
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,100
  • Pages: 28
Planning ‰ Concept of Planning ‰ Nature ‰ Importance ‰ Steps ‰ Types of Planning

Concept of Planning

Concept of Planning ‰ Planning is the process that involve the determination of future course of

action, that is why an action, what action, how to a action, and when to take a action ‰ TerryPlanning is the selection and relation of facts and making and using of assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities believed necessary to achieve the desired objectives. ‰ McfarlandPlanning may be broadly defined as a concept of executive action that embodies the skills of anticipating, influencing, and controlling the nature and direction of change

Features & Nature of Planning

Features of Planning Process that determines the future course of actions ‰ Future oriented requiring forecasting, correct forecasting of future situation leads to correct decision about future course of actions ‰ Selecting the best among the alternatives ‰ Objective oriented and feasible ‰ At all levels of management as all levels are involved with future course ‰ Flexible as it is future oriented which is dynamic ‰ Continuous managerial function involving complex processes of ‰ Perception ‰ Analysis ‰ Conceptual thought ‰ Communication ‰ decision and action

Nature of Planning ‰ A Rational Approach: ‰ For defining where one stands, where one wants to go in the future and how to reach there. ‰ The concept denotes the choice of appropriate means of achieving objectives



Desired Status

Planning Required Current Status



Nature of Planning ‰ Planning An Open System Approach: ‰ Takes inputs from the environment, processes these and exports outputs to environment ‰ the approach indicates the identification of gap between current status and the desired status a ‰ Decides the action the bridge the gap , ‰ Actions are influenced by a variety of environment factors – PESTEL ‰ Pervasiveness of Planning ‰ Planning exist at all level of management

Organization Plans Division Plans Dept Plans Sectional Plans

Principles of Planning

Principles of Planning 1

Principle of contribution to objectives


Principle of Primacy of planning: foremost function


Principle of pervasiveness of planning: at all levels


Principle of flexibility: adaptation to dynamic environment


Principle of periodicity: review the plans regularly and change


Principle of planning premises: based on assumptions


Principle of limited factors: consider facts like 5ms

Importance of Planning

Importance of planning Primacy of Planning

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Functions such as organizing Staffing Directing Controlling are performed to achieve the objective set by the planning process

To offset uncertainty & change

Change reflected in tangible & intangible form Tangible-technology, market force Intangible- attitude, values, culture

To focus Attention on objectives

Provides direction to achieve

To help in coordination

Plans unifies interdepartmental activities and aligns dept plans to corporate plans

Importance of planning

To help in control To increase orgn effectiveness Facilitates decision making

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Measurement of accomplishment of events against plans Correction of deviations to assure the achievements of predetermined objectives

Achievement of objectives within given resource

Plans servers as criteria for evaluation of alternatives and choose the best one.

Importance of planning

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

What kind of  organization Structure


Necessary for

Which helps to Know What kind of  people are  required

Which affects the kind of direction

How effectively  to lead people

By furnishing  standards of  control

In order to assure success of plans

Process of Planning

Importance of planning

Perception of  Opportunities

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Establishing  Objectives

Planning  Premises

Identification of  alternatives

Planning Process Establishing  Sequence of  activities

Formulating   support plans

Choice of  alternative  plans

Evaluation of  alternatives

Perception of Opportunities ¾ Preliminary look at possible opportunities ¾ Understands SWOT ¾ By studying the internal environment for strength and weakness and external environment for opportunities and strength.

Establishing Objectives ¾ Organizational & Department Objectives are set considering the internal and

external environment ¾ Identification of key results area and setting of objectives ¾ setting of departmental and unit level objectives based on organization objectives ¾ Objectives provides direction to the organization

Planning Premises

¾ planning Premises are assumptions on which the plans are based

¾Assumption of the external and internal environment ¾External Environment: PESTEL ¾Internal Environment: policies, Practices, organization ¾Forecasting plays a major role in planning ¾Nature of Planning premises: Different focus at different levels ¾Top Level: externally focused

Identification of alternatives Case: The Objective of the organization is to grow The various alternative to achieve this objectives are ¾ expansion in the same field of business ¾ Diversification ¾Merger & Acquisition etc ¾ Overall analysis of all the alternative objectives needs to be done in order to drop non feasible alternatives ¾ preliminary criteria can be defined in several ways ¾Minimum investment required ¾Matching with the present business objectives ¾ control by the government

Evaluation of alternatives

¾Feasible alternatives are taken for detailed study

¾Evaluation of the alternatives to understand its contribution to organizational objectives in terms of resources and constraints

Choice of alternative plans ¾The best plan in terms of contribution to the business objectives in the light of the resources and constraints is chosen ¾The planner needs to select more than one plan in event of changes. Such plans are contingence plans

Formulating of Supporting Plans ¾Plan supporting the main plan ¾Derivative plans like ¾Planning for buying equipments ¾Buying raw materials ¾Recruitment plans ¾Training plans

Establishing sequences of activities ¾ The sequence of the plan is decided so as to put the plan in action ¾ Based on the plans the responsibility of implementation and its control is decided ¾ Budget preparation and allocation is done

Types of Planning

Types of planning ¾ Planning can be differentiated based on dimensions such as : Dimensions

Types of Planning


Coverage of activities

Corporate & functional Planning


Importance of planning

Strategic & Operational Planning


Time Period Involved

Long Term & Short Time


Approach adopted

Proactive & Reactive


Degree of formulation

Formal & Informal

Barriers to effective Planning

Major Limitation of Planning 1 2

Difficulty of accurate planning Problem of Rapid Change


Internal Inflexibilities


External inflexibilities


Time & Cost


Failure of people in planning

• Future is dynamic • Margin of error Encountered in long term planning • Psychological • Policy & Procedure • Capital investment • PESTEL-C • Time consuming • Expensive • To formulate the correct plans • Lack of commitment • Lack of authority

Thank You

Rajeshwari Patil Thank you

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