Plane Crashes

  • May 2020
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A Formal Report on Plane Crashes Iranian plane crashes into field, killing all 168 TEHRAN, Iran – A Russian-made jetliner carrying 168 people nose-dived into a field after taking off from the Iranian capital on Wednesday in a fiery crash that shredded the aircraft and killed everyone aboard — Iran's worst air disaster in six years. Witnesses say the plane's tail was on fire before it went down.


Madrid, Spain – As the clean up continues and the investigation begins into the devastating plane crash that left 149 people dead in Madrid, officials have confirmed that the majority of the dead had little or no racist tendencies that they can ascertain at this time.

Plane Crashes August 22nd, 2007 | 8:49 pm

China AirlinesHong Kong

Plane crashes on runway

RECENT ACCIDENTS D July 24, a2009 t Time: e18:20 : LMashad, oIran c a t i o

n : O Aria pAirlines e Flight: r1525 a t o r : AIlyushin IlC62M T y p e : RUP-16208 e cn: g1591525/2 :57 A153 b Fatalitie os: 16 a Groun rd: 0 d : RTehran oMashad u t e : D While eattempting tto land, the aplane iskidded off lthe runway sand :crashed into a wall. Iran's Civil Aviation

Organizatio n stated the plane flew too fast during the approach and landing. The usual landing speed for an Il-62 would have been between 145 and 165 mph, however, it landed at a speed of 197 mph. Because of this, the airplane ran off the runway and collided with a wall.

D July 19, a2009 t Time: e11:50 :

LKandahar oAirport, cAfghanista an t i o n : O Vertical-T pAir e r a t o r : AMil Mi-8 C T y p e : R? e g : A21 Fatali bties: 16 oGround: 0 a r d : R? o u t e : D The ehelicopter tcrashed

awhile iattempting lto take off. s :

D July 15, a2009 t Time: e11:33 : LNear oQazvin, cIran a t i o n : O Caspian pAirlines e Flight: r7908 a t o r : ATupolev C154M T y p e : REP-CPG ecn: 87Ag748 : A168 Fata blities: 168 o a Ground: r0

d : RTehran, oIran uYerevan, tArmenia e : D The airliner ecrashed tinto a field a75 miles inorthwest lof Tehran, s11 minutes :after taking off from Imam Khomeini Airport. The plane exploded and disintegrat ed upon impact. This is the 49th worst accident in aviation history.

STATISTICS Causes of Fatal Accidents by Decade (percentage) Cause Pilot Error Pilot Error (weather related) Pilot Error (mechanical related) Total Pilot Error Other Human Error Weather Mechanical Failure Sabotage Other Cause

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 40 32 24 25 27 25 11 18 14 17 21 17 7 5 4 2 4 3 58 57 42 44 53 45 0 8 9 6 8 9 16 10 13 15 9 8 21 20 23 21 21 28 5 5 11 13 10 9 0 2 2 1 0 1

All 29 16 4 50 7 12 22 9 1

The table above is compiled from the accident database and represents 1,300 fatal accidents involving commercial aircraft, world-wide, from 1950 thru 2008 for which a specific cause is known. Aircraft with 10 or less people aboard, military aircraft , private aircraft and helicopters are not included. "Pilot error (weather related)" represents accidents in which pilot error was the cause but brought about by weather related phenomena. "Pilot error (mechanical related)" represents accidents in which pilot error was the cause but brought about by some type of mechanical failure. "Other human error" includes air traffic controller errors, improper loading of aircraft, fuel contamination and improper maintenance procedures. Sabotage includes explosive devices, shoot downs and hijackings. "Total pilot error" is the total of all three types of pilot error (in yellow). Where there were multiple causes, the most prominent cause was used. Source: database

Accidents and Fatalities by Phase of Flight

Source: Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents, Boeing

Which type of flying is safer? Type of Flight

Fatalities per million flight hours

Airliner (Scheduled and nonscheduled Part 121)


Commuter Airline (Scheduled Part 135)


Commuter Plane (Nonscheduled Part 135 - Air taxi on demand)


General Aviation (Private Part 91)


Sources: NTSB Accidents and Accident Rates by NTSB Classification 1998-2007

Survival rate of passengers on aircraft involved in fatal accidents carrying 10+ passengers Decade

% surviving

















Survival rate of passengers on aircraft ditching during controlled flight


Source: accident database

Notable Accidents Caused by Category 1. Air Traffic Control Error 2. Bird Srike 3. Cargo Hold / Cabin Fire 4. Design Flaw 5. Sabotage / Explosive Device 6. Fuel Starvation 7. Hijacking (Resulting in Fatalities) 8. Lightening 9. Pilot Incapacitation 10. Pilot Shot By Passenger

When do Most Plane Crashes Happen? Approximately 80% of all aircraft accidents occur shortly before or during take-off and landing. These are usually said to have been caused by 'pilot error', although these days this is more often referred to as 'human error', to emphasise that pilots are simply human beings. Mid-flight disasters are rare, although not entirely unheard of. They have occasionally been caused by bombs or other terrorist activity, such as the 1988 Lockerbie disaster. Mid-air collisions are unlikely, though they do occasionally happen. Structural failures are also extremely rare, but they have occurred.

Statistics of the Reasons for Aircraft Accidents A survey of 1,843 plane crashes between 1950 and 2008 determined the causes of the accidents to be as follows:•

Pilot Error 53%

Mechanical Failure 21%

Weather 11%

Other Human Error (eg lack of communication, improper maintenance etc) 8%

Sabotage and Terrorism 6%

Other Causes 1%

This study, and many previous ones, have always shown pilot and other human error to be significantly higher than all other causes added together. This is now an area on which a lot of research is done. Aspects of aircraft design can play a part in accidents. Inadequate design can make pilot error more likely. For example, in early aircraft, many switches and levers which performed different functions looked very similar. These days it has been realized that this is not a good idea, and everything is done to make sure that pilots cannot mix up the various controls.

Contributions to Aviation Safety Boeing and Airbus both place huge emphasis on aircraft safety equipment, which is now a billion dollar industry in its own right. Major safety devices now standard in modern aircraft include: •

Evacuation Slides to aid passenger escape in a major emergency

Advanced avionics such as computerized auto-recovery systems and alert systems

Improvements in turbine engine durability

Landing gear that can be lowered even after loss of power and hydraulics

When measured by distance, air travel is actually the safest form or transportation there is. When compared on a fatality per mile basis it is six times safer than traveling by car and twice as safe as journeying by rail. So prospective

airline passengers really should not worry too much about the perceived dangers. So Sit back. Relax and Have a Safe Journey.

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