Php File Process Function

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 9
PHP File Process Function 1.

Get a file name, non path String basename(string path); Example $path = “/home/httpd/html/index.php3”; $filename = basename($path);


Change file group permission Int chgrp(string filename, mixed group); Notes: the user authority problem and in windows mode it will not change anything but it will return true.


Change file permission Int chmod(string filename, int mode) chmod() function as same with linux chmod command Notes: mode numbers it will not automatic change to octal number. Example chmod(“~/test.txt”, 644) //error chmod(“~/test.txt”,0755)//true


Change file owner Int chown(string filename, mixed user) Notes: only superuser can use this function


Clear stat cache Void clearstatcache(void)


Copy file Int copy(string source, string dest); Example If(!copy(“questbook.html”, “guestbook.html.bak”)) { Printf(“Backup guestbook.html failed…
\n”); }


Get file path String dirname(string path);


Get directory free space Float disk_free_space(string directory); Example

Free space: bytes


Get directory total space Float disk_total_space(string directory);

10. Close file Int fclose(int fp); 11. Check end of file Int feof(int fp); 12. Read char in file String fgetc(int fp); Notes: if file is EOF, it will return false. 13. Read one line string(include space) in file String fgets(int fp, int length); Length = max string length 14. Read one line string(include space, except ,PHP) in file String fgetss(int fp, int length); 15. Read one line string in file and input to array Array file(string filename); 16. Decision file exists Int file_exsits(string filename); 17. get last access time with file Int fileatime(string filename); 18. get inode change time Int filectime(string filename);

19. get file group ID int filegroup(string filename); 20. get file inode number int fileinode(string filename); 21. get last update time int filemtime(string filename); 22. get file owner ID int fileowner(string filename); 23. get file permission int fileperms(string filename); 24. get file size int filesize(string filename); 25. get file type string filetype(string filename): Include: fifo, char, dir, block, link, file, unknown 26. lock file bool flock(int fp, int operation); Operation: 1: shared lock 2: exclusive lock 3: releasing a lock 4: non-blocking shared lock 5: non-blocking exclusive lock 27. let buffer data to file int fflush(int fp);

28. open localhost file or URL int fopen(string filename, string mode); Open URL file: $fp_url = fopen(“”,”r”); Open FTP file: $fp_ftp = fopen(“”,”w”); Notes: open FTP server file can’t use rw mode Open localhost file: $fp = fopen(“/jollen/test.txt”,”r”); Mode: r : read r+ : read/write w : if file not exist, it will be open new file with only write w+ :same by w function and assign read function a : only read and it will direct to file end positive a+ : same by a function and assign write all mode can assign b to open a binary file 29. all data to standard output int fpassthru(int fp); Notes: finish output process, it will be close file 30. write string in file int fputs(int fp, string str, int [length]); length = write string length Notes: if miss length argument, it will write all string in the file. 31. Read a binary file or text file with length String fread(int fp, int length); Example
Fclose($fd); ?> 32. Read file with format Mixed fscanf(int handle, string format [ string var1]); Example
40. Check symbolic link Bool is_link(string filename); 41. Check file readable Bool is_readable(string filename); 42. Check file writeable Bool is_writeable(string filename); 43. Create hard link Int link(string target, string link); 44. Check link exist Int linkinfor(string path); 45. Create directory Int mkdir(string pathname, int mode); Example mkdir(“/path/to/my/dir”, 0700); 46. Move upload file Bool move_uploaded_file(string filename, string destination); 47. Close pipe Int pclose(int fp); 48. Open pipe Int popen(string command, string mode); 49. Return associative array with path information Array pathinfo(string path); Example

50. Output all Int readfile(string filename); 51. Read full path with symbolic link String readlink(string path); 52. Rename int rename(string oldname, string newname); 53. Remove directory Int rmdir(string dirname); Notes: make sure the directory is empty 54. Get a absolute path String realpath(string path); Output: /usr/local/conf/http.conf 55. Get file information of array Array stat(string filename); Array:  Device  Inode  Number of links  User id of owner  Group id owner  Device type if inode device  Size in bytes  Time of last assess  Time of last modification  Time of last change  Blocksize for filesystem I/O ( only support in st_blksize OS, other OS default -1 example Win32)  Number of blocks allocated

56. Get file or symbolic link information Array lstat(string filename); Notes: if the file is a symbolic link, it will be return link information If it is a file, it will be return same as stat() function 57. Create symbolic link Int symbolic (string target, string link); 58. Create file in directly path String tempnam(string dir, string prefix); Notes: if the dir is not exist, it will be create in /tmp directory 59. Update file time or create empty file Int touch(string filename, int time); Notes: if not a time, it will be use now time 60. Change umark Int umark(int mask); 61. Delete file Int unlink(string filename); 62. Change directory Int chdir(string directory); Function as same as linux command cd 63. Create a read directory object New dir(string directory); Object properties: Handle directory file Path this directory path Method: Read read file and directly to next file Rewind …….

Close close the directory handle handle .”
”; Echo “Path: “ .$d->path”.”
”; While($entry=$d->read()) { Echo $entry.”
”; } $d->close(); ?> 64. Close directory handle with opendir() Void closedir(int dir_handle); 65. Open directory handle Int opendir(string path); 66. Read file with directory handle and go to next file String readdir(int dir_handle); 67. Redefine directory handle Void rewinddir(int dir_handle);

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