Phylum Rhizopoda

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 267
  • Pages: 2
Phylum Rhizopoda (Ameboid Protozoans) Rhizopods kořenonožci Features –

free living or parasitic

Cytoplasm ○

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

The difference is between dense • Ectoplasm (ecto = outside) • Endoplasm (endo = inside) - more dense  Contains ample food vacuoles Pseudopods (panožka) They have one nucleus They live freely or parasitically They eat plancton, seaweeds • They have no digestive system The food penetrates Amoebas' membrane

Anatomy • • •

Unicellular Some my posses flagella No definite shape of form ○ Change the shape in order to move Some Rhizopodes develop a protective covering - shell composed of calcium carbonate

• •

Locomation (movement) ○ endoplasm flows backward ○ ectoplasm flows forward

Endocytosis - the proccess of hunting its prey ○ ○

Pseudopods extends to reach the prey Engulf the prey and pull it back through the plasma membrane

Exocytosis - the procces of releasing

Food vacuoles are composed of neutriens. 1. Amoebinas Free-living protozoanand also parasitic Parasitic Cause a disease called Amoebia disenteria • Watery feces - cause dehydration • Excessive amount of water - colapse of kidneys

1. Testacea • • • •

Freshwater protozoans Covered with protective citinous shelss Foissilization - its remains are preserved in sedimentary rock (Arcella)

• Foraminifera • • • •

Chalk is made up of small shells of foraminifera Live in sea Shells made of calcite They have reticulating pseudopods

• Globigerina • • •

Spiny, multichambered shell coposoder ofc alcium carbonate(uhlicitan vapenaty) When they die, the shells settle to the bottom of the sa, forming deep beds of fine mud called globigerina ooze chalk

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