Physics: How Do Things Work?

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  • Words: 528
  • Pages: 17

How Do Things Work?

Contents (Forces)     

Newtons + Gravity. Types of Force. Another Example Equal Forces Also, Press the question mark to view light and sound.

Newtons + Gravity 

Newtons are measured with a newtonmetre. Heavier objects will weigh more Newtons. Gravity will act stronger on objects that weigh more. Gravity is a force, that pulls objects towards the earth’s centre.

Equal Forces 

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example, as a car moves there is drag as well as pushing force.

Example 

Let us consider the forces acting on this car.

The car is not moving forward or backwards so the forward and backward forces are balanced.

Also the car is not flying or sinking so therefore the upwards and downwards forces are balanced to.

Types of Force  

Forces can be twists, pushes or pulls. For example, pulling open a draw is a pulling force, as you are applying force to the draw to move it. And opening a jar is a twisting force as you twist the lid to open it.

Light And Sound      

Light Reflection Shadows Sound Echoes Continue To Next Subject

Light  

Light Travels In Straight Lines. However it can be reflected so it can travel around corners. Sometimes Fibre Optics are used. Find out more about reflection HERE.

Reflection 

The angle of incidence always equals the angle of reflection. Reflection is when light is bounced off a reflective surface. Reflection is the only way light can travel round corners.

Sound 

Sound travels by vibrating particles in the air. Sound travels faster in a solid as the particles are more closely packed together. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum as there are no particles for it to vibrate.

Echoes 

Echoes are caused when sound hits an object and bounces back. Bats hunt using echo location, by sending out a sound and as it echoes when it hits an object the bat can tell where its prey is. The sound bats use is called ultrasound.

Shadows 

A shadow is cast when light hits an opaque object. A shadow is an area behind the object where the light cannot get to.

World Of Matter    

Solids Liquids Gases Changes Of State

Solids 

The particles in solids are very closely packed together. Solids cannot be squashed or change shape. The particles are locked in a set shape.

Liquids 

Liquids have closely packed particles, but they can move and slide over each other. Liquids can change shape to fill the container they are in but cannot change size.

Gasses 

 

The particles in a gas can move freely and are widely spaced out. Gasses can change shape. They also expand to fill the container they are in.

Changes of State     

Solid to Liquid – Melting Liquid to Solid – Freezing Liquid to Gas – Evaporating Gas to Liquid – Condensing Solid to Gas – Subliming

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