Philpot, J.c - Philpot Sermons Index

  • June 2020
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Master Index of all Joseph C. Philpot Sermons SERMON INDEX – Volume 1 Abiding in Christ John 15:4 JCP135 Abiding Comforter, The John 14:16, 17 JCP242 Abounding of Love in Knowledge and Experience, The Philippians 1:9, 10, 11 JCP171 Acceptable Present to the Lord of Hosts, An Isaiah 18:7 JCP252 Acceptable Present to the Lord of Hosts, An Isaiah 18:7 JCP253 Accuser of the Brethren Cast Down and Overcome, The Revelation 12:10, 11 JCP158 Accuser of the Brethren Overcome and Cast Down, The Revelation 12:10, 11 JCP301 Afflicted Remnant and Their Confiding Trust, The Zeph. 3:12 JCP302 Alienation and Reconciliation Colossians 1:21-23 JCP026 Anchor within the Veil, The Hebrews 6:18, 19, 20 JCP115 Anointing which Teacheth of All Things, The 1 John 2:27 JCP168 Anxious Inquiry and a Gracious Answer, An Song of Solomon. 1:7, 8 JCP031 Appeal and Prayer of a Waiting Soul, The Psalm 39:7, 8 JCP226 Ascending Scale, or Steps of Thankful Praise, An Psalm 103: 3, 4 JCP183 Balm in Gilead Jeremiah 8:22 JCP256 Battle is the Lord's, The 2 Chronicles 20:12 JCP203 Believer's Colloquy with His Soul, A Psalm 42:11 JCP249 Believer's Gain His Loss, and the Believer's Loss His Gain, The Philippians 3:7-9 JCP303 Better Things which Accompany Salvation, The Hebrews 6:9 JCP304 Bitter Waters Sweetened, The Exodus 15:23-25 JCP305 Benefits and Blessings of Union with Christ, The 1 Cor. 1:30, 31 JCP032 Blessedness of Divine Chastening, The Psalm 94:12, 13 JCP306 Blessedness of the Man Whom the Lord Hath Chosen, The Psalm 65:4 JCP082 Blessedness of Trusting in the Lord, The Jeremiah 17:7, 8 JCP081 Blessings Imputed, and Mercies Imparted 1 Cor. 1:30, 31 JCP257 Blowing of the Gospel Trumpet, The Isaiah 27:12 JCP307 Blowing of the Great Trumpet, The Isaiah 27:13 JCP308

Bold Challenge, but a Complete Answer, A Romans 8:33, 34 JCP054 Branch of the Lord Beautiful and Glorious to them that are Escaped of Israel, The Isaiah 4:2, 3 JCP074 Breaker, The Micah 2:3 JCP309 Breastplate and Helmet of the Christian Warrior, The 1 Thess. 5:8, 9, 10 JCP068 Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax, The Matthew 12:20 JCP310 Called Unto Divine Fellowship 1 Cor. 1:9 JCP424 Channel of Gospel Blessings, The Romans 11:7 JCP311

SERMON INDEX – Volume 2 Christian Contrast, or the bearing about of the Death and the Life of the Lord Jesus, The 2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 10 JCP042 Christian Warfare, The Philippians 1:30 JCP312 Christ Dwelling in the Heart by Faith Ephesians 3:17-19 JCP065 Christ the Friend and Surety of His Poor Psalm 109:31 JCP258 Christ Jesus the Lord Received and Walked in Colossians 2:6, 7 JCP161 Christ the Passover of His People 1 Cor. 5:7, 8 JCP142 Christ's Resurrection the Standard & Measure of the Church's Regeneration Ephesians 1:19, 20 JCP059 Christian's Property & Possessions, The 1 Cor. 3:21-23 JCP011 Clean Water Sprinkled & the New Heart Given Ezekiel 36:25, 26 JCP060 Coming & Singing in the Height of Zion Jeremiah 31:12 JCP063 Coming up from the Wilderness Song 8:5 JCP003 Compassionate High Priest and a Throne of Grace Hebrews 4:15, 16 JCP250 Confessing Sinner, and a Forgiving God, A 1 John 1:8, 9 JCP101 Confidence that is Not to be Cast Away, A Hebrews 10:35, 36, 37 JCP025 Confiding Trust & Patient Submission Micah 7:8, 9 JCP039 Conqueror's Inheritance, The Revelation 21:7 JCP207 Conversation, Mind, and Spirit of the Gospel of Christ, The Philippians 1:27 JCP189 Crown of Glory and a Diadem of Beauty, A Isaiah 28:5, 6 JCP416 Crucifixion with Christ Galatians 2:20 JCP019 Cry of Jonah Out of the Belly of Hell, The Jonah 2:4 JCP313 Day in which a Man Looks to His Maker, The Isaiah 17:7 JCP220 Day of Power, The Isaiah 29:18, 19 JCP094

