Phoenix Aiims

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Hi!! Here’s bringing out the first edition of The Phoenix for the year 2009. I have included a piece on ‘Jaago re’, and would like to urge you all to get registered as voters. Do read the details of voter registration, you’ll find some eye opening facts, its really much easier than we think it is. Contributions for future wall magazines are welcome… in addition to routine stuff…movie and book reviews could also be penned down and sent in. By the way, the members of the new Editorial Board are: Aarushi Chaudhary 2nd semester Tejas .M. Suri 2nd semester Komal Parmar 2nd semester Alkananda Behera 2nd semester Saahil Gupta 4th semester Shweta Subahdarshini 4th semester Naveen.T .Premnath 4th semester Nishant Gurnani 4th semester Devyanshu Bansal 4th semester Aishwariya .B.George 6th semester Soumabha Das 6th semester Raghunandan.P 6th semester Manpreet Kaur 8th semester You can give your articles to them…or ofcourse send them personally to me. Hope you enjoy reading the wall magazine…Your suggestions are most welcome Ankita Chakravarty Mag Ed. 10/57 9999258294 [email protected] P.S : A cash prize will be given out to the best entry in every wall magazine.

The ‘Jaago re’ campaign was initiated three months ago by Tata Tea, a leading tea manufacturing company, and Janagraha, a Bangalore-based NGO working on urban governance. The objective is to facilitate eligible voters who dread the paperwork involved in the procedure of registration for the voters list and to clarify misconceptions regarding the same. You can register with this online campaign and can also monitor your application status on its online portal. Following are answers to some common queries: THE REGISTRATION PROCESS: Log on to where you can register to vote in 3 easy steps: Fill out the online voter registration form on this website. It's easy and hardly takes 5 minutes! Take a printout of the PDF form (4 pages) generated after you complete your online registration Sign and submit this Form along with necessary address proof and age proof document, at the office of your local Electoral Registration Officer (ERO). DO NOT forget to ask the receipt for your application. For those who are registering with their AIIMS address, The Assembly Constituency is New Delhi (40) and Contact details of Electoral Registration Officer(ERO) of Assembly Constituency New Delhi – 40 are: Sh. Bhupinder Singh, Subdivisional Magistrate, Chankya Puri Deputy Commisioner Office (New Delhi),Jamnagar House, New Delhi: 01123386844, 9810409197. Please note that proxy submission of form is not allowed. April 3rd is the last date for submission of voter registration forms in New Delhi. Confirm your form submission with us by messaging *"vote confirm" to 56767 from your mobile number, as registered under your profile. Once your address verification is completed by a government official (BLO or Booth Level Officer), your name will be included in the next revision of voter lists for your city. will track

and confirm your status of voter registration by email and SMS, as soon as your city voter lists get revised. Apart from voter registration forms, you will need to submit: An Address Proof document This document is required for the BLO (Booth Level Officer) to come and verify your residence status. It is therefore not essential for the address proof document to have your name. It needs to have only the address of the place where you are staying. Any one of the following documents is acceptable for address proof: Landline phone bill, Mobile telephone bill, Water bill, Electricity bill, Property tax receipt, Bank statement, Passport, Ration card, House Lease/Rental agreement, LPG receipt, Driving license, Identity cards given by the employer or Any of the 17 alternative documents prescribed by Election Commission for identity proof. If you are a first time voter, you will also need to submit an age proof document. You can submit the proof of Date of Birth from any government agency authorized document like birth certificate, passport, PAN Card, Driving License, state board exam certificate etc. If you are a student residing in a hostel / mess, you might not have any of the above mentioned address proof documents. In this case, you can get a Student Declaration Form signed by your college dean/principal/registrar and submit it along with your voter registration form. Address Verification: Normally, address verification takes place within two weeks of submission of voter registration form. Address verification is done by your Booth Level Officer (BLO). BLO's are appointed by the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) for each polling booth within a assembly constituency(AC). It is not important for you to be present in person at your home during address verification as long as somebody else is available at your house who can confirm the fact that you stay at that address. If you have moved to a new city or moved within a city, you need to register again as a new voter. It is illegal to be registered from more than one place and there is no facility to transfer your voter registration. However, you can do so only after you have stayed at your new address for 6 months. While registering with the new address, you need to mention details of your earlier registration so that the same can be cancelled by Election Commission (ECI).

Voter ID card- an issue of numerous misconceptions: Voter ID card or Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is an identification card issued by the Election Commission to all eligible voters, to enable voter identification on election day. All those who are already enrolled in the voter list are eligible to receive a voter ID card. However, a Voter ID card is not essential for voting. Only 2 things are mandatory for voting: (1) Your name should be there in the list of registered voters i.e. in electoral roll or voter list of your polling booth. (2) You should carry an approved identity proof document. Hence, the mere possession of voter ID card DOES NOT entitle you to voting, because it is mandatory for your name to appear in electoral roll or voter list However, If you are issued with a voter ID card, you have to compulsorily carry it on the day of voting as an identity proof. If you do not possess a voter ID card, you can carry any one of the approved identity proof documents on election day. To obtain a Voter ID card, you need to register separately. You need to fill a different form (Form 001) for this. You can do this either at the time of submitting your voter registration form (Form 6) or after you have submitted your voter registration form and your name appears in the voter list. Once again, Voter registration is the process to get your name included in the electoral rolls or voter lists of your constituency. Remember, it is mandatory to get voter registration done while it is not mandatory that you possess a voter ID card, to be eligible to vote!

