Photo Reading

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  • Words: 2,308
  • Pages: 4
PHOTOREADING Of any faster reading programs, I have never heard, and can't begin to imagine. Speed reading has a claimed record of 25,000 words/minute. Photo-reading starts at 25,000 words/minute. How it works is a similar question as to how does hypnosis work, I really don't know, but what I can tell you is that you are taught to use your subconscious to mentally photograph the pages of your reading material so that it becomes permanently imbedded in your mind. This is done by adjusting your visual focal point to what Scheele calls photo-focus. The essence of what is done is that your focal point is adjusted to a point beyond the page so that you kind of look through it. If you have ever looked at one of those computer dot three dimensional pictures, the way you adjust your focal point is quite similar. Then with your eyes focused this way you just flip through the pages one by one to the end of the book with an acknowledgement to your unconscious that it will pick everything up. After a processing period initially suggested at about 24 hours you begin the accessing process by asking yourself questions about what you have read. In order to help initially with the accessing it is recommended that one begins by drawing a mind-map (Tony Buzan style) of the topic or book, and to begin building upon it from your inner memory. Blocks of information are then accessed leading to other blocks of info, this grows upon the 7plus or minus 2 pieces of information continuously expanding upon it. Once well practiced, by simply asking oneself the question, the page comes up and every word is observable in your mind. Photo-reading was one of the first wonderful learnings I picked up, but it did take time to improve upon. Initially my reading speed went up three times after reading Scheele's book, and then about another ten times after I took the course. Now if I am limited a 500 page text takes about two hours for intensive study. When I first took the course there was this young girl in the class who was out performing everyone when it came to the accessing. It turned out that she was a Silva graduate, and was accustomed to meditation and listening to her inner mind, as well as accepting images that came up. The instructor told us that Silva grads often do well because of their training's with visualization skills. Two weeks later there I was in the next Silva training seminar in Toronto. I truly found the training a delight (did through Dynamind Inc.) by the second day we were led through a trance in which we build our own laboratory in our mind for going to and working on stuff such as personal and psychic healing, consulting with any mentors we have invited- I have Erickson as one of mine, but instead of a being in a wheelchair he has the body of a horse with wings and gets around very well. Don't know how my mind came up with that, but it did. We put all kinds of things up there including a virtual clock for accessing the time whenever we wish, computers for accessing world information, cauldrons for burning unwanted beliefs, and whatever else we wished. The thing that blew my mind was my book shelves. There they were, and when I got up and reached for one "Erickson Collected papers volume one", it came out, I opened it and I could see every word and page as I flipped through it clear as day. Then I reached for another book and it was stuck. No matter what I did it wouldn't come out. Tried a few more books, and some came out and I could see everything, while others were stuck. I then went into some thought over this, and came to the realization that every book which I was able to see I had already photo-read, while the others I had

only read at some everything I had. waking state, but easily accessible

other time in my old manner. I then set out to photo-read I still can't seem to access the clear visual images in a in deep self hypnotic states there are all of my books to me. Truly amazing.

The other incredible thing about the system is this. When accessing just allow yourself to relax and trust whatever comes to you. I really you used to try myself on with some crazy challenges for example. Back then I took on many teaching contracts and often they were brand new material and I would be given one hours notice for the course. I would say no problem, then I would photo-read the material in about ten minutes, and get on my way to where ever the training was to be. Then I would just begin with the general topic, we all know a little about most things, and trust myself that everything else I needed to know would come out. The things that I found myself speaking about and presenting amazed me because consciously I had no knowledge of most of the information often. So how exactly it works, you got me, but how we come up with some of life's mysteries from our dreams and unconscious processes, I couldn't begin to explain either. Anyhow the course at the time was done in two weekends separated by three weeks for practice time in between the two weekends. during the 21 day practice, I photo-read 71 books. Blew my mind. As a final test everyone was to pick a topic they had interest in but little or no knowledge about. Then we were to find three text books all by different authors and bring them to class with us for photo-reading. The following day we would each do a presentation on the topic we choose and had only photo-read. As mentioned we would simply start by beginning a mind map and just allowing ourselves to expand on it to the rest of the class. As it turns out we became somewhat experts in our new chosen topics overnight. I imagine some people may have cheated but I know that I didn't, and so I was truly amazed by what I had learned even though I couldn't understand it. The class was much fun also because it uses strictly accelerated learning principles, and the first rule of thumb is to learn as a child, so when the instructors toppled over a couple of chairs and a desk then began crawling through them to help bring us into the required childlike inquisitive state of mind, we al knew we were in for something very different, and so it was. Truly one of the most incredible and fun experiences I have ever had. I did my training through Georgian Bay NLP here in Ontario here is the link for those in Canada: and for those interested in the US and world wide here is Scheele's home page at Learning Strategies:

“Read your reply to "wizard" and you mentioned Paul Scheele and the PhotoReading Course...... I've been affiliated with Learning Strategies Corp. since it's early days and count Pete Bissonette (its Pres.) as a personal friend....(he's also a living,breathing example of how well Photo-Reading can work)....he "walks his talk"....have you seen the short TV blurb on PhotoReading starring Pete? If you haven't... try to get hold of's impressive! I've hosted two PhotoReading Courses here in Batavia,NY going way back in the 80's....GREAT STUFF!”

