Playing With Your Food

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 6,461
  • Pages: 9
Playing With Your Food by GoldFox All characters copyright to Marvel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Pietro lay on his side, hands tied behind his back, panting harshly as Kurt licked his lips. Pietro didn’t know how it was possible but the teleporter had grabbed him right from the boarding house and had brought him back to his room at the mansion. Pietro tried to struggle of course, but he felt weak and woozy after the teleport and therefore couldn’t resist as Kurt poured some sort of liquid down his throat, making him cough. But he swallowed involuntarily, tasting the slight grape flavor. He was then allowed to lie down and he panted as his head swam painfully. But the sensation was brief and he woke up to feeling Kurt fiddling with his hands. Pietro then woke up enough to realize that he was now only three inches tall! Kurt had been tying the little hands, being very gentle about it, as Pietro lay in a stunned state. After his shock worn off, Pietro shouted, “What the hell’s going on?!” Kurt sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at Pietro, saying with a wide smile, “I wanted to try something.” Pietro started to get mad, but there was something in the way that Kurt was looking at him that he didn’t like one bit. With a small bit of difficulty, he sat up, saying, “Well, the shrinking thing does work. Now put me back to normal and let me go!” But Kurt smiled and crept down off the bed to lie in front of the little mutant, purring, “Nope! I’m not letting you go!” Pietro swelled up angrily and shouted, “And why not?!” The blue tail snapped forwards and wrapped around the speed demon’s chest. Pietro gasped at the squeeze but then felt his breath leave him as he was brought up to Kurt’s eyes, glowing softly. Kurt then purred, “Because I’m hungry.” Pietro froze, and then started to kick and squirm, crying out, “Put me down!” Kurt obeyed, and smiled as Pietro scrambled to his feet and bolted, only to be pinned as Kurt slammed his tail-barb down on top of him. Pietro wriggled, screaming and shouting, kicking his legs ineffectively. Kurt put his face right by the little mutant and smiled hugely at him, fangs revealed. Pietro shivered and tried to shift backwards, to hide under the tail, but no luck as it suddenly lifted off of him. Kurt pinched the back of his uniform and lifted him up to his eye-level, purring as he licked his lips. Pietro hung limply, quaking as he said, “L-Look… How about we talk about this?” Kurt shook his head, feeling a little bit of saliva trickle down his chin. He purred softly as he put Pietro down, then curled his tail tightly around him, like a snake. He then began to lick his chest and head, soaking the silver-green uniform and silver hair. Pietro coughed and spat, trying to breathe past the thick slime covering him, gasping for breath. Kurt smiled, and nuzzled him, crooning, “Little speedy… Little tasty speedy…” Pietro gulped hard at seeing those fangs right next to him, and stuttered, “W-Wait just a minute! I’m not food!” Kurt grinned and licked him again, murmuring, “Yes you are. My food.” Pietro shivered as Kurt purred loudly, the sound making his bones tremble. Kurt nuzzled him gently, crooning, “You’re going to love it… It’s really soft and warm inside my tummy…” Pietro felt his heart racing as he panted out, “No! I’ll die if I go in there! Please, let me go!” Kurt laughed, softly, and just clamped his mouth down on Pietro’s waist. It was hot and wet and dark, and the mutant screamed as he felt his legs get lifted off the ground. Kurt giggled around him, and tilted back his head, opening his mouth. Pietro wriggled as he fell down into the hot mouth, hitting the tongue with a wet thud. Pietro instantly tried to get up, but thanks to his restraints, could only lay there and wriggle. He looked towards the front of the blue mutant’s maw, seeing the fangs bordering his freedom.

