 7CB99DEF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E06DDBBF 7CB99DEF 331 - MEDITITE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 0B38837E 50388921 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 0B38837E 50388921 332 - MEDICHAM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7DF11FB2 3FBD30EB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7DF11FB2 3FBD30EB 333 - SWABLU Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9592C93F D0C3C966 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9592C93F D0C3C966 334 - ALTARIA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 A2676A90 384490C4 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E A2676A90 384490C4 335 - WYNAUT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 BF1B59A6 115DA03D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E BF1B59A6 115DA03D 336 - DUSKULL

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 832361ED Sapp : D2B627D9 832361ED

9222D5C8 3DEBFE22 CC5D585E 3DEBFE22

337 - DUSCLOPS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1B98B69F 570E755B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1B98B69F 570E755B 338 - ROSELIA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F3E5E160 1850BB4D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E F3E5E160 1850BB4D 339 - SLAKOTH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 9EC701F8 ED4C05EB Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 9EC701F8 ED4C05EB 340 - VIGOROTH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 737ACD42 8680225B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 737ACD42 8680225B 341 - SLAKING Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1A71C2D0 46242880 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1A71C2D0 46242880 342 - GULPIN Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 30DB7A76 5DDACD12 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 30DB7A76 5DDACD12 343 - SWALOT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

7884EF0F 67C0AF3B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7884EF0F 67C0AF3B 344 - TROPIUS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AA7A873E FFB154A6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AA7A873E FFB154A6 345 - WHISMUR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 26D7DC8D 417A0B6D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 26D7DC8D 417A0B6D 346 - LOUDRED Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 AFA00EE3 718EEF3D Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E AFA00EE3 718EEF3D 347 - EXPLOUD Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 FC42BFBA 723164B7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E FC42BFBA 723164B7 348 - CLAMPERL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 1170B912 C07964C0 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 1170B912 C07964C0 349 - HUNTAIL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E4A881B5 F88A5155 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E4A881B5 F88A5155 350 - GOREBYSS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B5EF1C70 3CA26E43 Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E B5EF1C70 3CA26E43 351 - ABSOL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 48B6AAB2 1DF8210B Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 48B6AAB2 1DF8210B 352 - SHUPPET Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 57E43C53 FC610307 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 57E43C53 FC610307 353 - BANETTE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 94458243 C510357A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 94458243 C510357A 354 - SEVIPER Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7FA6C6A5 0BD72914 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7FA6C6A5 0BD72914 355 - ZANGOOSE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 7A1B3605 446324F9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 7A1B3605 446324F9 356 - RELICANTH Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 70C83329 39E46A8C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 70C83329 39E46A8C 357 - ARON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3D0D75D9 BB90D125 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3D0D75D9 BB90D125

358 - LAIRON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 57A08D3A 7ABD0729 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 57A08D3A 7ABD0729 359 - AGGRON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 E3201C46 7D9C25C8 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E E3201C46 7D9C25C8 360 - CASTFORM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2AFF2302 79F11D8E Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2AFF2302 79F11D8E 361 - VOLBEAT Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 92D48F5A EFB4545C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 92D48F5A EFB4545C 362 - ILLUMISE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D572DAA5 87D6C7E6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D572DAA5 87D6C7E6 363 - LILEEP Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3AD0E42A 5351EEC1 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3AD0E42A 5351EEC1 364 - CRADILY Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D9F4E659 9E75E3A7 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D9F4E659 9E75E3A7 365 - ANORITH

Ruby : 9BCD00D7 8C666801 Sapp : D2B627D9 8C666801

9222D5C8 A01AC908 CC5D585E A01AC908

366 - ARMALDO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C260DC88 0B887640 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C260DC88 0B887640 367 - RALTS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 CCCDDE00 E6366664 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E CCCDDE00 E6366664 368 - KIRLIA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B87FC461 BD90A188 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B87FC461 BD90A188 369 - GARDEVOIR Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 29ADDA88 2A716653 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 29ADDA88 2A716653 370 - BAGON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 483D0F18 31570D12 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 483D0F18 31570D12 371 - SHELGON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C5A87529 D187CC84 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C5A87529 D187CC84 372 - SALAMENCE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8

6CFF889D 291D0D2F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 6CFF889D 291D0D2F 373 - BELDUM Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 672AAE09 6A94B26C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 672AAE09 6A94B26C 374 - METANG Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 531BDFF7 1CF814A2 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 531BDFF7 1CF814A2 375 - METAGROSS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 26A93115 6D7DA25F Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 26A93115 6D7DA25F 376 - REGIROCK Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 2C039365 BD8DAA93 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 2C039365 BD8DAA93 377 - REGICE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 3B67CC42 E88849DC Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 3B67CC42 E88849DC 378 - REGISTEEL Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 72BD6680 4C905686 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 72BD6680 4C905686 379 - KYOGRE Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 F476702E AA0BC91F Sapp :

D2B627D9 CC5D585E F476702E AA0BC91F 380 - GROUDON Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 C0E62D3D 96A609B9 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E C0E62D3D 96A609B9 381 - RAYQUAZA Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 57F51785 1407E099 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 57F51785 1407E099 382 - LATIAS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 BD0DFE1F E5B1C3DF Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E BD0DFE1F E5B1C3DF 383 - LATIOS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 81A8033F F036470C Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 81A8033F F036470C 384 - JIRACHI Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 D6E4AB8C 0B4A2B74 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E D6E4AB8C 0B4A2B74 385 - DEOXYS Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 B19B2D5E 4008624A Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E B19B2D5E 4008624A 386 - CHIMECHO Ruby : 9BCD00D7 9222D5C8 8E419FE2 02628AD6 Sapp : D2B627D9 CC5D585E 8E419FE2 02628AD6

-------------------------------------1.2.4 New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes. -------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. If you use these codes, you can also use one Type code. That mean that you can choose the Pokemon you encounter and its level with the following codes, and then choose it's gender (or one of this genes) with a Type 6 code of this FAQ. (You could also use this code with the "Always Shiny" codes). ! Use only ONE of these codes at the same time ! Use only the "New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes", the "New Level Select Codes" or the "New Genes Maxed Out Code". You can also use any Type 6 code if you want. A Type 6 code is a code with the star, "*", after its name.

To make these codes work, you need a enter them in a new game cheat database : 1 - On the AR screen, select "Management", then "Add/Edit Game", then "Add New Game". 2 - Enter any name (like "Ruby Wild Pokemon Modifier"). 3 - Now choose "Add/Edit Code", select the game you created, and choose "Add New Code". 4 - Enter "(M)" in the code name, then input one of these Master Codes : New Pokemon Ruby Master Code : A2E564FE 0FB58A54 530823D9 16558191 New Pokemon Sapphire Master Code : A2E564FE 0FB58A54 B4564EFE 23F44BF2 5 - Now enter the "New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes" you desire. (You can also enter the "New Level Modifier Codes", and any Type 6 code). 6 - Once you're set, go back to the AR title screen (press B some times), then choose "Select Game", and choose the game you created. 7 - Check that the (M) code is ON, and only one of the New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes is on, that only one of the New Level Modifier Codes is on, and that only one Type 6 code is on, then Press start to start the game.

If the (M) code if OFF (it can happen. It's an Action Replay bug...) you'll have to rename it to anything but "(M)" (or "(m)"). Then set it on manually, then rename it back to "(M)".

001 - BULBASAUR 5B98D609 58C495A3 002 - IVYSAUR 6A52D97E CC06F427 003 - VENUSAUR B256F0FF DA6AFE04 004 - CHARMANDER 61F575D4 36432F0A 005 - CHARMELEON 442586FA 830306AD 006 - CHARIZARD 59264033 CD42F2B8 007 - SQUIRTLE 9108FE88 C5990066 008 - WARTORTLE A476B3CD 530DE725 009 - BLASTOISE C0C4E7A1 1229DA90 010 - CATERPIE D1E79115 D9D331B0 011 - METAPOD 5224D8F6 5B71C7F3 012 - BUTTERFREE 92CE2E32 EEF09570 013 - WEEDLE 0AB95F75 1B8D4537 014 - KAKUNA 64593A30 52CE0445 015 - BEEDRILL 9995CDC2 6EC17918 016 - PIDGEY A83559A7 10F179DB 017 - PIDGEOTTO C67BD706 23CBC604

018 - PIDGEOT 1805C7F8 A42A93A5 019 - RATTATA 98E164F3 493EF711 020 - RATICATE 98202E73 9A1FCBAF 021 - SPEAROW 86EF4978 790D1627 022 - FEAROW EE727EFA 2998BC29 023 - EKANS C17E439B 53645C48 024 - ARBOK 5F2D64AC 303D0016 025 - PIKACHU DAF5FADA 0594CA4D 026 - RAICHU FA11DA0D 3E51B357 027 - SANDSHREW EC8C3A83 B6D0F5B6 028 - SANDSLASH 229F21F6 01919E26 029 - NIDORAN Female 67CF7EFD CA6B3A75 030 - NIDORINA B52260AD DA16BCE4 031 - NIDOQUEEN F5A3F5FB EE8BCEDC 032 - NIDORAN Male B29F9380 60E735E9 033 - NIDORINO CB93D28F B11085C3 034 - NIDOKING 6252B83B 84295293 035 - CLEFAIRY AA2CE73C E31CE1A9 036 - CLEFABLE F7D683E2 47703A07 037 - VULPIX

7DE74C56 73BFDCDA 038 - NINETALES D3A0A280 5899DCB1 039 - JIGGLYPUFF CF8A4BD1 74CB7DED 040 - WIGGLYTUFF 465F2FA1 DB4BE919 041 - ZUBAT 7C48288A 02832176 042 - GOLBAT 7431D226 16824817 043 - ODDISH 18AB983E 98BC93A5 044 - GLOOM BA72F8CC A98D0B21 045 - VILEPLUME 46A0E164 B2D94335 046 - PARAS F57796DC 5CBEBF34 047 - PARASECT 9B498CED BD446566 048 - VENONAT C3312826 1F5BE894 049 - VENOMOTH 5844D6AC 4F0B1540 050 - DIGLETT 43763628 F7C26C9B 051 - DUGTRIO B8703BBF FBB99F9A 052 - MEOWTH 3E864970 00089F80 053 - PERSIAN BE7C46B0 7070FD0E 054 - PSYDUCK AEA2543E AFB9C061 055 - GOLDUCK 6D8B6A4F F2DE48DC 056 - MANKEY EF69D257 41D09E13

057 - PRIMEAPE 4C29CC73 41D9B17C 058 - GROWLITHE 5CAEE623 6857B716 059 - ARCANINE EDA46BBC 68CF1916 060 - POLIWAG 9C081A1F D730E755 061 - POLIWHIRL FA9AADD0 907E5D39 062 - POLIWRATH E81A1CDE 2B1EBDB1 063 - ABRA 9271F596 76499EDB 064 - KADABRA 31B167A6 97B7A547 065 - ALAKAZAM 9E684A89 F7CF0AE0 066 - MACHOP 1A4B7C51 DF6B5EB3 067 - MACHOKE 1934FBCD 3DAA9D14 068 - MACHAMP 5795558A 2CCC776D 069 - BELLSPROUT E30F0703 715913F2 070 - WEEPINBELL F3A89368 D19EA30C 071 - VICTREEBEL 38DD9B3B 657B0A36 072 - TENTACOOL B1B3056C 4D3E4490 073 - TENTACRUEL 705A02BD A0508C2E 074 - GEODUDE 4AB5935E 7A7C6846 075 - GRAVELER 677A1463 F6542CB5

076 - GOLEM 33E76E4B 3018923B 077 - PONYTA A36550AB 13000054 078 - RAPIDASH C9E568CA 430FBB62 079 - SLOWPOKE BE09C042 9FE3909C 080 - SLOWBRO 2DEA0C62 B249D1FF 081 - MAGNEMITE D1616995 1F8608B3 082 - MAGNETON AFD935FC 146872B5 083 - FARFETCH"D 50CAC849 D2886614 084 - DODUO 9AFCE8CB 2773D01F 085 - DODRIO 7BA846BC 4F0B5428 086 - SEEL B3E21A86 1734C527 087 - DEWGONG 94257B16 A5199684 088 - GRIMER 99800047 814BB39A 089 - MUK 826F4CB9 F6712735 090 - SHELLDER E999100A C01EA210 091 - CLOYSTER 2F1397D8 1FE4A985 092 - GASTLY 5E07616D 39E71FB8 093 - HAUNTER 0788AAD5 3E959720 094 - GENGAR D570C7FF 5829E383 095 - ONIX

1ABD2B8D 989A36CC 096 - DROWZEE 663352E1 2653F679 097 - HYPNO 061E3F85 603E4137 098 - KRABBY B88768AE F3E356F0 099 - KINGLER 0931CF9D 3062DDE6 100 - VOLTORB 5FC9F377 2D8689FE 101 - ELECTRODE 39FCD743 E128479F 102 - EXEGGCUTE B8933AA8 A45F3EDC 103 - EXEGGUTOR 7B0C9646 AD993EE0 104 - CUBONE 19FF3288 09A12DBC 105 - MAROWAK CC68FDD2 8A933747 106 - HITMONLEE 50BA8804 2B572047 107 - HITMONCHAN 75A00A53 05FBFE65 108 - LICKITUNG 3215BD8F 50CEB35F 109 - KOFFING AF247484 928AC293 110 - WEEZING C677F18A A1A4D433 111 - RHYHORN 768891B2 D52029A8 112 - RHYDON CBC6572A 9C2FB20E 113 - CHANSEY 9B6782E3 D94A3B6E 114 - TANGELA 37D67ED2 10DD6E7D

115 - KANGASKHAN 95A3A1DA 2F9DE789 116 - HORSEA 0A35954D AFD93D5E 117 - SEADRA 3A847318 C7AA49C7 118 - GOLDEEN FE1085CE 8926ABC4 119 - SEAKING C5A82676 0F67DFAC 120 - STARYU 18D4974F 0375D8D8 121 - STARMIE 17B0FCFF 676F4D24 122 - MR.MIME 4DBD3317 436756C5 123 - SCYTHER FB9CD6AC 0279347E 124 - JYNX E75D6E3B 2E9D0275 125 - ELECTABUZZ E19BDC3B 0A0960B2 126 - MAGMAR 5E3C78FF 81B23708 127 - PINSIR 77685160 E4FC1D66 128 - TAUROS 1D1F8F48 F492569B 129 - MAGIKARP 2F387592 0427A493 130 - GYARADOS EFEE7649 70A39BE4 131 - LAPRAS F5DACB30 DED52566 132 - DITTO 8BBF55FD 2790264F 133 - EEVEE 221D8155 4948247B

134 - VAPOREON 226D7CAB 3CF50F26 135 - JOLTEON 69AE6C8E A7C868B5 136 - FLAREON C4BD266D FD291032 137 - PORYGON CC59D878 BA6FD508 138 - OMANYTE 08DAA3B2 D9CC3402 139 - OMASTAR 5C15CBF1 FE12F9B6 140 - KABUTO 145EAD72 0C6E4044 141 - KABUTOPS 1992B0F4 875543C1 142 - AERODACTYL 66582493 0FF88AD2 143 - SNORLAX 4E8D9681 B8A3B513 144 - ARTICUNO B8BABB07 1279065D 145 - ZAPDOS 813E577F C64AB1BA 146 - MOLTRES 5A8E3C77 1F661F0B 147 - DRATINI 439D4063 28AB4F8B 148 - DRAGONAIR 378016D5 A9BE6BB0 149 - DRAGONITE 81CD8ABF 44D69D83 150 - MEWTWO 649DA11D AC382E6A 151 - MEW 13EAA696 65095035 152 - CHIKORITA 61419AAD 1F5AB2CD 153 - BAYLEEF

E9CE3C77 FB253DDC 154 - MEGANIUM BD66A245 94AF4345 155 - CYNDAQUIL 3B2FBEAB 318B8314 156 - QUILAVA 29FB0AF1 0A671C44 157 - TYPHLOSION 944DB03D F45824CF 158 - TOTODILE 2A37E7A6 DD8CE6B0 159 - CROCONAW ECD8D695 0E5F8595 160 - FERALIGATR C0DB0AD1 AA8C334E 161 - SENTRET 003EB493 8F6B30C7 162 - FURRET 6C3FFFC9 5FD5149E 163 - HOOTHOOT 77CACEFB 80C76846 164 - NOCTOWL 6372810D 8C6A17F9 165 - LEDYBA A46B53B6 0D44F1CB 166 - LEDIAN FBA3B893 2D6C54A0 167 - SPINARAK BAEB89EC BC527AE7 168 - ARIADOS DC76C4E8 7A50BF6B 169 - CROBAT 3DD17A66 45DAEEA4 170 - CHINCHOU C724FFD2 4DAEA87C 171 - LANTURN FFE3F978 F8092C0D 172 - PICHU 31490BA2 957D9C43

173 - CLEFFA 5D8C1F0C C9357408 174 - IGGLYBUFF 04AE52FF ACC39974 175 - TOGEPI E978D3FE 9C6BC03F 176 - TOGETIC D6ADA9DA B47FD6B2 177 - NATU DDB3AA9C 1E36A75F 178 - XATU 2DECD9DA 292415F3 179 - MAREEP 3264367A B27389B7 180 - FLAAFFY 592F39A6 50BB9FD2 181 - AMPHAROS 15BB35CC 31FCB946 182 - BELLOSSOM 35A25C45 128498AC 183 - MARILL 43FB2D9B 1B0D35C6 184 - AZUMARILL D88C241C 986FEAA2 185 - SUDOWOODO C8643C62 26AC9EF3 186 - POLITOED 20A6A1D1 D16124FC 187 - HOPPIP 838DBF5F DDE6C0A5 188 - SKIPLOOM E79644AB 98A489C6 189 - JUMPLUFF A0972940 A015BB4A 190 - AIPOM 8A50BDAA 6E7AA26E 191 - SUNKERN 6B0C598E BEF8D476

192 - SUNFLORA 856C10F3 8E6E674F 193 - YANMA 00618857 D4C58FB0 194 - WOOPER E50A71B3 521E36CF 195 - QUAGSIRE 4C605FA6 A4A49FB1 196 - ESPEON EDE7DC79 B0646BD6 197 - UMBREON 91664ADA 778FCDAE 198 - MURKROW 9EFE47FE 1F257D74 199 - SLOWKING F3BF61D5 1F8D2CC8 200 - MISDREAVUS B705A263 3AE1F932 201 - UNOWN 803226DE E3027F3B 202 - WOBBUFFET 3AF24127 60E544AC 203 - GIRAFARIG 051D1E9D A1B82E7A 204 - PINECO 2C6FFCA7 04018493 205 - FORRETRESS C0B30593 94BF452E 206 - DUNSPARCE BBA0843E D77682F7 207 - GLIGAR F910357B B9BEF4C2 208 - STEELIX D98B3702 15534340 209 - SNUBBULL D0D032A0 4F4270F0 210 - GRANBULL 173E3D12 DAE188B2 211 - QWILFISH

3A921476 AF08FC55 212 - SCIZOR B98B7017 03AD2230 213 - SHUCKLE 3DBFCD91 6BEBB756 214 - HERACROSS BB094F33 E8F5D4F6 215 - SNEASEL FE647159 4037D651 216 - TEDDIURSA 8E18527C 7BAAA644 217 - URSARING B15F61A4 854B1481 218 - SLUGMA 8DC26E3E 34624B02 219 - MAGCARGO B9057829 DD0BDDF0 220 - SWINUB 78769A7E 3CB9B856 221 - PILOSWINE 43391F75 B2AA685E 222 - CORSOLA 6945A8FF 96A355E2 223 - REMORAID FB193FAB B865F08B 224 - OCTILLERY 359510BE 6E32F5BA 225 - DELIBIRD F08DFB4D 952134A7 226 - MANTINE 0A468FA3 3BC97EA3 227 - SKARMORY D6A97E3B 49B9FC2F 228 - HOUNDOUR 4DA2BD14 E16B9774 229 - HOUNDOOM 7DD9205D E24050A6 230 - KINGDRA DC493BC8 A373D54F

231 - PHANPY 3109A0B6 2D40922F 232 - DONPHAN 52676372 A6E1A345 233 - PORYGON2 C3247DAD 63BC0AD8 234 - STANTLER DA972DE7 59E06412 235 - SMEARGLE A9AD9A77 8EA1314B 236 - TYROGUE 5510ED07 3A4EF346 237 - HITMONTOP 84826A81 4EBE2494 238 - SMOOCHUM 8EBD339A E0386B71 239 - ELEKID 71A07FB3 86604E19 240 - MAGBY 7C7070B8 57870880 241 - MILTANK A29DA3BF A3BFE35D 242 - BLISSEY 5BB98D1D 444E2830 243 - RAIKOU A10710E4 E472D0F8 244 - ENTEI 5B01BDB2 183D8C74 245 - SUICUNE D25A4A77 A675F69A 246 - LARVITAR A4A9773C 2C74F2D9 247 - PUPITAR BEE36D01 FA74B353 248 - TYRANITAR 0A3E5260 0385C5B5 249 - LUGIA 4EECFE9F 27D82240

250 - HO-OH 3D68FB8B 4B323185 251 - CELEBI ABAB4663 A9BDEC6F 252 - TREECKO 78CDD380 F37C9BE9 253 - GROVYLE 852777E5 9BAD3116 254 - SCEPTILE B39EF67A 61835FCF 255 - TORCHIC 0514E417 36CB3F8D 256 - COMBUSKEN 70947F66 D7A58EC7 257 - BLAZIKEN 3F24DEB0 1AB3B9CE 258 - MUDKIP 37F87602 4F05D116 259 - MARSHTOMP D5D08FE7 6237CE75 260 - SWAMPERT F33084E2 682FAFD5 261 - POOCHYENA E97C5568 52CCE3BF 262 - MIGHTYENA 1D22FDAD 1DD2825F 263 - ZIGZAGOON 00A37238 E07D0F1F 264 - LINOONE 3005B23A F5F2A5A4 265 - WURMPLE 6E9BD511 CFFDFBCD 266 - SILCOON 695ADE78 37E58561 267 - BEAUTIFLY 30D2952F DCB73728 268 - CASCOON 59C9A3BA 3BA39820 269 - DUSTOX

E5CDC565 723D7944 270 - LOTAD 3FB61895 B4012937 271 - LOMBRE BDDAF1C8 195BD540 272 - LUDICOLO 3BF8DDA5 37C16B74 273 - SEEDOT D69C6252 8F419815 274 - NUZLEAF 77B16382 C205ED06 275 - SHIFTRY E71B20CE 68DD169A 276 - NINCADA B1FCD027 E6438073 277 - NINJASK 28BEBC0D E5BF4CEA 278 - SHEDINJA 9FD8EF67 BCDDB0C0 279 - TAILLOW 608E0DE6 489A01F4 280 - SWELLOW 63C12597 231F7D36 281 - SHROOMISH 35F465C7 AC64B1B2 282 - BRELOOM FAADB098 2142CC04 283 - SPINDA 30B3F44D 201D4C52 284 - WINGULL CF36F1EB 5BF7FE6A 285 - PELIPPER B3FB78C3 D027E6CC 286 - SURSKIT 349CBFE1 EB910D70 287 - MASQUERAIN 23EDF572 358271AC 288 - WAILMER F2596AE4 BF10698D

289 - WAILORD C8B4F728 21E7A36B 290 - SKITTY F3DC89FD 51026F2D 291 - DELCATTY 7175C8A3 7DC1D1CE 292 - KECLEON 99E9CF7E 1E12D1A0 293 - BALTOY DA0FE11C EE9DB041 294 - CLAYDOL E6CFF4BB B544BF89 295 - NOSEPASS 25978625 AFF27AF4 296 - TORKOAL E1918FEA A96396E6 297 - SABLEYE E89BD86E 804D628F 298 - BARBOACH 886D6202 2E7E60F4 299 - WHISCASH ADF5576C 472EA94B 300 - LUVDISC DB372C5C 8F11559B 301 - CORPHISH 7220A60B 1EACF3C5 302 - CRAWDAUNT 1930111C 8F849437 303 - FEEBAS FD121BE8 EDBD7C2E 304 - MILOTIC 7C41BD36 99E95084 305 - CARVANHA 5321A4D4 C6CF5AE7 306 - SHARPEDO 3157E9F4 6A73D8AE 307 - TRAPINCH 9CA69ACA 9939B23A

308 - VIBRAVA B59639E8 F74CFD40 309 - FLYGON F534D274 570680C1 310 - MAKUHITA AD8DC4E2 77B286F8 311 - HARIYAMA AB0AD2D5 6D00034F 312 - ELECTRIKE 92D66D80 7D5F93EE 313 - MANECTRIC 72A89CC0 191CB45F 314 - NUMEL 304464AD CD22290A 315 - CAMERUPT 1F7D375E ED89C369 316 - SPHEAL DFE522DA E6EC22B8 317 - SEALEO 27A1D07A 9AFA29F1 318 - WALREIN FD4EA1DB C69350C3 319 - CACNEA 1470A99B E7D9753C 320 - CACTURNE E14BF728 186056C8 321 - SNORUNT B59DAE9E 44B9A0C2 322 - GLALIE F0EE5DF7 302FFDAB 323 - LUNATONE A5E5F33D 9BD8B594 324 - SOLROCK 9790C620 764C48B2 325 - AZURILL 5AFF3133 46341664 326 - SPOINK 4DDE87B6 7BD5E97A 327 - GRUMPIG

3B03279A 010533EA 328 - PLUSLE 1316C3E4 AEC8CB67 329 - MINUN 7E8DDDE5 0653504E 330 - MAWILE 125E26A9 70AC87DE 331 - MEDITITE BF67D39D 5F98AE81 332 - MEDICHAM C671820C 0A73E3C1 333 - SWABLU FF248CD7 7C6DCB02 334 - ALTARIA 796165E0 DFA610F0 335 - WYNAUT BC7D19E2 E6E419E7 336 - DUSKULL BA58AAA1 26098A0A 337 - DUSCLOPS B28A7DEF 7EBA9583 338 - ROSELIA A0C7416C 79BC1ECA 339 - SLAKOTH 3B5FD605 8B989B15 340 - VIGOROTH 0227A6B8 279C8AF9 341 - SLAKING B294982C D8AA45A9 342 - GULPIN 9E354F47 F3AC945F 343 - SWALOT 14320869 401127B7 344 - TROPIUS A07E2AC7 A298E6E4 345 - WHISMUR 7348A972 BEAABF39 346 - LOUDRED 13869FD7 E7CEFD50

347 - EXPLOUD 0BC551D3 8F71ECBF 348 - CLAMPERL 9BD9B2C8 1FE83576 349 - HUNTAIL A542EE0A 0BB12850 350 - GOREBYSS 821805B8 6A0A72EA 351 - ABSOL 4F2F57C7 1486B738 352 - SHUPPET 8ABD49F2 482F03ED 353 - BANETTE 8C94C60B 34B740A8 354 - SEVIPER B1437A24 EB353929 355 - ZANGOOSE B95E04D3 9D1D46AF 356 - RELICANTH 0B9FCB25 C59FA340 357 - ARON B86D62E1 C0C0EB09 358 - LAIRON 02044020 2AF60CFC 359 - AGGRON 4D422E59 EA13D962 360 - CASTFORM 6106239A F565464F 361 - VOLBEAT 098FF614 7E20D927 362 - ILLUMISE 48D71C7B 16C2522A 363 - LILEEP 03890595 11E78C7E 364 - CRADILY 3BB0B9DE 5DFCC077 365 - ANORITH 15FBF8BD 7D4DFDE5

366 - ARMALDO F2E61F7D 597E4841 367 - RALTS 8B565C5D D19BE910 368 - KIRLIA 84B2134B F9D888DB 369 - GARDEVOIR 4C42DF0A B9AB3E27 370 - BAGON EE44E689 25D268EA 371 - SHELGON 48776CDC 54A482D7 372 - SALAMENCE 83B10FBA 0FC690F0 373 - BELDUM 4755F0C3 2EF9DEE7 374 - METANG 18F6DA2D E1B16BC5 375 - METAGROSS 7F442AD7 75776D97 376 - REGIROCK EE48CE33 DD9BA0C5 377 - REGICE B8E60141 9846F68D 378 - REGISTEEL 79DFACFC CE3130F9 379 - KYOGRE B7D1BCC2 DF667849 380 - GROUDON F655438D 3AA5C717 381 - RAYQUAZA F45F5684 50826322 382 - LATIAS 9924490F 674355D7 383 - LATIOS B0EF6EE8 A714B8D9 384 - JIRACHI 89CF0941 3F293D81 385 - DEOXYS

88F7CB8E EE360350 386 - CHIMECHO 36B41E2E 268A49A3

------------------------------1.2.5 New level Modifier Codes. ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might not that your Pok�mon has been hacked. ! Use only ONE of these codes at the same time ! See the instructions of the "New New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes." to know how to use them. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

0: 802EC944 D5F3CDE7 1: FE4CA79A A7BAEAFD 2: 5C36EEAD D22C237C 3: 5174D502 0679AF8C 4: D3FCDA8A E1240C22 5: 02CA06A8 993A39B0 6: 65557E24 2A5CDFCB 7: EFDF92A8 EA52170F 8: 833C40CD FF3334F2 9: 38481AE1 A82E0644 10: B3B97DEF 4B5D1C77 11: 6E733BB3 8736A729 12: 5359927F 34ADF837 13: F2F8B79F 62238EF4 14: A91F0AC8 40D92B6D 15: 55586569 E4F67826 16: 632E2079 E4FF7853 17: 90E603E6 B8119D05 18: 3C4945F6 1E50C336 19: EF65B1E4 8B297A2E 20: C089769F 5D7A849C 21: 4182B5DB 1C1F401E 22: 876FF8F7 8CE6CF0B 23: A476D0F9 AD04E723 24: 5627EAF6 27734C26 25: AA3D07A0 03CF3ED4 26: 8DC774EF C9D923D6 27: ED5C9DB3 89CCE187 28: 7A741AAC E1E54FC4 29: 6B1C0FE3 AC25044B 30: 28295C73 9864BAD9 31: F56B5B78 18544318 32: F67FCDCA 16AE331A 33: 0B46A9DF BBBBB7F6 34: CE5281F3 3726D537 35: CB6D6B62 053448F4 36: 688774A1 5D21D4F4 37: 154404DF B45FBD51 38: 0610314B 5D02BFA8 39: 0DD0AAE2 331E7402

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72: 73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79: 80: 81: 82: 83: 84: 85: 86: 87: 88: 89: 90: 91: 92: 93: 94: 95: 96: 97:

A3F5469F 34DBFCA1 A548F8FD 03870671 714CB6AB A77D73F6 4C12300F 1E5DCE54 E87261FC 496F477B B9BD5371 037E02F5 B34042E1 1C46907B 429B5023 9ECEEE9C 4B66B975 20F98AF6 68DE298C F0B847E2 2CBF3CBB E010AB80 74BFBCB6 9B3FF1A5 2E80210B 61637690 030D9860 6E0CC25F 91018687 DBEA2142 4D3C9A2A B784CF02 9A563B05 8EC4DD82 1897FFCE F4FA7104 CC38D9D9 13FE61BE 54FA6FCB 102B770C 72EE1F60 68A64C56 1EC075EE 94E1A1D9 7DD3243C B54EDD83 227165DE E7E3CBD7 3F417790 7586E275 7F00F523 887195DD ED9EDCCA 8D95E81C E7CD2AA3 5CE7C732 8E3A3712 AEED867D

5674A5F3 250F933F D36F0334 B2B7A646 F438B2B4 BDD49809 ED07EFBC FD7239FD B6FC8D05 34E611DC 3FCA3481 9673AA9B 07FF3F57 B69AF224 03CE7974 E14FD7AF 29CAD29F 40C77727 78A57581 B06A60BC 86055092 A3DC9253 A57058A5 7D3CA0AC 28DC8FAB B555953D CAA5E7A0 C55CEE2A 1A025C88 CA3C6B79 1BF073A1 6CAA94F6 C9C24D33 DA021D6E 31F4801B 4E70EF6F C5F17352 4A655EB6 E1CB4E5C B60583BB B4F0ACEA E29AF6A9 81641F01 1B893EA5 8B73A220 674ED3A9 376E35AF B09E8A76 658581AB CE4E5362 1D25C205 0EE3A5B5 6B7C447B 92A67B16 5CE12738 B181A964 7F3A086E FC1E8E0F

Level 98: B4734CE1 BC535F47 Level 99: 2977483C 519EB382 Level 100: D587A460 0508A779 ------------------------------1.2.6 New Genes Maxed Out Code. ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. See the instructions of the "New New Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes." to know how to this code. Always Maxed Out Genes : E81AFCC5 B6A87F8D

----------------------------1.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes. -----------------------------

-------------------------1.3.1 Unlimited Item Code.* -------------------------If you use this code, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you get more than one unique item. When this code is one, the quantity of the items you have will never decrease. You can also "dupe" items one by one by giving them to a Pok�mon. Note : This code works ONLY when you use items, not when you move them (put in the computer) or sell them... 75602F52 85185328 A05A144C 078B0074

-----------------------------------------1.3.2 Make Pok�mons Learn any TM-HM Codes.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if your Pok�mon learns Moves that it can't learn normally.