Voter ID card- an issue of numerous misconceptions: Voter ID card or Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is an identification card issued by the Election Commission to all eligible voters, to enable voter identification on election day. All those who are already enrolled in the voter list are eligible to receive a voter ID card. However, a Voter ID card is not essential for voting. Only 2 things are mandatory for voting: (1) Your name should be there in the list of registered voters i.e. in electoral roll or voter list of your polling booth. (2) You should carry an approved identity proof document. Hence, the mere possession of voter ID card DOES NOT entitle you to voting, because it is mandatory for your name to appear in electoral roll or voter list However, If you are issued with a voter ID card, you have to compulsorily carry it on the day of voting as an identity proof. If you do not possess a voter ID card, you can carry any one of the approved identity proof documents on election day. To obtain a Voter ID card, you need to register separately. You need to fill a different form (Form 001) for this. You can do this either at the time of submitting your voter registration form (Form 6) or after you have submitted your voter registration form and your name appears in the voter list. Once again, Voter registration is the process to get your name included in the electoral rolls or voter lists of your constituency. Remember, it is mandatory to get voter registration done while it is not mandatory that you possess a voter ID card, to be eligible to vote!

So, guys and girls, wake up! Don’t let sloth and indifference hamper you from choosing the future of your country.

Your vote matters dammit!

*Last date for submission of Voter Registration Forms at the Regional

Office at Chanakya Puri is 3rd April’ 09.

BRAIN TEASERS Hats On A Death Row You are one of 20 prisoners on death row with the execution date set for tomorrow. Your king is a ruthless man who likes to toy with his people's miseries. He comes to your cell today and tells you: “I’m gonna give you prisoners a chance to go free tomorrow. You will all stand in a row (queue) before the executioner and we will put a hat on your head, either a red or a black one. Of course you will not be able to see the color of your own hat; you will only be able to see the prisoners in front of you with their hats on; you will not be allowed to look back or communicate together in any way (talking, touching.....). The prisoner in the back will be able to see the 19 prisoners in front of him. The one in front of him will be able to see 18… Starting with the last person in the row, the one who can see everybody in front of him, he will be asked a simple question: WHAT IS THE COLOR OF YOUR HAT? He will be only allowed to answer “BLACK” or “RED”. If he says anything else you will ALL be executed immediately. If he guesses the right color of the hat on his head he is set free, otherwise he is put to death. And we move on to the one in front of him and ask him the same question and so on… Well, good luck tomorrow, HA HA HA HA HA HA!” Now since you all can communicate freely during the night, can you find a way to guarantee the freedom of some prisoners tomorrow? How many?

Mamma, Where is Daddy? Right now Mum is 21 years older than her child. In 6 years her child will be 5 times younger than she. The Question is: Where is Daddy?

Bulbs There are three switches downstairs. Each corresponds to one of the three light bulbs in the attic. You can turn the switches on and off and leave them in any position. How would you identify which switch corresponds to which light bulb, if you are only allowed one trip upstairs?

LOVE… Embraced by your thoughts Touched by your face Warmed by your breath I fly higher and higher My memories are yours You are my world To you I surrender All my desires Don’t you feel a sensation Tingling your nerves When I come closer In your love’s attire? Don’t I hover Like a dream unrealized Don’t you feel the same Cold burning fire? Is it a foul game A myth or delusion Or a beautiful plot That destiny conspires Whatever it is It is the only thing For you and me It is all that matters

Sweta Subahdarshini 4th semester M.B.B.S.

Whose land is it anyway Besides Bollywood, Mumbai is also known for its slums. The 15 million slum dwellers comprise two third of the population of the city. They say everyone who goes to Mumbai progresses in life but the slums have still remained slums. However the Vilasrao Deshmukh government is especially laudable for its efforts to remove slums or rather for improvement of slums. But recently it had to face stiff competition, not from Shabana Azmi but the cows and buffaloes of Mumbai. According to recent news the owners of the cattle of the slum area had filed a complaint against the authorities, which are building flats in the slum area for the slum dwellers and the land left goes to them. However the slum dwellers feel that the extra land also belongs to them, sorry it belongs to their cattle which used to roam and graze in that area. They say no land has been allotted for their cattle, even for their stables, let alone the grazing area. The authorities are still adamant on their way. This is of course not compliant with the residents, as their cattle cannot live with them in their flats. So the residents went to the court and filed their case, which is still unable to decide what to do, whether to rule in favor of the people or the government. The land authorities feel that when we can live with dogs, cats and birds in our homes why not one or two cows. After all there are no housing rules against keeping animals as long as it is not commercial and fine with the residents. But however the case may end, there is one thing for sure- we are in dire need for another white revolution if we still want to relish dairy products. By showing such disrespect to the ‘gaiya mata’ we are inviting a strike in the future by all the cows and buffaloes refusing to be milked by Indians. Well happy Mooing till then. Nishant Gurnani 4th semester M.B.B.S.

Answers to the Brain Teasers 1) First guy is a coin toss - let's wish him good luck. His job is to establish the parity of black hats visible to him. He says "Black" if he sees an odd number of black hats; "Red" otherwise. By paying attention to what has been said, each prisoner will know his hat's color. For Example: If the second last person hears "Black" and sees an even number of black hats in front of him, he knows that his hat is black [odd changed to even - must mean his is black] and says "black"(referring to the color of his hat). Third guy has heard "black" and "black" and sees an even number of black hats. He knows his hat is red [even stayed even - his hat can't be black] and says "red". And so on, to the front of the line. 2) The Child is -.75yrs old, thus, brand new in the womb, since .75 of a year is about 9 months. So the father is...well, yu know- pretty close by. 3) Keep the first bulb switched on for a few minutes. It gets warm, right? So all you have to do then is ... switch it off, switch another one on, walk into the room with bulbs, touch them and tell which one was switched on as the first one (the warm one) and the others can be easily identified

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