He watched as the mouth closed and sobbed as the darkness surrounded him. Kurt purred softly as he shifted Pietro around in his mouth, feeling his weight on his tongue. Pietro didn’t move and just lay there, panting hard, and Kurt grinned, able to feel the little chest contracting and expanding, the motion barely detectable. But after a bit, he frowned and spat the little mutant out into his palm. Pietro lay horrified, soaking wet with his saliva, but Kurt paid no attention to that as he rolled Pietro over to his front and lowered his mouth to the little hands. Pietro began to scream and shriek, but the blue mutant simply bit down on the string binding the little hands. Pietro instantly froze at feeling the warm, slick fangs touching him right on the wrists. One wrong move, and Kurt would cut off his hands! But Kurt was careful and simply bit, slicing through the restraints with no problems. Now free, Pietro shot upright and tried to run, but skidded to a stop on the palm when he saw that he would have run right into the open mouth. Kurt laughed at him as he closed his hand, trapping him and purring, “Silly Pietro, trying to run from me…” Pietro was on his back now, one large thumb pressing down on his gut, holding him in place. He kicked, but to no avail as Kurt just licked at his boots, making him shudder. With a grin, Kurt turned him over so he lay on his front on his palm and opened his mouth wide. His tail came up, wrapping around the two kicking feet, and while Pietro shrieked and screamed, Kurt shoved the two twitching feet deep into his mouth, going so far that he felt them in his throat, tight and unable to move. Kurt’s tail slipped off and Pietro was sobbing now, begging unashamedly as Kurt shut his lips on his waist, humming happily. Kurt began to suck, tasting the small body, grinning as the little mutant squealed in protest at sliding further into his maw. The blue elf purred softly in satisfaction as he gently rolled Pietro over so he lay on his back on his tongue. Pietro pushed at the blue lips, trying desperately to free himself, screaming, “Let me go! I’m not food! I’m Quicksilver! The best mutant in the world! Let me go!!!” Kurt winked at him and with a wet slurp, sucked him in to his chest. Pietro didn’t have enough room to try and lever himself out and so he simply tried to kick and wriggle, screaming shrilly. Kurt purred louder at feeling the little legs kicking in his gullet, teasing him. He drew Pietro out slowly, relishing the kicks that resulted from the damp boots having room to move. But right before his boots exited the hot, wet prison, Kurt snapped his head backwards and opened wide. Pietro practically flew into his mouth, skidding on the wet tongue. He got up on his hands, looking at the fangs, tears streaming down his face as he begged quietly one last time, whimpering, “Please… Don’t close… Don’t hurt me…” Kurt shut his eyes and said briefly, “More…” Pietro shivered at the muscle moving under him, but slowly got to his hands and knees as he pleaded, “Please let me out! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to go down inside you! I want to…” Just then, Pietro sprinted, jumping and launching himself out of the open mouth. But his brief triumph was soured as he landed face-first in the blue tail, which had been waiting for him. “Knew you were going to do that.” Kurt said with a smile, licking his lips and swallowing the saliva that had built up. Pietro rolled over and lay in the cup of the tail, shivering as he cried, “Please… No…” Kurt grinned at him and crooned, “Well, too bad, Quicksilver. I am. And I’m going to love it!” He put his finger tip to his lips, almost whispering in delight, “I’ll lift you up and slide you into my mouth. Then I’ll taste you, like the little candy you are.” He licked his fingers, the flash of pink tongue against blue skin making Pietro feel all shaky and weak on the inside. Kurt then chuckled, adding, “I just hope you don’t get caught on my fangs…” He grinned at Pietro, who was now shaking uncontrollably. Kurt then caressed his neck, saying softly, “Then I just have to gulp, once, maybe twice, and then you’re on your way down to my tight little tummy.”