With these codes, any Pok�mon will be able to learn any TM-HM. For TM 01-32: 4C8DB8CE 6D013B2A AD86124F 2823D8DA For TM 33-50 and all HMs: 4527FEBC 861F2C3C AD86124F 2823D8DA

---------------------------------1.3.3 Make HM Moves Erasable Code.* ---------------------------------If you use this code, Nintendo will *not* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. When this code is on you are able to "overwrite" any HM move that your Pok�mon learned. ADA17A5E 7BDBE3F1 F3FA719F BF1FDAED

--------------------1.3.4 PC Items Codes. --------------------If you use this code, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you get more than one unique item, or any item you can't get without codes. These codes will only change the 1st item that is stored in the PC. This first code will change the quantity of the 1st item in your PC to 99 : 458DC267 EE7A6705

Use one of the following code to select the item you want to have in the 1st Item slot of your PC : MASTER BALL 91B85743 27069397 ULTRA BALL 665AA231 7AF97569 GREAT BALL 2B5B13EB AAAD7486











ITEM FINDER 07CB834A 3BB2E16C OLD ROD 24D6C98A 60C3053A GOOD ROD 4C44E263 C556AE65 SUPER ROD 66AD0015 4435847F S.S. TICKET D108D09A E1A52452 CONTEST PASS 3B500075 96C343EE WAILMER PAIL 623A0013 B0F0FFF4 DEVON GOODS 82CF2CAB 093EEA0F SOOT SACK B49FEF4C B7A53369 BASEMENT KEY 1DD02A95 D15FF5C5 ACRO BIKE 3443C8DD 8EAD415C POKEBLOCK CASE 9359F31C 478F06DB LETTER 5A4B0093 0007B256 EON TICKET 698FFAAD 801EFD96 RED ORB 50A2F08E A1D606BD BLUE ORB 936B538F E3F1760F SCANNER 38992F13 0FB5823D GO-GOGGLES B315EE45 BC804B65 METEORITE F7E61279 212A3488 RM. 1 KEY

F7B87896 0068886C RM. 2 KEY 2A93E590 F7FA0411 RM. 4 KEY 5110A4C4 4F8B61A2 RM. 6 KEY F654DA74 EED141BE STORAGE KEY F1776F54 2376C032 ROOT FOSSIL 85474918 240B7F90 CLAW FOSSIL 95A61FA1 6873ADCA DEVON SCOPE 8AAED4F9 09F0BF23 TM01 (Focus Punch) 87E1D568 733CE392 TM02 (Dragon Claw) AFFC928E 509932B6 TM03 (Water Pulse) 016E19DE 75C25DE1 TM04 (Calm Mind) 664B55E0 E3B9ADBE TM05 (Roar) 65689C19 E0F8EE35 TM06 (Toxic) 34FA78EE DF2F9673 TM07 (Hail) 5219C016 837AA1FB TM08 (Bulk Up) D9FF21EF 1E0944EE TM09 (Bullet Seed) AF90BCB1 E93C8C8F TM10 (Hidden Power) 1005412B B196BDB0 TM11 (Sunny Day) 15B2D27F 2947AA48 TM12 (Taunt) 1573DF09 BCDE2B56

TM13 (Ice Beam) E029E841 6918E5A2 TM14 (Blizzard) 811F83E6 1600B2DE TM15 (Hyper Beam) 7F58EBA8 46EF36AF TM16 (Light Screen) ACAE9A73 43567E91 TM17 (Protect) FEBDD9BA 711ECC96 TM18 (Rain Dance) D611EE66 00008B2B TM19 (Giga Drain) 18B0AB2A D7B9E3E8 TM20 (Safeguard) 2BE8D3B0 FD4E4A72 TM21 (Frustration) 54268584 FD346B4E TM22 (Solarbeam) D268698C C224D8E2 TM23 (Iron Tail) BBF66105 DF4B9B13 TM24 (Thunderbolt) 4E834EE4 53BF5FC4 TM25 (Thunder) 1186081B 0925F6DE TM26 (Earthquake) 40B763B9 30FA9092 TM27 (Return) F35612E8 DF5A3388 TM28 (Dig) E142FCC3 27F93269 TM29 (Psychic) 334ADA15 00DD173C TM30 (Shadow Ball) 848DF53E 11C03BCB TM31 (Brick Break) 7E7C1393 4EA124C2

TM32 (Double Team) 595504D3 5812DDC0 TM33 (Reflect) 7F54FD32 38D42C04 TM34 (Shock Wave) 3262C606 CA96F2AC TM35 (Flamethrower) 699901C1 D4146993 TM36 (Sludge Bomb) 38EA2ABC 9F825022 TM37 (Sandstorm) BAF06A65 76DE2DA7 TM38 (Fire Blast) 437D8EDD D96C39A5 TM39 (Rock Tomb) 8B8AB1E7 E5D9327C TM40 (Aerial Ace) FDDDD994 1F12CAD4 TM41 (Torment) EB7B7AC8 CD87A01D TM42 (Facade) 400A2E08 BB674CEF TM43 (Secret Power) 817340AB 669E1252 TM44 (Rest) 290EDB0B 033716EA TM45 (Attract) 00A2067E 3393D58D TM46 (Thief) 1A70058D 0F06F296 TM47 (Steel Wing) D5280C4F 4EDF6B5A TM48 (Skill Swap) D17032BA 105033D8 TM49 (Snatch) 7002427B BA4E993F TM50 (Overheat) E59D1903 1D2D1C5A HM01 (Cut)

B77739FC 26D71E64 HM02 (Fly) 6625764E 75091013 HM03 (Surf) F337F6FE C824F891 HM04 (Strength) B036BEB1 097E5C89 HM05 (Flash) F2B1C76A F6DB27B6 HM06 (Rock Smash) 2E914FA6 D9EFE74A HM07 (Waterfall) 3C22A077 6CB5D966 HM08 (Dive) C7AC2C1B DD487A35

-----------------------------1.3.5 Secret Base Items Codes. -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo should *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Use these codes to get all the Secret Base's items in your Secret Base's PC. The missing items aren't in the game. They should be avaible later, using the Link cable (E-reader or NGC connection). Desk (9/10): EE4B7EDB 2C54067D 69788DF2 F560B857 Chair (9/10): 903F4470 9FE94D45 FE6BD879 EA4852F0 Plant (6/10): 5606F8C4 A923D875 953B8C61 E2F0416C Ornament (23/30): 4B7181D3 4B32E007 B61401E6 46ED8276 Mat (18/30): 354CF785 2F0DBC58 38E10BE6 00CBC707

Poster (10/10): BCC92E13 94CA392B ED853EAA 6A88DDDE Doll (35/40): 46545D45 7A1BBF77 F9F7B9F6 63E588F7 2A45E713 620CC2A7 4C2A3EF9 09BF93E0 Cushion (10/10): 47EE318A 4AB3E079 3B17BE11 226EEA42 ---------------------1.3.6 Bag Items Codes. ---------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. Have 90 of all type of Pokeballs in your bag : 2B7C4036 C4161565 9C97C47F 65FF9C95

0773258E 0894F33B 11FB19EF 1C8B48A5

Have 90 of all TH-HM in your bag : C08356BD 25A5CFBD A1920C8D 891B2E1D

5BD5883E E93ED41B D537F165 E2C5FF5B

----------------------1.4 Miscellanous Codes. -----------------------

-------------------------------1.4.1 Unlock Full Pok�dex Codes. -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Once theses codes has been entered, the full Pok�dex (counting the

386 Pok�mons) is unlocked. You can save your game, and the new Pok�dex will be saved. If, for some reasons, you want to make the Pok�dex come back to its original state, you can try the Disable Full Pok�dex Codes. Unlock Full Pok�dex Codes : 15E831F4 2F7ED308 DA560CBD BFA58820 6319638A 36FA43D5 A grey color in the Pokedex means the full Pokedex has been enabled. Now you just have to make a change in the pokedex option to see the old pokedex: while in the Pokedex, go in the menu of the Pokedex (press select), then choose "Shift", select "Mode", and choose "National Dex". Disable Full Pok�dex Codes : 92B00E97 E0E376DE 2E555C7B 81CEDCB1 7E1B2819 69F8DDE8

------------------------1.4.2 Mirage Island Code.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. With this code on, Mirage Island will always be on route 130. 9684190D 465C0E8B 65DA389A 09D8882C

Mirage Island's FAQ: Q - What is Mirage Island ? A - An island that appears on Route 130. It is full of Wynauts. Q - What was that long Mirage Island FAQ you had before ? A - A big mistake... We were wrong, and we admit it. It seems that a random number is computed each day, and if this number match one of your Pokemon number, Mirage Island will appear. If the number is really random (we're looking into that), that means your chances to see Mirage Island is 65536 divided by the number of Pokemon you have. And no female/male thing involved, any Pokemon can do the trick.

Q - So, now, how do I go to Mirage Island without cheats ? A - Just bring ALL you pokemon to the old man in the bottom right house of Pacifidlog Town, and do that each day, until he sees Mirage Island.

---------------------------------1.4.3 Southern Island Event Codes. ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. This code will enable Latios/Latias battle on the Southern Island. 70C6F3CC 16235BDF Plus, if you have the "Eon Ticket", you'll be able to take the boat that will bring you to the Minami no Kotou.

This code will allow you to battle Latios/Latias everytime you examine the "stone" (or egg, or whatever it is) (without this code, you'll encounter Latios/Latias only one time) : 1EC46531 BC58670E The 1st code sets "on" the flag that says that the egg island event is avaible (that means that you can take the boat to egg island if you have the "Eon Ticket", and that Latios/Latias will appear if you examine the stone). The 2nd code sets "off" the flag that says that you have already done the stone island event (this flag is set on when you examine the egg and encounter Latios /Latias (obvioulsy by using the 1st code I gave you). Once it has been set on, you can't go to Southern Island / encounter Latios/Latias again). I think you must have finished the game for the 1st code to work (or at least that you must have gone far enought, so you can already take the boat to go to battle tower or other places).

-----------------------1.4.4 Feebas Tiles Code.* -----------------------If you use this code, Nintendo will *not* that your Game has been hacked. Feebas mistery revealed : As some people mentionned, Feebas only appear on route 119. But he doesn't appear in 1 tile of water, but in 1 to 6 tiles. When you fish on a Feebas Tile, you have 1 chance out of 2 to actually find

Feebas (and 1 chance out of 2 to find another fish). The Feebas level will range from 20-25. Your position when fishing does not matter, it's the tile in which you are fishing that is important (the one that you are facing). You can catch it with ANY rod. And the rod you use won't help finding it, nor make it being at a better level. The location of Feebas Tiles are random. When you create a new game, the game computes some random numbers. One of these random numbers will be used as the "seed" of the Feebas Tiles (other number will be used for the Trainer ID, secret Trainer ID...). This number *can* change EACH DAY, AT RANDOM, and can also be changed with the "Trendy Phrase" (see below). Conclusion : Feebas's tiles are random. There can be from one to six tiles. With this Type 6 code, Feebas will appear everytime, on every tile of water of route 119... Enjoy! 1DFB9212 A112FE48 AD86124F 2823D8DA

Special Note about the TRENDY PHRASE : If you go to Dewford Town, and change the Trendy Phrase, the Feebas Tiles will change (FYI, you have to talk to the child above the PC to submit a new Trendy Phrase). To be more precise, the Feebas Tiles will only change if you actually change the Phrase, not if you submit a new phase and it get rejected. Be aware that this doesn't apply for the very first Trendy Phrase you submit. The very first phrase you submit will always be accepted, and won't change the Feebas Tiles. The word you use in the Trendy Phrase seem to have no link with the new Feebas Tiles. What really happens, when you change the Trendy Phrase, is that a new random "seed" for the Feebas Tiles is computed, so that all the Feebas Tiles will change. Moreover, having your Trendy Phrase accepted has nothing to do with the words you use. You can submit the exact same words 10 times, and they'll be rejected 9 times, and accepted the 10th time. It's only a matter of "luck". Finally, we suggest you don't change the Trendy Phrase, unless during one day you have tried all the fishing spot of Route 119 and didn't find Feebas (without our GS code obviously). Else, you'll loose your Feebas Fishing spot

(if you found any)...

-------------------------------------------1.4.5 All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code. -------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code: A12FCE77 0C1EC556

----------------1.4.6 Money Code. ----------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Lotta Money : D190B41E FAE74D9E

-----------------------------1.4.7 Walk Through Walls Code.* -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked, if you go to places that you can't go the normal way. Walk Through Walls Code : E03B0649 5D67050C 78DA95DF 44018CB4 It's a Type 6 code. It allows you to walk over any obstacle like trees, houses, rocks, and to walk on water. With this code, you'll still be able to interact with the game (enter doors, talk to people, take items, etc...). The two things you can't do are : -walk directly from ground to water (and water to ground). To do this, you need either to use the SURF move, or to walk from ground to water from an unauthorized place (like walk on a tree and from there walk on the water, or if you are on the water, walk on a rock and from there walk on the ground). -Go out of the map limit. Each map (each route, room, etc...) is a rectangle of tiles. With this code, you'll be able to move anywhere within that rectangle, but you won't be able to cross its limit (unless you enter another map). That means, for example, if you enter a house, you won't be able to walk in

the "dark". But anyway, there is nothing in that dark :)

-----------------------------1.4.8 Secret Trainer ID Codes.* -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless you tell them your secret ID). Find out your Secret Trainer ID Codes (1). Enter this Type 6 code, and look at your trainer card. It could be a bit messy (it might even make the game crash! If it does, you can use the 2nd set of codes), but it'll display your secret Trainer ID instead of your regular Trainer ID. After that, write down this number, and turn the code off (switch off your GBA). For now, knowing your secret Trainer ID has no useful purpose. But maybe one day some people will make proggies that'll use your secret Trainer ID and your normal Trainer ID, and use them to compute a pokemon with all the caracteristics/stats/genes... you want (and that'll obey you), find your Feebas tiles... And, who knows, maybe more! D20EAE69 9DD6C961 EB50DE1D 23B8A928 Secret Trainer ID revealed (2). If the 1st code makes your game crash, here are 2 other Type 6 codes that will work perfectly (but require some calculation). 1st code: CC8629C0 25DFAFD3 02FECFE9 4D39B39F 2nd code: CC8629C0 25DFAFD3 FDF29BEB 6CBF0D9D Enter the 1st code, and look at your trainer card. Write down the Trainer ID numbers that are displayed. Do the same thing with the 2nd code. Now, open windows calculator (or any tool that can make decimal-hexadecimal conversion). Enter the 1st number as decimal, and convert it to hexadecimal. You should have 4 numbers (A-F are numbers in hexadecimal). Write down the 2 1st numbers (if you have A152, take A1). Do the same thing with the numbers you will get with the 2nd code. Now take the 2 sets of 2 numbers you just wrote down, and enter them in windows calculator as hexadecimal numbers in the order you wrote them down (if you had A1 and B5, enter A1B5), and convert this number to decimal : you have your secret Trainer ID.

----------------------------------1.4.9 All Pok�mon in Pok�dex Codes. ----------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked, if you put in your Pok�dex Pok�mons that aren't in the game. Enter these codes, then start your game with only these codes avtivated. Load your game, press R, verify that you have all the Pokemon in the Pokedex, then save your game, and set this code off. 767CB1FC 1285CF69 DBB87FCA 9A732B89 DBB87FCA 1F0A9164 DBB87FCA 200DBA91 DBB87FCA

DD748434 1834F175 6276D975 F770B329 6276D975 737E93CD 6276D975 E6D90173 6276D975

------------------------------------------1.4.10 All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes. ------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Once these codes have been entered, press R and your Trainer's Eyes will be completed (69 Trainers registered). 093B0187 A2BD4A82 66E31915 146834D4 C231F067 0D9DE187

------------------------------------------1.4.11 Share Experience After Battle Codes. ------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. If you use theses codes, you won't have to switch your Pok�mon during battles to make them gain experience. Just beat your oppoment with 1 Pok�mon, and the game will think all your Pok�mon have fought the battle, and will give experience to all of them!

62FFDFA4 2DF44B8C B1283857 DB34BCE4

---------------------------------1.4.12 Trainer Card's Stars Codes. ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. First, I'd like to say that I did some research, and I found that there were only 4 Stars in the game. Not 5, 4. There still might be a very slim chance that I missed something, and that the last star could be obtanaible using the Link cable, but I seriously doubt about it... 1st Star Code : This star is unlocked when you finish the game. With these code, you'll have finished the game in 15 minutes. 60314334 498FA5AB 5DE95E2D B165DBD1 2nd Star Code : This star is given to you when you beat the Battle Tower. With this codes, you'll have beaten the Battle Tower 999 times. B5F4326A 7C9CD5F6 3rd Star Code : This star is given to you when you win all the contest. These codes will do the trick. 737DA248 52780D3C 274E1CD0 BB2CEDC7 3B352956

9535D358 4BB0E715 4D964F4A 216EE9BB C7E1EE43

4th Star Code : This star is unlocked when you have caught 202 Pok�mon in the Pok�dex. Use the codes at section 1.4.9 to fulfill this requirement.

--------------------------------1.4.13 Trainer Card's Back Codes. --------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been

hacked. Use these codes to fill the back of your trainer card. Line 1 : First Hall of Fame. 60314334 498FA5AB 5DE95E2D B165DBD1 Line 2 : Link Card Battle. 72B1610A 9DACE781 10414F3C DC24094C Line 3 : Pok�mon Trades. AF520BA0 E1C66528 Line 4 : Pok�blocks w/ Friends. 01632485 1505F3BE Line 5 : Contests w/ Friends. CA95D636 D8C6CA85 Line 6 : Battle Tower. C092C3B7 3C902EA5

--------------------------1.4.14 Fast Egg Hatch Code. --------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. With this code, every step you make will count for 255 steps. That mean eggs will hatch very very fast ! 9E17B966 367DE205

----------------------------1.4.15 Immediate Battle Code. -----------------------------

If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter these codes, then press L+R one second to enter a battle : B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 3D0D314F 0B31D0FA Note : you have to be in a cave, in the grass, on the water (...) to make the code work.

-------------------------------1.4.16 Select Battle Type Codes. -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless they see you using them action!). Enter one of these set of codes, then press L+R to enter the type of battle you want : (#1) Only makes 1 on 1 wild Pokemon Battle : B6C5368A 6FD608D0 B6C5368A 3D0D314F

08BE8FF4 B9151D51 08BE8FF4 0B31D0FA

(#2) Only make 2 on 2 wild Pokemon Battle : B6C5368A C2E5457B B6C5368A 3D0D314F

08BE8FF4 194BACAC 08BE8FF4 0B31D0FA

(#3) Only make 1 on 1 Trainer Pokemon Battle : B6C5368A 603B9AF4 B6C5368A 3D0D314F

08BE8FF4 6BEB589A 08BE8FF4 0B31D0FA

(#4) Only make 2 on 2 Trainer Pokemon Battle : B6C5368A 3194D376 B6C5368A 3D0D314F

08BE8FF4 EF1658C1 08BE8FF4 0B31D0FA

IMPORTANT NOTES : - If you use the set of codes #2, you'll face 2 Pokemons, but the fight will end as soon as one of these Pokemon is killed. - Before using a Trainer Pokemon Battle code, you have to fight a Trainer the normal way. After that, you'll fight this Trainer over and over with the codes. - If you fight a trainer that has only 1 Pokemon using the set of codes #4, you'll encounter 2 Pokemon, but you'll have to kill only one of them to win the battle. - You can force Trainer Battle to be 1 on 1 either the set of codes #3 or #4, talk to a during the talk, keep L+R pushed, and press talk. That way, you can make "normal 2 on 2 "usual 1 on 1 battle" be 2 on 2.

or 2 on 2. To do this, enter trainer, then press L+R A once (fast) to end the battle" be 1 on 1, or

----------------------------1.4.17 Find Feebas Seed Code.* ----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless you tell them your Feebas Seed number). Find out your Feebas Seed Codes (1). Enter this Type 6 code, and look at your trainer card. It could be a bit messy, but it'll display your Feebas Seed number instead of your regular Trainer ID. If the game crash, and you can't see your Trainer ID number, read the note below. After that, write down this number, and turn the code off (switch off your GBA WITHOUT saving). Then, go to this link : http://users.nerdspace.net/loading/feebas.php and enter your Feebas Seed number. Voil�, you can see your Feebas Tiles!

Find Feebas Seed Code : D20EAE69 9DD6C961 2BC3AB6D 126F4680

NOTE : If your game crash when you look at your Trainer Card with this code, go to Dewford Town and talk to the young boy above the Pokemon Center. Change your Trendy Phrase so that the boy accepts it (if it is the first time you do it, change the phrase twice). Be aware that the fact the boy

accepts the new Trendy Phrase has nothing to do with the word you choose. Only luck matters... Once you have changed the Trendy Phrase, and it has been approved by the boy, you can try again the Find Feebas Seed Codes.

--------------------------------1.4.18 Always Catch Pokemon Code.* --------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter this code, and you'll catch any Pokemon on your 1st try : 6637A9FB98D7FAA4 8BB602F78CEB681A

-----------------------------------------1.4.19 Steal other Trainer's Pokemon Code.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter these codes : B6C5368A 6FD608D0 084197CA 8E883EFF

08BE8FF4 B9151D51 3EA6DE4F 92E9660D

Fight any trainer, press L+R, and launch a Pok�ball...

------------------------1.4.20 Wild Lati@s Codes.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. After you beat the E4, new events will be avaible in Pok�mon Ru/Sa world. One of them is the wild Lati@s encounter. To activate this event, you need to look at the TV in the 1st floor of your house. You'll see a "Special Report", that will tell you that a new flying Pokemon has been seen. That means that Lati@s is somewhere... If you're looking for the wild Lati@s, be aware that it doesn't appear everywhere. Lati@s can only be encountered on the following 20 Routes : 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,

130, 131, 132, 133, and 134. (In short, that makes 110, 110, 117 to 134). You won't ever find Lati@s anywhere else (without cheating of course). When you enable the Wild Lati@s event (by watching the TV in the 1st floor of your house), it will appear at a RANDOM place. Then, it'll move or fly. Here is how it works : -If you enter/exit any house, go up/down the stairs of any house, fly to anywhere, or when you load your save, it'll fly to a RANDOM place. It will also fly to a RANDOM place if it escapes during the fight. -If you move from a city to a Route, from a Route to a Route, or from a Route to a City, Lati@s will RANDOMLY move to one of the Routes close to its current location. For exemple, if it was on route 134, it could move either to Route 110 or Route 133. Now here is something that will help people that want to catch Lati@s without cheating. We calculated the % of finding Lati@s for each Route, provided that you teleport to a city then walk on that Route : Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route

118 121 127 110 124 131 132 120 128 111 117 134 119 125 126

(Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

Mauville) : 9.58% Lilycove) : 7.5% Mossdeep): 7.5% Mauville or Slateport) : 6.83% Lilycove or Mossdeep) : 6.66% Pacifidlog) : 5% Pacifidlog) : 5% Fortree) : 4.17% Ever Grande) : 4.17% Mauville) : 3.92% Verdantuf or Mauville) : 3.92% Slateport) : 3.75% Fortree) : 3.5% Mossdeep) : 3.33% Sootopolis): 3.33%

As you can see, if you Teleport to Mauville, then walk on Route 118, you have 9.58% of chances that Lati@s will be on that Route. So this is the best place to hunt Lati@s... And this is the place we gonna use in the following text as exemple. Once you are on the same Route than Lati@s, you have to fight wild Pokemons. Lati@s will appear in a regular fight, so using Repel won't help you finding it. It won't make the things go worse either (it'll just make you loose some time). You can either kill all the Pokemon you find, or run away from them. It doesn't change anything. Once you are on the same Route than Lati@s, you have exactly 25% of chances to find it each time you find a wild Pokemon. So do at least 4 battles (but 8 or 10 should be safer) before flying back to

Mauville, and walking again to Route 118. Btw, if you prefer, you can also walk back to Mauville, and enter/exit any house (like the Pokecenter, to heal your Pokemons) to make Lati@s fly away to a random location, (and then walk back on Route 118 to try to find it another time). Now come the codes : Enable the TV event (this is a normal code). (Watch the TV on the 1st floor of your house to make Lati@s appear) This will make Lati@s appear, even if you killed it or if you already caught it. AF9D4840 6F57FCEF Make Lati@s be always on Route 110 (this is a normal code) : 0B8A1422 CB9E28CB Find Lati@s on the 1st try (you need to be on the same Route than it : This is a Type 6 code * : FDF72C7E B170B68E 8E883EFF 92E9660D

------------------------1.4.21 Battle Tower Code.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. Use this code, and you'll be able to register any allowed Pokemon, redardless of its level (that mean Lvl 100 will be able to enter the Lvl 50 challenge). 3DB4C7B7 334D4A16 D09C0A28 ADE6DB2E Note : The game will show you that the Pokemon are "Not Able" to enter, however you'll be able to select them.