Day Spring from on High, The Luke 1:78, 79 JCP314 Dayspring from on High, The Luke 1:78, 79 JCP315 Death and Resurrection, or Spiritual Convictions and Heavenly Affections Col. 3:1, 2, 3 JCP037 Death of the Flesh the Life of the Spirit, The Isaiah 38:16 JCP097 Deliverance from Death into the Light of the Living Psalm 56:13 JCP015 Deliverance of the Fool from His Destruction, The Psalm 107:17-20 JCP408 Deliverance from the Power of Darkness Col. 1:12, 13 JCP008 Deliverance from this Present Evil World Galatians 1:4, 5 JCP259 Destruction through Death of Him Who Had the Power of Death, The Hebrews 2:14, 15 JCP176 Discriminating Ministry, A Jer. 15:19 JCP080 Divine Arithmetic James 1:2, 3, 4 JCP113 Divine Enlargement and Spiritual Obedience Psalm 119:32 JCP261 Divine Giver of Grace and Glory, The Psalm 84:11, 12 JCP230 Divine Husbandry Psalm 65:9, 10, 11 JCP120 Divine Omnipotence, or is Anything too Hard for the Lord? Gen. 18:14 JCP076 Divine Separation Exodus 33:6 JCP262 Doctrine which Drops as the Rain, and the Speech that Distils as the Dew, The Deuteronomy 32:2 JCP002 Doing the Will of God Hebrews 10:36 JCP129 Dropping Down of the Heavens and the Opening of the Earth, The Isaiah 45: 8 JCP092 SERMON INDEX – Volume 3 Eagle and Her Young, The Deuteronomy 32:10-12 JCP317 Earnest Contention for Living Faith, The Jude 1:3 JCP318 Encouragement to Prayer Hebrews 4:14-16 JCP429 Encouraging Precept and a Gracious Promise, An Philippians 4:6,7 JCP218 End of the Commandment, The 1 Tim. 1:5 JCP217 End of the Earth and the Rock of Ages, The Psalm 61:2 JCP133 Entering into Rest Hebrews 4:1 JCP079 Entrance of Light, The Psalm 119:130 JCP319 Eternal God the Refuge of His Saints, The Deut. 33:27 JCP066 Eternal Life a Grace and a Gift John 17:2, 3 JCP435 Eternal Refuge, The Deuteronomy 33:27 JCP320

Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope through Grace 2 Thess. 2:16, 17 JCP028 Everliving Intercessor, The Hebrews 7:25 JCP187 Everliving Intercessor, The Hebrews 7:25 JCP321 Every Man's Work to be Tried with Fire 1 Cor. 3:12, 13 JCP071 Evidences Sealed and Open Jeremiah 32:14 JCP190 Exalted Head and a Fitly Compacted Body, An Ephesians 4:15, 16 JCP206 Exercise and Profit of Godliness, The 1 Tim.4:7, 8 JCP140 Faithfulness Unto Death Rev 2:10 JCP024 Faith & Confession, Life and Death of a Pilgrim, Hebrews 11:13, 14 JCP057 Faith and Confession of a Pilgrim, The Hebrews 11:13, 14 JCP099 Faith and Cry of the Destitute, The Psalm 141:8 JCP103 Faith and a Good Conscience 1 Tim. 1:18, 19 JCP263 Faith, Hope, and Love 1 Thessalonians 1:3 JCP195 Faith and Spiritual Baptism of God's Children, The Gal. 3:26, 27 JCP141 Faith's Standing-ground Romans 8:31, 32 JCP041 Faithful and Just to Forgive 1 John 1:8, 9 JCP430 Falling Rain and the Budding Earth, The Isaiah 55:10, 11 JCP410 Farewell, The 2 Cor. 13:11 JCP088 Father's Expostulation and Enquiry Hosea 6:4 JCP245 Feet of the Saints Kept, The 1 Sam. 2:10 JCP102 Fellow Citizens with the Saints, and of the Household of God Ephesians 2:19, 20 JCP264 Fellowship with the Son of God 1 Cor. 1:9 JCP156 Fiery Trial, The 1 Peter 4:12, 13 JCP047 Filth and Blood purged by the Spirit of Judgment and the Spirit of Burning Isaiah 4: 4, 5 JCP075 First Fruits of the Spirit, The Rom. 8:23 JCP149 Following on to Know the Lord Hosea 6:3 JCP265 Following on To Know the Lord Hosea 6:3 JCP423 Fool; His Character, Affliction and Deliverance, The Psalm 107:17-20 JCP152 Four Links in the Chain of Grace Psalm 104:27-30 JCP150 SERMON INDEX – Volume 4 Fruit of the Lips, The Isaiah 57:19 JCP419 Fruitful Bough and the Strong Bow, The Genesis 49:22-24 JCP322 Fruits and Marks of the Lord Being Our God, The Isaiah 48:17 JCP197

