Poems Devoted To Shri Sadguru Sainath

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  • Words: 2,124
  • Pages: 9
Poems devoted to Shri Sadguru Sainath Integrity Seeing the universe and sky gifted with glittering stars, Strengthens the belief in the divine architecture. Seeing the bloomy flowers in many colors and flavors, Strengthens the belief in the divine creativity. Seeing the rivers flowing and nourishing green fields, Strengthens the belief the divine engineering. Seeing the beauty in life and harmony in nature, Strengthens the belief in the god given eyes of beholder. But 'Sabka Malik ek' strengthens the integrity in every diversity. ----------------------------------------Every walk and every talk I woke up and realize, you gave me my morning filled with the sparkling sunlight Filling the thoughts that motivate my path, seamlessly brilliant and equally bright Ensuring that every step I take with 'sainaam' is destined to set a new height Still I find few moments so touched,'Sai' my guru you are always there to affright Birth is a bliss, growth is gift and Life is an earthly journey before an eternal flight Every phase is filled with 'Some times of sorrow' and 'some times of emotional' delight In times i quest 'Within the minds selflessness' and 'hearts emotion' that set the fight Sadguru send me your guidance in distinguishing 'good from bad' and 'wrong from right' Bless me in every walk and every talk, Sai is my Guru in shinny day and darkest night. ------------------------------------Blessing The sweetness in music and taste for hearing is sure a blessing, The fragrance in flowers and taste to smell them is sure a blessing, The beauty in nature and the eye of the beholder is sure a blessing, The kindness in mankind and ability to display is sure a blessing, The happiness in heart and nature to share it is sure a blessing,

The sadness in sorrow and ability to end others sorrow is sure a blessing, The genius within ones mind and the ability to spread it is sure a blessing, The devotion in God and finding devotion in every deed is sure a blessing, Seek Sainath in every form and every path, your every Endeavour perceives his blessing. ------------------------------------------Peace in life History showed kingdoms would perish and laws could then reform, Sainath help me stick to laws of truth at enlistment which would never reform. Science showed light could be seen even before hearing the thunder storm, Sainath enlighten my path every day and night even in wind and storm. Answer to toughest question, lies in the all the earthly opinions we form, Sainath your presence is significance to every choice I make and every opinion I form. Truth lies in realization that everything we see, one day would still deform, Sainath guide me through the path which sets a Soul that would never deform, Peace in life comes to life in Satsang, Satsang starts with Sadguru,'Jai bolo Sai Ram' By Suresh Gattu -------------------------------Scintillate Just as the stars shine and the spinning planets gravitate, Thoughts can add the comfort to life and make one feel great. Every one is born with a mind left in a clean state, With every walk in life, its karma what we accumulate. Moksha is the final stop to which good deeds navigate, If Guidance from Sadguru is what we seek to liberate, His divine bliss shows a path which would not deviate, In the name of Sai as our minds are set to meditate, Every thought would just not narrate but would scintillate. By Suresh Gattu ------------------------------

Finding Sadguru To aim the heights of the stars one needs an iron will, But Wit and smartness to fool the rest often fits the bill, Frozen ice flows as water unless you constantly chill, Humor and wisdom are mundanely charming until they fail to thrill. If Good cause with a noble desire into our minds often we fill, Even when the storm passes the sea the boat can still stay still. Righteousness from the core of soul should be the source we drill, Hatred and agony control the mind unless the selfishness we kill. Finding Sadguru in every form helps every happiness we persue and every desire fulfill. By Suresh Gattu -----------------------------Sai is always near so why fear When things are down And you are out of your mind Remember just remember Sai is so Kind. When your life is in darkness And nothing is right Remember just remember Through the darkness, Sai is The Light. When nothing makes sense And everything seems dense Remember just remember Sai is The Wise. When times are troubled And no one seems to care Remember just remember Sai is so Fair.

When your heart is breaking And your pain makes you fall Remember just remember Sai Sees it all. When you are weak And the road seems long Remember just remember Seek strength from The Strong. When life is a burden And everything is unstable Remember just remember Sai is The Able. When the way is cloudy And there is no one by your side Remember just remember Sai is The Only Guide. When no one wants to listen Or is willing to lend an ear Remember just remember Sai is always ready to hear When you are poor and penniless And you are stuck in a niche Remember just remember Sai is The Rich. When you are down in your misery And there is nowhere to run Remember just remember You can always run to The One And when your scars are hurting And your heart is in fear

Remember just remember Sai is always near so why fear. --------------------------Incarnation If we search for finding happiness beyond sight's vision and mind's imagination, The quest ends with self realization, just keenly observe gods every creation. Through artificiality added by every generation along every civilization We could gain many sources for tentative happiness, relaxation and recreation. Finally realizing that it was difficult to find solitude from life's vexation, As an answer to the created, God gifted every generation with his incarnation. With his guidance to build a better world tied with bonds of human relation, With trust and belief beyond definition and greater than any generic emotion Baba, I seek you with pure devotion along firm determination for rightful motivation . By Suresh Gattu --------------------------------------Trusts and belief Every frustration we come across can end with trust and belief, In every pain and every gain never forget to trust baba for relief. Every path is not with roses, thorny road can test this trust in grief, Trust ends an everlasting grief, so 'strengthen the trust to win the grief' in brief. Happiness through enlightenment is only wealth, that can¢t be stolen to a thief, For good and bad and every act, remember that one day you need to debrief. Miracles happen in divine presence, there is no reason for disbelief, One such wonder can be seen in "sweetness' that baba blessed even to a sour neem leaf, Every one is a traveler in life, baba is the master and commander in chief. By Suresh Gattu ------------------------------------------What saints illustrate With knowledge and innovation as a gift of god, living could always elevate,