------------------------1.5 Lavaridge's Egg Code. -------------------------


1.5.1 Lavaridge's Egg Enabler Code. ----------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Enter this code, and the old lady near the hot springs of Lavaridge will always give you a Wynaut egg : 46813A10 82A13FB1

------------------------------------1.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes.* ------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Enter one of these codes, and instead of having a Wynaut egg from the old lady of Lavaridge, you'll get the egg of the Pok�mon of your choice. To make the egg hatch faster, use the Fast Egg Hatch Code (1.4.14). Use only ONE of these code at the same time. 001 - BULBASAUR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7FD49BC1 DBCF6C10 002 - IVYSAUR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F04033EF 7702B0F4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F04033EF 7702B0F4 003 - VENUSAUR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C94706E8 F5FEB0A8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C94706E8 F5FEB0A8 004 - CHARMANDER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6C88DA6C 4AA42590 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6C88DA6C 4AA42590 005 - CHARMELEON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 31CB9052 DFA45B86 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 31CB9052 DFA45B86 006 - CHARIZARD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 BC51E511 49D43A23 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 BC51E511 49D43A23 007 - SQUIRTLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9D49FED5 B1F55D30 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9D49FED5 B1F55D30 008 - WARTORTLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3D211952 DE92C25C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3D211952 DE92C25C 009 - BLASTOISE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F20528D3 5C0AEE3C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F20528D3 5C0AEE3C 010 - CATERPIE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D95B49B6 085CEC44 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D95B49B6 085CEC44 011 - METAPOD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EF8C186A 48A55338 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EF8C186A 48A55338

012 - BUTTERFREE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0718EC2E DBEB2E2C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0718EC2E DBEB2E2C 013 - WEEDLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 15BBAB19 5F39FC65 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 15BBAB19 5F39FC65 014 - KAKUNA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F3357900 FAABDC66 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F3357900 FAABDC66 015 - BEEDRILL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 222C5768 3B0D60E6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 222C5768 3B0D60E6 016 - PIDGEY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5483DD13 B5A5B62A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5483DD13 B5A5B62A 017 - PIDGEOTTO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C08DF524 F4B4CEA0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C08DF524 F4B4CEA0 018 - PIDGEOT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5FFE98F4 DFC14449 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5FFE98F4 DFC14449 019 - RATTATA

Ruby : FD78F257 F394258B Sapp : 9B78FA02 F394258B

F6D1C816 747D8767 2FF826E7 747D8767

020 - RATICATE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6254D922 8A230D80 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6254D922 8A230D80 021 - SPEAROW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7C634E2B B6E09CEB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7C634E2B B6E09CEB 022 - FEAROW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A1C255BE 0653594B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A1C255BE 0653594B 023 - EKANS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 54F0E495 09C20E53 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 54F0E495 09C20E53 024 - ARBOK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 858121EA 9AD2951C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 858121EA 9AD2951C 025 - PIKACHU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A7E25EF2 F6A528FC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A7E25EF2 F6A528FC 026 - RAICHU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

AA5904CE 0E5B7A49 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AA5904CE 0E5B7A49 027 - SANDSHREW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D17B05D0 BE911C66 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D17B05D0 BE911C66 028 - SANDSLASH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0065B0E8 73F52DA2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0065B0E8 73F52DA2 029 - NIDORAN Female Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D036ADF9 855E93F2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D036ADF9 855E93F2 030 - NIDORINA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 29570693 00351D08 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 29570693 00351D08 031 - NIDOQUEEN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4B6332E7 BB8523AF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4B6332E7 BB8523AF 032 - NIDORAN Male Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 906D7251 31E49065 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 906D7251 31E49065 033 - NIDORINO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 48B12835 58F803D5 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 48B12835 58F803D5 034 - NIDOKING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 977FA165 4D67B6FE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 977FA165 4D67B6FE 035 - CLEFAIRY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A96D7D34 EB473FEF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A96D7D34 EB473FEF 036 - CLEFABLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 10B91CA3 28D2DA4C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 10B91CA3 28D2DA4C 037 - VULPIX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E7E1C3A2 FF368732 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E7E1C3A2 FF368732 038 - NINETALES Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2F402F8A 8889D79E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2F402F8A 8889D79E 039 - JIGGLYPUFF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 48BAA21B 1A66DB4C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 48BAA21B 1A66DB4C 040 - WIGGLYTUFF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8BB73031 A5756961 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8BB73031 A5756961

041 - ZUBAT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4A7EE366 3C548B70 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4A7EE366 3C548B70 042 - GOLBAT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 535F7542 A58B1EA9 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 535F7542 A58B1EA9 043 - ODDISH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C3D9CC50 82E86F6B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C3D9CC50 82E86F6B 044 - GLOOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 301FEC35 470760F5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 301FEC35 470760F5 045 - VILEPLUME Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4A697B5C B34C0B1E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4A697B5C B34C0B1E 046 - PARAS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EE2D51CF 73506379 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EE2D51CF 73506379 047 - PARASECT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B39FB8A6 18F9597C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B39FB8A6 18F9597C 048 - VENONAT

Ruby : FD78F257 2713B05D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2713B05D

F6D1C816 566003E0 2FF826E7 566003E0

049 - VENOMOTH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EF24BCA1 FD8C494B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EF24BCA1 FD8C494B 050 - DIGLETT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 09A82FD3 D175B0A4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 09A82FD3 D175B0A4 051 - DUGTRIO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7A50F38A 822B82C7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7A50F38A 822B82C7 052 - MEOWTH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2968E9FB 1C177E06 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2968E9FB 1C177E06 053 - PERSIAN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 935EC117 F2B7918F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 935EC117 F2B7918F 054 - PSYDUCK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 653D51B0 D790339B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 653D51B0 D790339B 055 - GOLDUCK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

539F9A16 1B7868CD Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 539F9A16 1B7868CD 056 - MANKEY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0ED3577E 6E4DE022 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0ED3577E 6E4DE022 057 - PRIMEAPE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B9E7266B EFEED74A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B9E7266B EFEED74A 058 - GROWLITHE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F72460D5 A5CEEDFF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F72460D5 A5CEEDFF 059 - ARCANINE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EFDFDA7F C344DDE0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EFDFDA7F C344DDE0 060 - POLIWAG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9B26CD33 8C0B6743 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9B26CD33 8C0B6743 061 - POLIWHIRL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9422AD20 2504C02D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9422AD20 2504C02D 062 - POLIWRATH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 95A7C7CE C61B7915 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 95A7C7CE C61B7915 063 - ABRA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 85CF33E7 1CB34796 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 85CF33E7 1CB34796 064 - KADABRA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D09E5EAB 1F6B7132 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D09E5EAB 1F6B7132 065 - ALAKAZAM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C046A74F 915AF853 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C046A74F 915AF853 066 - MACHOP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EEE89B1A 6874E317 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EEE89B1A 6874E317 067 - MACHOKE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CBFA1DA3 2D2C90C6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CBFA1DA3 2D2C90C6 068 - MACHAMP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 97B09482 F1E86A66 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 97B09482 F1E86A66 069 - BELLSPROUT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3BB39C63 BB43206A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3BB39C63 BB43206A

070 - WEEPINBELL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 882C85D1 FAF60F79 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 882C85D1 FAF60F79 071 - VICTREEBEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 844B718B AEABD305 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 844B718B AEABD305 072 - TENTACOOL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C82FE313 CA3BB787 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C82FE313 CA3BB787 073 - TENTACRUEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0DA45CE4 9DF0A2E2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0DA45CE4 9DF0A2E2 074 - GEODUDE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 37E43E02 39569BDA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 37E43E02 39569BDA 075 - GRAVELER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8D73985C 7B811707 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8D73985C 7B811707 076 - GOLEM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C5630661 FE54E7FC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C5630661 FE54E7FC 077 - PONYTA

Ruby : FD78F257 AD81CF27 Sapp : 9B78FA02 AD81CF27

F6D1C816 A2018FE9 2FF826E7 A2018FE9

078 - RAPIDASH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2E0A63A3 D5B287CC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2E0A63A3 D5B287CC 079 - SLOWPOKE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1CFD3AF9 47130737 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1CFD3AF9 47130737 080 - SLOWBRO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A0623DCB A11A4CA7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A0623DCB A11A4CA7 081 - MAGNEMITE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A3E18F18 B2C583ED Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A3E18F18 B2C583ED 082 - MAGNETON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 BDB8AB33 FBB11EBE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 BDB8AB33 FBB11EBE 083 - FARFETCH"D Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 564AAC9C E483E1FF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 564AAC9C E483E1FF 084 - DODUO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

C5DC387A CC70020A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C5DC387A CC70020A 085 - DODRIO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 32E9E3B1 707B4A43 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 32E9E3B1 707B4A43 086 - SEEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A9BBCE9D 482447C2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A9BBCE9D 482447C2 087 - DEWGONG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 22F41A3B 3B289E01 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 22F41A3B 3B289E01 088 - GRIMER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CAFE32D4 4369B152 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CAFE32D4 4369B152 089 - MUK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C7250E94 A15FB29B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C7250E94 A15FB29B 090 - SHELLDER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5B5B8C18 3C5C5CFF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5B5B8C18 3C5C5CFF 091 - CLOYSTER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 22427A8C 64E22C54 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 22427A8C 64E22C54 092 - GASTLY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 37C6EDF6 5A6E8234 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 37C6EDF6 5A6E8234 093 - HAUNTER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 412F3A25 795CE637 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 412F3A25 795CE637 094 - GENGAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 752E91C7 C3E390E5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 752E91C7 C3E390E5 095 - ONIX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D9A5A859 D0CB457A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D9A5A859 D0CB457A 096 - DROWZEE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9ED708FF 87E9216A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9ED708FF 87E9216A 097 - HYPNO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9DE7BF9C C50FD32C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9DE7BF9C C50FD32C 098 - KRABBY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A4BD08DB 32DE42BB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A4BD08DB 32DE42BB

099 - KINGLER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 53B8D452 055B3799 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 53B8D452 055B3799 100 - VOLTORB Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F9AC7221 9A540CC7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F9AC7221 9A540CC7 101 - ELECTRODE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A1AB4B6B 84D8EFCA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A1AB4B6B 84D8EFCA 102 - EXEGGCUTE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EE74A8CD 3D8ABF2C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EE74A8CD 3D8ABF2C 103 - EXEGGUTOR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 ED2D64AF 96F2BDAB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 ED2D64AF 96F2BDAB 104 - CUBONE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4B4F22B2 3B2D7F33 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4B4F22B2 3B2D7F33 105 - MAROWAK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9A5F2BB7 5158BDED Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9A5F2BB7 5158BDED 106 - HITMONLEE

Ruby : FD78F257 2C980BB1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2C980BB1

F6D1C816 920358C2 2FF826E7 920358C2

107 - HITMONCHAN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 09606644 631287CD Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 09606644 631287CD 108 - LICKITUNG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F23BD82E CEAAA9FE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F23BD82E CEAAA9FE 109 - KOFFING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D6E2D1B2 5D0334C3 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D6E2D1B2 5D0334C3 110 - WEEZING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B4B77BF8 786F8403 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B4B77BF8 786F8403 111 - RHYHORN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7AD54CD3 3D82FC9E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7AD54CD3 3D82FC9E 112 - RHYDON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 45DD3192 D6B8CFE5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 45DD3192 D6B8CFE5 113 - CHANSEY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

AF8A3CFB 8A4D21BB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AF8A3CFB 8A4D21BB 114 - TANGELA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1F8CF8DF 1963B42B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1F8CF8DF 1963B42B 115 - KANGASKHAN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5EBCF4FB 4185F08E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5EBCF4FB 4185F08E 116 - HORSEA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 449F7F6B 8E96BA9E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 449F7F6B 8E96BA9E 117 - SEADRA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A7F544E4 42B4158A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A7F544E4 42B4158A 118 - GOLDEEN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2B5E690F 4FA28381 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2B5E690F 4FA28381 119 - SEAKING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EC366398 B21E5FA2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EC366398 B21E5FA2 120 - STARYU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6FE8DDD2 0386E176 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6FE8DDD2 0386E176 121 - STARMIE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E6BE2CD4 8C0B1D99 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E6BE2CD4 8C0B1D99 122 - MR.MIME Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D9B5D5B7 C73685B3 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D9B5D5B7 C73685B3 123 - SCYTHER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C108C202 9FE5B286 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C108C202 9FE5B286 124 - JYNX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2167BEAB DD7D0613 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2167BEAB DD7D0613 125 - ELECTABUZZ Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F9A21AB2 99E257BA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F9A21AB2 99E257BA 126 - MAGMAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7A719B42 32567327 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7A719B42 32567327 127 - PINSIR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 952242D9 E0103AE5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 952242D9 E0103AE5

128 - TAUROS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 70C9DB7A C3AA6649 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 70C9DB7A C3AA6649 129 - MAGIKARP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 44510F53 AFE1D1A4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 44510F53 AFE1D1A4 130 - GYARADOS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1D6F2F32 A9D6BEC4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1D6F2F32 A9D6BEC4 131 - LAPRAS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3C99A927 F6D34734 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3C99A927 F6D34734 132 - DITTO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 ACF112F3 E0B10D57 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 ACF112F3 E0B10D57 133 - EEVEE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 44C0B41C 4CAF6364 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 44C0B41C 4CAF6364 134 - VAPOREON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 17C081D2 333A124A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 17C081D2 333A124A 135 - JOLTEON

Ruby : FD78F257 C6A77E0A Sapp : 9B78FA02 C6A77E0A

F6D1C816 7E4F7A4F 2FF826E7 7E4F7A4F

136 - FLAREON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E2503B4B 8711F870 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E2503B4B 8711F870 137 - PORYGON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B825FF2D C3F77E8F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B825FF2D C3F77E8F 138 - OMANYTE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E1115072 B75DFF39 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E1115072 B75DFF39 139 - OMASTAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8D725200 9B6F340B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8D725200 9B6F340B 140 - KABUTO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4FB5C1FE 9A5D4980 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4FB5C1FE 9A5D4980 141 - KABUTOPS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F2B643F3 B879B734 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F2B643F3 B879B734 142 - AERODACTYL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

1A6E3488 35C87A63 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1A6E3488 35C87A63 143 - SNORLAX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 494C773A DD7D9CE1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 494C773A DD7D9CE1 144 - ARTICUNO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EEBA0AAF 7AD6BC38 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EEBA0AAF 7AD6BC38 145 - ZAPDOS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 363685D4 4AF7AF8A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 363685D4 4AF7AF8A 146 - MOLTRES Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A547E4A5 5BFA0E47 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A547E4A5 5BFA0E47 147 - DRATINI Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A13A1C2D 897DA520 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A13A1C2D 897DA520 148 - DRAGONAIR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C9939BC7 ABD582E5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C9939BC7 ABD582E5 149 - DRAGONITE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 412F37DD 8A69B13B Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 412F37DD 8A69B13B 150 - MEWTWO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AD33BFE9 1192F4A1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AD33BFE9 1192F4A1 151 - MEW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 51CAA2F5 214E3CF0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 51CAA2F5 214E3CF0 152 - CHIKORITA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D630A321 1FC17E76 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D630A321 1FC17E76 153 - BAYLEEF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 306EEB93 4A131051 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 306EEB93 4A131051 154 - MEGANIUM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7DABCC33 36BC85D2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7DABCC33 36BC85D2 155 - CYNDAQUIL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C8CE50D5 4C22C7DC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C8CE50D5 4C22C7DC 156 - QUILAVA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9B2BB901 112E7ABB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9B2BB901 112E7ABB

157 - TYPHLOSION Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2C7D5352 244C498C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2C7D5352 244C498C 158 - TOTODILE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A414168A D97DA926 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A414168A D97DA926 159 - CROCONAW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 689BC54D 8002CB30 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 689BC54D 8002CB30 160 - FERALIGATR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 68181E8C 7E3AECCF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 68181E8C 7E3AECCF 161 - SENTRET Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C0724E99 B7B35C1D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C0724E99 B7B35C1D 162 - FURRET Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A69C697D 80465A72 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A69C697D 80465A72 163 - HOOTHOOT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7817899A 5BABF247 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7817899A 5BABF247 164 - NOCTOWL

Ruby : FD78F257 E0F2927D Sapp : 9B78FA02 E0F2927D

F6D1C816 F3BC0134 2FF826E7 F3BC0134

165 - LEDYBA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 958CF5EF 7BD84C8E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 958CF5EF 7BD84C8E 166 - LEDIAN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 64BF478B FD2D1161 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 64BF478B FD2D1161 167 - SPINARAK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2B548EEF 928CF05C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2B548EEF 928CF05C 168 - ARIADOS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3367393B A0F827CA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3367393B A0F827CA 169 - CROBAT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AB96E8E8 5B364DAA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AB96E8E8 5B364DAA 170 - CHINCHOU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D1519326 C04FAA24 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D1519326 C04FAA24 171 - LANTURN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

C37CEB81 44DCFE45 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C37CEB81 44DCFE45 172 - PICHU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E8DE9CAD 108848C1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E8DE9CAD 108848C1 173 - CLEFFA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8541786B D3EBA5F4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8541786B D3EBA5F4 174 - IGGLYBUFF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C8744426 1E78B05C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C8744426 1E78B05C 175 - TOGEPI Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C033731C 197C09DC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C033731C 197C09DC 176 - TOGETIC Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AD6C73B5 06EF14C4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AD6C73B5 06EF14C4 177 - NATU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 467AB77D 3137D118 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 467AB77D 3137D118 178 - XATU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3BD1D4AB D5DFCADD Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3BD1D4AB D5DFCADD 179 - MAREEP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8FBA8AF6 26F68561 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8FBA8AF6 26F68561 180 - FLAAFFY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3D2F278C D680A132 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3D2F278C D680A132 181 - AMPHAROS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 81F5E4D8 A396ADD8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 81F5E4D8 A396ADD8 182 - BELLOSSOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5910ECE9 612678A8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5910ECE9 612678A8 183 - MARILL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 ACEFAC45 B67FE028 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 ACEFAC45 B67FE028 184 - AZUMARILL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 11756155 D0374378 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 11756155 D0374378 185 - SUDOWOODO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 543A7F3D 9E3A6915 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 543A7F3D 9E3A6915

186 - POLITOED Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B1C7B73A FE86EF1A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B1C7B73A FE86EF1A 187 - HOPPIP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 70627C57 0C15CCF6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 70627C57 0C15CCF6 188 - SKIPLOOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8A1FE2F7 5E290091 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8A1FE2F7 5E290091 189 - JUMPLUFF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CC83BAB0 F4D05D9A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CC83BAB0 F4D05D9A 190 - AIPOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7643BC12 B7D2EC6A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7643BC12 B7D2EC6A 191 - SUNKERN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 46ED2DC6 4C9F2C62 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 46ED2DC6 4C9F2C62 192 - SUNFLORA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6984B4EB 5B253AF1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6984B4EB 5B253AF1 193 - YANMA

Ruby : FD78F257 1C36A545 Sapp : 9B78FA02 1C36A545

F6D1C816 A6CB3187 2FF826E7 A6CB3187

194 - WOOPER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0EFCA831 F5D30784 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0EFCA831 F5D30784 195 - QUAGSIRE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 400ED9FC 95BB0357 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 400ED9FC 95BB0357 196 - ESPEON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 654119A5 2E046099 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 654119A5 2E046099 197 - UMBREON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5E16E8D5 FA5D354A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5E16E8D5 FA5D354A 198 - MURKROW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 78667401 7D32ECFD Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 78667401 7D32ECFD 199 - SLOWKING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 00C4561B E0F79756 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 00C4561B E0F79756 200 - MISDREAVUS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

A30319A0 9DE588F5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A30319A0 9DE588F5 201 - UNOWN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1C970D2C FD3EEC93 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1C970D2C FD3EEC93 202 - WOBBUFFET Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D53B5F0A 24857651 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D53B5F0A 24857651 203 - GIRAFARIG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D71525C7 0879A1C8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D71525C7 0879A1C8 204 - PINECO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 17E10153 76AEBF84 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 17E10153 76AEBF84 205 - FORRETRESS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F9C4B047 D06171F7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F9C4B047 D06171F7 206 - DUNSPARCE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E1328CCF 84E7B24C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E1328CCF 84E7B24C 207 - GLIGAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 33AF4B19 3B770BE2 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 33AF4B19 3B770BE2 208 - STEELIX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D2B3D937 5E80B7EB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D2B3D937 5E80B7EB 209 - SNUBBULL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 04138CCA 2FE9C3D4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 04138CCA 2FE9C3D4 210 - GRANBULL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AAD75F8A 07CD9334 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AAD75F8A 07CD9334 211 - QWILFISH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EDF51092 5B0CB4F4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EDF51092 5B0CB4F4 212 - SCIZOR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1E2C7F07 B4B6724C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1E2C7F07 B4B6724C 213 - SHUCKLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 928F1C2E 41C3BA55 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 928F1C2E 41C3BA55 214 - HERACROSS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 68B9A00C 8F2642F1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 68B9A00C 8F2642F1

215 - SNEASEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AEEE595D C95195D5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AEEE595D C95195D5 216 - TEDDIURSA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AC7C7E6D 10382996 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AC7C7E6D 10382996 217 - URSARING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 18ACF60A E5E1C57C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 18ACF60A E5E1C57C 218 - SLUGMA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1F571167 D1BCCBA4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1F571167 D1BCCBA4 219 - MAGCARGO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1AD00AC2 96A99228 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1AD00AC2 96A99228 220 - SWINUB Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 18E469BF 2DC2E732 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 18E469BF 2DC2E732 221 - PILOSWINE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 76020566 8060A1D2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 76020566 8060A1D2 222 - CORSOLA

Ruby : FD78F257 4DAE7CE0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 4DAE7CE0

F6D1C816 135AE71E 2FF826E7 135AE71E

223 - REMORAID Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 282D6BE9 95A5C24F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 282D6BE9 95A5C24F 224 - OCTILLERY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 58A5ACD3 5DAA82AE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 58A5ACD3 5DAA82AE 225 - DELIBIRD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B0EA8BA1 BA00B768 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B0EA8BA1 BA00B768 226 - MANTINE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6F852796 C3862670 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6F852796 C3862670 227 - SKARMORY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EA0D1CC1 7C8B3A66 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EA0D1CC1 7C8B3A66 228 - HOUNDOUR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6E1DA214 3BC18D43 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6E1DA214 3BC18D43 229 - HOUNDOOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

31BD26A7 37DB3F1E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 31BD26A7 37DB3F1E 230 - KINGDRA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 72ADA6A9 7E06293D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 72ADA6A9 7E06293D 231 - PHANPY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CCAE0182 80C67098 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CCAE0182 80C67098 232 - DONPHAN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 055A66F7 15F2FA55 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 055A66F7 15F2FA55 233 - PORYGON2 Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5CACA8D1 4B64690B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5CACA8D1 4B64690B 234 - STANTLER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 83622529 957906B6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 83622529 957906B6 235 - SMEARGLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 277E9B6D C40C8AE9 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 277E9B6D C40C8AE9 236 - TYROGUE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8AFCBACE 672BD921 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8AFCBACE 672BD921 237 - HITMONTOP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 DDA26FDE 64143E11 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 DDA26FDE 64143E11 238 - SMOOCHUM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F8443B08 A12AAA25 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F8443B08 A12AAA25 239 - ELEKID Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CCBA6932 1CA8D9C8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CCBA6932 1CA8D9C8 240 - MAGBY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 907DAD84 627CFF1C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 907DAD84 627CFF1C 241 - MILTANK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 652227A0 EA1238E5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 652227A0 EA1238E5 242 - BLISSEY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 37DA9C95 B9871DCF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 37DA9C95 B9871DCF 243 - RAIKOU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 FF9CB85B 0BA321E0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 FF9CB85B 0BA321E0

244 - ENTEI Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7F430B99 CCB0487C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7F430B99 CCB0487C 245 - SUICUNE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 375970BB F4F2C39E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 375970BB F4F2C39E 246 - LARVITAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8E2F51C2 89FB5CAF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8E2F51C2 89FB5CAF 247 - PUPITAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 90AA0E20 DFDCCE94 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 90AA0E20 DFDCCE94 248 - TYRANITAR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 FD5CA013 37F5F5F6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 FD5CA013 37F5F5F6 249 - LUGIA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8162CD62 148302CF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8162CD62 148302CF 250 - HO-OH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5FF144EF D4FDE2B0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5FF144EF D4FDE2B0 251 - CELEBI

Ruby : FD78F257 52164BAA Sapp : 9B78FA02 52164BAA

F6D1C816 764DC05F 2FF826E7 764DC05F

252 - TREECKO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 52A8BC7E 3926A8D4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 52A8BC7E 3926A8D4 253 - GROVYLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AD54F800 5499CBFB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AD54F800 5499CBFB 254 - SCEPTILE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 912B5160 8CB40C82 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 912B5160 8CB40C82 255 - TORCHIC Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5BBCC25E 71025538 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5BBCC25E 71025538 256 - COMBUSKEN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 DED86C54 4C83AD68 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 DED86C54 4C83AD68 257 - BLAZIKEN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5A92BD73 0426AA59 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5A92BD73 0426AA59 258 - MUDKIP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

B35E2B86 65E0F1AD Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B35E2B86 65E0F1AD 259 - MARSHTOMP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 80E01026 B9BC450C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 80E01026 B9BC450C 260 - SWAMPERT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7B4F5244 6330C0BB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7B4F5244 6330C0BB 261 - POOCHYENA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 445E2EB6 0F1BFF1E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 445E2EB6 0F1BFF1E 262 - MIGHTYENA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 4F6BFE0E 60D2D4C0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 4F6BFE0E 60D2D4C0 263 - ZIGZAGOON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 CB82EC61 B1AD5688 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 CB82EC61 B1AD5688 264 - LINOONE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 247CA115 33A17C1D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 247CA115 33A17C1D 265 - WURMPLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1508052C 58560AB9 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1508052C 58560AB9 266 - SILCOON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6FE5B773 5A389EAB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6FE5B773 5A389EAB 267 - BEAUTIFLY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 73F46FDB 1BD14A01 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 73F46FDB 1BD14A01 268 - CASCOON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 387E380B E8E9FB3C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 387E380B E8E9FB3C 269 - DUSTOX Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F05DDF77 30CB8357 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F05DDF77 30CB8357 270 - LOTAD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 BCA97424 A855462E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 BCA97424 A855462E 271 - LOMBRE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6F057234 C935522E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6F057234 C935522E 272 - LUDICOLO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E6343B61 59745236 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E6343B61 59745236

273 - SEEDOT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2AB4CC27 14FE9A8D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2AB4CC27 14FE9A8D 274 - NUZLEAF Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E4FE0380 0219B470 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E4FE0380 0219B470 275 - SHIFTRY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7A557386 D66C208A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7A557386 D66C208A 276 - NINCADA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6E315AFB CEF25B7E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6E315AFB CEF25B7E 277 - NINJASK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C3AFDEFD 24CBE3C6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C3AFDEFD 24CBE3C6 278 - SHEDINJA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 681DEE8B 487A135F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 681DEE8B 487A135F 279 - TAILLOW Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 DABE107E 871A67DB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 DABE107E 871A67DB 280 - SWELLOW

Ruby : FD78F257 AE71B539 Sapp : 9B78FA02 AE71B539

F6D1C816 161F72EF 2FF826E7 161F72EF

281 - SHROOMISH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 62DA2D41 3F16D470 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 62DA2D41 3F16D470 282 - BRELOOM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 358024CF A5B4B61F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 358024CF A5B4B61F 283 - SPINDA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 09786EBF 5A9FFA69 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 09786EBF 5A9FFA69 284 - WINGULL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 EC85A4DC 57CA9C86 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 EC85A4DC 57CA9C86 285 - PELIPPER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6935F761 1079A8BE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6935F761 1079A8BE 286 - SURSKIT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 286CDD4E 8D280586 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 286CDD4E 8D280586 287 - MASQUERAIN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

5B9A790A 60FEDA53 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5B9A790A 60FEDA53 288 - WAILMER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 71BC2D30 D17F1FB2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 71BC2D30 D17F1FB2 289 - WAILORD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6D397288 18447EFD Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6D397288 18447EFD 290 - SKITTY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E404C1C5 0A368A3B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E404C1C5 0A368A3B 291 - DELCATTY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7D60AE0B 23D73A86 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7D60AE0B 23D73A86 292 - KECLEON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3A7854CC 675638E0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3A7854CC 675638E0 293 - BALTOY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0C7E3A2B 60BB9CBC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0C7E3A2B 60BB9CBC 294 - CLAYDOL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A7B51355 77528400 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A7B51355 77528400 295 - NOSEPASS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F5F7206E 7D5D7F9A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F5F7206E 7D5D7F9A 296 - TORKOAL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9436A9A0 99D5DC12 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9436A9A0 99D5DC12 297 - SABLEYE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2AD670E9 16C96FD0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2AD670E9 16C96FD0 298 - BARBOACH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 DF9130FF 9FC0307C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 DF9130FF 9FC0307C 299 - WHISCASH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5ACACDF8 AA03776C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5ACACDF8 AA03776C 300 - LUVDISC Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 5840CFDC C81DAD86 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 5840CFDC C81DAD86 301 - CORPHISH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 01FBD12B D1887454 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 01FBD12B D1887454

302 - CRAWDAUNT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2DCE4D06 F55841DE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2DCE4D06 F55841DE 303 - FEEBAS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D53BFC4E 85D91689 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D53BFC4E 85D91689 304 - MILOTIC Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 DFF1631E 57715BE5 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 DFF1631E 57715BE5 305 - CARVANHA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1BC52CE1 138732D8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1BC52CE1 138732D8 306 - SHARPEDO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 152761C8 A0F039BB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 152761C8 A0F039BB 307 - TRAPINCH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 049BD735 2F3BFCBF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 049BD735 2F3BFCBF 308 - VIBRAVA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1C6A16E1 2C7D33C7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1C6A16E1 2C7D33C7 309 - FLYGON

Ruby : FD78F257 7E0B9B11 Sapp : 9B78FA02 7E0B9B11

F6D1C816 3E3DFB88 2FF826E7 3E3DFB88

310 - MAKUHITA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D4A4E962 D3183E9B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D4A4E962 D3183E9B 311 - HARIYAMA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3753DFD9 FF20CB95 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3753DFD9 FF20CB95 312 - ELECTRIKE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D6E68327 A16C0CEB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D6E68327 A16C0CEB 313 - MANECTRIC Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C6281957 D473AFF8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C6281957 D473AFF8 314 - NUMEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E2D7B7CA 212C616B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E2D7B7CA 212C616B 315 - CAMERUPT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3A3155DF CBA78D3C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3A3155DF CBA78D3C 316 - SPHEAL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

6EE34BE7 0006EA10 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6EE34BE7 0006EA10 317 - SEALEO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1B69B406 5E3CAE8E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1B69B406 5E3CAE8E 318 - WALREIN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 53BEFC70 436037DA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 53BEFC70 436037DA 319 - CACNEA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0658E3EB D7E83A4F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0658E3EB D7E83A4F 320 - CACTURNE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 03292FEC 5ADD05F4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 03292FEC 5ADD05F4 321 - SNORUNT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 719D6804 4773C5CE Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 719D6804 4773C5CE 322 - GLALIE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 34085A0F CC8B4842 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 34085A0F CC8B4842 323 - LUNATONE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 342DE53D 05E310C2 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 342DE53D 05E310C2 324 - SOLROCK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D501BC39 D9DC1286 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D501BC39 D9DC1286 325 - AZURILL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C75A8E87 A4247CCA Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C75A8E87 A4247CCA 326 - SPOINK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 568A77A7 A31EC70E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 568A77A7 A31EC70E 327 - GRUMPIG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3E62B929 65A0B12D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3E62B929 65A0B12D 328 - PLUSLE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9E7ED143 E9BB20E1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9E7ED143 E9BB20E1 329 - MINUN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C756D962 779DC5A0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C756D962 779DC5A0 330 - MAWILE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E06DDBBF 7CB99DEF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E06DDBBF 7CB99DEF

331 - MEDITITE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 0B38837E 50388921 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 0B38837E 50388921 332 - MEDICHAM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7DF11FB2 3FBD30EB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7DF11FB2 3FBD30EB 333 - SWABLU Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9592C93F D0C3C966 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9592C93F D0C3C966 334 - ALTARIA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 A2676A90 384490C4 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 A2676A90 384490C4 335 - WYNAUT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 BF1B59A6 115DA03D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 BF1B59A6 115DA03D 336 - DUSKULL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 832361ED 3DEBFE22 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 832361ED 3DEBFE22 337 - DUSCLOPS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1B98B69F 570E755B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1B98B69F 570E755B 338 - ROSELIA

Ruby : FD78F257 F3E5E160 Sapp : 9B78FA02 F3E5E160

F6D1C816 1850BB4D 2FF826E7 1850BB4D

339 - SLAKOTH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 9EC701F8 ED4C05EB Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 9EC701F8 ED4C05EB 340 - VIGOROTH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 737ACD42 8680225B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 737ACD42 8680225B 341 - SLAKING Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1A71C2D0 46242880 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1A71C2D0 46242880 342 - GULPIN Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 30DB7A76 5DDACD12 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 30DB7A76 5DDACD12 343 - SWALOT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7884EF0F 67C0AF3B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7884EF0F 67C0AF3B 344 - TROPIUS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AA7A873E FFB154A6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AA7A873E FFB154A6 345 - WHISMUR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