He slid his hand under his red shirt and lifted the cloth, his other hand rubbing at his belly, tracing his six-pack with one finger, purring softly, “And there’s nothing you can do about it.” Pietro rolled to his side, covering his head as he screamed, “Nonono! This CANNOT be happening! It can’t be! I can’t be food! You can’t eat me!” “You’re so cute when you panic…” Kurt cooed, bringing him to his mouth and giving him a tender lick. The little mutant shook violently as he cried, feeling the thick tongue lapping against his side, making him want to throw up. Kurt then pinched the back of the silver-green uniform and lifted Pietro up in front of his mouth, licking his lips. Pietro tucked up his legs, hugging himself as he cried weakly, “No…” Kurt’s golden eyes glowed as he purred, “Yes.” He tipped his head back and dangled the small mutant over his maw, prompting a strange silence from the little mutant. Kurt lowered him to stand in his palm, confused, and saw that Pietro’s blue eyes were wide and he was barely shaking now. Kurt grinned and gently licked his chest, purring, “Jeez, did I give you a stroke or something?” The speed demon didn’t answer, nor did he resist as Kurt gently wrapped his tail around his right ankle. But then Kurt yanked his tail and Pietro fell onto his back in the warm palm, his mind came back and he tried to struggle, clawing at the blue skin. Kurt lifted him up into the air, chuckling as he shouted and then held him over his mouth. Pietro didn’t go still this time. In fact, he started to twist and swing like mad, no longer crying, but instead cursing brokenly. Kurt grinned up at him, and let go. Pietro fell with a thud into the wet mouth, which instantly snapped shut on him, sealing him in wet, hot darkness. Pietro twisted around and tried to kick, but nothing worked! He was helpless as Kurt muscled him around, pressing him to the palate and rubbing his tongue all over him, soaking him with warm spit. He resisted, shouting and cursing and begging, but with a loud gulp, was sucked head-first down into the blue mutant’s gullet. Pietro was unable to move, his hands and arms stuck to his side and his legs wrapped tightly in slick flesh. He heard purring and it went all the way into his heart, chilling him. He wriggled, but it did nothing but make the purring louder, and now he felt Kurt rubbing him through the flesh of his throat! Pietro cried as he was sucked deeper, down into the ribcage, an aptly named prison. He was suddenly squeezed through a tight ring of muscle and with a cry was forced down into Kurt’s stomach, tumbling on the soft flesh to land on his back, panting and crying. It was pitch dark, so Pietro had no idea how much room he had. He got up, and the floor squished underfoot, like walking on solidified pudding. It conformed to his feet and it took a lot of effort to walk, but he made it to a warm wall. He leaned against it and crying, shouted upwards, “Please let me out! Cough me up before I die! Please!” He was suddenly knocked backwards as something impacted the flesh. He landed on his back and the flesh formed to him, like a waterbed and he lay in shock as the impact was repeated. Then it clicked: Kurt was patting his stomach! The speed demon shivered and then heard Kurt saying softly, “Oh Mein Gott… You feel so good in there!” Pietro struggled to get up, shouting, “Kurt! For the love of God, spit me out! Please!” Kurt moaned softly, rubbing hard at his stomach as he purred, “Why? Don’t you like it in my tummy?” “NO!” Pietro shrieked, trying to hit the walls, but accomplishing nothing. He suddenly slid along the flesh as the floor tilted, and he guessed Kurt had lain on his back. More patting, this time above Pietro, as the blue teleporter purred, “You tasted wonderful and you feel terrific when you move around! I’m not letting you out.” “But I’ll die!” Pietro cried, twisting to try and stand up, but not managing, tasting salt as his tears poured down his cheeks and went into his mouth. Kurt purred again, saying, “Keep moving like that… I love it.”

