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  • Words: 919
  • Pages: 12
Epilepsy in India – A Note Dr. B. VENGAMMA Professor & Dean Head of the Department of Neurology Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupait President, Indian Epilepsy Association, Tirupati Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that has been known to mankind since its own existence. As per the WHO, epilepsy is the one of the most common serious brain disorders that affects not only the individual, but also has impacts on the family and the society in general. Epilepsy affects all ages, races, and social classes across all geographical boundaries. MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM OF EPILEPSY IN INDIA · As per estimates, there may be about 5-10 million people with epilepsy in India accounting for almost one-fifth of the global figures. · Despite its varied etiology, majority of PWE (people with epilepsy) can be successfully treated with simple medicines, most often with a single drug. Although the treatment of epilepsy in most cases is simple, the drugs very often have to be taken for a long duration. · It has been estimated that with proper treatment, 70-80% of PWE can lead normal lives. Unfortunately, in most developing countries 50-70% PWE have been estimated to receive either no treatment or inadequate and inappropriate treatment, most often due to inadequacies in the health care resources and societal stigma. DRUG NON-COMPLIANCE Epilepsy is an ailment which needs prolonged treatment (3 to 5 years) even if one is free from seizures. Many poor people cannot afford this prolonged treatment in our country. Drug compliance is very poor due to their economic conditions. This results in these patients becoming a burden to their families and the society. Hence the Indian Epilepsy Association,Tirupati Branch in association with the Department of Neurology at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences(SVIMS) has been organising MONTHLY CAMPS for persons with Epilepsy since February 1999. One month's requirement of medicines are being distributed FREE to all patients who attend these camps. Tests prescribed are conducted at concessional rates at SVIMS. These camps which started on a modest scale is presently catering to a large number of patients. Overwhelming majority of the patients are from the lower strata of the society who need all the help and understanding. M/s. AMERI CARES, a charitable organization based in USA has been assisting us in this noble task by donating anti-convulsant drugs for FREE distribution to those attending these camps since 2003. This noble gesture of AMERI CARES is alleviating the sufferings of so many persons with Epilepsy enabling them to lead a reasonably useful lives rather than becoming a burden to the Society and the Care-Givers.


Dr. B. Vengamma, Dear & Professor of Neurology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati President, Indian Epilepsy Association, Tirupati examining the Medicines received as Donation from AmeriCares, USA.

Dr. B. Vengamma Examining a Person with Epilepsy

Dr. B. Vengamma Examining a Person with Epilepsy

Dr. B. Vengamma handing over the medicines donated by AmeriCares to the Persons with Epilepsy

Dr. B. Vengamma handing over the medicines donated by AmeriCares to the Persons with Epilepsy

Persons with Epilepsy who attended the camp on 17th May 2009 at SVIMS, Tirupati

Persons with Epilepsy who attended the camp on 17th May 2009 at SVIMS, Tirupati

Dr. D. Venugopal Reddy , a Retired Chief Medical Officer, Examining a Person with Epilepsy

Dr. K. Niranjan Babu, Asst. Professor of Neurology, SVIMS Examining a Person with Epilepsy

Dr. M. Dorasanamma, Asst. Professor of Neurology, SVIMS Examining a Person with Epilepsy

AmeriCares Medicine Distribution Centre on the Camp Day (17th May 2009). Nursing Staff of SVIMS dispense the medicine as advised by the Medical Doctor

Mrs. Mangamma of Mogarala, Chittoor Dist., Mother of a Person with Epilepsy receiving medicines.

Person with Epilepsy receiving medicines.

Mrs. N. Jyothi, Bakarapet, Chittoor Dist., A.P. with her children £ Very Poor Family £ On treatment during the period 2003-2006 £ Medicines : Phenytoin Sodium, Carbamazepine £ Seizures completely controlled after using the medication for

three years received from the camps £ Presently house wife with two children

Jyothi says “But for the generous help from AmeriCares and the IEA, my life would have been miserable”

Mr. G. Anil Kumar (left) Tirupati, A.P. with father Mr. G. Yarraiah £ Father a Security Guard with annual income of $600 - cannot

afford the medication required. £ On treatment during the period 2006-2009 £ Medicines : Phenytoin Sodium, Divalproex Sodium £ Seizures completely controlled - Presently in X Grade £ Hoping to became an Engineer

Mr. Anil Kumar says “My dreams are being realized because of IEA, SVIMS & AmeriCares”

Mr. A. Sekhar (Right) K.R.Palli, Chittoor Dist., A.P. with his mother £ Blind by birth - poor agricultural family £ Uncontrolled seizures £ Attending camps regularly for the past Five years. £ Medicines : Phenytoin Sodium, Carbamazepine £ Significant improvement in the control of seizures £ Quality of life is reasonably better

Mr. Sekhar says “But for these camps the quality of my life would have been very pathetic”

Mrs. C. Venkatasubbamma (Left) Ojili, Nellore Dist., A.P. with her husband £ House Wife £ Works in Agricultural fields as farm hand - very meager income

$500 per annum £ Life was miserable without any medication which was

unaffordable £ Camps for persons with Epilepsy came as a boon - attending

the camps for the past two years £ Much better control of seizures and leading an almost normal

life. Mrs. Venkatasubbamma says “Very grateful to AmeriCares & IEA for their benevolence”

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