26D7DC8D 417A0B6D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 26D7DC8D 417A0B6D 346 - LOUDRED Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 AFA00EE3 718EEF3D Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 AFA00EE3 718EEF3D 347 - EXPLOUD Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 FC42BFBA 723164B7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 FC42BFBA 723164B7 348 - CLAMPERL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 1170B912 C07964C0 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 1170B912 C07964C0 349 - HUNTAIL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E4A881B5 F88A5155 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E4A881B5 F88A5155 350 - GOREBYSS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B5EF1C70 3CA26E43 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B5EF1C70 3CA26E43 351 - ABSOL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 48B6AAB2 1DF8210B Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 48B6AAB2 1DF8210B 352 - SHUPPET Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 57E43C53 FC610307 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 57E43C53 FC610307 353 - BANETTE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 94458243 C510357A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 94458243 C510357A 354 - SEVIPER Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7FA6C6A5 0BD72914 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7FA6C6A5 0BD72914 355 - ZANGOOSE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 7A1B3605 446324F9 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 7A1B3605 446324F9 356 - RELICANTH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 70C83329 39E46A8C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 70C83329 39E46A8C 357 - ARON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3D0D75D9 BB90D125 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3D0D75D9 BB90D125 358 - LAIRON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 57A08D3A 7ABD0729 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 57A08D3A 7ABD0729 359 - AGGRON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 E3201C46 7D9C25C8 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 E3201C46 7D9C25C8

360 - CASTFORM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2AFF2302 79F11D8E Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2AFF2302 79F11D8E 361 - VOLBEAT Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 92D48F5A EFB4545C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 92D48F5A EFB4545C 362 - ILLUMISE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D572DAA5 87D6C7E6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D572DAA5 87D6C7E6 363 - LILEEP Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3AD0E42A 5351EEC1 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3AD0E42A 5351EEC1 364 - CRADILY Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D9F4E659 9E75E3A7 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D9F4E659 9E75E3A7 365 - ANORITH Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8C666801 A01AC908 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8C666801 A01AC908 366 - ARMALDO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C260DC88 0B887640 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C260DC88 0B887640 367 - RALTS

Ruby : FD78F257 CCCDDE00 Sapp : 9B78FA02 CCCDDE00

F6D1C816 E6366664 2FF826E7 E6366664

368 - KIRLIA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B87FC461 BD90A188 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B87FC461 BD90A188 369 - GARDEVOIR Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 29ADDA88 2A716653 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 29ADDA88 2A716653 370 - BAGON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 483D0F18 31570D12 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 483D0F18 31570D12 371 - SHELGON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C5A87529 D187CC84 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C5A87529 D187CC84 372 - SALAMENCE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 6CFF889D 291D0D2F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 6CFF889D 291D0D2F 373 - BELDUM Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 672AAE09 6A94B26C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 672AAE09 6A94B26C 374 - METANG Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816

531BDFF7 1CF814A2 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 531BDFF7 1CF814A2 375 - METAGROSS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 26A93115 6D7DA25F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 26A93115 6D7DA25F 376 - REGIROCK Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 2C039365 BD8DAA93 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 2C039365 BD8DAA93 377 - REGICE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 3B67CC42 E88849DC Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 3B67CC42 E88849DC 378 - REGISTEEL Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 72BD6680 4C905686 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 72BD6680 4C905686 379 - KYOGRE Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 F476702E AA0BC91F Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 F476702E AA0BC91F 380 - GROUDON Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 C0E62D3D 96A609B9 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 C0E62D3D 96A609B9 381 - RAYQUAZA Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 57F51785 1407E099 Sapp :

9B78FA02 2FF826E7 57F51785 1407E099 382 - LATIAS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 BD0DFE1F E5B1C3DF Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 BD0DFE1F E5B1C3DF 383 - LATIOS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 81A8033F F036470C Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 81A8033F F036470C 384 - JIRACHI Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 D6E4AB8C 0B4A2B74 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 D6E4AB8C 0B4A2B74 385 - DEOXYS Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 B19B2D5E 4008624A Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 B19B2D5E 4008624A 386 - CHIMECHO Ruby : FD78F257 F6D1C816 8E419FE2 02628AD6 Sapp : 9B78FA02 2FF826E7 8E419FE2 02628AD6

----------------------------------------------2. Gameshark/AR Codes for Version 1.2 or lower. --------------------------------------------------------------2.0 Master Codes. ----------------*************************************************************** !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! These codes do NOT WORK on 1.3 Sharks/ActionReplay refer to the first section of the FAQ for 1.3 codes ***************************************************************

You have to enter these codes in your Action Replay / Gameshark in order to use the other codes of these FAQ. Pokemon Ruby Master Code : 9E6AC862 823AB7A8 46B7D9E4 A709E9E1 Pokemon Sapphire Master Code : 9E6AC862 823AB7A8 8365F8FA 817CF3E9 ------------------------2.1 Pokemon's Data Codes. -------------------------------------------------------2.1.1 Always Male/Female Codes.* -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Enter one of these codes and you'll set the gender of the next wild Pok�mon you'll see (if it has any gender or course). Note : It can still be Shiny, with a chance of 1/8192. Always Female Pok�mons Code : B917F77E0FD658EB Always Male Pok�mons Code : 3537AAD42B010F73

------------------------------2.1.2 Always Maxed Genes Codes.* ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. You can only enter one of these code at the same time. Gene Maxed Out (value of 31) for wild Pok�mons: HP Gene : 60C7C028 82820B6F Attack Gene : 2CEFA3FD 3A1F566D

Defense Gene : 871BD5C0 05576B47 Speed Gene : 04DB5910 0AA12920 Special Attack Gene : 20DAB881 C1E06EF7 Special Defense Gene : 6568BC1F 64A183EE All Genes Maxed out : D95E6845 60A3B6CF

------------------2.1.3 Pokerus Code.* ------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Use this code to make ALL your Pokemon catch the Pokerus after a fight. (even if they already caught it) 33969F4A EE0B4CC2 And here are some explanations about the Pokerus : The Pokerus is a virus that infects Pokemon. But it's not a bad thing : when a Pokemon has caught the Pokerus, the Effort Values it gains after a battle are doubled ! You see if your Pokemon has the Pokerus by looking at its summary. If you see "STATUS PKRS" under its picture, that means your Pokemon is infected. To make the Pokerus spread, take the infected Pokemon in your party, and make some battles. After each battle, the other Pokemon will have a chance to get infected by the virus. The virus will disappear after about four days. At this moment, the "STATUS PKRS" will be gone, but you'll see a black dot to the left of its level's number. That means three things : - this Pokemon will never be able to be infected again, - that it'll stop to infect other Pokemon, - that its EV gains are doubled. If you put an infected Pokemon in the PC, the virus will not spread, but the infected Pokemon will not loose its Pokerus Status. There are two ways to get infected by the Pokerus : - Find a RL Friend whose Pokemon has caught the Pokerus, and ask him to give you one of his infected Pokemon. Make the virus spead to your Pokemons, and then give him his Pokemon back. - Make a lot of battle. After a battle, you have 1 chance out of 21845 (more

precisely 3 chances out of 65536) that one of your Pokemon get infected by the Pokerus. This is very very rare. As a matter of comparison, you have 1 chance out of 8192 to find a shiny Pokemon.

-------------------------2.1.4 Select Ability Code.* -------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. You might know that each Pokemon has 1 or 2 abilities (Pick Up Items, Run Away...). You can't give a Pokemon an ability that he can't have, but you can choose which ability you prefer when a Pokemon that has 2 abilities is created. Use this code to get the 1st ability : 02B9D483 35E6766F Use this code to get the 2nd ability : DF39283D 2929E240 If a Pokemon has only 1 ability (most of them do), these codes won't do anything.

-------------------------------2.1.5 Always Shiny Display Code.* -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will not know that your Game has been hacked. Choose either one of these codes : - Switch Shiny/Normal Colors in Battle : With this code, all "normal" Pokemon will look Shiny, and all Shiny Pokemon will look normal during battles. They'll go back to normal once the code if off. CD9A8B2C 402EA528 We choose to make the Shiny Pokemon become normal so you can still find (and catch) them during the game. - Make all Pokemon have Shiny Colors in "Summary" :

551C263B E5D3DC38 With this code, all Pokemon will look Shiny when you look at them using the "Summary" Menu. They'll go back to normal once the code if off.

-----------------------2.1.6 Always Shiny Code.* -----------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. It's kinda hard and long to make this code work, so be very careful when using it. It might destroy your game, so please follow the steps one by one ! !!! We made this code because it was funny to do it. We won't offer ANY SUPPORT for it. So, if you can't make it work, just don't use it. And if it destroyed your game, don't blame us. !!! This codes will NOT WORK with any other Type 6 code, which are the codes that let you choose wich Pokemon you encounter in the wild. HOWEVER, you can get ANY SHINY POKEMON if you do the following : - Use the Lavaridge's Egg Code to get the Egg of the Pokemon you want, but don't make it hatch yet !!! Save your game. - Now use the Fast Egg Hatch Code, move one step, and if the Egg didn't hatch, save your game. Repeat until the Egg hatch, and reload your last save. - Follow the Steps 1-6 (see below) (or steps 5-6 if you have aleady done 1-4), and make the Egg hatch (by walking a bit). The Pokemon you choosed will be Shiny! *Step 0 (only if you want to catch Pokemon in battle) : If you are going for a Shiny rampage, you should have something like 99 Master Balls on you. You will only be able to get the Shiny Pokemons one by one, so it could be better if you get them on your 1st try. Use the code provided in this FAQ (or in mastersord's FAQ) to get them. *Step 1 : Turn on the GBA and launch the game without codes. Make sure you have the 1st slot of your *1st* Pokemon's Box free (in the PC). Make sure you have in the 2nd slot of the *1st* Pokemon's Box a Pokemon YOU CAUGHT IN THE WILD YOURSELF. !!!!!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE A POKEMON YOU CAUGHT YOURSELF IN THE 2ND SLOT OF THE 1ST POKEMON'S BOX, THESE CODES WILL MESS YOUR GAME. !!!!!!

Turn off the GBA. *Step 2 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your GSA/AR : 7E5D9AF7 C70FC474 3BC474AA DEF526FD 1DE2A65D 667B915F C5259E55 639B1F5C 24A766C4

D9D32B17 E276A579 A9392507 C0120242 C774F615 86A23D5A 27D383AF 1FA26FB5 73C0AD82

Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 3 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your GSA/AR : 5398D115 A90EF609 4FDCAF5C 51BA1E07 659EC2AF 351F1B94 24BDB599 AEA85451 5662572E C94EE97E

E9AE8AFC D2B39D98 32905BB9 C546973F A0A1714C DC32DAAE 04A7AE40 0DD453FD C8845667 808029FD

Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 4 : Turn on the GBA and start the game without codes. Load your game. Now look in your PC. You'll see a strange Egg in the 1st slot of the 1st box. It'll be named "Shiny Hack". DONT'T MOVE IT, DON'T LOOK ITS SUMMARY. Just check it's there. If it isn't, put whatever Pokemon you want in the 1st slot, then move it again to free the 1st slot, then go back to Step 2. Turn off the GBA.

***************************************************************************** Now you have created the Shiny Hack Egg. To find Shiny Pokemons, you have to have it in the PC, in the 1st slot of your 1st box, then do steps 5-6. You won't have to redo steps 1-4, unless you loose the Shiny Hack Egg. If you move this egg, the code following codes will crash the game, and you'll have to go back to step 1. ***************************************************************************** *Step 5 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your GSA/AR : 1E1650E3 267CE8CC FD1581BB CD466792 EFABCDC7 10C10904 Start the game with these codes ON. Load your game. (You'll see your Trainer Name is messed up : don't worry !) Save your game. Turn off the GBA. *Step 6 : Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your GSA/AR : D11444FA 2866D302 Now the next Pokemon that will be created (wild, egg..) will be always Shiny. THIS ONLY WORKS FOR THE 1ST POKEMON THE GAME CREATES. IF, AFTER THAT, YOU TRY TO ENCOUNTER A WILD POKEMON, CREATE AN EGG (BY BREEDING), MAKE AN EGG HATCH, OR RECEIVE A POKEMON OR AN EGG FROM SOMEONE, THE GAME WILL CRASH!!! It actually means you can : - Find a wild Pokemone ONCE, then save your game. - Receive a Pokemon from someone ONCE, then save your game. - Receive an EGG from someone ONCE, then save your game. - Put 2 Pokemon in the Daycare (to make them breed) then save your game. - Make an EGG hatch, then save your game. Once you've made one of these, you'll see that your Trainer Name's is back to normal : THAT MEANS THE NEXT TIME THE GAME CREATES A POKEMON, THE GAME WILL CRASH IF YOU HAVE THE CODE ON. So save your game, and turn off the GBA! *Step 7 : Now, if you want to catch more Shiny Pokemon using this code, just redo steps 1-6. Else, if you have finish, do the following :

Turn on the GBA. Enter these codes in your GSA/AR : 33B0BD02 2C7461AC A38D6566 7B0D49A2 6B985CD3 9F7C6183

A96038C8 6912B9F8 5FE97854 37C8DBF7 855A5970 C3908197

Load your game. Save your game. Turn off the GBA. If you want more shiny Pokemon, just redo steps 5-6. We made it so the data of the Shiny Pokemon are calculated in a somewhat random way, so the Pokemon will be as close as possible to a Pokemon really created by the game. That means it'll have random gender, random stats... But, if Nintendo looks closely at the data, they WILL KNOW it has been hacked. That's it.

--------------------2.1.7 Day Care Codes. --------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Put 2 Pokemons that can breed into the Day Care (located on Route 117). Enter one of these codes, and wait for the egg to be created (walk around). Once the old man is telling you he has an egg for you, press R or L (see below) during the dialog to get the desired effect : Code #1 Press R to have a Female Pokemon in the egg : F1AC20E0 BDC21FAF F20B5BBC 9A988181 Code #2 Press L to have a Male Pokemon in the egg : 89AD87D7 23990C6E 2FD3E590 3B5377E6 Special Notes : - These Codes only work for Pokemon that have a gender!

- You can also use the Fast Egg Hatch codes to get the desired Pokemon very fast :) - Be aware that you can't use the Always Shiny Pokemon Codes on an egg created with these codes, else any effect of the Day Care Codes you used will be erased.

Now a bit of explanation about breeding and eggs : When you put 2 pokemon that can breed in the Day Care, they can make an egg. The Egg creation is random, and occurs when you walk. When the egg is created, the game stores a random number (1-65535) somewhere. Then, when you take the egg from the old man, another random number (this time 0-65535) is computed. The game put these two numbers together, and use them to create the Pokemon (for people that used to read the japanese Pokemon thread on cmgsccc, the 2 numbers will become the MAP). Moreover, as the numbers are random, things like shinyness, gender, or traits wont be given by the parents to the child. So breeding 1 or 2 shiny Pokemon won't give more chances to get a shiny child.

-------------------------------------2.1.8 Pickup Ability to Everyone Code.* -------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will not know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Enter this code, and all your Pok�mon will have the Pickup ability as a bonus (their other ability will still fully work, and with the code they'll have a chance to find items after the fights). 4292ABFB 3402FCD5 Small note about the Pickup ability : It works only after a battle you won (either against a wild Pokemon or a Trainer). When the battle ends, all Pokemon in your party that have the Pickup ability have 1 chance out of 10 to find any of the following item : 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 4% 1%

: : : : : : : : : :

Super Potion Ultra Ball Rare Candy Full Restore Revive Nugget Protein Full Heal PP Up King's rock

There *might* be a possibility that a special event gives you a Master Ball with Pick Up, but we haven't found anything about it...

------------------------------2.1.9 Select Personality Codes. ------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo should *not* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. Once you've enter one code, all the Pokemons you'll encounter will always have the personality you choosed, until you reload your game. This does not work for Pokemon that hatch from eggs, and for Pokemon that don't appear randomly. Hardy Lonely Brave Adamant Naughty Bold Docile Relaxed Impish Lax Timid Hasty Serious Jolly Naive Modest Mild Quiet Bashful Rash Calm Gentle Sassy Careful Quirky

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

85C533B4 0CAF6A9B A7087215 A42CC56D 89224E28 9BA2EA7F DDD50730 5BA86306 77B82909 B96C8F98 6B72D649 A52EFEF5 DE9BD9AA EDA3BC0C 09F6BE91 F28DD676 64639370 EB935861 38F8B9C9 A7A5DD65 049C1F3F F3D8252C F2C2B934 531ADA3E C1167B1B

E777280C EA27BA84 F874A980 3DF4DF4C B0D0928C BF343E77 6ED65341 364B284B 4D321507 0529BB0A A850346C 5506A2C4 B875822B E65B1542 6A2662C2 EECDC5A1 D15C4427 595B8DB6 607FE8FA 37566B3B 2F043BFB 9916EF61 D5B6C8AE 040B6679 2998D2D4

---------------------------2.2 Pok�mon Encounter Codes. ------------------------------------------------------------2.2.1 Wild Pok�mon Modifier Codes.* ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if you catch a Pok�mon that can't be catched without codes. Once you've enter one code, you'll encounter only one kind of Pok�mon, until

you reload your game. Theses codes work with the wild Pok�mons you encounter by walking in the grass, walking in the caves, and surfing (that means it won't work for fishing). This codes will only make you fight *OLD* Pok�mons. For the new Pok�mons, you can check '1.2.3 Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes' or '1.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes'. Note 1 : In case you didn't notice, the Pok�mons are listed using the old Pok�dex numbers. Note 2 : Never activate two of these codes at the same time! 001 - BULBASAUR C7715E5D 4B03490C 002 - IVYSAUR AC386FDC E1057B11 003 - VENUSAUR 6C0E650D 9151DC36 004 - CHARMANDER 86FC5D2E 2AB49BE7 005 - CHARMELEON 8EF2FF70 229DABA2 006 - CHARIZARD 5F4739E5 94A6717F 007 - SQUIRTLE F18A71B3 474EF1FF 008 - WARTORTLE 600C15C9 7A07635B 009 - BLASTOISE 9DAC9AE7 0802D361 010 - CATERPIE 32D2BE30 1538D5E2 011 - METAPOD AF02EDC2 534F3FF1 012 - BUTTERFREE 3D94CBE7 806B75AA 013 - WEEDLE 0F029558 78490C5D 014 - KAKUNA 2C901485 96BF028B 015 - BEEDRILL 4CD61B87 F05305C0

016 - PIDGEY FB5B7B2E CB8F711B 017 - PIDGEOTTO B5A3B324 4A2ABD7E 018 - PIDGEOT ED21FD83 4D34C446 019 - RATTATA 3F2FF398 386736A6 020 - RATICATE CBB024C3 3D4E94CF 021 - SPEAROW D50BE2E3 E9AC080B 022 - FEAROW 1B5E43BD 9713080E 023 - EKANS 9746090A 9B13D34A 024 - ARBOK E8B3D478 7DB12D1A 025 - PIKACHU 76575913 837E7434 026 - RAICHU 44DC4643 2E37823B 027 - SANDSHREW A90E5784 8E3070F2 028 - SANDSLASH DB655BDA 4885F2BA 029 - NIDORAN Female D9862183 3DC52ADF 030 - NIDORINA 34046638 0412FF7B 031 - NIDOQUEEN A4115F36 A58D2F6E 032 - NIDORAN Male 115EE33A 047E08D9 033 - NIDORINO E6FAC021 5BFBC7E4 034 - NIDOKING 83AF0E64 308DCF7A

035 - CLEFAIRY 0A960AD3 2D88FB71 036 - CLEFABLE A245B05B DBA62586 037 - VULPIX E9243AE6 0707C461 038 - NINETALES 8B104BC5 3BBB0554 039 - JIGGLYPUFF 9D6FDEB5 9E31E1D8 040 - WIGGLYTUFF FF704C3B BDE35BC2 041 - ZUBAT A5F54B47 43289103 042 - GOLBAT 3955CE26 1CBBE2B7 043 - ODDISH FD90C5C2 2B982804 044 - GLOOM 191292AD 8DA00EED 045 - VILEPLUME 7B389B12 790FFF7D 046 - PARAS 28F47730 F2BE0E37 047 - PARASECT 8F320452 F34DE558 048 - VENONAT CC91885B A7BDA5D0 049 - VENOMOTH 7498F3A3 7D8DE734 050 - DIGLETT 4E0E0953 99832EC7 051 - DUGTRIO CFBDF086 94AFF44C 052 - MEOWTH 4107EE54 59F45AC6 053 - PERSIAN 574E9E37 CF91E972 054 - PSYDUCK

10CAB90D FBA1D606 055 - GOLDUCK E668AE7B 6C41ABE6 056 - MANKEY 16FE1028 9A936148 057 - PRIMEAPE 29B920D4 925D9207 058 - GROWLITHE 22B7647C F5951FC0 059 - ARCANINE C997ECED 821D7BE8 060 - POLIWAG DDCAE2B2 48356075 061 - POLIWHIRL 7522AE0F 219A6D01 062 - POLIWRATH 9895E708 49248155 063 - ABRA 8EE6264B 7FA5506A 064 - KADABRA 82A3DA43 4AFAFC8E 065 - ALAKAZAM A52F239F 157183AA 066 - MACHOP 754794BB 393FBB5E 067 - MACHOKE 596DD0CA 422404AF 068 - MACHAMP D03BF772 85346D77 069 - BELLSPROUT 0E6E78BE 6553B936 070 - WEEPINBELL 29CC9E0E F1D7F477 071 - VICTREEBEL D1797B9B BC093A3F 072 - TENTACOOL 36F4CD32 ACE8CCB4 073 - TENTACRUEL B3106F93 C70F4300

074 - GEODUDE F49F0B96 1CDA9CDE 075 - GRAVELER 33202BC8 4B640AB3 076 - GOLEM 981E5643 20350C5C 077 - PONYTA 3EBEFE1E A8493773 078 - RAPIDASH 3D7098F8 603A63BA 079 - SLOWPOKE 33AD5E4E 1F464A59 080 - SLOWBRO 14A9A5E7 3C6D8285 081 - MAGNEMITE CCBFCC6A 6B608D39 082 - MAGNETON A772B75B C41A2001 083 - FARFETCH'D 0AD10269 00EF2DDC 084 - DODUO C86D9E0A D50F5094 085 - DODRIO CCF9E49B 5E4CADA8 086 - SEEL 0C2314C9 19D3DAD8 087 - DEWGONG E4A84A01 E8F5F70B 088 - GRIMER 1C079E02 0E278333 089 - MUK 88E7528B 4EDE64E8 090 - SHELLDER 1EA5B82C 6AE3C655 091 - CLOYSTER 6D655CDB 8564F3D6 092 - GASTLY 5F526032 B3FFFCE0

093 - HAUNTER 973AB5D9 C4DD3650 094 - GENGAR EA51AA85 C39E59D4 095 - ONIX 43CBABBB B7155781 096 - DROWZEE BA6D6DF7 DE9213D6 097 - HYPNO E4A57331 BFD72F7E 098 - KRABBY 3F1B3D68 D4401611 099 - KINGLER 93F26FDC 1621EFBB 100 - VOLTORB 6FABB900 F3EEEC61 101 - ELECTRODE BA4A7DEE B6786158 102 - EXEGGCUTE 771695BD 9D8BE844 103 - EXEGGUTOR 84689B70 FD33AE82 104 - CUBONE AF9A5643 17D23C50 105 - MAROWAK B3A12885 D5D4DA48 106 - HITMONLEE 29025DA4 6C67823C 107 - HITMONCHAN 513811EA EFBC54A8 108 - LICKITUNG 5E065A17 4F8282B0 109 - KOFFING 3B75EE99 1DE0E837 110 - WEEZING 4878DB3C EA7C31E1 111 - RHYHORN A50BBA40 C59DE2FE 112 - RHYDON

195DB2BB A4007417 113 - CHANSEY 98A9EF2F D4933FE0 114 - TANGELA B1510A8B 506644ED 115 - KANGASKHAN F5CAF2C4 EEB3D467 116 - HORSEA A4EBBAA4 72E72233 117 - SEADRA CFC5CD16 3BFE5AED 118 - GOLDEEN F29255BC BB65E9A6 119 - SEAKING C0BF93BB DF9273D4 120 - STARYU 3B32D430 49596504 121 - STARMIE 56831CCB 1A47A4DC 122 - MR.MIME 9FC25570 19FFADC8 123 - SCYTHER C4C02E8B CB6C0843 124 - JYNX E9B19520 9876042D 125 - ELECTABUZZ EE7D62E6 377677A7 126 - MAGMAR 608711AD 052765EC 127 - PINSIR 52518024 0E93A551 128 - TAUROS 3ED3C52A 46C14BD1 129 - MAGIKARP 7C77F189 2570754C 130 - GYARADOS EA48F528 76018F4F 131 - LAPRAS 24D3EE0E 404F7B3D

132 - DITTO 5FD5479B 25F61E5C 133 - EEVEE 6817CACB B3725546 134 - VAPOREON 418E4169 4A61E666 135 - JOLTEON 67F9841D E968DA3D 136 - FLAREON B6691108 227D02B3 137 - PORYGON D763E945 C958628C 138 - OMANYTE BA9282BB 1ADDD98B 139 - OMASTAR F01152ED 876CFF58 140 - KABUTO F86734D5 046D3F8F 141 - KABUTOPS 92255918 3F823AF8 142 - AERODACTYL 11F5BC3E FD0E5DD3 143 - SNORLAX 65B08809 FC26812C 144 - ARTICUNO 9F9A4317 19B26CE8 145 - ZAPDOS 9C30E2E2 1F157234 146 - MOLTRES A265FB70 5EAE2980 147 - DRATINI 52F5EC2D DDD29409 148 - DRAGONAIR F4BD50DA 1B890A51 149 - DRAGONITE B67EB199 4491FC62 150 - MEWTWO 30621E6F 164FED85

151 - MEW 71E09BD1 17FDFD02 152 - CHIKORITA 025F2921 710FE9F1 153 - BAYLEEF FEDD6E75 8BF7942D 154 - MEGANIUM 09C6FA0D 4F0F5773 155 - CYNDAQUIL F3595519 C41CB89F 156 - QUILAVA B962659C FD1C1893 157 - TYPHLOSION 4281A040 0FD71E37 158 - TOTODILE 658B55E6 01699F03 159 - CROCONAW 7171EB15 E4ADEA22 160 - FERALIGATR 918632C3 9DDE2DBB 161 - SENTRET 6BC6D188 3A1559EB 162 - FURRET D8607109 AD28DB09 163 - HOOTHOOT 78A0CD57 9A371B1F 164 - NOCTOWL FBDBF52B 3623B52C 165 - LEDYBA 50757C7A A393D46A 166 - LEDIAN 349C7EAC 1092228D 167 - SPINARAK 1BCCE898 36AE52D4 168 - ARIADOS F5044794 6C4C5098 169 - CROBAT BA64CBD7 4C67DA0E 170 - CHINCHOU

741082FC 8EF7B960 171 - LANTURN 13534CCF 5BB92C8C 172 - PICHU AE371D2F DBA3CE4E 173 - CLEFFA 586090DB 2EAC760B 174 - IGGLYBUFF E5C58F0E 70ACBAAA 175 - TOGEPI F656D521 4B02FC73 176 - TOGETIC 53F6DE66 941BAC84 177 - NATU F4462DB1 AF5C874E 178 - XATU 51CAB730 0E9283C0 179 - MAREEP B3323FA4 00976EED 180 - FLAAFFY 3FE2F064 BB639BA3 181 - AMPHAROS 03DB2EDA F1498315 182 - BELLOSSOM EE1B4201 DA9C6E71 183 - MARILL 76ECA4FF 35F8C4F9 184 - AZUMARILL 24A67695 0E972009 185 - SUDOWOODO 8A0F695E 0306DC83 186 - POLITOED 5BA115A0 3330A906 187 - HOPPIP 3BED40A5 C056C098 188 - SKIPLOOM A200463B D753895E 189 - JUMPLUFF 4A91807F 7E5AE2BC

190 - AIPOM 8F7B8FA5 51BE6519 191 - SUNKERN BCD70C60 DC720840 192 - SUNFLORA EA4F4358 A731A363 193 - YANMA 7D316ADF 4B760643 194 - WOOPER 91166348 E9B56CFC 195 - QUAGSIRE 6E59C1C9 60930723 196 - ESPEON B33E1632 D7F709D0 197 - UMBREON E6FCAD89 AF77B153 198 - MURKROW F3BA401D 74110D94 199 - SLOWKING D7E57A96 CC7B875E 200 - MISDREAVUS 38744E79 1BFB4656 201 - UNOWN 1DEE8D9B C2C80AD7 202 - WOBBUFFET 1922B64C 93A475E6 203 - GIRAFARIG AFD25289 DC56A0CD 204 - PINECO AB82F0EE 7D884FB9 205 - FORETRESS 1EAC10AA D4B2DF5D 206 - DUNSPARCE E5355F5F 23DE47E9 207 - GLIGAR D48A22E1 A90FC70A 208 - STEELIX E5181BD8 7D70413E

209 - SNUBBULL 5EB71E4A 7E4F4C2B 210 - GRANBULL D2F305AD 7D077739 211 - QWILFISH 7148B7F0 D8D53003 212 - SCIZOR FA2F872F B24A679F 213 - SHUCKLE 919B1A5D 72F996F6 214 - HERACROSS 088236A9 C6933F92 215 - SNEASEL 663BCF6F E0AC9C73 216 - TEDDIURSA 4536DAC4 19FE88AB 217 - URSARING 5668474A F3AEF7A9 218 - SLUGMA 2B169F23 E11514BC 219 - MAGCARGO 20CBDC4C 87541E08 220 - SWINUB 432D0CD9 868F6A6A 221 - PILOSWINE 1AEE78F1 D6412BED 222 - CORSOLA E3CBB814 F78A0FF1 223 - REMORAID 4D675931 31AC8869 224 - OCTILLERY 9202ED83 F6B41A95 225 - DELIBIRD 8C2E6741 D5F172A4 226 - MANTINE F554A963 EDA859B6 227 - SKARMORY 7E5EFBAA F9D18289 228 - HOUNDOUR

A99587CC A49BC248 229 - HOUNDOOM 7FCE2C26 38425484 230 - KINGDRA FB5F56E3 F2427C25 231 - PHANPY 8F5688F4 58987C65 232 - DONPHAN CBBEF9DC 682596BC 233 - PORYGON2 F24D3963 1DE32FEB 234 - STANTLER F289D907 2638EA9B 235 - SMEARGLE 36066CF9 66A42091 236 - TYROGUE 057BFEC0 7D24A566 237 - HITMONTOP A5C5D439 AE264439 238 - SMOOCHUM D035F687 52B30C9D 239 - ELEKID C5D22480 A2CCC775 240 - MAGBY C6A84B78 810CD4FC 241 - MILTANK A454BB28 1CEC3F83 242 - BLISSEY 0160D183 A2A2A1B6 243 - RAIKOU BCFEE7CD B19EA1CF 244 - ENTEI ACE71E49 475ACE5A 245 - SUICUNE 0C0BC2BE 64E725C6 246 - LARVITAR 4C3FD6DD A72A38D9 247 - PUPITAR C9AC6A5E 6A92796A