Fruits of a Living Religion, The Phil. 1:9-11 JCP146 Fruits of Sin & the Fruits of Holiness, The Romans 6:21, 23 JCP085 Furnace and its Fruits, The Genuine Discipleship John 8:31, 32 JCP266 Getting and Losing Eccles. 3:6 JCP118 Gift of Redemption and the Grace of Adoption, The Galatians 4:4, 5 JCP238 Gifts for the Rebellious Psalm 68:18 JCP267 Glory of Zion Her Sure Defence, The Isaiah 4:5, 6 JCP415 God the Great Teacher and Leader of His People Psalm 25:4, 5 JCP412 God and the Word of His Grace the Church's Only Safeguard Acts 20:32 JCP174 God's Method of Answering Prayer Psalm 91:15, 16 JCP204 Going Forth of the Lord Prepared as the Morning, The Hosea 6:3 JCP214 Golden Chain of Tribulation and Love, The Romans 5:3-5 JCP323 Good Shepherd, The Ezekiel 34:15, 16 JCP083 Good Shepherd and His Work, The Ezekiel 34:15, 16 JCP422 Good Work Begun and Finished, The Phil. 1:5, 6 JCP052 Gospel Fruit the Test of Genuine Discipleship John 15:8 JCP232 Gospel the Power of God Unto Salvation, The Rom. 1:16 JCP020 Gospel Seed-bed, The Luke 8:15 JCP324 Grace in its Fountain and in its Streams Philemon, 25 JCP178 Grace Superabounding over the Aboundings of Sin Romans 5:20-21 JCP409 Gracious Attractions and Heavenly Banquetings Hosea 11:4 JCP184 Gracious Dealings and Perverse Requitals Isaiah 63:9, 10 JCP170 Groaning Captive's Deliverance and Resolution Romans 7:24, 25 JCP202 Growing up into Christ in All Things Ephesians 4:14, 15 JCP205 Heart's Desire of Every Living Soul, The Psalm 106:4, 5 JCP325 Heavenly and Earthly Witnesses, The 1 John 5:7-8 JCP151 Heavenly Attraction and Spiritual Obedience Song 1:4 JCP243 Heavenly Birth and Its Earthly Counterfeits, The John 1:11-13 JCP326 Heavenly Buying Rev 3:17, 18 JCP131 Heavenly Gifts to Victorious Saints Rev. 2:17 JCP268 Heavenly Race, The Hebrews 12:1, 2 JCP436 Heavenly Realities and Divine Certainties 1 John 5:20 JCP269 Heavenly Sheepfold, its Door, its Entrance, and its Privileges, The John 10:9 JCP110 Heavenly Teaching Isaiah 54:13 JCP271 Heavenly Treasure in Earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4:6, 7 JCP034