I am not aware of which show you refer to, but I have seen a video sent to me with this mentalist from the UK by the name of Derrin Brown. I think that is how I brought up the subject. I am curious about your own experiences with photoreading. Do you practice the skill yourself? If so how long, and are you able to get visual imagery of the pages you have read? This guy Derrin Brown was even able to suggest that certain words he had seen were italicized. When I first took the course, almost ten years ago, there were only two instructors certified here in Canada to teach it, "Diana Segar, and Julie Francisco". Diane is the owner and operator of Georgian Bay NLP here in Ontario. She still does all of the training here, but the interest has always be small, only enough to run about two classes per year. In all the years which I have been practicing the skills, and talking about it all the time, I still haven't come across anyone else who has taken the course. I for one have always been ecstatic about, and still always surprised as to the things that come out of my mouth, because the long term recall of information kind of freaks me out. People always ask me for info bout things, and most of the time the info just pops out, and then I go a little wacko sometimes trying to figure out what the source is. So far I have always found what my memory is providing, but at times it has taken quite a search. My own recall abilities are not up to where I would like them as I still don't get a total visual image of the pages unless I am in deep meditation, but when I am scanning for old information, I do always seem to recall certain looks of a page, and which corner to keep my focus on, so even if I have to scan thirty books or so, I always find what I am looking for fairly quickly. I would like to do a refresher of the course, but I would like to do it with Scheele himself. It is also quite a treat to have someone in the group with an association to Learning Strategies. I wonder if you might speak to someone there and find out if they might jump into the group, and provide a little more information than I have. I am sure the interest is high enough, and a couple of classes might be able to get organized throughout North America. Learning Strategies is quite an organization. About two years ago I decided to take up Spanish, for an extended trip to Mexico. I bought almost every Spanish learning book available and proceeded to photo-read, and study. Within a couple of weeks I remembered about Scheele's language programs, and ordered his "Easy Learn Spanish". Just like a catapult my Spanish went through the roof. My vocabulary climbed within about two weeks to over two thousand words. The program teaches about 500 words, but by photoreading all the rest I had, combined with Scheele's program accelerated my learning curve so quickly it was astounding. Even though I didn't have anyone to practice the speaking with my venture down the gulf to Veracruz, across through Mexico city, up to Queretero, and back was a major success. Didn't see a single North American till I got back to the US"I drove my car". Even getting through the military check points was easy due to my learned ability with the Language. Throughout the entire trip I had the tapes playing in my car. If you get a chance, pass on my thanks to Learning Strategies, their technologies have helped awaken many abilities within me which I would never have believed possible otherwise.

Wow!! Thanks Kevin. That is the best article I have seen on photoreading yet. Makes me want to take it again.

I agree with you about the four types this works the least with, the thing is that I am high on the scale with all of the four types, but luckily when I took the course I was just so excited it was like all four types within me got locked outside the door to the seminar room. Thank goodness for that. There has been one benefit which I noticed within myself after taking the course about ten years ago, which I have not yet mentioned, or seen written up. I think what I am about to say is true of many people. Before my photoreading experience I would readbooks, but not as much as I would have liked to. I have always been somewhat of a sponge when it came to learning something I wanted, but what held me back a lot was my reading speed; I read very slowly, because I was actually saying the words in my mind, just like when the teacher asks you to read a passage to the class-rotten teachers the programming they provide. Anyhow after learning to photoread not only was I able to get at least 10, 20, maybe even 100 times more reading done in the same amount of time as before, but because I was able to get so much more from my reading, I actually ended up putting much more time into reading. I have yet to meet anyone who reads even a fraction of what I go through in some weeks, and it is so easy, because it seems the more you learn the easier it is to learn more of something else. The entire concept of building upon associations which is a big part of the photoreading process has made the world of difference in my life. The only drawback I have found to having learned this skill, and combing it with the NLP, hypnosis and numerous other skills I have picked up is that regular people become rather boring, so finding stimulating conversation is a bit of a task at times, but everything has a price I guess. Enough said from me, I won't be putting up another posting today, because I think people will have enough to digest with that wonderful article.

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