248 - TYRANITAR D9A33817 C2429A0C 249 - LUGIA E57F3F78 64F944D0 250 - HO-OH 92BB8BD9 629E2D58 251 - CELEBI A3AFC93B CAE30FEC

-----------------------------------------2.2.2 Wild Pok�mon's Level Modifier Codes.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. These codes change the level of the wild Pok�mon you encounter. Like the Wild Pok�mon Modifier codes, they'll be "always on", until you reload your game. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

0: F5AB342D 3CFA84F8 1: C45C7505 6BF97E40 2: C8363B8A F34CC253 3: FBED400C 47E6AF9C 4: 81B4F4A8 DD8C8DA3 5: 8ADF131B 197C3759 6: 36B01215 68B06873 7: A81FA645 2174B4CC 8: 50EE594D B7FD32A9 9: D4AA647C BEC56E17 10: CF0A1FE3 D41BA795 11: F34ACED4 3C833FD0 12: D4AC3116 1A70901F 13: 8A4EF1F6 69FF9704 14: DBB8A34C 1F340ABE 15: 79B4DE8E C4E2714E 16: 16D2DE03 97D5DD30 17: ECC36576 9B384AC4 18: E86757F7 B85B1907 19: 508435D0 8374F8A9 20: F0EB0BD8 E5DAC259 21: 75CB0D43 A287FDEE 22: DB6DE7CF A3D8B726 23: 075456FC 83E07CAB 24: 40A1AE59 0736E278 25: 0E9F9606 0EF72FE8 26: AD477A8D 329351CF 27: 9C0D020F 64EFA2F8 28: 34D3FB96 C7514F70 29: 95623D8F 5448C1AA

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72: 73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79: 80: 81: 82: 83: 84: 85: 86: 87:

8DAA3F03 34224A03 C075E1D2 BE867F80 650868D6 593E6E2A D7B3E81C 5767DABA 6DC76B78 86F413D7 4245B3C4 8270F1EB 969D1EE6 32EDA52D 9176DA1D BD639674 5A153871 89A69EBA 12963DB0 6259B357 80F83CB7 2A35CA47 54096210 DDF6A059 F61A8D56 982C2976 957A67E7 5EB4CE49 4CB419E6 99CA200B 5B5BF78C 56EA8C70 9ED6273D 57A31C95 51386486 BDD6AA72 F9453920 CC5470DE 0C9DDCE9 6C4DFC62 91096486 FB27E9FF E1741A49 221B0B45 0AC35495 0DF5B115 F4AB245F DC9FF3B0 5D6FC8EB 7519EBBE 1FE76F15 06CACB52 C1492B55 E45CAD9D A94EFAE2 6BF0C6BF 9B362862 957FA407

5E8B4E54 6EFCE73E 6E01EC81 D2C46A90 596C0BC0 515DAF8E 3A7B4092 C727A2AD C23682E7 CBDB39D9 E56F6A82 D1860181 47E35F62 2BDEA8C0 A676AEFE 9DAE5ACB E444FF29 824E2B67 674C6AF9 DE6A92F2 37AD1203 728F3F35 C5AA929A F31732AA FA95DDF9 43489754 B03D0BF8 93C149C6 31789987 ABCFEEA8 5E4B18C6 453E8185 C3C3040F 53AFEA9E 8C6681EC 7D4FBED7 858514B3 59B583AF 24AB6861 7316B869 0960E45A 12AA5002 967C7FDB 5C53AAB8 84A76C74 DADD06F6 3D2002EF 25AD56E8 086106F5 186ABEAA 54DE3575 F59940BD 108E9337 CBF7760D E1139B30 3C9AE9B8 6C9E3476 9EB83354

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

88: 764D7C8B 3AE794B5 89: B98D2485 52001EA3 90: 56401EEF 892CF351 91: F078A9CB F9C77A1D 92: 867BF336 69D46D1B 93: 1802052B 1CA040BD 94: 80D10F19 8980597C 95: BC00C0DF 203B52B9 96: EC994F1B 029C9BF4 97: 12AB8578 A25B2D8F 98: 0FEB2F80 1F4C20F3 99: DDD3F56C 8AB5ED26 100: ECE60170 B3CCB7D2

--------------------------------------2.2.3 Route 101 Pokemon Modifier Codes.* --------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if you catch a Pok�mon that can't be catched on Route 101 without codes. ! Use only ONE of these codes at the same time ! These codes will change one of the Pok�mon of Route 101 (a Lvl. 2 Zigzagoon) to the Pok�mon of your choice (that will be Lvl. 2). Unlike the '1.2.1 Wild Pok�mon Modifier Codes', you won't find the choosen Pok�mon all the time, you will ONLY find it on Route 101, and you can choose to find one of the new Pok�mon. Remember : you might encounter the Pok�mon you choosed at the first battle, or might have to go over 12 (or more) battles before seing it... It'll just be a matter of luck, so be patient :) 001 - BULBASAUR Ruby : 34A70341 CBF28F76 Sapp : FE688997 8A29C7C8 002 - IVYSAUR Ruby : 8DC31328 59382552 Sapp : C8182986 692B6913 003 - VENUSAUR Ruby : F2FFF3AE 78FC904B Sapp : D1140D49 C845134A 004 - CHARMANDER Ruby : 525686ED B9F0EFB0 Sapp : 55F6E47B F08AEB84 005 - CHARMELEON Ruby : F411E8FB FEAE4491 Sapp : 8E73BE97 9E4746BB 006 - CHARIZARD

Ruby : F899D7D8 E4C6C08F Sapp : F57CB0CB D4B063B2 007 - SQUIRTLE Ruby : 7AB969BE DE9B63A1 Sapp : 020DCA73 6513FA46 008 - WARTORTLE Ruby : 3543022C 0221E7C8 Sapp : 8C5C1C17 44C3E0F8 009 - BLASTOISE Ruby : 9EA84E67 D95C3269 Sapp : B39F6B6C 96BAC3D7 010 - CATERPIE Ruby : 29215CE6 6FE78D56 Sapp : 418D051E 0D315BB3 011 - METAPOD Ruby : 8C566669 88E75ECD Sapp : E951613A 011F5819 012 - BUTTERFREE Ruby : C83D0C56 BEC64E31 Sapp : EDF52D55 40FD3635 013 - WEEDLE Ruby : A5515953 FE6E60DD Sapp : F26BA99F BB6D1172 014 - KAKUNA Ruby : 72BD0E77 7F181CF5 Sapp : 34E2A392 8DBC63BF 015 - BEEDRILL Ruby : EA8207FA D99A5E98 Sapp : B13DEEC2 30F1B8A3 016 - PIDGEY Ruby : 5D180A09 3FF6E5C9 Sapp : E0CD4528 2E706EBF 017 - PIDGEOTTO Ruby : 8CE83DC3 39BFB288 Sapp : 61D41FD5 E96619FC 018 - PIDGEOT Ruby : 52D4C590 CE51C6AA Sapp : 07EFA23A D62F7F20 019 - RATTATA Ruby : 100C5BA4 479E18C4 Sapp : CC1729D1 74E2B17F 020 - RATICATE Ruby : D9E4FD4B 880A1D05 Sapp : 17AF7CD5 FB9B8AF2

021 - SPEAROW Ruby : 4BA48915 3324FFDB Sapp : 08170EF7 4FD7526F 022 - FEAROW Ruby : 958721A4 183F8FE9 Sapp : 39220008 854B9C26 023 - EKANS Ruby : C1797D87 62797F88 Sapp : 4344DE2A C09A776E 024 - ARBOK Ruby : 3B3F70F7 C72A648B Sapp : 7E948835 BF3D85CE 025 - PIKACHU Ruby : F8586204 46A690F4 Sapp : 1C2E0089 A76EABC3 026 - RAICHU Ruby : 8386B71E C8E34E55 Sapp : 1D83224C 7A504CBD 027 - SANDSHREW Ruby : 338FAA4C FF21C2F3 Sapp : A2B6C46D 36B37021 028 - SANDSLASH Ruby : 5D4CACB7 97F9FEE2 Sapp : F6399BAA A7636A13 029 - NIDORAN Female Ruby : 7C15251E BDDFBD6D Sapp : C096FB82 5D6EA58A 030 - NIDORINA Ruby : C608CA42 D598A149 Sapp : 1493CEC2 6F644A20 031 - NIDOQUEEN Ruby : E9D78A55 2C436466 Sapp : 1BCA60F1 A9F9C797 032 - NIDORAN Male Ruby : 6EACE59A F81898B6 Sapp : FEF1FC38 DD7DDBF2 033 - NIDORINO Ruby : D0101691 DB311AC0 Sapp : 83C67F06 F339C13A 034 - NIDOKING Ruby : 0FDA6088 41ACDA11 Sapp : 467F6F49 A6EB7443 035 - CLEFAIRY

Ruby : B5520456 6735C96F Sapp : B049BC05 B8397ADD 036 - CLEFABLE Ruby : 3DA3E063 A39D4D7F Sapp : 889EC61B 8B42A391 037 - VULPIX Ruby : 98328EEF 5A30E0A2 Sapp : CB81B2C2 2A0618F9 038 - NINETALES Ruby : D1871BDC 314A837D Sapp : 76817D5A 6097246F 039 - JIGGLYPUFF Ruby : B582A801 86C2E642 Sapp : 42D34511 81447BDB 040 - WIGGLYTUFF Ruby : 647B91B5 955D3A37 Sapp : AC6DD14C B640F18E 041 - ZUBAT Ruby : A9399EB7 3CC540C6 Sapp : 2E2ECD09 8243D3B4 042 - GOLBAT Ruby : 779818A5 C340EB2C Sapp : 21578878 2B150BD9 043 - ODDISH Ruby : 8440F366 8B385AB7 Sapp : 7BF4D4DD 504E1373 044 - GLOOM Ruby : 84678E84 FB8C97A6 Sapp : 726184E5 6662519E 045 - VILEPLUME Ruby : B7A17218 36169187 Sapp : B471B6AF 58A82C02 046 - PARAS Ruby : 221A985C 64F68EDE Sapp : 457D03F1 7D88798A 047 - PARASECT Ruby : 7E69BF5F C5332BD2 Sapp : 8DDE665E A3CDE0BB 048 - VENONAT Ruby : A629CFAB 347A6B52 Sapp : A16B4AA7 5BED535E 049 - VENOMOTH Ruby : FD487869 E5B30B40 Sapp : D211BE9C 4AFF9073

050 - DIGLETT Ruby : 24663333 6D9F6DF4 Sapp : 3CAB6585 0482A125 051 - DUGTRIO Ruby : C07C13B1 E9CB7996 Sapp : E336B70E 60993790 052 - MEOWTH Ruby : D57018A7 B7AFC329 Sapp : AB3100EB 3D16DAFF 053 - PERSIAN Ruby : 648D9DB8 8777D699 Sapp : C9E2FD22 90D335CE 054 - PSYDUCK Ruby : B732A924 62EE58DD Sapp : 9A21BE5C 376CD5DB 055 - GOLDUCK Ruby : D0C44031 8B4C118E Sapp : 4DEFA246 323EB4B6 056 - MANKEY Ruby : 265DDFEA EDB4BF44 Sapp : C7FC6129 A9F50F45 057 - PRIMEAPE Ruby : 247CD7E8 1EBA5BCD Sapp : 42C60458 3EC7254D 058 - GROWLITHE Ruby : 6CF783C8 29105344 Sapp : 962D5081 B3629E62 059 - ARCANINE Ruby : 490B4E08 B173E847 Sapp : 1E61C376 A8F428EB 060 - POLIWAG Ruby : 78A348C4 89A19308 Sapp : F8C4E3F6 B4239FE9 061 - POLIWHIRL Ruby : A562F709 61FAD127 Sapp : 34F0783A EDE79428 062 - POLIWRATH Ruby : F0F418A0 B30A8FAD Sapp : F0692FF3 349602EE 063 - ABRA Ruby : DD0D2335 A39E9E7D Sapp : C070059F A5DC65B0 064 - KADABRA

Ruby : 14296230 2AEFDB38 Sapp : 016FF247 5A4CA525 065 - ALAKAZAM Ruby : 16D3F06F 9460CC90 Sapp : 9C0CF351 0E761129 066 - MACHOP Ruby : 870015B5 2DBF46CE Sapp : 3AFA44A6 2C96FE5A 067 - MACHOKE Ruby : 6DF4F07C DC90C88B Sapp : D5EEF8BC 6865396F 068 - MACHAMP Ruby : CC69DD22 4E8641F3 Sapp : F09FC02E 5918EFCC 069 - BELLSPROUT Ruby : 5ACBF3FD 43E18A8C Sapp : 959B29A6 02AE5548 070 - WEEPINBELL Ruby : FC2C8BA9 E45B9747 Sapp : 27BD4AAD 388520CC 071 - VICTREEBEL Ruby : C5DAC47F DCCFF636 Sapp : 625311CA 79B736D6 072 - TENTACOOL Ruby : BD5022A3 7F8B1468 Sapp : A52DDD3A 420D8224 073 - TENTACRUEL Ruby : 85DBB0BD C9E42913 Sapp : F85C3AE1 7DD2152D 074 - GEODUDE Ruby : A327171A F8A4C93E Sapp : 73A399C4 E86D4C65 075 - GRAVELER Ruby : E8A39FC9 251CD5A9 Sapp : 900C1972 2282AEC9 076 - GOLEM Ruby : 51B97838 18B247DB Sapp : 68D47FB6 77BFD2D5 077 - PONYTA Ruby : C44DDB7C 4EF1DF7A Sapp : 363213F9 3CDE89D0 078 - RAPIDASH Ruby : 5B42AD65 145EBB5F Sapp : 8A264A69 1041B8B2

079 - SLOWPOKE Ruby : 59255975 9BE3C0A7 Sapp : FD61A327 374833A6 080 - SLOWBRO Ruby : CAB34BC4 DD1B4DA0 Sapp : 9F3EEEFC A9932249 081 - MAGNEMITE Ruby : 193366F2 3C9E32F5 Sapp : 956870FE C4B44E22 082 - MAGNETON Ruby : D0ECB28C B705C5AE Sapp : 566CCA28 06E9DA42 083 - FARFETCH"D Ruby : 42E042FA 997DD55D Sapp : 5C106FE7 04E139D0 084 - DODUO Ruby : BA83CA88 78632363 Sapp : 86194A09 795A9498 085 - DODRIO Ruby : 9B570D27 9C821574 Sapp : CD7200E7 AC8CE95C 086 - SEEL Ruby : AA92BC68 ED9CBA0D Sapp : 2ADD25F4 0D4E4A56 087 - DEWGONG Ruby : C91E9A60 57CA4543 Sapp : 14597CC5 11EDFCEF 088 - GRIMER Ruby : 0E153160 F99F803E Sapp : 4ADEBBB1 5AD616B2 089 - MUK Ruby : 198A42DE EBEA1723 Sapp : 5A0E57FE ACBA2F90 090 - SHELLDER Ruby : A816D6C6 04F8B772 Sapp : 6B1E2AFE B131268D 091 - CLOYSTER Ruby : A86B24F3 D2EB9CEF Sapp : 3D75BFFA 44671512 092 - GASTLY Ruby : FD280C9D 2B8D8E64 Sapp : 1953EB64 3CE241BD 093 - HAUNTER

Ruby : 12501C32 35DDE08D Sapp : C503A25A 92BE1A74 094 - GENGAR Ruby : 7F8E85DB A51FDB58 Sapp : 839F2565 AD54D9FE 095 - ONIX Ruby : 0E1E6CAF D9B5EEDF Sapp : F908C6B2 4CF4D551 096 - DROWZEE Ruby : 73088F8A ECAD05CD Sapp : 3310FECE 029EF02E 097 - HYPNO Ruby : FC231C57 8162330B Sapp : 7BA3F9AA 7AA4E934 098 - KRABBY Ruby : 99D83E44 58B8980B Sapp : B7F24381 68E04047 099 - KINGLER Ruby : E8B6D544 ABCDEC70 Sapp : F046AC28 48449DC2 100 - VOLTORB Ruby : 385924CC 96AD8A5C Sapp : 89EB77E9 0B910057 101 - ELECTRODE Ruby : FCAC17CE AD7B1B49 Sapp : AC3EC121 FD549C7E 102 - EXEGGCUTE Ruby : C65486B7 5310D975 Sapp : 2D239148 A6FEDFC0 103 - EXEGGUTOR Ruby : 6F8FAAEB DA70E240 Sapp : 2CC086BE 35A8E8A1 104 - CUBONE Ruby : 09BBD1F6 1BEE4654 Sapp : A2D947BF 98208355 105 - MAROWAK Ruby : 8C409C63 10B7B86E Sapp : D805D22E 98A12857 106 - HITMONLEE Ruby : E5F18B51 2521DE37 Sapp : DF765A24 A10D89B3 107 - HITMONCHAN Ruby : A5A1A2D1 6C94A6F3 Sapp : 44C55272 8BADFB1C

108 - LICKITUNG Ruby : 417B3AD5 1FB791EF Sapp : AAF85756 C1E5F927 109 - KOFFING Ruby : 20238F1F 9D3ECBEE Sapp : 35A1C476 4E3D7DBE 110 - WEEZING Ruby : 6FB62A99 96449A63 Sapp : 9418DF34 7F3776D3 111 - RHYHORN Ruby : 5BB3B030 82E367B3 Sapp : 8E79EF78 525B74F0 112 - RHYDON Ruby : C22F588E F56176C5 Sapp : A50DBF79 B84FFDE6 113 - CHANSEY Ruby : 1D99593D E1D86A8D Sapp : 22ADB9A8 E74ACF55 114 - TANGELA Ruby : DD4C3FD0 AA839EFB Sapp : 5E0A98C8 BDF4C9C0 115 - KANGASKHAN Ruby : FFEC393D C1973C2C Sapp : D9412D47 3D4BFA57 116 - HORSEA Ruby : CA901B2C 775577A0 Sapp : 81C63D6D C946EE6E 117 - SEADRA Ruby : C3985E76 E6A4449C Sapp : 5F09EF0B A971E5B6 118 - GOLDEEN Ruby : 6FED2E18 C1EBD433 Sapp : 3CE8BD5F 2172D4AE 119 - SEAKING Ruby : 6FEED310 3E3D2DBF Sapp : 16CEC6FA AAE39DE3 120 - STARYU Ruby : 084FB98E F7B55C5E Sapp : 6E79F18B 9DC1C6E1 121 - STARMIE Ruby : 693254C4 76FDFC41 Sapp : A5AFCE1B 484BA79B 122 - MR.MIME

Ruby : E330A937 CFFC5626 Sapp : 60976A31 FF8F89B4 123 - SCYTHER Ruby : CA70C388 EA048FA9 Sapp : 4ACE62FC D544C07E 124 - JYNX Ruby : 50CA95F4 FAC20799 Sapp : 1F50E4EB 0917EA64 125 - ELECTABUZZ Ruby : A1FEFAF2 3C001119 Sapp : 111B2780 19DB631B 126 - MAGMAR Ruby : E133E0A2 7D13BDEE Sapp : C53021D1 E16C4CBB 127 - PINSIR Ruby : 2C9A5450 48AC1519 Sapp : 07F25AD2 8E83CAAB 128 - TAUROS Ruby : A7180021 A91371CE Sapp : 36F7CD9F 15C2BCD8 129 - MAGIKARP Ruby : 81B6D768 4468E0F2 Sapp : A2E21EA9 995B825E 130 - GYARADOS Ruby : F6502C0A 42087CA7 Sapp : 97EB1506 C20C60C4 131 - LAPRAS Ruby : 8F65EE3B 1E4F558B Sapp : 64C4E6A2 D7FD06A6 132 - DITTO Ruby : A820F29F 761B67BB Sapp : 920A0644 C5A04841 133 - EEVEE Ruby : AF9217A7 92900E25 Sapp : DA79FE3F F23D7A10 134 - VAPOREON Ruby : BF19AEEC 17DA0EDC Sapp : 6D8B8B95 11477631 135 - JOLTEON Ruby : CF08C1CD 1C1543F3 Sapp : 07033D3E 218044B6 136 - FLAREON Ruby : 2DE5F91A 6BD39C22 Sapp : B267E7E2 6A2F6824

137 - PORYGON Ruby : 4BDE6799 F7A1CD58 Sapp : 54C6D042 479D034F 138 - OMANYTE Ruby : 99DF4603 61B40D20 Sapp : 1037F6A1 5E662945 139 - OMASTAR Ruby : 5C375432 8486B343 Sapp : AA13898A 402499D0 140 - KABUTO Ruby : A867A349 052EE287 Sapp : 1199F2AE 1303EF04 141 - KABUTOPS Ruby : 63974CD2 E411B178 Sapp : F4C79B58 F61884EE 142 - AERODACTYL Ruby : 8066AE70 7E346D73 Sapp : 27946ADB 890AAF6D 143 - SNORLAX Ruby : E9338FB2 5C39BBB2 Sapp : 9538B4C0 59FAB11A 144 - ARTICUNO Ruby : A89584B3 C24D8E4C Sapp : BD0C9A27 9791FAC0 145 - ZAPDOS Ruby : 67BB511F E4D4CCD6 Sapp : 52826037 A86D806F 146 - MOLTRES Ruby : 02D34B05 3E32B188 Sapp : 6B1CAE43 25E8B20E 147 - DRATINI Ruby : 940F0C63 1C51DF21 Sapp : 3F196796 00E388A8 148 - DRAGONAIR Ruby : B8172147 C6834EBD Sapp : A963AC4F 4CD1FB72 149 - DRAGONITE Ruby : E890093F 103A1FAB Sapp : 51024322 FF7C88DF 150 - MEWTWO Ruby : 01011B3D 17CFE0C9 Sapp : FC39AB09 2B78C9E3 151 - MEW

Ruby : C14DDE64 84225D17 Sapp : 7E4626D2 7E59E369 152 - CHIKORITA Ruby : F422CB48 465C1A5C Sapp : F671BE4A 840FE80D 153 - BAYLEEF Ruby : E8C04F01 B96164BF Sapp : 80DCE3C1 F22AB702 154 - MEGANIUM Ruby : 801F8162 DC9281CE Sapp : D7A3F62F 83BBB268 155 - CYNDAQUIL Ruby : A689C4FC D4CCE572 Sapp : B5A61C11 AEA31B28 156 - QUILAVA Ruby : 021E2809 62107091 Sapp : 5B7F4DF1 E5590A7F 157 - TYPHLOSION Ruby : AF9AD4DB 0652686A Sapp : D2B77AF5 AA485091 158 - TOTODILE Ruby : 03F71818 BFFD4C84 Sapp : 1082C449 FE8CB4B6 159 - CROCONAW Ruby : BD18A80B ECFC55C2 Sapp : 5A639FAB 3B282D14 160 - FERALIGATR Ruby : F04C835E 88EB90C9 Sapp : 2EF41EC7 C4EEB556 161 - SENTRET Ruby : C6ED867D B96C97C4 Sapp : F200961E CF888CBC 162 - FURRET Ruby : 2F93088D F62CA70B Sapp : A21293A1 4366FEB7 163 - HOOTHOOT Ruby : D0773F44 697719F5 Sapp : 0CAE0ECB 8D6DF794 164 - NOCTOWL Ruby : 663B1ED1 C0505F43 Sapp : 7B4D740C C6643EA1 165 - LEDYBA Ruby : 6EB37C11 A63DE5D8 Sapp : 00BA501A 0CC2BD79

166 - LEDIAN Ruby : 78368870 8CE9C69C Sapp : 67FFC624 2CEF02FC 167 - SPINARAK Ruby : 5C08BA83 DE8637D0 Sapp : DD163F97 A973F785 168 - ARIADOS Ruby : AF732FA1 970A1631 Sapp : 9002F087 8EAB735C 169 - CROBAT Ruby : 9E6389DF 5C90881B Sapp : C1156DF0 9E0BA137 170 - CHINCHOU Ruby : 9EF49A7A 1E08BDE3 Sapp : AD02F854 CBBE7320 171 - LANTURN Ruby : 97295F14 4F4D854B Sapp : 1B68386D AB71FD79 172 - PICHU Ruby : FC2F01ED BC6B0208 Sapp : 4A058029 862F3014 173 - CLEFFA Ruby : 8E7A4AA4 F75027E3 Sapp : 45DDA9C3 94DD75DD 174 - IGGLYBUFF Ruby : A523F191 2EC070BE Sapp : C5597688 169AD281 175 - TOGEPI Ruby : A5A8F9C6 9304313C Sapp : F8EE49A1 520468C9 176 - TOGETIC Ruby : D1C93195 B3270E30 Sapp : 24C7B670 D678D637 177 - NATU Ruby : 8F23B96C C613F367 Sapp : FAF76B02 6F487691 178 - XATU Ruby : 5A6A10FB 499CBAB7 Sapp : 46B12D02 BABB2413 179 - MAREEP Ruby : 59F61E00 57CCC8D3 Sapp : B4810FE9 2E32AAC1 180 - FLAAFFY

Ruby : CC82FBB7 37E96C6A Sapp : 9535C35E 9E0D93B3 181 - AMPHAROS Ruby : 174FC822 4A471892 Sapp : 4716BDE3 AECC550D 182 - BELLOSSOM Ruby : D00D2535 90E76801 Sapp : C0DF16E4 D0D687D2 183 - MARILL Ruby : CB05F828 21B59E4F Sapp : 930087D5 D592358B 184 - AZUMARILL Ruby : EDDDF1A0 478E7235 Sapp : 68C8F94C FE35A1F6 185 - SUDOWOODO Ruby : AD4B03EF 57812CD0 Sapp : FCB94392 B0676869 186 - POLITOED Ruby : 134C5A7F 4E303217 Sapp : B604A2A2 96B34731 187 - HOPPIP Ruby : F3993A02 D34BD749 Sapp : 50AEC58A CC14890C 188 - SKIPLOOM Ruby : 3FE2C46F 10E47F24 Sapp : 411B958A 84796A57 189 - JUMPLUFF Ruby : 464C14E4 15C6B423 Sapp : 58BED304 26EEA655 190 - AIPOM Ruby : DC8BB9EE 3918BBF4 Sapp : 3CDF8A49 11569DAB 191 - SUNKERN Ruby : 94A40D66 663CC041 Sapp : 0698A4A2 9DC1CEF1 192 - SUNFLORA Ruby : CC4EFAE2 1686DD23 Sapp : FD5C5A43 2D42E8B1 193 - YANMA Ruby : 699152C3 4A3700D7 Sapp : 596F980A 74D25393 194 - WOOPER Ruby : 9F840619 17A1701E Sapp : 48DFC864 C13A491B

195 - QUAGSIRE Ruby : BFD82990 439C9EE4 Sapp : AA3B13E3 2CA81A06 196 - ESPEON Ruby : 16EA947D 2A380636 Sapp : 3AF4FADB FA21F7EE 197 - UMBREON Ruby : 717CBA6A 97DEDD39 Sapp : 56D55ACF E5A71A47 198 - MURKROW Ruby : 0E8630D7 11A6C0B6 Sapp : 2FFD9106 BD84C15F 199 - SLOWKING Ruby : DE51317E B7F1C71D Sapp : 5C7EE037 DDB4FD3E 200 - MISDREAVUS Ruby : 908D8A55 B05AEA6D Sapp : B058E04A 0B4788BD 201 - UNOWN Ruby : 9235C1A1 96F0F502 Sapp : AAA668CD C8782ECB 202 - WOBBUFFET Ruby : 32492BAA 0837F7B0 Sapp : 237AD819 87824123 203 - GIRAFARIG Ruby : BAE8EBDF 4CC8B3E0 Sapp : CB274DFE 0DFADA72 204 - PINECO Ruby : 9C7A4A55 6D81C00C Sapp : 78D34397 57570F32 205 - FORRETRESS Ruby : 11E68AF7 94958575 Sapp : 32DD95B0 DD51C780 206 - DUNSPARCE Ruby : BD8834D2 6A69A1E9 Sapp : AED7745E A9B60DE1 207 - GLIGAR Ruby : C94C290B 1F081245 Sapp : E197E3A1 AADBC480 208 - STEELIX Ruby : 97DEC292 F1263BCC Sapp : 255B4763 A75DBCBE 209 - SNUBBULL

Ruby : DA67718C 142EF3F8 Sapp : DE009797 5F7228B6 210 - GRANBULL Ruby : 439C096C 59D5D9D2 Sapp : 1305B48E F13A2D79 211 - QWILFISH Ruby : 8173CD51 B337E84A Sapp : 4BD3AF65 6055DBBD 212 - SCIZOR Ruby : 2A025578 EA0BAAC5 Sapp : E05B2574 E055AC38 213 - SHUCKLE Ruby : 8F6C1412 6C32DB99 Sapp : EDA69770 CFE79675 214 - HERACROSS Ruby : C02F3945 3F6BA4C5 Sapp : EF3B8CD3 EDC7D47F 215 - SNEASEL Ruby : 07CC0FEA 8A602CD2 Sapp : 957B0A61 E9CB111F 216 - TEDDIURSA Ruby : F929371D 993665C0 Sapp : 1273BF62 25F979E7 217 - URSARING Ruby : AE784A9E 2D10E865 Sapp : A64EDA5B 63CB26B7 218 - SLUGMA Ruby : E4BC041B 05FE0156 Sapp : 4DC2292A A078295D 219 - MAGCARGO Ruby : ECBBF0C2 DDE4FF19 Sapp : 23245076 7F958A42 220 - SWINUB Ruby : A356C806 1CE76716 Sapp : 3F7E156C D9A7E479 221 - PILOSWINE Ruby : 85C129C9 40AE9B0E Sapp : 30E61801 BC97D2CA 222 - CORSOLA Ruby : 6186264C 37B2353E Sapp : 6DE0B79C FC79B94F 223 - REMORAID Ruby : 7E0F90DD 13C9BB6B Sapp : B8296D26 6ADF81CC