As much as he hated it, Pietro kept moving, trying to escape but very well aware of the moans coming from the teleporter’s mouth, knowing that he was the cause of them. It made him sick to his stomach, but there was nothing he could do about it. After about half an hour, Pietro collapsed, exhausted, and curled up in the damp, warm flesh, sobbing. He felt an impact above him, but didn’t move. It was repeated, and this time Kurt said, “Hey. You still awake in there?” Awake? Pietro cried harder. Here he was in the bowels of hell and the fuzzy bastard thought he was SLEEPING?! He rolled over and slammed his fist down into the flesh. It bounced off, of course, but it made him a tiny bit better. At least until Kurt purred in satisfaction, “Oh, so you ARE awake!” Pietro curled up again, whispering softly, “I don’t want to die…” Kurt didn’t hear him and just crooned, “You might as well go to sleep, Pietro. You’re not going anywhere.” Pietro sniffed in the darkness, and hugged himself tightly as he did as told, drifting off to a dreamless sleep. Kurt smiled as Pietro stopped moving, now asleep. He rubbed gently at his stomach, purring softly. The potion he had force-fed Pietro would allow the speed demon to survive in his belly, warm and snug for as long as Kurt wanted. It was just too bad he had resisted. Kurt could have better gotten his flavor if he hadn’t been kicking so danged much! But then again, he LOVED it when they resisted. Kurt rubbed again at his abs, feeling the speed demon tucked away behind them, grinning as he licked his lips again. Pietro’s taste had been sweet and clean and it had been delightful to feel him wriggling against his tongue and in his throat. Maybe, before letting Pietro out, he’d give him a bit of company? Kurt grinned and went to bed, plans whirling in his mind as to what would happen tomorrow. When Scott woke the next morning and wandered down to the kitchen, he knew something was off. Kurt was sitting at the table, but he seemed… different somehow. Kurt smiled sweetly at him, and held out a glass, saying, “Morning, Scott. Thirsty?” Scott nodded and took the glass, sipping at it before asking, “You okay, Kurt? You seem off.” Kurt grinned, but shook his head, saying, “Nah. I just had a nice dinner last night.” Scott shrugged and finished the glass, but suddenly bent over, the glass slipping from his hands to shatter on the floor. Kurt was beside him instantly, holding him, crooning in his ear, “Don’t worry, Scott. The pain’ll end when you’re done.” “D-Done?” Scott gasped out, clutching hard at himself. He felt like he was going to be ill all over the floor! But suddenly, like a switch had been flipped, the pain stopped. Scott didn’t feel Kurt holding him again, and hesitantly uncurled and stood up. And promptly fell over. Kurt towered over him, grinning hugely. He bent down and grabbed Scott gently, cradling him in his huge palm. Scott lay on his stomach, trying to understand what was going on, but had no time to do so as Kurt suddenly put him into his jacket pocket. For the next hour, Scott was lost and confused. He found out early on that he couldn’t climb or blast his way out of the pocket and decided to go along with the ride, unable to think of anything else to do. About half an hour after his abduction, he heard a conversation and recognized Lance’s voice. There was a pause, then a brief scuffle and the next thing Scott knew, Lance, now tiny like him, had been shoved into the pocket. Lance and Scott glared at each other in the dim light, but they were stuck together and they both knew it was useless to fight. The motions suddenly stopped and both boys were surprised as a huge three-fingered blue hand slipped into the pocket, grabbing the two of them effortlessly. They kicked and struggled, but they were both dumped onto a table top. They got up and the first thing they saw was a jar of olives. To them, it seemed about twelve feet tall. It was mostly empty, with about 7 olives left. They looked around and realized they were in the mansion’s kitchen. “Well, boys…”

