Pi090101the Nobel Peace Prize 2008

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"for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world" While clearly underlining the U.N.'s traditional responsibility for peace and security, Annan also emphasized its obligations with regard to human rights. Read more » The Nobel Peace Prize 2000

Related Nobel Prizes The Nobel Peace Prize 2008

Kim Dae-jung "for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in

Martti Ahtisaari "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts" The Nobel Peace Prize 2002

general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular" Through his "sunshine policy", Kim Daejung attempted to overcome more than fifty years of war and hostility between North and South Korea. The Nobel Peace Prize 1998

Jimmy Carter "for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development" During his time as President of the United States, Carter's mediation was a vital contribution to the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. The Nobel Peace Prize 2001

John Hume and David Trimble "for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland" Awarding the Nobel Prize to Hume and Trimble expressed the desire for lasting peace in Northern Ireland, and to provide inspiration for peaceful solutions to other religious, ethnic and national conflicts around the world. The Nobel Peace Prize 1996

United Nations (U.N.) and Kofi Annan

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José

Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat and


Menachem Begin

"for their work towards a just and

Sadat and Begin received the Peace Prize

peaceful solution to the conflict in East

for their contribution to the two frame


agreements on peace in the Middle East,

Belo and Ramos-Horta sought diplomatic

and on peace between Egypt and Israel.

solutions to the conflict in East Timor based on the people's right to self-

The Nobel Peace Prize 1971

determination. The Nobel Peace Prize 1994

Willy Brandt For decades, Brandt tirelessly sought peace in Eastern Europe.

Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin

The Nobel Peace Prize 1961

"for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East" Through the Oslo Accords Arafat, Peres and Rabin made substantial contributions to a process through which peace and cooperation could replace war and hate. The Nobel Peace Prize 1987

Dag Hammarskjöld Through his "method of quiet diplomacy", Hammarskjöld placed great importance on the solution of disputes through the medium of private discussion between representatives of the individual countries.

Oscar Arias Sánchez

The Nobel Peace Prize 1957

"for his work for peace in Central America, efforts which led to the accord signed in Guatemala on August 7 this year" As the main architect of the peace plan, President Arias made an outstanding contribution to the possible return of stability and peace to a region long torn by strife and civil war. The Nobel Peace Prize 1978

Lester Bowles Pearson In the 1950s, Pearson played a key role in most of the important conferences held for the solution of international problems. First published 10 October 2008.

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