224 - OCTILLERY Ruby : 189D26AF D54A9E49 Sapp : CC15AE44 A44FD28A 225 - DELIBIRD Ruby : 72AE8AE7 F7899E5C Sapp : 9F67A749 EF2C97ED 226 - MANTINE Ruby : 682F6060 7C3EE3EC Sapp : 701F3604 6AB62FE4 227 - SKARMORY Ruby : E720E065 E5442541 Sapp : 1B8F9651 4866E9EB 228 - HOUNDOUR Ruby : C5C8C4B1 9DF4B1B3 Sapp : 9ABA8DF4 53CA8C92 229 - HOUNDOOM Ruby : A8FE976B 6F317E0B Sapp : 5A518326 06AB6C7A 230 - KINGDRA Ruby : C10EAC9F 724B6D2B Sapp : B91B5449 1C5F617C 231 - PHANPY Ruby : DF9E8643 1976A827 Sapp : 8E7711A2 CD924447 232 - DONPHAN Ruby : 0381D822 58D4B0CE Sapp : B8252BDE 9F6372CA 233 - PORYGON2 Ruby : 935F7253 DACDB7DE Sapp : BD8B151D 00175F7F 234 - STANTLER Ruby : 835ABD9A C2B16540 Sapp : 34FF78A4 B0EC1849 235 - SMEARGLE Ruby : 9C7BFB52 7FB0EE35 Sapp : FBFEA0D0 023051DC 236 - TYROGUE Ruby : 30A384FC 91E12A04 Sapp : 8D858362 788E3994 237 - HITMONTOP Ruby : E6CC8691 BD68FE02 Sapp : 895A6A9E D4010480 238 - SMOOCHUM

Ruby : 8DD901B2 CF5D8580 Sapp : CC3A6841 EF32677C 239 - ELEKID Ruby : C46EA235 2CFF5BDB Sapp : D1A3F4CF 7260287D 240 - MAGBY Ruby : 843A96CE CAECC17C Sapp : A74CFAE1 9F46DDAF 241 - MILTANK Ruby : CCAB4043 2D23D484 Sapp : A29A056A E47DAE35 242 - BLISSEY Ruby : AD8BC8F4 6A5832D0 Sapp : 40DC59DC 2BF9BD39 243 - RAIKOU Ruby : 11E015A9 6218E4F4 Sapp : F68B66A0 B9E59948 244 - ENTEI Ruby : 90318658 1326AD71 Sapp : 941F2B95 000335F0 245 - SUICUNE Ruby : F02053DB 124AFB5B Sapp : 88571AAF 0F294FAA 246 - LARVITAR Ruby : 43543A5C C4A4F3A0 Sapp : BB64BCE4 44A6E759 247 - PUPITAR Ruby : 8ABEBDE1 62FC083B Sapp : EE578CFA 5C3AFE62 248 - TYRANITAR Ruby : 17398072 9E5227C0 Sapp : 65B2032D F5D62BCB 249 - LUGIA Ruby : 6122C7BF 28C56282 Sapp : F9557A33 66E81192 250 - HO-OH Ruby : F7F53B90 7F3E79D4 Sapp : 730089C8 D142674F 251 - CELEBI Ruby : EFD3CB1B 3EACF581 Sapp : 9096B06D 39DF820D 252 - TREECKO Ruby : 350A04E5 ED0B0358 Sapp : 61329A52 DC3B29D2

253 - GROVYLE Ruby : 2CF1DDF5 0F982C99 Sapp : D5F0F3C8 58B51E40 254 - SCEPTILE Ruby : 79E6A0C7 DEA42F2F Sapp : 55994D56 938CD955 255 - TORCHIC Ruby : ADD67E8D 8EA25343 Sapp : 2F2F61DB 6293CAEB 256 - COMBUSKEN Ruby : 245E6861 666852CF Sapp : 52F8F23E 03381242 257 - BLAZIKEN Ruby : AD7456E5 122B0F64 Sapp : 89A27631 11A0EDE0 258 - MUDKIP Ruby : BEF2EF5C D134EB04 Sapp : 3118DABA CC711782 259 - MARSHTOMP Ruby : BFF8C075 E088C3CA Sapp : 1220EFD8 A193D005 260 - SWAMPERT Ruby : 161E27F2 9FD3477A Sapp : 5EE006DB 7A411D5B 261 - POOCHYENA Ruby : C8EADA2D 52229993 Sapp : 7F927FCF 0368F083 262 - MIGHTYENA Ruby : 6078590B 7BA509C1 Sapp : AD8A35E9 A4C2DFAD 263 - ZIGZAGOON Ruby : E93D8BAC 6A0CAD9D Sapp : C7AE591F E7027DE3 264 - LINOONE Ruby : A3F792DA 5D6AB6B7 Sapp : A157DCC5 53CB849F 265 - WURMPLE Ruby : 01BB3C04 EBE4FB7C Sapp : 6D0C4EB7 941DE97F 266 - SILCOON Ruby : 48B92E97 19839AC6 Sapp : 8EE9B13D 6DC1C8B0 267 - BEAUTIFLY

Ruby : 6ED5FCB7 8AB9DF20 Sapp : C77522B7 D234C32E 268 - CASCOON Ruby : 9754AD1D 36BAEEBC Sapp : 9E37738E 28CB8C65 269 - DUSTOX Ruby : 710EA46D 5B4FE578 Sapp : D46358F3 3F3C5A93 270 - LOTAD Ruby : FF470D62 C2AC1DAA Sapp : AFA0F0E5 4B04B46A 271 - LOMBRE Ruby : BDE36958 3C0B9D7F Sapp : F6F76738 DE22FB19 272 - LUDICOLO Ruby : CA51C485 8B20F851 Sapp : 809D86D3 F03D6BFC 273 - SEEDOT Ruby : D30A9C52 B4C2221F Sapp : 8BDD50A7 3438200E 274 - NUZLEAF Ruby : 17ABFF80 18FF3201 Sapp : CD2EA524 AD2EE3C7 275 - SHIFTRY Ruby : D245585D 985DE92F Sapp : 29ECFF72 08FAB808 276 - NINCADA Ruby : 3584AA5C CE25A13F Sapp : 66F7EE4D DCF16A3C 277 - NINJASK Ruby : C13040A1 07F06087 Sapp : 47BE973B 1627B4CD 278 - SHEDINJA Ruby : 00276126 D591630A Sapp : 2A8D12D6 2905DF58 279 - TAILLOW Ruby : 751B236D EEE8FCED Sapp : B9DF5D56 2DD1ABA9 280 - SWELLOW Ruby : A4E62821 95DF3819 Sapp : FAB8B591 4DE1A48C 281 - SHROOMISH Ruby : C5E770B0 F0421E3C Sapp : 30BF6326 439F6912

282 - BRELOOM Ruby : 67419DA8 EF5E6D06 Sapp : 016FD9EE 651FD9BC 283 - SPINDA Ruby : FCF05AA6 AF46CE55 Sapp : 90B5B84B 1B804A29 284 - WINGULL Ruby : C108BE38 F51B407B Sapp : 5B3BF6FD 8A99E902 285 - PELIPPER Ruby : 1C294758 A76972A7 Sapp : BF7BFD77 756E754E 286 - SURSKIT Ruby : C6C9B7DC 5408FBBF Sapp : 29259D2D BF2FC3A7 287 - MASQUERAIN Ruby : D96AF3E8 52131667 Sapp : EEB9DFC4 EAC8C80D 288 - WAILMER Ruby : 89B869F4 3423489A Sapp : 85DC9092 67D90090 289 - WAILORD Ruby : 4D2EF5AA 42CDD0CF Sapp : 6D11875E 3F3099A3 290 - SKITTY Ruby : B4C93B47 8319C8C7 Sapp : 2C12C29A 7AA1A374 291 - DELCATTY Ruby : 1779F9E3 AD76A7C8 Sapp : D07BE79B A1EBD4DD 292 - KECLEON Ruby : CEC6F594 D8E0773B Sapp : C1C37C63 510F0207 293 - BALTOY Ruby : 26344460 7F7F553C Sapp : 8AFDEFAC B69FFD26 294 - CLAYDOL Ruby : AB5165C7 BFB004F9 Sapp : FF557134 39BA3B0D 295 - NOSEPASS Ruby : FF3A6296 DC75E477 Sapp : 992E939E 467CD7DC 296 - TORKOAL

Ruby : 27DE5A91 0101BA83 Sapp : 86B2433F A87A3583 297 - SABLEYE Ruby : 76EBB20A ECD99D4A Sapp : D3CA9063 0A8BFD45 298 - BARBOACH Ruby : 7F626E64 D023C0AD Sapp : 659881FC 6E7B2A3F 299 - WHISCASH Ruby : 619BD44E 05208B29 Sapp : 4B7F1229 E298A9A9 300 - LUVDISC Ruby : 83A4F30C 8782A763 Sapp : 45CF960D EA340DAA 301 - CORPHISH Ruby : CE278A50 E6C48EA4 Sapp : 4B291717 551C977B 302 - CRAWDAUNT Ruby : FF913798 8CBE003B Sapp : 4DFED17D FBF6F51A 303 - FEEBAS Ruby : 14266872 70F47111 Sapp : 0DF5412B B0513383 304 - MILOTIC Ruby : ABACD32B 765DE730 Sapp : 8598FB19 A8E65770 305 - CARVANHA Ruby : 225444E5 502C8341 Sapp : FC27CBD3 2E9BC3E8 306 - SHARPEDO Ruby : BB59A0CB A323E942 Sapp : 54C87EA6 E02397F3 307 - TRAPINCH Ruby : C87F407A CE1D4456 Sapp : 8A7333AF 7E188DE3 308 - VIBRAVA Ruby : DA80329A 866CC61C Sapp : C5B29F8E BF4038C2 309 - FLYGON Ruby : 225A6E61 045F3E43 Sapp : CCC81A32 3071AA1A 310 - MAKUHITA Ruby : CCA519AE AC4066F8 Sapp : 350EB4CF 9F8DFEC7

311 - HARIYAMA Ruby : EED10936 E0284B15 Sapp : ECACFB7F 9D8D56DF 312 - ELECTRIKE Ruby : 801A92B5 8943A990 Sapp : 54365756 EEE946EB 313 - MANECTRIC Ruby : B77B2D40 56EF6997 Sapp : B57FE5A1 E65B2B5F 314 - NUMEL Ruby : E96AE5E2 CF1206DE Sapp : 184DE938 2303F969 315 - CAMERUPT Ruby : D3CAE239 6988F7BC Sapp : EF219AE9 200A232B 316 - SPHEAL Ruby : 6444C37B BB84AE1E Sapp : 6BD0A6D6 A971BC01 317 - SEALEO Ruby : 7E95A6F7 9CBA081F Sapp : 31F94B06 C99498B6 318 - WALREIN Ruby : 23DB792E 1CD0BCA0 Sapp : 4A5E6B7D 5AFFCBC3 319 - CACNEA Ruby : 7D4FEEA7 D8E1CD4A Sapp : D3817284 5A34CFB0 320 - CACTURNE Ruby : 4DC02258 7FF84980 Sapp : 6B8A5D7F 311F168D 321 - SNORUNT Ruby : A6170403 82250606 Sapp : 54E7AD60 7EB02EEE 322 - GLALIE Ruby : 6A21C6F0 64D13F9C Sapp : 50F49C35 B362C156 323 - LUNATONE Ruby : 5F8C1594 AD297ED9 Sapp : C6AAE556 668EE680 324 - SOLROCK Ruby : C28721A0 3F021FE6 Sapp : FB74DA8A 2C6C94AC 325 - AZURILL

Ruby : 6662C006 611B7701 Sapp : 2A15B9DC BBC1DAF9 326 - SPOINK Ruby : 2541DFA8 60A6A0D8 Sapp : E8AFD87C 70F9F0A0 327 - GRUMPIG Ruby : DD716271 AC8A7069 Sapp : 83D73CDB F24A6409 328 - PLUSLE Ruby : 5F7CA9FC C7164966 Sapp : 6656AB7C E3559AB9 329 - MINUN Ruby : F86D66FD 183984E8 Sapp : 2566D695 9BC3B902 330 - MAWILE Ruby : 3EA55799 D9463B81 Sapp : 28486E6F 9CDE6293 331 - MEDITITE Ruby : 7FF8C925 8EAD833E Sapp : 6F3364C9 840C256D 332 - MEDICHAM Ruby : E6CB1222 CD35F531 Sapp : 3AECA007 C26F6E80 333 - SWABLU Ruby : 2C314942 9C03DF9B Sapp : 53FE91D6 A2FD22AF 334 - ALTARIA Ruby : FC00762C 7AF084C6 Sapp : B0FE4124 50134470 335 - WYNAUT Ruby : 2C4F87D2 83E510B4 Sapp : 3D684AF8 62DF5373 336 - DUSKULL Ruby : A3F940BC 92A0DACF Sapp : FA0D06C7 B80303BB 337 - DUSCLOPS Ruby : 69E5427D 79DD9674 Sapp : D32E9DA3 C0178E9F 338 - ROSELIA Ruby : 770E1FBB 069DB909 Sapp : D35EBFEF C071D160 339 - SLAKOTH Ruby : CEBBEB7E 865D53F7 Sapp : AFB0D018 4318F41F

340 - VIGOROTH Ruby : 542DB39A 4BA72612 Sapp : 6ED825A2 8E2FC369 341 - SLAKING Ruby : CCBE811B C910ADDE Sapp : FF1CE265 AF2CE897 342 - GULPIN Ruby : 4D743759 64C269F8 Sapp : 67873309 FE58C974 343 - SWALOT Ruby : 1FE236F3 ED591D3C Sapp : BD2FEDB2 656975D0 344 - TROPIUS Ruby : 3991AA05 176FABAC Sapp : DE4C6FC4 63457CE4 345 - WHISMUR Ruby : 269C8865 C382CC0B Sapp : 103FDA72 AEEB3B71 346 - LOUDRED Ruby : 8FBD49FD EAC0BB6F Sapp : B93000EF 3E01DCF4 347 - EXPLOUD Ruby : D5408182 B2A28CF2 Sapp : C49045AC 6D2D3EA6 348 - CLAMPERL Ruby : F591FEF2 33664B68 Sapp : 92D0821D 55A5638E 349 - HUNTAIL Ruby : E0C7BE73 90D8C10C Sapp : 64A31EDA E0DBE68B 350 - GOREBYSS Ruby : 11873373 82D59EA2 Sapp : A77E8F0C B30255C4 351 - ABSOL Ruby : ECE24723 FBF5D136 Sapp : 36F0673B 7CB17D89 352 - SHUPPET Ruby : 5AF23560 4F970AC5 Sapp : 45D3AD39 1A111909 353 - BANETTE Ruby : C2CFEF9A 05375CC2 Sapp : F1FD95FC 8100CAE1 354 - SEVIPER

Ruby : 207F86E1 1018C6E3 Sapp : 91C406A6 F139E91A 355 - ZANGOOSE Ruby : ACC9D960 0C1AA37C Sapp : 7013FE0F 7D70A40B 356 - RELICANTH Ruby : 30C01321 EA7266AC Sapp : C5DCBD68 551060B8 357 - ARON Ruby : C07AA596 88F524DF Sapp : 6DFDD458 873F739D 358 - LAIRON Ruby : 3CB41A61 E6D315C8 Sapp : 1230EA58 8967A380 359 - AGGRON Ruby : 922EFE10 629E8B3E Sapp : A9D8374B 9D1A4F58 360 - CASTFORM Ruby : DA9985B3 91028222 Sapp : B4344210 5DDC8DBF 361 - VOLBEAT Ruby : 1FE2F364 5EF2DEA5 Sapp : 23F0AFC0 C6EFE0EC 362 - ILLUMISE Ruby : A21A9F4C 57883C24 Sapp : 00B738A3 4F9BE033 363 - LILEEP Ruby : 647F6C1E 1179E18A Sapp : 22B0BD87 06835E05 364 - CRADILY Ruby : D2A8F37F B273698D Sapp : 45AE6BFA A14D0CCF 365 - ANORITH Ruby : 97E3DF11 7A6ED392 Sapp : 755F0DD4 C03A7748 366 - ARMALDO Ruby : A00822F3 72775B8B Sapp : 79ED6FF8 5407E2B5 367 - RALTS Ruby : 1CEF5301 1D4BF8EE Sapp : FA653513 B3C43929 368 - KIRLIA Ruby : 5485C823 1E1AB278 Sapp : C0CCB67B 257D8F11

369 - GARDEVOIR Ruby : E2FE9B19 4E51CC71 Sapp : 7759A96F 7699D46D 370 - BAGON Ruby : 0438226F 95FB4953 Sapp : FFEC44CC 65560877 371 - SHELGON Ruby : 6F74F848 20D53517 Sapp : 82187421 85246106 372 - SALAMENCE Ruby : 29ED5B30 657566E4 Sapp : 665D542E 2F4B22A2 373 - BELDUM Ruby : 6A3FAF94 C26712CC Sapp : 9EE9A109 3F84A382 374 - METANG Ruby : 121FC1EE DFFFCDC2 Sapp : C0E9C795 4F81160E 375 - METAGROSS Ruby : 3FF7313B AE16DFE8 Sapp : A64086FA 1589E801 376 - REGIROCK Ruby : 43C0C066 417B8F5A Sapp : DE72C783 82295904 377 - REGICE Ruby : CE5A355D 36A2A19E Sapp : D03CB978 FEB988E3 378 - REGISTEEL Ruby : 2E5BBF5B 59BF1DB0 Sapp : E9E2B284 18B72757 379 - KYOGRE Ruby : 8FF000FC 5C91FC03 Sapp : 526F6C2B 90F49473 380 - GROUDON Ruby : 9FBDFC48 097137F5 Sapp : C8E3A659 3504483E 381 - RAYQUAZA Ruby : 35C5C09B C8BA1804 Sapp : 8EC10D71 02763090 382 - LATIAS Ruby : 178D784F E0CE7995 Sapp : 3D3EC449 220AFC74 383 - LATIOS

Ruby : A96D4006 4D85B7F8 Sapp : 7CB2130B FE622790 384 - JIRACHI Ruby : 514BB137 3E2DEC8F Sapp : 94CDF7F1 C09AB1B0 385 - DEOXYS Ruby : F75CE939 866081B2 Sapp : FBAB6468 6C8201EE 386 - CHIMECHO Ruby : DCF6E452 A328CA0C Sapp : 5F3B79BD A0B820EC

----------------------------2.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes. -----------------------------

-------------------------2.3.1 Unlimited Item Code.* -------------------------If you use this code, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you get more than one unique item. When this code is one, the quantity of the items you have will never decrease. You can also "dupe" items one by one by giving them to a Pok�mon. Note : This code works ONLY when you use items, not when you move them (put in the computer) or sell them... A1D75FBC CEC709E8

-----------------------------------------2.3.2 Make Pok�mons Learn any TM-HM Codes.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked if your Pok�mon learns Moves that it can't learn normally. With these codes, any Pok�mon will be able to learn any TM-HM. For TM 01-32: 5AC15E9E 77A6E0ED

For TM 33-50 and all HMs: 15325455 AA59B848

---------------------------------2.3.3 Make HM Moves Erasable Code.* ---------------------------------If you use this code, Nintendo will *not* know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. When this code is on you are able to "overwrite" any HM move that your Pok�mon learned. 960CBF3C 14553BAE

--------------------2.3.4 PC Items Codes. --------------------If you use this code, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you get more than one unique item, or any item you can't get without codes. These codes will only change the 1st item that is stored in the PC. This first code will change the quantity of the 1st item in your PC to 99 : D261DC6D 197B4DC2

Use one of the following code to select the item you want to have in the 1st Item slot of your PC : MASTER BALL DCEEEC34 AFEADC26 ULTRA BALL 793221F6 D9645D49 GREAT BALL 4F81FC46 5746A9E1 POKE BALL DA9F071F 206FF8BF SAFARI BALL 7E0A000A F564E6A0 NET BALL 24CBA01C 28A83302



DD721084 5D064079 SHOAL SALT F59FB064 78BE2F23 SHOAL SHELL F9B6E454 08002114 RED SHARD 0590A06F 5F46EE61 BLUE SHARD 72373EC5 9085CB76 YELLOW SHARD 1CED30FE DDC6E630 GREEN SHARD 8BF2DF39 BFD184DB HP UP 0F621A2C ED90F426 PROTEIN AFCFBB40 DB9114DF IRON 0FCA55E1 939DBC8E CARBOS 25986840 2527C3C5 CALCIUM 47B262D5 2331191A RARE CANDY 361E3586 CD38BA79 PP UP 95D494A4 F8A5E5B8 ZINC 5CDCD703 18ECF036 PP MAX DD222BBD 7BC53755 GUARD SPEC. B6417DE4 17A6C623 DIRE HIT 6A0CF955 C6CFC6C2 X ATTACK 690B851A A6021040 X DEFEND EB5EF93F 3497DF05


STARDUST 03D74FED F7C2CB26 STAR PIECE 4A11CF11 A24CF05E NUGGET 1CE1CD65 F2750651 HEART SCALE 17B2F059 5BCD7390 ORANGE MAIL 9A3998DA 09F4A6FE HARBOR MAIL 2051ACCB 5B25432E GLITTER MAIL 350BB809 1C1C95CA MECH MAIL 843832A3 0106567B WOOD MAIL CE454E97 DB8E409D WAVE MAIL 0847C679 1BA2D2FA BEAD MAIL 7A72B152 0B2339E7 SHADOW MAIL 74DE3156 AF046F94 TROPIC MAIL 31E85B5D 90E36361 DREAM MAIL 12C4402D 478DE583 FAB MAIL E29F2637 4BA9969C RETRO MAIL 1852A027 439F0F32 CHERRI NERRY B4871465 9FC5C8E8 CHESTO BERRY 0A2D47C1 53499CD4 PECHA BERRY 3EA4076D 97F18336 RAWST BERRY





SILK SCARF D387BAC4 06B846C4 UP-GRADE D4D4830F 0DFCA8AB SHELL BELL B04F8BAA 9E670CE9 SEA INCENSE E036E055 4903D782 LAX INCENSE 29488FC7 4737B3C4 LUCKY PUNCH 1552CEAC 653ABFF2 METAL POWDER 6C0763AC C64A999E THICK CLUB 37A3C1B1 F18637E8 STICK 5C0A2694 14050136 RED SCARF AEBC485B D030EB4A BLUE SCARF CC7ECA9C 0E610930 PINK SCARF A0381153 0F029811 GREEN SCARF 60DD51E3 DA888681 YELLOW SCARF 9463DE8C 1DFA7721 MACH BIKE 35788F82 7206917A COIN CASE B9A0CF38 9B0E9B72 ITEM FINDER 91842614 1905E6E0 OLD ROD 67B58DE9 76272F50 GOOD ROD 809339F5 9A6A331E


698F42D8 1722270F STORAGE KEY 8279F4E0 E76C096D ROOT FOSSIL 7D3FFB98 A377AD50 CLAW FOSSIL EB7368C8 DCA1BFFB DEVON SCOPE 93AFFD58 311955AA TM01 (Focus Punch) 5B2FEBBC A83C8512 TM02 (Dragon Claw) D68BA6CB D9918DF9 TM03 (Water Pulse) E6F3CA3B C0B673DB TM04 (Calm Mind) 7FD2353E 747E3F12 TM05 (Roar) 48200957 9DAC84DB TM06 (Toxic) 0CE3E8AB E91FF63C TM07 (Hail) 45F7FAA9 E148F76B TM08 (Bulk Up) 6879A9E7 12E2FB1A TM09 (Bullet Seed) 2A095824 BA58CA01 TM10 (Hidden Power) 1D14CFA8 EA7E6AD0 TM11 (Sunny Day) FBEC44AC B964E650 TM12 (Taunt) BA6B2E81 58E0B604 TM13 (Ice Beam) B576B7F9 AAB1E1A7 TM14 (Blizzard) AA0E2EEF 2CE20CAF TM15 (Hyper Beam) 943F213F 0157C13F

TM16 (Light Screen) D851DCAE 1FFA472D TM17 (Protect) 198FE2C2 613B0031 TM18 (Rain Dance) 74DB4BFF 29585BF8 TM19 (Giga Drain) 00A5E54C 48684C40 TM20 (Safeguard) 46DD0A9C 3285DDD5 TM21 (Frustration) 5F13E140 8F7055DB TM22 (Solarbeam) CEEC0294 7E5B28DF TM23 (Iron Tail) 4857174E 88202BB5 TM24 (Thunderbolt) FF88FB53 8D420A77 TM25 (Thunder) 4CFDCC0C C1FE8058 TM26 (Earthquake) F265151A 46D7E5BB TM27 (Return) 58372399 2298054A TM28 (Dig) 66145F2F C66CAE52 TM29 (Psychic) 8A3D2E66 A335F054 TM30 (Shadow Ball) E02075F5 590DB863 TM31 (Brick Break) 338EA490 04E1CCE3 TM32 (Double Team) 8FD9CDA9 BB84B8C5 TM33 (Reflect) C181DDF9 126BA395 TM34 (Shock Wave) 0DC76E99 6F8D7E04

TM35 (Flamethrower) 06489096 390E4862 TM36 (Sludge Bomb) 633BD81D A6B1B578 TM37 (Sandstorm) 82E7B60E BDD6E71E TM38 (Fire Blast) BB8976DF 6404B4DF TM39 (Rock Tomb) 7C72A3C6 0758CF6B TM40 (Aerial Ace) 0EE0B133 C7B4D5A0 TM41 (Torment) 738103E9 11CA2BB8 TM42 (Facade) EA2ADB81 D56A1039 TM43 (Secret Power) 8BD0519D 2276BE4C TM44 (Rest) 154011F4 761FDD4E TM45 (Attract) 7E6CD949 A3234EE5 TM46 (Thief) 00AFF7D2 66168B6E TM47 (Steel Wing) 06475A1F D9DFD8D8 TM48 (Skill Swap) D69F7351 89F5FB2D TM49 (Snatch) 8A417044 9939B2D4 TM50 (Overheat) E01A88B3 FE980E2C HM01 (Cut) F99E8DFD BC602AD1 HM02 (Fly) 7C187C62 1A78CB13 HM03 (Surf) F5FF41A5 78272F6A HM04 (Strength)

CDFABD23 55D9C308 HM05 (Flash) 2E233B90 93CEED77 HM06 (Rock Smash) 876041F1 49E5D376 HM07 (Waterfall) ABBC75BF FCB17277 HM08 (Dive) 0A0D4F87 74E156B6

-----------------------------2.3.5 Secret Base Items Codes. -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo should *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Use these codes to get all the Secret Base's items in your Secret Base's PC. The missing items aren't in the game. They should be avaible later, using the Link cable (E-reader or NGC connection). Desk (9/10): 7BF72194 B86842B3 7C892365 A2794AD9 13FBCAAF 631C1E62 Chair (9/10): 608E0B5F 4157D85C 6BB3697A 6F05B36E E1ABA521 89E47446 Plant (6/10): 78234E2A 1FDF950C E5AE7008 BDA268DB 4861D864 810BFC68 Ornament 05C2B20B A230E3A0 23FBC020 8A33B176 53A4B7B7 3AA96B25 45530678 3378881E

(23/30): 25C49AFC DA65F3B8 19507305 E6084123 49D50525 D5D730F7 7E8FF089 F3E1BDCC

Mat (18/30): FA6ED2E1 926934B1 D22B601F DB996048 54356AAF E766226B

1EBFE38B 7CC718E0 F348D4BF BE988B72 041C923D

37968837 5A1810AE 7325350A 364447DF 54540782

Poster (10/10): 8239FF03 397D8051 5DBE9070 3CD26165 3C4151F6 959EA794 Doll (35/40): 431E46F8 46A2B605 B095A8BA 53DFBE17 E9351FD4 61A5AEBC D85E589B 4DFAF969 7ACEDB89 49CF85AC 12D08368 11BF29F2 1BC44DE5 C19C9BFA B985C795 AF2DBF9D 4C85019D 7269D249 29AEEC0C 0207CA49 Cushion (10/10): 4C6B366A 789FF3BF B7E9F174 D1EF1DB3 EB8F570D D787B572

----------------------2.4 Miscellanous Codes. -----------------------

-------------------------------2.4.1 Unlock Full Pok�dex Codes. -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Once theses codes has been entered, the full Pok�dex (counting the 386 Pok�mons) is unlocked. You can save your game, and the new Pok�dex will be saved. If, for some reasons, you want to make the Pok�dex come back to its original state, you can try the Disable Full Pok�dex Codes. Unlock Full Pok�dex Codes : E7343B1C 1E9465D8 03C39BA2 B0541E66

85DC5BF3 76315A10 A grey color in the Pokedex means the full Pokedex has been enabled. Now you just have to make a change in the pokedex option to see the old pokedex: while in the Pokedex, go in the menu of the Pokedex (press select), then choose "Shift", select "Mode", and choose "National Dex". Disable Full Pok�dex Codes : 267905C7 7608FA24 2C770C00 9DC9D688 AEA1B760 4DC4E1C2

------------------------2.4.2 Mirage Island Code.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pok�mon has been hacked. With this code on, Mirage Island will always be on route 130. 61260541 1EB19C53

Mirage Island's FAQ: Q - What is Mirage Island ? A - An island that appears on Route 130. It is full of Wynauts. Q - What was that long Mirage Island FAQ you had before ? A - A big mistake... We were wrong, and we admit it. It seems that a random number is computed each day, and if this number match one of your Pokemon number, Mirage Island will appear. If the number is really random (we're looking into that), that means your chances to see Mirage Island is 65536 divided by the number of Pokemon you have. And no female/male thing involved, any Pokemon can do the trick. Q - So, now, how do I go to Mirage Island without cheats ? A - Just bring ALL you pokemon to the old man in the bottom right house of Pacifidlog Town, and do that each day, until he sees Mirage Island.

---------------------------------2.4.3 Southern Island Event Codes. ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been

hacked. This code will enable Latios/Latias battle on the Southern Island. 0332305F 41A5F851 Plus, if you have the "Eon Ticket", you'll be able to take the boat that will bring you to the Minami no Kotou.

This code will allow you to battle Latios/Latias everytime you examine the "stone" (or egg, or whatever it is) (without this code, you'll encounter Latios/Latias only one time) : 7C4D9034 783EE1E6 The 1st code sets "on" the flag that says that the egg island event is avaible (that means that you can take the boat to egg island if you have the "Eon Ticket", and that Latios/Latias will appear if you examine the stone). The 2nd code sets "off" the flag that says that you have already done the stone island event (this flag is set on when you examine the egg and encounter Latios /Latias (obvioulsy by using the 1st code I gave you). Once it has been set on, you can't go to Southern Island / encounter Latios/Latias again). I think you must have finished the game for the 1st code to work (or at least that you must have gone far enought, so you can already take the boat to go to battle tower or other places).