They both spun around at the voice and both stared at Kurt, who was in his blue form, tail swishing, grinning at them. “Why so silent?” Lance gulped hard while Scott asked, “What’s going on?” Kurt smiled as pulled up a chair, purring, “First, a question for you: Where’s Pietro?” Scott shrugged, saying, “I don’t know.” “Lance?” the teleporter asked, grinning oddly. Lance thought and answered, “Well… I saw him yesterday during our training session, but not afterwards.” Kurt smiled, purring, “Good.” Kurt stood up and from the drawer, retrieved a fork, coming back to them as he crooned, “Well, I can tell you this; Pietro is nearby.” He drew the jar of olives closer to him and used the fork to fish one up out of the juice. He sucked out the red pepper, ate it, then popped the olive into his mouth, gulping it down whole. He licked his lips and chuckled, “You’ll be meeting with him shortly.” Scott suddenly felt very bad about the whole situation and asked, “What do you mean?” Lance came forwards, saying, “Where is Pietro? What did you do to him, you blue freak?!” Kurt grinned as his tail snapped forwards, the barb wrapping snugly around Lance’s waist. Lance tried to push the tail off, but then let out a “HEY!” as he was lifted into the air. He was brought to be right over the olive jar and the strong smell stung his nostrils. He looked down and then looked up at Kurt, asking softly, “What are you doing?” Kurt grinned and suddenly loosened his tail-barb. Lance tried to grab at the lip of the jar but missed and fell with a splash into the juice. He got up, coughing, and found it to be about knee deep to him. The olives were like footballs to him and they bumped against his legs. He shivered, and looked up. Kurt was peering down at him, fangs bared as he grinned. Lance shuddered and let out a cry as the fork was plunged into the jar, spearing an olive right by his hip. He watched as it was carried up. Kurt pinched it off the fork, sucked out the pepper, then ate the olive, purring softly. Lance’s eyes widened as he realized what Kurt was planning and whispered, “Oh no…” Kurt grinned and the fork came down again, trying to scoop up Lance. But Lance scrambled off and splashed to be sitting in the liquid, panting as he watched another olive get devoured. This game continued until all the olives were gone and only Lance was left, shaking. Kurt smiled down at him and lifted up the jar tilting it to be horizontal enough to look in, but not enough to spill the juice. Lance pushed himself against the base of the jar, pleading, “Come on, man… Don’t do this…” Kurt smiled and the fork came in again. Lance’s brown eyes grew huge and he covered his head, hearing a solid ‘THUNK’ and then felt himself get tugged. He jerked up in surprise at his jacket pulling at him and saw that Kurt had speared the cloth. Lance tried to slip out of the jacket, but Kurt was faster and Lance shifted gears to be clinging to the cloth, now suspended over the floor, a solid sixty feet away from him. Kurt reached and pinched the cloth, putting the fork down. Lance hung limply, eyes screwed shut, waiting. Kurt frowned, saying, “Hey. None of that! Open your eyes!” Lance shuddered, but didn’t obey, now covering his head. Kurt growled softly, and though the sound shook Lance to his bones, he remained firmly still. If he could help it, he wasn’t going to give this predator any pleasure! Kurt hissed softly in annoyance, but then shrugged, saying, “Oh well… If you don’t want to move, I guess I can just chew.” The effect was immediate. Lance’s eyes shot open and he protested, “You can’t! That’s murder!” The teleporter smiled, glad to be back in control and brought Lance closer to his mouth, licking his lips before saying, “Well it seems that right now I can do anything I want. Right, Scott?” Kurt looked up to where Scott had been but saw nothing. He was confused and stood up, but then smiled and laughed. There had been an old Pepsi bottle on the table and while Kurt had been playing, Scott had crawled inside it. He was now huddled at the end of the bottle, shaking. It was that, or jump off the table-top.

Kurt looked surprised, but then laughed, saying as he picked up the bottle with his tail, “Very ingenious, Scott! Points for creativity!” Scott shuddered and said nothing. Kurt then put the bottle down and turned his attention back to Lance, crooning, “Well, enough playing with my food.” Lance shook and tried to plead again, but anything he tried to say was muffled as he was shoved deep into Kurt’s mouth. He kicked and wriggled, but nothing helped as he was forced backwards and then gulped down whole, his body crushed in the tight, slick muscles. He cried out as he was harshly squeezed and then he suddenly tumbled down a slick slope to land with a wet splash on a soft floor. He got to his hands and knees and registered the strong smell of olives. He shuddered and stood up shakily on the soft floor, “Oh God, this CAN’T be happening!” “It is, Lance.” The soft, dejected voice made Lance spin around so fast he fell and landed into the liquid, gasping, “PIETRO?!” He crawled over and found the speed demon leaning against one wet wall, slumped over. Pietro sighed, saying softly, “Hey, Lance.” Lance looked around them again, at Pietro and then gasped, “How the hell did he catch