Showering with comfort and luxury beyond what life could often accommodate, Speed and success adds to thoughts and new theories would delegate, But still we find few questions tough to answer with the thoughts that we generate. Can we get a crop with no sunlight and rain but only land to cultivate? Can we laugh and dance to earthly tunes with out the life within to motivate? Such questions often show the fact that man is great but God is supreme and ultimate, Devotion is a path to god that the sayings of every saint illustrate, Sainath I bow with faith, I thank you for being my only reason to celebrate. By Sai Devotee Suresh Gattu ---------------------------------Sainath my Guru To speak and laugh makes man different from rest living Strength of muscle can conquer the world and make him king With Wit and Wisdom He could fly the skies where the stars swing And acquire the fortunes that heavens could bring And finally realize "We leave empty, we were born with nothing to bring" True Happiness lies not in taking but just giving And few divine moments we spend in name of god and the praiseful songs that we sing Like a child is selflessly blessed with mother¢s affection and caring Sainath my Guru, I seek your guidance all enlighment and divine mentoring By Sai devotee Suresh Gattu ---------------------------------------Sai the source After one comes two, after two comes three Meditating with numbers can set our minds free It takes an effort and passion to earn the highest degree Scholars can defend their thoughts and make us agree For every act in life, brain is a companion and heart being the referee Selflessness and devotion is not bound to a place or a territory

Vision is a gift to eyes, but soul seeks foresight of a visionary Think of saint Saibaba who sought a sour neem tree Only to help us find the nectar in "Shradda and Saburi" By Sai Devotee Suresh Gattu -------------------------------Sabka Malik Ek For the happiest of all, there could be moments sad SAI Master of peace and Integrity is whom I seek whether happy or Sad It is humane to wish for worldly things what others often had Guru the 'courage and wealth of knowledge' is my only wish from what others had In confusing times, Light of truth distinguishes good from Bad Sainath shed the light of wisdom to grasp good even from the Bad In confessing thoughts, reality comes out of earthly clad Sainath is my only bonding not the earthly clad "Sab ka Malik ek hai"his only mantra can make the gloomy Glad By Suresh Gattu ------------------------------------3 S¢s in Success(Sadhbava,Sadhbuddi,Sadhsang) Any new thought can be classified as a prototype To say something told before is termed stereotype Devotion is a sacred emotion, a noble cause not to hype Bakthi is divine that neither gold can buy nor diamonds can swipe Just as Flute until finding the hands of right musician is a mere pipe Only a Sadguru can bring any argument to contention, raw fruit can ripe Belief in god needs no tattoo on shoulder or forehead with stripe Essence from sayings of Sainath puts an end to all the confusion and gripe Only with Sathbava, Sathbudhi and Satsang one¢s suffering would end and sins would wipe By Suresh Gattu

----------------------------------------'I SEEK NO FAVOUR FROM THEE, BABA' I seek no favour from Thee, Baba, But to dedicate my body and mind to thy adoration. Let my hand touch Thy Lotus-feet, Let my eyes feast on Thee, Let my ears listen to lyrics in Thy praise, Let my nose inhale the fragrance of flowers offered to Thee. Let my tongue sing songs of Thy glory, Let my hands worship Thee, Let my feet go in pilgrimage to Shirdi, Let my mind meditate on Thee. Let my mind be absorbed in Thee, Let my thoughts be concentrated on Thee, Let me have the company of Thy devotees. Let my surrender to Thee be absolute. Compiled by B.S. NARAYANAMURTHY B.A --------------------------------------------------------Focus and Patience Truth without belief is like king without a kingdom. Belief without bonding is like suffering without pain. Bonding without selflessness is like honey without sweetness. Selflessness without helpfulness is like ship without a sea. Helpfulness without a reason is like disease without a cure. Reason without a thought is like a adage without a meaning. Thought without a devotion is like a secret without a purpose. Devotion without a Shradda is like a society without people. Shradda without a Saburi is like a body without life. By Suresh Gattu ------------------------------------------------

Why a Guru ? Earthly thoughts easily blend The context of devotions can then append Beliefs and trusts can easily ammend "Sadguru" my Master I shall never pretend I shall pray with focus that would never descend Show me the right path ,the light that would never bend Without a reason I shall seek you and depend Faith is a Road and there is no "Dead End" Every walk in my life is an instruction you SEND By Suresh Gattu [To note I have a pattern in every of this poem.All will have 9 lines and signify the 9 rules of Bakthi] --------------------------------Guru's name In every living thought "SAI" prevails truth and his essence in a life that hails he is the captain protecting my ship that sails devotion and emotion make a path that never fails sadguru makes my choices not the "heads" or "tails" His sayings are patterns,a belief that never de-rails Karma is a destiny that never pales navavidah bakti is a route that my breath inhales my earthly desires the "Name" SAI BABA bails. By Suresh [email protected]

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