-----------------------2.4.4 Feebas Tiles Code.* -----------------------If you use this code, Nintendo will *not* that your Game has been hacked. Feebas mistery revealed : As some people mentionned, Feebas only appear on route 119. But he doesn't appear in 1 tile of water, but in 1 to 6 tiles. When you fish on a Feebas Tile, you have 1 chance out of 2 to actually find Feebas (and 1 chance out of 2 to find another fish). The Feebas level will range from 20-25. Your position when fishing does not matter, it's the tile in which you are fishing that is important (the one that you are facing). You can catch it with ANY rod. And the rod you use won't help finding it, nor make it being at a better level. The location of Feebas Tiles are random. When you create a new game, the game

computes some random numbers. One of these random numbers will be used as the "seed" of the Feebas Tiles (other number will be used for the Trainer ID, secret Trainer ID...). This number *can* change EACH DAY, AT RANDOM, and can also be changed with the "Trendy Phrase" (see below). Conclusion : Feebas's tiles are random. There can be from one to six tiles. With this Type 6 code, Feebas will appear everytime, on every tile of water of route 119... Enjoy! 11E58406 0C731B08

Special Note about the TRENDY PHRASE : If you go to Dewford Town, and change the Trendy Phrase, the Feebas Tiles will change (FYI, you have to talk to the child above the PC to submit a new Trendy Phrase). To be more precise, the Feebas Tiles will only change if you actually change the Phrase, not if you submit a new phase and it get rejected. Be aware that this doesn't apply for the very first Trendy Phrase you submit. The very first phrase you submit will always be accepted, and won't change the Feebas Tiles. The word you use in the Trendy Phrase seem to have no link with the new Feebas Tiles. What really happens, when you change the Trendy Phrase, is that a new random "seed" for the Feebas Tiles is computed, so that all the Feebas Tiles will change. Moreover, having your Trendy Phrase accepted has nothing to do with the words you use. You can submit the exact same words 10 times, and they'll be rejected 9 times, and accepted the 10th time. It's only a matter of "luck". Finally, we suggest you don't change the Trendy Phrase, unless during one day you have tried all the fishing spot of Route 119 and didn't find Feebas (without our GS code obviously). Else, you'll loose your Feebas Fishing spot (if you found any)...

-------------------------------------------2.4.5 All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code. -------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked.

All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code: BC33578D 82482A93

----------------2.4.6 Money Code. ----------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Lotta Money : EF6BB9F3 A0BDF629

-----------------------------2.4.7 Walk Through Walls Code.* -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked, if you go to places that you can't go the normal way. Walk Through Walls Code : CE2CCCB2 5D8D815D It's a Type 6 code. It allows you to walk over any obstacle like trees, houses, rocks, and to walk on water. With this code, you'll still be able to interact with the game (enter doors, talk to people, take items, etc...). The two things you can't do are : -walk directly from ground to water (and water to ground). To do this, you need either to use the SURF move, or to walk from ground to water from an unauthorized place (like walk on a tree and from there walk on the water, or if you are on the water, walk on a rock and from there walk on the ground). -Go out of the map limit. Each map (each route, room, etc...) is a rectangle of tiles. With this code, you'll be able to move anywhere within that rectangle, but you won't be able to cross its limit (unless you enter another map). That means, for example, if you enter a house, you won't be able to walk in the "dark". But anyway, there is nothing in that dark :)

-----------------------------2.4.8 Secret Trainer ID Codes.* -----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless you tell them your secret ID). Find out your Secret Trainer ID Codes (1).

Enter this Type 6 code, and look at your trainer card. It could be a bit messy (it might even make the game crash! If it does, you can use the 2nd set of codes), but it'll display your secret Trainer ID instead of your regular Trainer ID. After that, write down this number, and turn the code off (switch off your GBA). For now, knowing your secret Trainer ID has no useful purpose. But maybe one day some people will make proggies that'll use your secret Trainer ID and your normal Trainer ID, and use them to compute a pokemon with all the caracteristics/stats/genes... you want (and that'll obey you), find your Feebas tiles... And, who knows, maybe more! A5B23891 B0F9BB70 Secret Trainer ID revealed (2). If the 1st code makes your game crash, here are 2 other Type 6 codes that will work perfectly (but require some calculation). 1st code: 33AAEAD0 C0161DD8 2nd code: 78146786 CF7E996B Enter the 1st code, and look at your trainer card. Write down the Trainer ID numbers that are displayed. Do the same thing with the 2nd code. Now, open windows calculator (or any tool that can make decimal-hexadecimal conversion). Enter the 1st number as decimal, and convert it to hexadecimal. You should have 4 numbers (A-F are numbers in hexadecimal). Write down the 2 1st numbers (if you have A152, take A1). Do the same thing with the numbers you will get with the 2nd code. Now take the 2 sets of 2 numbers you just wrote down, and enter them in windows calculator as hexadecimal numbers in the order you wrote them down (if you had A1 and B5, enter A1B5), and convert this number to decimal : you have your secret Trainer ID.

----------------------------------2.4.9 All Pok�mon in Pok�dex Codes. ----------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked, if you put in your Pok�dex Pok�mons that aren't in the game. By entering those codes, you'll have your Pok�dex completed. (all Pok�mon Seen & caught) We split these codes so you can enter them easily. Pok�mon #001-032: 99A01FA2 3F08F830

EE74BECA AF807991 362E9B1F A0B784CB E8A0B086 E9578D38 Pok�mon #033-064: 1AA3B176 4D33093E BC48ED82 8CEC0717 193DC7EC 4EF8B886 6FDB881B 8F5D8790 Pok�mon #065-096: CDFDF9E5 1B77914D C9DEFDFF F308CAE4 870A34D6 56AA6344 2980457D 55CBE274 Pok�mon #097-128: 348F929F 3B70A003 07753633 1D737450 2730760E B8C78129 7ECC99ED A18A2230 Pok�mon #129-160: 548CCF25 3704DF7D DD7BBD22 201C52AF 8A69A8B2 2CDBBABC 24B0B4A1 9D933746 Pok�mon #161-192: BDC7E7E5 850DF847 DBF14DEA A1585014 D5FF286F 8A3120AF 48616CCB 5910DF5D Pok�mon #193-224: A732450A 9AD013C2 982BF2B9 BE067FA1 F3BCF131 056FEDA3 E2F5F771 C16E375C Pok�mon #225-256: 8BEBE659 E9059F11 BD1EA490 65035CFC 43777FB7 E83DB646 39DA34D2 285275D3 Pok�mon #257-288: 508D4561 3CAB0F04 BBF5743B 4076AABE AA1490CD 7A23FAF7 50979647 67714ADF Pok�mon #289-320: 2F369DC8 75A71EFF DEF64BBB 58F81A84 2A410615 163AC26F

F8C5D2D2 E04D563E Pok�mon #321-352: 2864A834 E967D580 97C7A550 803BD53A C065E5AF 718A1FA7 0AD09D1B BF067D99 Pok�mon #353-384: 0BDB86B6 9BA88E11 82BB07A1 C5D5D579 222EE537 F07B2595 026B9BB2 4256DA85 Pok�mon #385-386: 6AC43F44 45C92236 158A3C39 10E68326 5DC7027C 54972591 773C36C1 921FB070

------------------------------------------2.4.10 All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes. ------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. You can enter theses lines of codes one by one if you prefer. Once all these codes have been entered, your Trainer's Eyes will be completed (69 Trainers registred). 4B689657 588360CF 065B69BD A09F1547 93177528 2B06DC16 D1F3E870 07314132 07F5BE93 ED0B50AE A063ACEA DC7FF60D 156C31D8 D9CC83CB 130132BD EDC5898D 8BC0C221 8C6E71B5 E91FED65 60A11CDE 6906D764

A08309DB 497E51A2 58A3E45C 558C986F D62D7370 8C5C6352 068E46F2 1158EB40 4C31FFCD B1D38765 2A44ED5D A3336702 35DF1094 91715785 0C25D604 CE3A007B 64A948B3 6B57C524 EBAFD817 B38A2426 BB7586BF

------------------------------------------2.4.11 Share Experience After Battle Codes. ------------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. If you use theses codes, you won't have to switch your Pok�mon during battles to make them gain experience. Just beat your oppoment with 1 Pok�mon, and the game will think all your Pok�mon have fought the battle, and will give experience to all of them! 3E9BD973 F2C8482E E5CB6F7F C97AA5CC

---------------------------------2.4.12 Trainer Card's Stars Codes. ---------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. First, I'd like to say that I did some research, and I found that there were only 4 Stars in the game. Not 5, 4. There still might be a very slim chance that I missed something, and that the last star could be obtanaible using the Link cable, but I seriously doubt about it... 1st Star Code : This star is unlocked when you finish the game. With these code, you'll have finished the game in 15 minutes. 2386CABF E4C81DF6 401BD020 2D17E69B 2nd Star Code : This star is given to you when you beat the Battle Tower. With this codes, you'll have beaten the Battle Tower 999 times. 7A7EFB08 A3EEF22D 3rd Star Code : This star is given to you when you win all the contest. These codes will do the trick. DAFDDF4D 6B3371E1 863A43B3 A0E7843B 18EC989C

C962B7ED 294ACF7A 84DD0596 7D709392 113D5A5B

4th Star Code : This star is unlocked when you have caught 202 Pok�mon in the Pok�dex. Use the codes at section 1.4.9 to fulfill this requirement.

--------------------------------2.4.13 Trainer Card's Back Codes. --------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Use these codes to fill the back of your trainer card. Line 1 : First Hall of Fame. 2386CABF E4C81DF6 401BD020 2D17E69B Line 2 : Link Card Battle. 4542178D 2292164E 2231C98B DA8E001C Line 3 : Pok�mon Trades. BF67A939 850B3235 Line 4 : Pok�blocks w/ Friends. 834F8751 40BE607A Line 5 : Contests w/ Friends. C2101573 0E0FDA5F Line 6 : Battle Tower. 7A7EFB08 A3EEF22D

--------------------------2.4.14 Fast Egg Hatch Code. --------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked.

With this code, every step you make will count for 255 steps. That mean eggs will hatch very very fast ! D7A2E463 9F64ABFA

----------------------------2.4.15 Immediate Battle Code. ----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter these codes, then press L+R one second to enter a battle : FB089E40 B13D1214 BE283E95 E6978689 Note : you have to be in a cave, in the grass, on the water (...) to make the code work.

-------------------------------2.4.16 Select Battle Type Codes. -------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless they see you using them action!). Enter one of these set of codes, then press L+R to enter the type of battle you want : (#1) Only makes 1 on 1 wild Pokemon Battle : FB089E40 096A963E FB089E40 BE283E95

B13D1214 6F9250B0 B13D1214 E6978689

(#2) Only make 2 on 2 wild Pokemon Battle : FB089E40 120652AF FB089E40 BE283E95

B13D1214 6372144C B13D1214 E6978689

(#3) Only make 1 on 1 Trainer Pokemon Battle : FB089E40 B13D1214

14762353 436723D8 FB089E40 B13D1214 BE283E95 E6978689 (#4) Only make 2 on 2 Trainer Pokemon Battle : FB089E40 69D6B016 FB089E40 BE283E95

B13D1214 FDDD4E2B B13D1214 E6978689

IMPORTANT NOTES : - If you use the set of codes #2, you'll face 2 Pokemons, but the fight will end as soon as one of these Pokemon is killed. - Before using a Trainer Pokemon Battle code, you have to fight a Trainer the normal way. After that, you'll fight this Trainer over and over with the codes. - If you fight a trainer that has only 1 Pokemon using the set of codes #4, you'll encounter 2 Pokemon, but you'll have to kill only one of them to win the battle. - You can force Trainer Battle to be 1 on 1 either the set of codes #3 or #4, talk to a during the talk, keep L+R pushed, and press talk. That way, you can make "normal 2 on 2 "usual 1 on 1 battle" be 2 on 2.

or 2 on 2. To do this, enter trainer, then press L+R A once (fast) to end the battle" be 1 on 1, or

----------------------------2.4.17 Find Feebas Seed Code.* ----------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked (unless you tell them your Feebas Seed number). Find out your Feebas Seed Codes (1). Enter this Type 6 code, and look at your trainer card. It could be a bit messy, but it'll display your Feebas Seed number instead of your regular Trainer ID. If the game crash, and you can't see your Trainer ID number, read the note below. After that, write down this number, and turn the code off (switch off your GBA WITHOUT saving). Then, go to this link : http://users.nerdspace.net/loading/feebas.php and enter your Feebas Seed number. Voil�, you can see your Feebas Tiles!

Find Feebas Seed Code : 9438D4DE FBC02019

NOTE : If your game crash when you look at your Trainer Card with this code, go to Dewford Town and talk to the young boy above the Pokemon Center. Change your Trendy Phrase so that the boy accepts it (if it is the first time you do it, change the phrase twice). Be aware that the fact the boy accepts the new Trendy Phrase has nothing to do with the word you choose. Only luck matters... Once you have changed the Trendy Phrase, and it has been approved by the boy, you can try again the Find Feebas Seed Codes.

--------------------------------2.4.18 Always Catch Pokemon Code.* --------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo will *not* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter this code, and you'll catch any Pokemon on your 1st try : 6937E6C8 DEF25C87

-----------------------------------------2.4.19 Steal other Trainer's Pokemon Code.* -----------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. Enter these codes : FB089E40 B13D1214 096A963E 6F9250B0 006085A5 81627261 Fight any trainer, press L+R, and launch a Pok�ball...

------------------------2.4.20 Wild Lati@s Codes.* -------------------------------------------------

1.4.20 Wild Lati@s Codes.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. After you beat the E4, new events will be avaible in Pok�mon Ru/Sa world. One of them is the wild Lati@s encounter. To activate this event, you need to look at the TV in the 1st floor of your house. You'll see a "Special Report", that will tell you that a new flying Pokemon has been seen. That means that Lati@s is somewhere... If you're looking for the wild Lati@s, be aware that it doesn't appear everywhere. Lati@s can only be encountered on the following 20 Routes : 110, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134. (In short, that makes 110, 110, 117 to 134). You won't ever find Lati@s anywhere else (without cheating of course). When you enable the Wild Lati@s event (by watching the TV in the 1st floor of your house), it will appear at a RANDOM place. Then, it'll move or fly. Here is how it works : -If you enter/exit any house, go up/down the stairs of any house, fly to anywhere, or when you load your save, it'll fly to a RANDOM place. It will also fly to a RANDOM place if it escapes during the fight. -If you move from a city to a Route, from a Route to a Route, or from a Route to a City, Lati@s will RANDOMLY move to one of the Routes close to its current location. For exemple, if it was on route 134, it could move either to Route 110 or Route 133. Now here is something that will help people that want to catch Lati@s without cheating. We calculated the % of finding Lati@s for each Route, provided that you teleport to a city then walk on that Route : Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route

118 121 127 110 124 131 132 120 128 111 117 134 119 125 126

(Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport (Teleport

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

Mauville) : 9.58% Lilycove) : 7.5% Mossdeep): 7.5% Mauville or Slateport) : 6.83% Lilycove or Mossdeep) : 6.66% Pacifidlog) : 5% Pacifidlog) : 5% Fortree) : 4.17% Ever Grande) : 4.17% Mauville) : 3.92% Verdantuf or Mauville) : 3.92% Slateport) : 3.75% Fortree) : 3.5% Mossdeep) : 3.33% Sootopolis): 3.33%

As you can see, if you Teleport to Mauville, then walk on Route 118, you have 9.58% of chances that Lati@s will be on that Route. So this is the best

place to hunt Lati@s... And this is the place we gonna use in the following text as exemple. Once you are on the same Route than Lati@s, you have to fight wild Pokemons. Lati@s will appear in a regular fight, so using Repel won't help you finding it. It won't make the things go worse either (it'll just make you loose some time). You can either kill all the Pokemon you find, or run away from them. It doesn't change anything. Once you are on the same Route than Lati@s, you have exactly 25% of chances to find it each time you find a wild Pokemon. So do at least 4 battles (but 8 or 10 should be safer) before flying back to Mauville, and walking again to Route 118. Btw, if you prefer, you can also walk back to Mauville, and enter/exit any house (like the Pokecenter, to heal your Pokemons) to make Lati@s fly away to a random location, (and then walk back on Route 118 to try to find it another time). Now come the codes : Enable the TV event (this is a normal code). (Watch the TV on the 1st floor of your house to make Lati@s appear) This will make Lati@s appear, even if you killed it or if you already caught it. 2E03AADD DCC659C5

Make Lati@s be always on Route 110 (this is a normal code): 073448ED C7D76312 Find Lati@s on the 1st try (you need to be on the same Route than it) : This is a Type 6 code * : 3762D7F7 59A352C2

------------------------2.4.21 Battle Tower Code.* ------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo *might* know that your Game has been hacked. Use this code, and you'll be able to register any allowed Pokemon, redardless of its level (that mean Lvl 100 will be able to enter the Lvl 50 challenge). 5B6BAF8A F02EE472

Note : The game will show you that the Pokemon are "Not Able" to enter, however you'll be able to select them.

------------------------2.5 Lavaridge's Egg Code. -------------------------

----------------------------------2.5.1 Lavaridge's Egg Enabler Code. ----------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Enter this code, and the old lady near the hot springs of Lavaridge will always give you a Wynaut egg : C6500699 A423FC68

------------------------------------2.5.2 Lavaridge's Egg Modifier Codes.* ------------------------------------If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Game has been hacked. Enter one of these codes, and instead of having a Wynaut egg from the old lady of Lavaridge, you'll get the egg of the Pok�mon of your choice. To make the egg hatch faster, use the Fast Egg Hatch Code (1.4.14). Use only ONE of these code at the same time. 001 - BULBASAUR Ruby : FEABB404 EED46CF1 Sapp : 8D4F2975 520C4037 002 - IVYSAUR Ruby : A144ACA5 470D1107 Sapp : BA32FFDF DF0FE419 003 - VENUSAUR Ruby : 9C6F3343 D90971D3 Sapp : 78EE7B86 3AE12CA7 004 - CHARMANDER Ruby : EE94CED5 D4C7DC0A

Sapp : A460583B 083D8FF8 005 - CHARMELEON Ruby : 48544054 DEEF854B Sapp : D7D07785 69E3D0DE 006 - CHARIZARD Ruby : 48D39A94 8508EE9B Sapp : F07A56FF CA606125 007 - SQUIRTLE Ruby : 352929D0 F654A705 Sapp : FB685E69 4B4D8F78 008 - WARTORTLE Ruby : EC43C58E 7805EA22 Sapp : 66A1C42A BEA8946D 009 - BLASTOISE Ruby : 3DAD3412 D4DC9DC3 Sapp : 3F0B669A 93C92C1B 010 - CATERPIE Ruby : 64D3D3E3 E8E74EA5 Sapp : 4356B09B 0DD5AC35 011 - METAPOD Ruby : E8E4D748 81F4285B Sapp : 79CD03BE C73CB46C 012 - BUTTERFREE Ruby : 1DEDFBB0 D9D6ACD3 Sapp : F22D9B40 92B453D4 013 - WEEDLE Ruby : 50070647 ED9901FD Sapp : 7BF97611 7C55284F 014 - KAKUNA Ruby : 0482EA0D E4B5651D Sapp : B4CBEB46 1BDCB748 015 - BEEDRILL Ruby : 3B9BDE2C 5C01C95B Sapp : 11EA4061 3BD22EB0 016 - PIDGEY Ruby : 2D55B286 80C748FB Sapp : BFD2CFAE FC3BDE2F 017 - PIDGEOTTO Ruby : E23D017D 820D8E84 Sapp : 10B0B9D2 FACA6E70 018 - PIDGEOT Ruby : E54AC3B4 11C73390 Sapp : B7EE67BB 52BACA9E

019 - RATTATA Ruby : 5EF24C88 8C73B226 Sapp : F5E859AD 9FD050DB 020 - RATICATE Ruby : 51437609 B30F02E4 Sapp : C0D9C788 54896BB4 021 - SPEAROW Ruby : EAEF2CB7 E69FA8F6 Sapp : 8BC76970 327A57DB 022 - FEAROW Ruby : 759CE47F 38A7319B Sapp : 2E867F6C AD7EC938 023 - EKANS Ruby : C3D032B2 4EAF9D0C Sapp : 0B8F42A5 712DFEA7 024 - ARBOK Ruby : 8789C185 25D026E3 Sapp : BE62CF43 38B5E4D2 025 - PIKACHU Ruby : 615FB44B FC56F0C2 Sapp : 694BAB37 2EE22B63 026 - RAICHU Ruby : 787C2A61 5465ED40 Sapp : BBE50137 60BE899F 027 - SANDSHREW Ruby : E8547C6E E90BB3C3 Sapp : DBEB5C35 945B3F00 028 - SANDSLASH Ruby : 0A12EFA1 5412CA2B Sapp : 1F078A3B 149672A5 029 - NIDORAN Female Ruby : 395A183B 44C0B5AE Sapp : BD4C4CA0 966042C8 030 - NIDORINA Ruby : 7F404664 02409D91 Sapp : D38BC464 3822168F 031 - NIDOQUEEN Ruby : 58909CCA 0C7FA2BF Sapp : 2A9016FA 3DC87C96 032 - NIDORAN Male Ruby : E67A037E 164196E1 Sapp : C40BA7CD 969F7F99 033 - NIDORINO Ruby : 477E0FC5 F51374B0

Sapp : 4068E500 195539DE 034 - NIDOKING Ruby : A4841D52 39A6016D Sapp : 13A0F84D 7B29DDE8 035 - CLEFAIRY Ruby : E815E47F 8FDD951F Sapp : 83385A4C E7991193 036 - CLEFABLE Ruby : 8F3507A6 DBBD6ECD Sapp : B7D83349 97C774F6 037 - VULPIX Ruby : 00FAB0FB 378F0E17 Sapp : 0B02CBB5 0AB4C216 038 - NINETALES Ruby : 91A593AA 2D864416 Sapp : 22AC69B0 1F7E7806 039 - JIGGLYPUFF Ruby : CA8EA210 955A99E0 Sapp : 2C1A024E 391FFC2C 040 - WIGGLYTUFF Ruby : B88B12CD 09A653B2 Sapp : F58075E2 A6F1CF83 041 - ZUBAT Ruby : DFC38D39 A9A14751 Sapp : C194AFCC 3684CF8A 042 - GOLBAT Ruby : 3C1616A2 6C7A4E79 Sapp : C96812C8 3668E99E 043 - ODDISH Ruby : EC280AD5 C56D4DFE Sapp : 08880A46 407FAF9A 044 - GLOOM Ruby : 9856233F 94EEC5B0 Sapp : 6B17ABB6 109F57C7 045 - VILEPLUME Ruby : D48A1CC1 A0D11821 Sapp : 43B46564 656C5387 046 - PARAS Ruby : 3A61D52B 1229120B Sapp : 48A8A9AB 578A14FB 047 - PARASECT Ruby : B6FEDC7A F6653854 Sapp : 51D42846 967A9013

048 - VENONAT Ruby : B06A27B8 7E3FC8B3 Sapp : 7C99EF8E AD61DEBB 049 - VENOMOTH Ruby : FBD67453 2446303F Sapp : 77C97B74 3AA33574 050 - DIGLETT Ruby : 2FF98907 8D4719CD Sapp : 478C9CE1 6466D4A9 051 - DUGTRIO Ruby : 35C9AABD 0CE1678B Sapp : B6E6A87E A67D018D 052 - MEOWTH Ruby : BFE99EB9 92355666 Sapp : 665BDF21 EFC03C56 053 - PERSIAN Ruby : 990E1061 609F5B5F Sapp : 5873AE01 A0D283BE 054 - PSYDUCK Ruby : 87C02CF7 62331EA9 Sapp : 7D0A72E5 FAC4E127 055 - GOLDUCK Ruby : DF88CB74 104A0DE8 Sapp : 43132524 44F6A84F 056 - MANKEY Ruby : 924BF90C B78D9A1F Sapp : 4393EA02 E6B05811 057 - PRIMEAPE Ruby : 6D09A367 2F1CA0B4 Sapp : 9A57B5D6 F4B2DD29 058 - GROWLITHE Ruby : E7B70F4F 43E6CC7F Sapp : 1BB3882E 6D67F269 059 - ARCANINE Ruby : D35338FF 06204142 Sapp : 6F6F4174 4BB26C95 060 - POLIWAG Ruby : EB3DB7C1 B2F9CA1F Sapp : 3E1F4B5C A409BB4F 061 - POLIWHIRL Ruby : E5A6DAE4 8AA95B5C Sapp : CA525D39 0E50E462 062 - POLIWRATH Ruby : C8869AD6 837D27ED

Sapp : 5A5F21EF E662BBA0 063 - ABRA Ruby : 617429F4 ACA82669 Sapp : 2ECA519F 63291D89 064 - KADABRA Ruby : E3C91157 93025C9A Sapp : 6F350C59 C3BD2FE7 065 - ALAKAZAM Ruby : F1BE4F4D 1F55AAD1 Sapp : 97C542AF 25536A01 066 - MACHOP Ruby : B68D4032 142717ED Sapp : B513EC8A 211CE7E0 067 - MACHOKE Ruby : 99FF200F EC125271 Sapp : AA378B79 7E0C1D12 068 - MACHAMP Ruby : 85BD87C9 913E4ABA Sapp : 9D51E413 63670FD9 069 - BELLSPROUT Ruby : 9CB70FED 1F610424 Sapp : 5EDDF3D2 9AEFE64C 070 - WEEPINBELL Ruby : 6C196DE7 57803865 Sapp : D3DBAB42 953CBAA8 071 - VICTREEBEL Ruby : 4E7C4B46 3828BA21 Sapp : 0FAAE39E F3B03178 072 - TENTACOOL Ruby : D542BE5A 385A5554 Sapp : A619493D 6621736F 073 - TENTACRUEL Ruby : DCE3B866 4B98EA9C Sapp : BB6F7BB6 4862827E 074 - GEODUDE Ruby : 2C6C4FCF E9584D0A Sapp : BD597EF0 17FE3EA8 075 - GRAVELER Ruby : EC3B5C85 C2E43170 Sapp : BB54F055 FA4E586F 076 - GOLEM Ruby : 26A3882E 7962A0EE Sapp : 246A1C26 E2FE337C

077 - PONYTA Ruby : BFCF9132 EF42B5C2 Sapp : 8BCFD6DE 9C350330 078 - RAPIDASH Ruby : 53C1E8A2 92017883 Sapp : 79107558 90ACB3C7 079 - SLOWPOKE Ruby : CBFB4EF0 349F6258 Sapp : D9CE6D13 9B29FE23 080 - SLOWBRO Ruby : F1E024B4 9A3BB71E Sapp : 44C1D312 DFBD73B5 081 - MAGNEMITE Ruby : B244F853 8126F9D1 Sapp : A51824B9 4AF196E8 082 - MAGNETON Ruby : EE24853E 041F0FB3 Sapp : 00DA4566 7AF35907 083 - FARFETCH"D Ruby : A6751DEE 10D0FDC8 Sapp : 7EA10E56 FE65FA1E 084 - DODUO Ruby : B2FEDD3A 92B84FDB Sapp : F58B8F90 5C193F43 085 - DODRIO Ruby : FA3DAC84 7FF611D6 Sapp : 2837BA61 71660DC3 086 - SEEL Ruby : CAFE0960 6C3F488E Sapp : F1A56612 A53286A2 087 - DEWGONG Ruby : F75350F9 135399A9 Sapp : 8ABA32F0 CEE64DFF 088 - GRIMER Ruby : 23BBB33B 69A8B87C Sapp : 1B68C992 B7B7CD90 089 - MUK Ruby : 31673AD1 20646515 Sapp : 6CF49CD8 AEC76725 090 - SHELLDER Ruby : D85734B4 B2B5831A Sapp : 5D3F583A 37D83772 091 - CLOYSTER Ruby : A13C35AF 28561EF2

Sapp : 91CB9976 681C727A 092 - GASTLY Ruby : 8F2DA3CB B1126314 Sapp : 2355A603 13BF90F5 093 - HAUNTER Ruby : 762F3D98 1B5CDF82 Sapp : DAB0742B 03BD2CF1 094 - GENGAR Ruby : C9FBFBAE 3A96DDE7 Sapp : 8748C4D0 CB6FC5B8 095 - ONIX Ruby : 605803C3 3ED2861B Sapp : C0EC5607 8CD4F0EA 096 - DROWZEE Ruby : 84C9CB65 AFABB135 Sapp : 7FE609F0 0EEF023B 097 - HYPNO Ruby : BD74C44C 75EF99A4 Sapp : 1FA361F8 D67D0A1B 098 - KRABBY Ruby : D631B545 44650992 Sapp : 62D7A908 6F198C34 099 - KINGLER Ruby : 3E7FA1C4 17CAD742 Sapp : 69D6A0FF 2801E871 100 - VOLTORB Ruby : 78F22DA3 1513ED8F Sapp : 33ED7B84 5F61F4EB 101 - ELECTRODE Ruby : 8378962E 9BB7B7DC Sapp : B9699601 2E5BEF37 102 - EXEGGCUTE Ruby : 94CA60DF C0E146F5 Sapp : 384C7A00 0F1C96E4 103 - EXEGGUTOR Ruby : 2968C925 20CC809D Sapp : 6ADEEAED A19713B9 104 - CUBONE Ruby : A79962B8 EB37DF09 Sapp : 689D071B 3296C522 105 - MAROWAK Ruby : D3A7B05D EBA19511 Sapp : BA88D5E7 0AE25218

106 - HITMONLEE Ruby : 54E53044 B2F36E17 Sapp : BB5A8E3F 2A64C7EE 107 - HITMONCHAN Ruby : 7249C0CF B28D9216 Sapp : F12EB983 5C006A8C 108 - LICKITUNG Ruby : F25ACB5B 965EF4C3 Sapp : CE033B9C B4524068 109 - KOFFING Ruby : CB179E1B 30F04BE7 Sapp : 23BD4860 6594473F 110 - WEEZING Ruby : 76628B37 E0AD0249 Sapp : F4CDCBB9 F6D6BFF2 111 - RHYHORN Ruby : D011B17A 1D8F82F6 Sapp : D6FB6BC1 620278DB 112 - RHYDON Ruby : 95395652 51E2A53C Sapp : 023F8134 2F970214 113 - CHANSEY Ruby : FBC58CFD 6A97D476 Sapp : 05125D98 32CA4342 114 - TANGELA Ruby : 12D73A39 D8194D18 Sapp : 4184807F BE37E36F 115 - KANGASKHAN Ruby : F8485472 B9D10C33 Sapp : AD268BBC FB0D7733 116 - HORSEA Ruby : 772B6D8C A01E8158 Sapp : C96D4C3A 0257E37A 117 - SEADRA Ruby : 84CAEA33 AE5D4975 Sapp : DAAFC338 CF0F88FA 118 - GOLDEEN Ruby : 89EA3577 186F491C Sapp : 4C611740 2D86352F 119 - SEAKING Ruby : 21DC0782 2851B9BD Sapp : 2CF7C175 4E61C560 120 - STARYU Ruby : A20FCDCA 11F59950