you?!” Pietro shifted a little, kicking an olive away from him as he said quietly, “He nabbed me on my way to the shower. Been here since yesterday after training.” Lance then grabbed him, and hugged him tightly, feeling that everything was intact, saying in astonishment, “But you’re alive! How?” Pietro shivered, and muttered, “I don’t know. He… a-ate me last night, but I’ve been fine.” Lance felt him move and found that Pietro had hugged himself, saying, “I fell asleep for a while, but I woke up about an hour later and I had to listen to him the rest of the night. I thought I was going to go crazy. Then I heard him talking… to you. And who’s the other?” Lance looked up, saying, “It was Summers. He managed to get inside a bottle, but I don’t think it’ll help him one bit.” Scott watched with wide eyes as Kurt tipped his head back and gulped down the tiny mutant, clearly enjoying himself if that loud purring meant anything. Kurt kept his eyes closed for a minute or two, rubbing his throat as he purred softly, smiling. He then looked at Scott, who yelped as he tried to get further away from Kurt, but could only watch in horror as Kurt came over to him and lifted up the bottle, smiling at him, saying softly, “Well, looks like it’s just you and me, Scott.” Kurt licked his blue lips and Scott shouted, “Knock it off, Kurt! Let him go and put us back to normal!” The teleporter tilted the bottle to try and get Scott out, saying, “No way.” But Scott spread his legs and his sneakers held firmly against the plastic neck of the bottle, though he shivered as Kurt glared at him. Kurt tried to shake the bottle, but while this did get Scott’s feet out of place, Scott curled up and couldn’t fit out the opening of the bottle. Kurt held the bottle upright, growling openly at Scott, who shivered. But then Kurt got a bad grin on his face. He tilted the bottle upside down, putting the opening into his mouth. Scott was right-side up now, with his feet straddling the opening. He could only go down if he put both feet through at once. Scott braced himself against the bottle with his two hands, looking down and shivering at looking right down into Kurt’s mouth. Kurt winked at him, and there was a rush of air as Kurt sucked. This did nothing to Scott, but he felt the air rush out past him. He watched, confused, as Kurt did this again and again, the bottle collapsing as the air was sucked out. Scott could still breathe though, and the bottle wasn’t crushed enough to affect him, so he just stared at Kurt, sweating and shaking and his curiosity killing him. When the bottle was decently crushed, Kurt inhaled deeply through his nose and suddenly, blew all the air back into the bottle. This caused the bottle to pop back into its proper shape and this sudden

motion caused Scott to loose his hand and foot grips. He cried out in shock as his feet slipped on the shifting plastic and he stopped descending right when his hip was in the mouth of the bottle. Confused, he looked down and with a stiffening of his body, saw why: It was because both his legs were in Kurt’s mouth. Kurt grinned, triumphant, and Scott wriggled, pushing on the plastic to try and get out of the warm mouth, but he froze at feeling fangs dig into his waist, holding him without a doubt. He started to cry as he was pulled gently out of the safety of the bottle. Kurt tipped his head back, purring as Scott tried to wriggle free, shouting amid his tears, “Kurt, let me go!” Kurt grinned and murmured, “Okay…” and opened his mouth, releasing his hold. Scott shouted in surprise and dismay as he fell down into the fanged maw. He hit at an angle, fortunately, and didn’t go straight down as Kurt had hoped. But Kurt decided it was for the best as Scott managed to stand again and straddle the teleporter’s throat like he had done with bottle. But this time, the surface was slick and wet and Kurt just had to swallow lightly make everything quiver, making Scott loose his grips and fall into the crushing embrace of the wet throat. Kurt smiled and swallowed hard, purring as the protesting mutant was forced down his throat and into his stomach. Scott cried out as he landed face-first on the soft flesh of Kurt’s stomach. He wriggled to roll over and managed to get his head up, gasping. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jerked, crying out in surprise. Lance chuckled, saying, “Easy, Summers. I’m not in the mood to shake things up. ‘Sides, I couldn’t if I wanted to. You’ve guessed our powers don’t work?” Scott muttered in agreement, having discovered that by himself while stuck in the teleporter’s pocket. He was helped to slide on the flesh to sit next to a warm body and found it was Pietro. The speed demon was very quiet, hugging himself. Lance sat down next to Pietro, and said softly, “So… Now what?” Scott scrambled back to his feet, supporting himself on one wet wall, saying, “Well, we have to get out of here! Help me!” He began to try and dig his fingers into the slick flesh, trying to draw blood, but the stomach flesh was tough and resilient. But Scott didn’t give up and kept at it. Kurt was leaning back in a chair, licking his fingers contentedly, purring softly when he froze, feeling an odd sensation in his stomach. He jolted upright, a hand on his belly curiously, muttering, “What the…” But then his words became a soft shuddering gasp as the sensation of pleasure flooded his mind, relaxing him utterly. He sighed and quickly crawled out of the chair to lie on the floor, knowing that if he hadn’t, he would have collapsed bonelessly to the floor. His purring intensified as the sensations seemed to triple, sending him over the edge. Kurt lay flat on his back, his feet up and kicking at the air as he screamed in pleasure, his tail thrashing back and forth as he hugged his stomach tightly. He had no idea what they were doing, but the three mutants were definitely doing SOMETHING and Kurt couldn’t stop his body from shaking as he wriggled helplessly on the floor. However, there was a downside to this pleasure, and Kurt quickly realized that as he gasped for breath about ten minutes later, trying to inhale without immediately expelling the air in a deep groan. He gasped harshly, and begged, “S-stop! Please!” There was a reduction in the motions, but they didn’t stop, and Kurt heard Scott call out, “If you want it to stop, let us out!” Kurt rolled to his front, whimpering, “I… I…” “Do it!” Scott shouted, and Kurt knew that he was serious. He got to his hands and knees, his limbs wobbly, and lowered his head, coughing harshly. He knew from experience that the only way to get them out was to cough them back up, and he winced as he forced his aching muscles to cooperate, clenching his stomach and resisting the urge to swallow again.

But after some time, he felt a large blockage work its way into his throat and with a couple heaves, brought it up and out, coughing and hacking. He started blearily down at the three soaking wet mutants before he collapsed, panting. After a time, Kurt sat up, rubbing his throat, which ached a little from the over-sized burden of having the three mutants come up at the same time. He stared down at them, and they stared back. Scott stood up, wiped slime from his visor and shouted, “You filthy traitor! How dare you?!” Kurt looked confused, saying as he rubbed his aching stomach, “What? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” The three smaller mutants froze, realizing that they were indeed unharmed, and Lance muttered, “So… What…” Kurt blushed, his cheeks turning a soft purple as he said, “I wanted to feel what it was like. I would have let you go, but I wanted to feel you resist and squirm. I… I wanted to taste your fear.” Pietro stood tall, shouting, “You’re a sick bastard!” Kurt looked right at him, and suddenly got on all fours, circling them as he purred, “Maybe, but right now, I’m the predator.” Pietro paled (more than usual) and turned, bolting despite Lance’s and Scott’s calls. Pietro skidded when he saw the blue tail in front of him, like a barrier, and unable to stem his speed, he crashed into it, clutching at the fur on it to keep from falling. Instantly, the tail coiled around him, and the barb-tip came around and began to tickle him, making him kick and laugh shrilly. Kurt grinned as he crouched, bringing the laughing mutant up to his face. He looked down at Lance and Scott and gave them a reassuring wink, then tilting back his head, stopped tickling Pietro. The speed demon panted loudly for breath and then looked down, stiffening instantly and screaming, “No! Don’t eat me! Let me go!” Kurt grinned and reached up, gently using a fingertip to caress the little mutant’s cheek, purring softly, “You’re so cute…” Pietro began to kick, and Kurt withdrew his hand, but then the speed demon began to scream as the coils of the tail loosened. He grabbed wildly at the fur, clinging tightly, knowing that if he let go, he’d fall right into the waiting maw. Kurt let his tail go straight, like a pole, grinning up at Pietro, who had managed to get one leg up over the tail, now straddling it and hugging for dear life. Kurt smiled and let the barb go down, and Pietro whimpered as he slid down the tail like a fire pole, stopping when he hit the barb. He clung tightly with his arms and legs, shivering as Kurt licked his back, making the uniform ride up a little. Pietro