Placement Questions

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 13


Q.1 what are your long range and short range career goals and objectives?

Q.2 how do you plan to achieve your career goals?

Q.3 what do you see yourself doing in 5 years?

Q.4 what is the important reward that you expect from the organization?

Q.5 why did you choose to be what you are?

Q.6 state 2 strengths and weaknesses of yours

Q.7 how would you overcome the weaknesses?

Q.8 describes yourself - 5 sentences/ 4 words.

Q.9 how would a friend or professor describes you?

Q.10 what do “you have” to offer the company? Q.11 what are your core areas that will attribute to success?


Q.12 what does success mean to you?

Q.13 what does job satisfaction mean to you?

Q.14 what motivates you work?

Q.15 describes a rewarding college experience.

Q.16 which qualities make a person successful in any field?

Q.17 what future do you see for yourself in our company?

Q.18 do you think your academic performance is an indicator of your achievement and capabilities?

Q.19 if not what else and why?

Q.20 what have been your extra curricular activities? What kind of satisfaction did you gain from them?


Q.21 you are inexperienced. Why should the company hire you over the experienced candidates?

Q.22 if there are 3 frogs 2 decides to jump into the well how many remain?

Q.23 a father and his son are moving on the scooter and meet with an accident. The child is taken to the hospital, the doctor says that I cannot operate, he is my son. Why?

Q.24 a black car doesn’t dash a black dressed in black?

Q.25 what will happen if you jump off the window?

Q.26 a young man is passing by on a scooter; at the bus stop he sees an old man, a young girl or old friend. He wants to give lift to old man, but wants to spend time with the young girl/old friend. How will he do both?

Q.27 why does a man uses lift only till 10th floor when he has to go to the 12th floor? He climbs up the last 2 floor?


FOR H. R. PROFESSIONALS Q.1 why have you chosen this field?

Q.2 what are your core interest areas?

Q.3 why do you think you can perform better in this area?

Q.4 what is the mental make up essentials for a successful H.R manager?

Q.5 what do you think about workers?

Q.6 what do you suggest: how should redundancy or non-performers be handled?

Q.7 would you like if the company deals with you in the same manner?

Q.8 which mode of conflict solving would you adopts?

Q.9 don’t you think employees are given unnecessary importance today.

Q.10 if all services are outsourced, do you think HR dept. is essential?


Q.11 business and HR goes hand in hand. Justify.

Q.12 would you like to be a part of business? Yes or no why?

Q.13 what is emotional fitness (EF). Should HR professionals have higher EF? If yes why?

Q.14 task/people orientation. What should be the approach?

Q.15 if money is not the permanent motivator then what is the other motivator?

Q.16 what are the convictions of HR professional?

Q.17 which skills are essentials for the effective people’s professional?

Q.18 state 2 values you would never compromise. 2 factors which you will adapt to be successful?

Q.19 are you A/B types? Internal/ external?

Q.20 how would you balance your personal and professional life? Q21) how will you counsel a employee who is not rewarded.



Q.1 is monopoly market relevant today?

Q.2 Why marketing as a specialization?

Q.3 is marketing only selling?

Q.4 what is perfect competition according to you?

Q.5 Can you denote an example of Duopoly?

Q.6 If I don’t have money for promotional activities and advertisements, then how do I sell my product?

Q.7 what are the stages in marketing before the product actually sells in the market?

Q.8 what strengths does a marketing man needs to succeed?


Q.9 is sales, only way to earn profit?

Q.10 should the marketing executive have a thorough knowledge of business?

Q.11 Marketing is a life line of business. Do you agree or disagree?

Q.12 if you sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo or a comb to a bald, what is the principle?

Q.13 why is customer psychology related to the product?

Q.14 what kind of stress is expected to be borne by the marketing professional?

Q.15 how is concept marketing different from product marketing?

Q.16 a product which does not have a high quality can be makeup by marketing strengths and gimmicks?


Q.17 what are marketing ethics?

Q.18 what is aggressive marketing? Sight some examples.

Q.19 marketing and advertising are inseparable. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Q.20 what do you mean by a market where artificial demand is created?

Q.21 in which equation marketing strategies are useful? HM-LV, HV-LM.


FOR FINANCE PROFESSIONALS Q.1 why finance as a profession?

Q.2 which mental abilities are essential for finance professional?

Q.3 can resource allocation is done equally to all the departments?

Q.4 Are recovery and interest rates only ways for finance to grow?

Q.5 how can costing be applied to all the areas of business?

Q.6 Relate Strategic finance to business?

Q.7 what extra edge does the finance professional have?

Q.8 what are your individual or personal strengths which would make you a successful finance professional?

Q.9 what should be the approach of finance professional towards others services?

Q.10 finance professional are not very popular with their internal customers. Why? 10

FOR EXPERINCED PERSONNEL Q1. What is the most difficult management or functional problem that you have faced and handled?

Q.2 what has been your satisfying experience?

Q.3 If someone were to come into your company right now and give you 4 lakh cash and if it was legitimate, would you take it?

Q.4 Do you have any role model? Who is it and why?

Q.5 which is the creative idea you have run across in business?

Q.6 if you took this position what would you do in the first hour of work environment?

Q.7 what does authority and responsibility mean to you?

Q.8 Do you believe in empowerment?

Q.9 would you like to have, your, bosses job? Describe a worst boss?


Q.10 what would you like to say about your current/last boss?

Q.11 what you wouldn’t like to be, considering the shortcomings of your boss?

Q.12 how do you handle criticism at work?

Q.13 are you a leader or a follower? Why?

Q.14 what do you inherently don’t like about people?

Q.15 Do you feel, that your performance has been recognized or rated fairly?

Q.16 do you prefer working with others or alone?

Q.17 what have you learnt from your last job?

Q.18 would you tolerate a subordinate criticizing you?

Q.19 tell me about yourself.

Q.20 tell me a story.


Q.21 tell me an unforgettable incident.

Q.22 what is your employee profile from an ethical employee point of view?

Q.23 what can you give to organization and what do you expect from the organization?

Q.24 development in career can be made only through switching jobs. Comment?

Q.25 which temptation is difficult to resist for a job change?

Q.26 what makes you really emotional and you get moved by what?

Q.27 how would you handle a rough employee, or personal criticism from your boss?

Q.28 do you feel you can be yourself at all times and in all situations?

Q.29 who are you from inside? Or tell me about real you?

Q.30 According to you, what should the Organizations do to retain Employees?


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