Sapp : FB43CA0D 4313FA09 121 - STARMIE Ruby : A4B33B4B C9165381 Sapp : D4FE32FF 88EB9B9E 122 - MR.MIME Ruby : 0E70546D 68E541D2 Sapp : 3CC72BC6 F7D3347B 123 - SCYTHER Ruby : 5EF85724 2CDEDFA4 Sapp : 42C1DEC9 89E8EEA6 124 - JYNX Ruby : 586E2C62 497DFADE Sapp : 4639B656 A6A8EC87 125 - ELECTABUZZ Ruby : A79D67AE 6D11B132 Sapp : 5B5273D4 CE721B06 126 - MAGMAR Ruby : BE7801E9 97B1BB40 Sapp : E20EC5AF 374D0954 127 - PINSIR Ruby : A3C76E3D 4BE187F5 Sapp : C26457E9 A0A23821 128 - TAUROS Ruby : 74D53B08 B0D3C190 Sapp : E3FE0900 8E0B1C92 129 - MAGIKARP Ruby : 4682FF90 DE584CCC Sapp : 9AB45DCD EEF22AF0 130 - GYARADOS Ruby : 84C2E0FD AFE96FB1 Sapp : 222FE3C4 116B646E 131 - LAPRAS Ruby : 85758BF5 28BEAFAF Sapp : 479F518C 925BEF91 132 - DITTO Ruby : 7855BF74 ACACC430 Sapp : 2542BF7C F8710EF1 133 - EEVEE Ruby : A5DFF35E B6F984BF Sapp : C3A22B26 1EC074A3 134 - VAPOREON Ruby : 2B6AD7F6 C92FAF49 Sapp : CD30BA8E 65D6021E

135 - JOLTEON Ruby : F7C8D1CA C22B0A8E Sapp : CF22C1B8 E976C241 136 - FLAREON Ruby : DEECDB39 D32D77CB Sapp : B482B7B8 58C1040E 137 - PORYGON Ruby : 1546CF31 09085AE4 Sapp : 1D0E33AE 978FC525 138 - OMANYTE Ruby : 5843B110 3A17BC48 Sapp : C2A6F669 108AD4F1 139 - OMASTAR Ruby : A284BF8F 7910432E Sapp : FBF0894B 26CB4489 140 - KABUTO Ruby : 5C61A1F7 4F3973F3 Sapp : B92AB748 99127BD1 141 - KABUTOPS Ruby : DBDDA0E3 940896AE Sapp : 26417CC8 FB1937F1 142 - AERODACTYL Ruby : FD8B3D37 5041DC65 Sapp : 6F8CC82A 3C12153E 143 - SNORLAX Ruby : 04D8CD72 EA011A58 Sapp : 4E49A3CA 5FECE9AE 144 - ARTICUNO Ruby : 24AED437 4125E802 Sapp : 78C2F831 C0A8B8BE 145 - ZAPDOS Ruby : 6B4F5218 469E98C1 Sapp : 816FDFCB CA32BB1D 146 - MOLTRES Ruby : 0305C539 7E7EBE78 Sapp : 2D58C03B C4CB4043 147 - DRATINI Ruby : 7D6E216F 60A6D652 Sapp : 04A40993 B61EE794 148 - DRAGONAIR Ruby : DADD5DA6 76510CE4 Sapp : 54684F24 6F998572 149 - DRAGONITE Ruby : B86D6126 2304EDFD

Sapp : 35E5D6CF 80F73E0C 150 - MEWTWO Ruby : 6A0BDA7A 975FED41 Sapp : 911C8890 13FDE038 151 - MEW Ruby : C2C9BF41 C139A330 Sapp : 1914C777 D6350F71 152 - CHIKORITA Ruby : 82D18D48 7690D6F6 Sapp : BF8D6DAC C28D0453 153 - BAYLEEF Ruby : 3772030F 0D587631 Sapp : 4CE63079 2EEC15C0 154 - MEGANIUM Ruby : B005F039 4C46E5DA Sapp : D28ACBD8 E66D550C 155 - CYNDAQUIL Ruby : A1880B12 5CE9C6A2 Sapp : 42B7EBB7 82BEF137 156 - QUILAVA Ruby : 33F7158A 8779D0DF Sapp : 3A96328F B856C7EC 157 - TYPHLOSION Ruby : C702BC27 36BFD0B3 Sapp : AB921C04 E67EDAD0 158 - TOTODILE Ruby : 0B06B31E 305AAE7B Sapp : F77B8D58 C53C3657 159 - CROCONAW Ruby : 4677A195 28B30728 Sapp : B365BAEE 9D0F720D 160 - FERALIGATR Ruby : 931B9C24 A4A224BD Sapp : 1C6A4092 166E7E21 161 - SENTRET Ruby : E09678A2 3B3CB04C Sapp : 6765F024 1C1CD6C1 162 - FURRET Ruby : 13B84F7D D72B5107 Sapp : 8AFDBAA5 AD1F6800 163 - HOOTHOOT Ruby : 504CEE62 90BC3B20 Sapp : 061F0892 CAABF532

164 - NOCTOWL Ruby : 6DE89D39 0B64AB38 Sapp : 69794787 BDFEE689 165 - LEDYBA Ruby : 7E5C4F96 C4B804C5 Sapp : 2F8F776C 69999955 166 - LEDIAN Ruby : 2A7F440F 41158903 Sapp : 1BB81C19 F93A7949 167 - SPINARAK Ruby : 84A76103 502FD4A8 Sapp : AB4A48E2 D8C4AC17 168 - ARIADOS Ruby : 27A11F93 6949387F Sapp : 9042491F 962D072D 169 - CROBAT Ruby : 9106D464 C6955CF4 Sapp : 3F268157 13EE21E8 170 - CHINCHOU Ruby : 16D7997C 1A13F9E3 Sapp : BF17B74B D389AC06 171 - LANTURN Ruby : 315DD5A7 3B1FB1F1 Sapp : C9CD473E 6C9DD5BE 172 - PICHU Ruby : C58BAABA F60E81A0 Sapp : 43FD0C63 8742D96D 173 - CLEFFA Ruby : FBE4EC83 224F177F Sapp : 5D789EC4 91E0FBB7 174 - IGGLYBUFF Ruby : 28E78C37 070040A2 Sapp : E074CC67 EE898699 175 - TOGEPI Ruby : 2D9939B2 7EEB36F2 Sapp : 7DFAA16A B88E7B12 176 - TOGETIC Ruby : C089BD6F 9BC0CAFC Sapp : B3EDF9A5 5968F29E 177 - NATU Ruby : 390A571F 0C31CD63 Sapp : E4173F38 674FC33A 178 - XATU Ruby : 10AD7174 19790CF5

Sapp : EA687A66 01FCC6C7 179 - MAREEP Ruby : 0DBE834B 55EFE27B Sapp : FF18C870 CC464B3A 180 - FLAAFFY Ruby : 77B20C17 375379C5 Sapp : 44086164 84839DEF 181 - AMPHAROS Ruby : 9D114427 8531D484 Sapp : D297DA38 184DC98D 182 - BELLOSSOM Ruby : 886C745A 5AA9E844 Sapp : 5944C2FB 4597E28D 183 - MARILL Ruby : 3FB1A343 BB639EAA Sapp : D75419C1 05E98B4F 184 - AZUMARILL Ruby : 2088AA49 37287290 Sapp : 7A4C5667 5335D9CA 185 - SUDOWOODO Ruby : 8942B357 B31CC278 Sapp : 0E9AAA53 E12A0552 186 - POLITOED Ruby : 337FF678 515423A6 Sapp : 6FEC0CD7 4C1D1090 187 - HOPPIP Ruby : 00CD285A 48309251 Sapp : B5CD5522 F8F9E62C 188 - SKIPLOOM Ruby : 42E9D5A1 1EA051E0 Sapp : BE1041D9 56B60671 189 - JUMPLUFF Ruby : F9EA754A 68D3B5B4 Sapp : B9C764E4 0D65E8C0 190 - AIPOM Ruby : 5FCF16B8 A3710D1F Sapp : 6A125273 A9A763E1 191 - SUNKERN Ruby : ADE76D0E 38E2B00C Sapp : D4AAFF74 1DBD8ADD 192 - SUNFLORA Ruby : DC43E941 9F7FA72B Sapp : B594E4AE D5F17E29

193 - YANMA Ruby : C0EC4058 AAF30F84 Sapp : 48B3E4DB 72C815AD 194 - WOOPER Ruby : 6A696D38 8E23F728 Sapp : 02C1006C BA84587D 195 - QUAGSIRE Ruby : BD39356E 0984A2E2 Sapp : 6D30C4A9 6825CB1D 196 - ESPEON Ruby : 3F896FFF DC1B0784 Sapp : 801F1A4C BAA89F6B 197 - UMBREON Ruby : C6E62745 662322A9 Sapp : F066FA62 CBE26E53 198 - MURKROW Ruby : 23F5A028 ACFEF333 Sapp : 985D939E FB8D7726 199 - SLOWKING Ruby : 4516E3FB 344BB6FB Sapp : 6877333B 257243AA 200 - MISDREAVUS Ruby : 2EB73574 473715ED Sapp : EB37B722 09136480 201 - UNOWN Ruby : 0DEA608C 0217DC02 Sapp : 137B9781 F6B4492F 202 - WOBBUFFET Ruby : 5A6C4D5E 42922AEA Sapp : 60DDCE0D 7620C8C6 203 - GIRAFARIG Ruby : 6B331C43 BFE76181 Sapp : 4778638C 6F95BA39 204 - PINECO Ruby : 53FB1A24 10142FE2 Sapp : D99C7BB2 B3F42043 205 - FORRETRESS Ruby : 8DEB2AAB 8F7AF5E4 Sapp : 07C550D7 04847F1D 206 - DUNSPARCE Ruby : 69C3ABA8 615A3ADB Sapp : F04AB3CE 720D1B13 207 - GLIGAR Ruby : B0CC8D51 095AED47

Sapp : 9FA36CAF BCC72DB9 208 - STEELIX Ruby : C00EB14F F05ECA07 Sapp : 1C4D41A3 F4A657CC 209 - SNUBBULL Ruby : 3EC7CEA5 4C397D4E Sapp : 2FD41774 09BAFA0A 210 - GRANBULL Ruby : 8DDCF5E1 0720E88A Sapp : C10CB441 4FA02CCE 211 - QWILFISH Ruby : 4029EDC7 DB1C7318 Sapp : 4DF7AB4B C667406C 212 - SCIZOR Ruby : 5B57BF4F 34EC7317 Sapp : F952D2D2 0059EBB2 213 - SHUCKLE Ruby : 6D8FBF16 76B28F43 Sapp : 2CF21532 A549054A 214 - HERACROSS Ruby : 854DC629 B134D5CF Sapp : 36B9ADDE C2A1D8EB 215 - SNEASEL Ruby : 02CA1A68 B8FD0D6F Sapp : B2EA9ED4 9371D714 216 - TEDDIURSA Ruby : 5D4EF8E9 B4B54533 Sapp : F4B4B458 777771D8 217 - URSARING Ruby : 9972103F 7A943287 Sapp : 1D29A34B FC85D0DC 218 - SLUGMA Ruby : 433CA003 D877589D Sapp : DEB75F48 EFDBF7C7 219 - MAGCARGO Ruby : 873312E9 13E78831 Sapp : E2DAD379 E53A1D18 220 - SWINUB Ruby : 3B8CC1FC CED69E03 Sapp : 774BC4CF 15B92D4D 221 - PILOSWINE Ruby : 5866E7E7 E38BACBF Sapp : A8FB3AAC 93549198

222 - CORSOLA Ruby : EC63E22E 93F745AE Sapp : B735A1F9 95E0B6C0 223 - REMORAID Ruby : C0FA988D F4BAA371 Sapp : E48B07F4 39D2C71F 224 - OCTILLERY Ruby : 6212ADE5 74A8AF27 Sapp : 90DB859F A91F6E92 225 - DELIBIRD Ruby : 5C5FD6A0 8B1DFD07 Sapp : D5E4C97B E5E8FC5B 226 - MANTINE Ruby : CC4A5886 6E07D9D6 Sapp : 8510423D B70D3AC6 227 - SKARMORY Ruby : 2AD1FE96 CFB81186 Sapp : 6F79A9FA 4AA6D219 228 - HOUNDOUR Ruby : 5AE91E5F 3414B5EB Sapp : FE9A57D1 66DB109C 229 - HOUNDOOM Ruby : 28FB6040 FB7E02C5 Sapp : ED8749A9 190B9191 230 - KINGDRA Ruby : D41D39EB 433D21EF Sapp : B7FF4733 F2108E19 231 - PHANPY Ruby : DB887F12 B55F2429 Sapp : 5ABB44C5 63F1AC3D 232 - DONPHAN Ruby : 94C63C07 5E4E538B Sapp : 6C90AC91 93F04716 233 - PORYGON2 Ruby : B2180C26 23974F5B Sapp : 5FAF8B25 2A87BFBE 234 - STANTLER Ruby : FB039124 3A813653 Sapp : 17F375BF 4A407116 235 - SMEARGLE Ruby : 4FE23DE3 DC64C3FF Sapp : B97D0E30 28E9576F 236 - TYROGUE Ruby : D04338EF C3D5418F

Sapp : 6B157E63 683DCF85 237 - HITMONTOP Ruby : 521DD407 3EE1FBAD Sapp : 97CA4CDB E74CB767 238 - SMOOCHUM Ruby : 2C693B80 A9C79321 Sapp : EEE467E6 D9A9891A 239 - ELEKID Ruby : AD174D31 EBEC5D26 Sapp : 51A28E09 8487378D 240 - MAGBY Ruby : E8272E11 F8516751 Sapp : DD7D4012 011EEA1D 241 - MILTANK Ruby : 16A929A1 69F85AD5 Sapp : 53D9FA8E 0F19EC81 242 - BLISSEY Ruby : 943388C9 0B31235E Sapp : BFA40CE6 372DAF15 243 - RAIKOU Ruby : 151CAE26 D8E29580 Sapp : BFEC737A 5116F774 244 - ENTEI Ruby : EDFDA0BF B005A8A1 Sapp : A52DC54A E8B0E8A0 245 - SUICUNE Ruby : 26B7B0D6 CB669C49 Sapp : 6B92402E 30CCF6B5 246 - LARVITAR Ruby : CB713AD9 891676C7 Sapp : 66984E0E 3D007533 247 - PUPITAR Ruby : 50D7D54F E887610E Sapp : 496079D7 81956413 248 - TYRANITAR Ruby : 14427A05 C6E9AC98 Sapp : 5887B018 8AC15A54 249 - LUGIA Ruby : 1433EB69 324D2FCC Sapp : 5C78C1C1 7560FF65 250 - HO-OH Ruby : 73A65A0E 16977829 Sapp : E2B3A66E 7C1615A3

251 - CELEBI Ruby : 7A4776D9 7E621805 Sapp : 99C68272 1D81586B 252 - TREECKO Ruby : 007A8EFB 8333C31A Sapp : D615619E 83460152 253 - GROVYLE Ruby : EA70AB84 79AFD31B Sapp : 31BDDC75 34B2CD82 254 - SCEPTILE Ruby : 1F49661F 867F688B Sapp : 8F74F27C FCA4636F 255 - TORCHIC Ruby : B68B2511 B21276B0 Sapp : 95CC82FE 5AE615AE 256 - COMBUSKEN Ruby : 0D45EC8E 6DBABD61 Sapp : BC021814 93CEEBC7 257 - BLAZIKEN Ruby : 0E3909EF 45BC8942 Sapp : 6400818B D09DDE98 258 - MUDKIP Ruby : 2B6DF22E D3A17F07 Sapp : 4860A01E CC12B6CA 259 - MARSHTOMP Ruby : BA63B909 F0217EE0 Sapp : F3C49811 7D204655 260 - SWAMPERT Ruby : 75E3DCFD 86445D64 Sapp : 838E5E56 C4DC6952 261 - POOCHYENA Ruby : A800AEC2 81EE08E5 Sapp : B452F561 C0708CA9 262 - MIGHTYENA Ruby : 5B5AC767 DE461569 Sapp : 6E3792B3 65E33B11 263 - ZIGZAGOON Ruby : 7C3EFA3F C0F398E4 Sapp : 37B08FA9 527CE0C6 264 - LINOONE Ruby : 94F61348 5F9F0EB4 Sapp : 932F1FEF 4CD0A13A 265 - WURMPLE Ruby : F2C8BC9A 15ED18D9

Sapp : 7201C40B C46C5BD7 266 - SILCOON Ruby : C15F518E F6E2B410 Sapp : EB4FED3C 87538CA6 267 - BEAUTIFLY Ruby : 5EA91366 475C8EEF Sapp : FEA35330 411782BA 268 - CASCOON Ruby : A48EA523 0790C185 Sapp : 69848004 3E8B2925 269 - DUSTOX Ruby : 4DDC901A 7650B076 Sapp : E47F212F BA285797 270 - LOTAD Ruby : 90C046D8 7DC81E6D Sapp : 1886462A 47F26F94 271 - LOMBRE Ruby : B522ED8A 252BBE32 Sapp : F1FE80FA 72A7FD9F 272 - LUDICOLO Ruby : 0D62CCC6 CB68FC87 Sapp : 69493168 F2DDD954 273 - SEEDOT Ruby : 90CEA4E4 0A95E0DB Sapp : 9AA87C9E 005798F0 274 - NUZLEAF Ruby : D83C5C8B 54C6E2AD Sapp : 1B83DFA7 3869C026 275 - SHIFTRY Ruby : C2742FD7 33278198 Sapp : 369A6A05 2934E0E9 276 - NINCADA Ruby : BDC61F33 83A38C0A Sapp : 42AF0DAC BE2C3D08 277 - NINJASK Ruby : 2075196B ED1BD2BE Sapp : 34323084 000A5EBB 278 - SHEDINJA Ruby : A7B07ED5 AB6C1F8D Sapp : 64557AD2 FA0D3B32 279 - TAILLOW Ruby : 90F078F0 0505CEDE Sapp : 2427B499 653B9489

280 - SWELLOW Ruby : 7571B870 B4B5C0A4 Sapp : 38D89D54 436D2C22 281 - SHROOMISH Ruby : DEA6D3A0 02260C92 Sapp : 3A6EF4A0 A3AC81F5 282 - BRELOOM Ruby : 4659E82C 4C510F66 Sapp : D4C1D1AD 05D789FD 283 - SPINDA Ruby : 7FEC6B95 AEF3C963 Sapp : 4F70936A D0BAD228 284 - WINGULL Ruby : BC20DA76 0AC2775C Sapp : 97397DE7 E3C90892 285 - PELIPPER Ruby : 10C001FA B4F338FD Sapp : C2788346 236D90ED 286 - SURSKIT Ruby : 802B3753 8A0D394F Sapp : 6E3F8BDD 99E6EE22 287 - MASQUERAIN Ruby : B971719B 6EE30FB3 Sapp : 9244AACB A036E718 288 - WAILMER Ruby : D0A33512 9A22D2E7 Sapp : DDBEA545 2969A888 289 - WAILORD Ruby : 148158E5 854C1C11 Sapp : 574E676F AA74EFC6 290 - SKITTY Ruby : 9BD5ABB5 BD3480C6 Sapp : AEC650E1 BE0ADEA5 291 - DELCATTY Ruby : 24B858D9 64C7F3D4 Sapp : 7A8E7BAD E921F2A0 292 - KECLEON Ruby : 261C5F63 71AA0D83 Sapp : C40E6145 0B25EDFF 293 - BALTOY Ruby : 476955B2 1B50B95E Sapp : EE9AD483 57986DBA 294 - CLAYDOL Ruby : D95482B2 D9366708

Sapp : 766DAF79 70DD8969 295 - NOSEPASS Ruby : 368A8C86 DB4E500A Sapp : ECD3C7B1 BCE3A017 296 - TORKOAL Ruby : 7C40980B F36C3E95 Sapp : 9CC412C9 0400B279 297 - SABLEYE Ruby : 11B87922 F9E3F461 Sapp : 20CBDC95 D11B4E99 298 - BARBOACH Ruby : E400B25A 9E84353A Sapp : 40A869A4 9DD77E53 299 - WHISCASH Ruby : 5336DCBE 52B52CDB Sapp : 405DAB4D 259EE185 300 - LUVDISC Ruby : BD08B6CB 851312C8 Sapp : 4E2A1CE0 FCEE9867 301 - CORPHISH Ruby : D8F79C2A FC1CED7C Sapp : 25235824 62E9AFAD 302 - CRAWDAUNT Ruby : CDEE36B5 1936FAA0 Sapp : F5601D6C 1F64F3CE 303 - FEEBAS Ruby : 7FF95F9D F6AC3158 Sapp : F3D8C914 AA091F32 304 - MILOTIC Ruby : 244C5225 882A9EB4 Sapp : F6E6C630 EB94C6EC 305 - CARVANHA Ruby : 57795947 BCE0B1EE Sapp : 82B387E7 0BEFF5D4 306 - SHARPEDO Ruby : 40EAE399 3DC50319 Sapp : EAC9F722 3A7DA635 307 - TRAPINCH Ruby : C16AF357 9D4DC911 Sapp : 958D277C 3E4799F0 308 - VIBRAVA Ruby : 8C5AFF3A B8322215 Sapp : 158F31E2 4590660D

309 - FLYGON Ruby : 3EA96CFF 1C833EFF Sapp : 90235DFE 182694F7 310 - MAKUHITA Ruby : 721F0556 E790FE14 Sapp : 4E9A7ECB CF37008C 311 - HARIYAMA Ruby : 29067B7D EA872AE5 Sapp : 1EF19CAE F3BEA9E0 312 - ELECTRIKE Ruby : 0E7BB270 C421341C Sapp : ACB6EFC4 00C6CAB9 313 - MANECTRIC Ruby : 627A6E96 37AB6CFA Sapp : 99B85D31 41B5D73D 314 - NUMEL Ruby : B6412648 3DFD7A81 Sapp : EC465CBD 327ACDB7 315 - CAMERUPT Ruby : F2BC9DC5 C34E41E2 Sapp : D38056CA E58D7623 316 - SPHEAL Ruby : D6EE1098 5A76108E Sapp : 9686DD09 0A649C77 317 - SEALEO Ruby : C4E666B5 6906C8E4 Sapp : C5A07049 92DBE558 318 - WALREIN Ruby : 7468C39B D87F093C Sapp : 883E5ADD FF19A74F 319 - CACNEA Ruby : C69C70C6 F21022DE Sapp : B2E6ED2B 86D67047 320 - CACTURNE Ruby : E9249625 DB72185D Sapp : 81B4BA7E 1E218EBF 321 - SNORUNT Ruby : 1D757F91 12B086DE Sapp : 628A85AD 0FF1B685 322 - GLALIE Ruby : EC5444E7 2E847CA6 Sapp : 707E3CCC 6783F6E1 323 - LUNATONE Ruby : 6872F4BD 26A18775

Sapp : BAC608A9 E2ADF01A 324 - SOLROCK Ruby : 04FBB279 39BC4C01 Sapp : BD614A25 7D4DB649 325 - AZURILL Ruby : 2E4B7F4C BF3538C2 Sapp : 7BA8B809 6A8E1BC1 326 - SPOINK Ruby : 38855EEB D48B0966 Sapp : 7B50E0D1 43F0EA81 327 - GRUMPIG Ruby : 2092A074 A25BD680 Sapp : D81C825F 67A38FD0 328 - PLUSLE Ruby : 21E0E078 60BEB403 Sapp : 81D405F9 0A0FC902 329 - MINUN Ruby : 78C0B21C E0747EA0 Sapp : 2DF06941 FADFE5F9 330 - MAWILE Ruby : 7A727120 2B205860 Sapp : C7587D1F C3C8CC54 331 - MEDITITE Ruby : 2EB56179 55D0D323 Sapp : DA607C1F 51D6B652 332 - MEDICHAM Ruby : A1286F29 9EFB6B70 Sapp : 042F011F 509CF099 333 - SWABLU Ruby : 8D4A8C2A B4C522A5 Sapp : 9A1E8EEA 156823E8 334 - ALTARIA Ruby : A3387989 6ED2E559 Sapp : 1CBDB8B1 E6AE9117 335 - WYNAUT Ruby : 170DEA34 5C97D5DF Sapp : 4681E971 1735467D 336 - DUSKULL Ruby : 4A751F8C 12CCE218 Sapp : 2C5B50AD 2224EF33 337 - DUSCLOPS Ruby : 995A9ACB B7CED033 Sapp : 6926DD6B 4E28DEE6

338 - ROSELIA Ruby : 36EB5B53 E651B1CF Sapp : 1CFACFC1 F1D2B04B 339 - SLAKOTH Ruby : EDAD4DF4 FD5186BF Sapp : 8D0CE6C6 2EC9351B 340 - VIGOROTH Ruby : 26E01FD5 F4AD5D03 Sapp : 19460B69 72521CD4 341 - SLAKING Ruby : 98B671D8 C04018CC Sapp : 1ABA7DA6 E79699D5 342 - GULPIN Ruby : 8191C96B 968453D6 Sapp : E1B304B0 2497E2DC 343 - SWALOT Ruby : DE2997C0 4A8A0919 Sapp : 4C3B4755 B4051760 344 - TROPIUS Ruby : 3C51A4D7 282643F6 Sapp : 40FF586F 1F86EF54 345 - WHISMUR Ruby : E406CB76 FDB99C5C Sapp : B028B58D 9A1022DF 346 - LOUDRED Ruby : D8EEE304 E302CC09 Sapp : 13AA0A18 991095D6 347 - EXPLOUD Ruby : 89755DCD B7458CCD Sapp : 04D3C866 11EBB9DE 348 - CLAMPERL Ruby : 9A6E6255 D60CDDE8 Sapp : 037763CD DC92D1B8 349 - HUNTAIL Ruby : 09883491 E2932E20 Sapp : 9EAEBBFC F2A5A323 350 - GOREBYSS Ruby : 49093251 698AE48E Sapp : 3CC2C6D1 A9E2C90E 351 - ABSOL Ruby : 4AB11763 C021D300 Sapp : 34DA79D9 AD9FBDF9 352 - SHUPPET Ruby : C980EA13 14412C99

Sapp : B0FF010E 0093F16E 353 - BANETTE Ruby : F66928DB 95FC5649 Sapp : A0B6599F DE4FD297 354 - SEVIPER Ruby : 3D0B27B9 C611BAAB Sapp : 8E3FD824 346C0147 355 - ZANGOOSE Ruby : 8D5F2C4A 2636E48C Sapp : 1FB080E2 3FF162FF 356 - RELICANTH Ruby : 1A8CF7CC 36BB7957 Sapp : BD1E028A 7DCB9A9B 357 - ARON Ruby : 9A5CEF6A 8D9BDC4F Sapp : 47A9FA41 37F98E5F 358 - LAIRON Ruby : 416F83C1 7FFE9B58 Sapp : 330D3946 FAAA99B9 359 - AGGRON Ruby : D018FA76 EA9B1CE0 Sapp : 21E4270D A88BA3FA 360 - CASTFORM Ruby : 4FF70B74 65E24675 Sapp : 4F1D7F4C D32B1795 361 - VOLBEAT Ruby : 3A9A5194 CC7447B0 Sapp : 51809F9B 1EC54517 362 - ILLUMISE Ruby : 576D8209 43DC4033 Sapp : 6A826B50 D821318E 363 - LILEEP Ruby : 407B035F F0068FF3 Sapp : A68BF102 07AD33D5 364 - CRADILY Ruby : 9CEFD28B 8C3E66F9 Sapp : DDDD53D9 F41F889D 365 - ANORITH Ruby : 7779923E 2E55203B Sapp : A095177F 335A8592 366 - ARMALDO Ruby : DF221997 CB093A49 Sapp : DEB8AA97 B0009AA8

367 - RALTS Ruby : 33BB47E2 881AE5E4 Sapp : BEF9EF74 E417C4BD 368 - KIRLIA Ruby : 7B57D289 F7F2028A Sapp : A0FF34BC 01C2BCA0 369 - GARDEVOIR Ruby : 06E86A7C 0E639B36 Sapp : 6E5D2B06 4F669FA7 370 - BAGON Ruby : E7ABF599 CDE7399F Sapp : 2E307F95 6F90E4E2 371 - SHELGON Ruby : 42AE6C7F 1750F449 Sapp : 6E42551A 24448207 372 - SALAMENCE Ruby : 0AAD043A 927C3351 Sapp : 2CF6B8FC 82A630DA 373 - BELDUM Ruby : 78A1DBA8 114DB763 Sapp : 3F474497 C68596CB 374 - METANG Ruby : F1F339E4 82C769D6 Sapp : 7C0B06F2 6D2B7313 375 - METAGROSS Ruby : 5842EA04 97307969 Sapp : A157DC0D B102029E 376 - REGIROCK Ruby : C1C49CF9 EE1D1486 Sapp : 50952E29 83685EEA 377 - REGICE Ruby : C5777E55 5EA32D51 Sapp : 1EE370C4 6CD60BC3 378 - REGISTEEL Ruby : 03A02FAB 7D443120 Sapp : 7D05A482 754487C8 379 - KYOGRE Ruby : 5AAF8DC9 54A18F25 Sapp : DD0F533F FF66B91D 380 - GROUDON Ruby : BF672F9A 04501F7B Sapp : 6081B906 35039F19 381 - RAYQUAZA Ruby : 946AD8D9 E208771D

Sapp : 487E04CB 68CF6C82 382 - LATIAS Ruby : 6B7541C8 B8C5FA5E Sapp : E655C2BA 808B2216 383 - LATIOS Ruby : 64855124 210B560F Sapp : FA976FEB B36ADF9F 384 - JIRACHI Ruby : 8984A919 05DB5FD8 Sapp : 3B9C23AA 52B9626D 385 - DEOXYS Ruby : 53A374BC 34229860 Sapp : D03E9BBE 7030BCE5 386 - CHIMECHO Ruby : 4D1FE127 B0C0656A Sapp : B0712B3D 6A574BAF

---------3. Thanks. ---------Thanks to all the people at CMGSCCC that supported us. (especially L3reakmanx and Mastersord) Thanks to Mastersord for having host our Codes FAQ in his FAQ on www.gamefaqs.com. Big Thanks for Forgotten, and his great emulator, VBA (http://vboy.emuhq.com). Without it, this FAQ won't ever exists. Very Big Thanks to Parasyte and the GSCentral Guys : you rock ! Thanks to Datel for having created such a nice device! And thanks to all the people who use these codes :)

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