turned and looked back at Kurt, pleading, “Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” Kurt licked him again, answering, “Because you’re so delectable!” Pietro shuddered at the compliment as the warm tongue washed his back again, further soaking his uniform. He felt a tug and looking over his shoulder yelped at seeing Kurt biting at his uniform, pulling him off his tail. Pietro clung tighter, but was no match for the sheer strength of the teeth and sobbed as he hung from Kurt’s fangs, helpless. Kurt purred as he reached up and began to work Pietro into his mouth, ignoring his kicks as he pushed him onto his back on his tongue, head pointed backwards. Pietro tried to sit up, but there was no room and he kicked wildly as he was pushed further and further into Kurt’s mouth, screaming in protest, “Let me go!” Kurt didn’t bother to reply and just slurped the slim legs into his mouth, purring loudly as he shut his mouth, now completely enveloping the little mutant. Pietro struggled and kicked, but Kurt just smiled and his tongue flexed under the squirming body, longing to shove it back into his gullet. Kurt opened his mouth and little bit and grinned as Pietro began to shimmy his way out, his boots immerging from between his lips. The blue elf grinned and then tipped his head back, delighting in the shrill cry as Pietro slid back inside the maw thanks to the slick flesh and gravity. Pietro hit the back of Kurt’s mouth, but Kurt resisted the overwhelming urge to swallow, toying with Pietro by just keeping his mouth open, feeling him try to squirm upright. Then, with an almost careless gesture, Kurt flexed his throat and gulped. Again, Pietro was pushed down into the hot throat, and again, he struggled every inch of the way.

When he finally slid into Kurt’s belly, he was sobbing hard. He curled up at once, not bothering to move around. One part of his mind tried to tell him that he would be just fine, but that portion of his mind was blocked out by his primal side, which screamed and shrieked at him to run. But Pietro sobbed, knowing that for once, he couldn’t run. He was helpless and was going to die. Kurt sighed in satisfaction as Pietro curled up in his tummy, shaking. Kurt leaned back, his threefingered hand resting on his stomach as he licked his lips, his tail bringing the other two mutants closer as he purred. Hesitantly, Lance called up, “So, let me get this straight: You’ve got him in your stomach, but you’re not going to hurt him?” Kurt nodded, scooping up the two mutants in one hand as he said, “That’s right, Lance. He’s perfectly safe, though he seems to forget that when I have him in my mouth.” Scott shuddered, his eyes wide behind his visor as he said, “With fangs like those, I’m not surprised.” Kurt grinned and bared said-fangs, watching as Scott shivered. Kurt then licked his lips and purred, “Now, who’s going to be a good little boy and wriggle for the hungry elf? I want a show of hands!” Lance and Scott looked at each other, then sighed and both reluctantly raised their hand. They both knew who was in charge here and besides, what other choice did they have? The blue teleporter smiled broadly and grabbed Lance with his free hand, quickly shoving him deep into his mouth. He purred hard as he licked at the small body, getting it slick and slimy before suddenly spitting him out. Lance looked shocked, as did Scott as the laser-eyed teen was suddenly tossed into Kurt’s wide-open mouth, quickly becoming soaked with the slippery saliva. He was spat out to slide next to Lance, and while both boys were confused, they understood as Kurt then shoved the two of them into his mouth. Lance then grabbed Scott tightly, and shouted in his ear to be heard over the purring, “Kick and wriggle your legs with me!” Scott understood and obeyed, and both heard Kurt moan in pleasure as they wriggled in his mouth. The elf then tilted his head back and Scott and Lance hugged the other tightly, making themselves more compact as Kurt swallowed them both whole. They were squashed by the tight throat, but then tumbled into the stomach, where they settled down and calmed Pietro, who was sobbing softly, like a child after a nightmare. The speed demon clung to Lance, quaking as he soothed him, explaining, “Easy, Pietro. Kurt was just playing with you. You’re not gonna die.” Scott sighed and leaned back, lying on the stomach flesh, feeling a little annoyed at the whole situation as Kurt purred like crazy, rubbing his stomach with them tucked away inside. “Crazy elf…” Scott muttered as he got comfortable. He had a feeling that they’d be in here for a while yet. FIN

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