Heavenly Treasure in Earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4:7 JCP091 SERMON INDEX – Volume 5 Heir of Heaven Walking in Darkness and the Heir of Hell Walking in Light, The Isaiah 50:10, 11 JCP327 Help from the Sanctuary Psalm 20:1, 2 JCP272 Heavenly Wisdom James 3:17 JCP132 Hidden Manna, the White Stone, and the New Name Revelation 2:17 JCP330 History of an Idol, Its Rise, Reign, and Progress 1 John 5:21 JCP273 Holding Fast Our Profession Heb. 4:14, 15 JCP050 Holy Anointing, Its Abiding, and Its Effects, The 1 John 2:27 JCP234 Hope and Saviour of Israel a Stranger in the Land, The Jeremiah 14:8, 9 JCP199 Hope of the Cast-down Soul, The Psalm 42:5 JCP100 Hope of the Hypocrite, The Job 27: 8-10 JCP089 Houseless Wanderer, The Psalm 107:4-7 JCP332 I also have withheld the Rain from You, And Amos 4:7 JCP333 Idolatry 1 Thess. 1:9, 10 JCP274 Immutable God and a Strong Consolation, An Hebrews 6:18, 19 JCP254 Incorruptible Inheritance, with its Heirs and Legatees, The 1 Peter 1:3, 4, 5 JCP180 Instruments of the Foolish Shepherd, The Zech. 11:15, 16 JCP334 Inward Conflict between the Flesh and the Spirit, The Galatians 5:16, 17, 18 JCP159 Israel Blest and Kept Numbers 6:24-26 JCP227 Israel's Departure and Return Hosea 14:1-3 JCP138 Israel's Happiness Deuteronomy 33:29 JCP275 Israel's Strength and Righteousness Isaiah 45:24, 25 JCP154 Israel's Sun and Shield Psalm 84:11, 12 JCP229 Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God John 6:67, 68, 69 JCP022 Jesus the Resurrection and the Life John 11:25, 26 JCP277 Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:6 JCP036 Joy and Gladness for Mour Keeping in the Love of God Jude 20, 21 JCP191 Kingdom of God Hid from the Wise and Revealed unto Babes Matthew 11:25 JCP336

Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved, A Hebrews 12:27, 28 JCP166 Knowledge of Christ, and of the Power of His Resurrection, The Philippians. 3:10 JCP093 Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Romans 7:19 JCP119 Knowledge of the only True God and Jesus Christ, The John 17:3 JCP148 Labourer's Rest, The Matthew 11:28 JCP337 Lawful Strife 2 Tim. 2:5 JCP279 Leper Cleansed, The Leviticus 14:14 JCP339 Leper Diseased, The Leviticus 13:45, 46 JCP340 Life of Christ Manifested in the Death of the Creature, The 2 Cor. 4:11 JCP223 Life Given for a Prey Jer. 45:5 JCP072 Life Given for a Prey Jer. 45:5 JCP281 Light Affliction and Eternal Glory 2 Cor. 4:17, 18 JCP005 Likeness to Jesus in Death and Resurrection Romans 6:5 JCP219 SERMON INDEX – Volume 6 Living Complaints Psalm 38:9, 10 JCP107 Living and Dying with the Lord Jesus 2 Tim. 2:11-13 JCP216 Living Man's Complaint, The Lamentations 3:39-41 JCP341 Living Sacrifice Presented, and the Will of God Proved Acceptable, The Romans 12:1, 2 JCP237 Longing Soul in a Thirsty Land, A Psalm 63:1, 2 JCP016 Living Stone, Disallowed of Men, but Chosen of God and Precious, The 1 Peter 2:4, 5 JCP228 Lord's Invitation to the Ends of the Earth, The Isaiah 45:22 JCP095 Lord's merciful Look Upon His People, The Psalm 119:32 JCP413 Lord's Thoughts, The Psalm 40:17 JCP127 Loss of all Things for Christ's Sake, The Philippians 3:8, 9 JCP009 Lost Sheep Restored, The Jeremiah 50:6 JCP342 Lost Sought and Saved, The Luke 19:10 JCP343 Love in its Priceless Value and Unquenchable Strength Song of Solomon. 8:6, 7 JCP033 Love of Christ in Giving Himself for the Church, Ephesians 5:25-27 JCP175 Love of the World Forbidden to the Saints of God, The 1 John 2:15-17 JCP147

Love of the World and the Love of God, The 1 John 2:15-17 JCP344 Malady and the Remedy, The Romans 3:23-26 JCP346 Man's Devices and the Lord's Counsel Proverbs 19:21 JCP282 Man's Misery & God's Mercy Psa. 106:43-45 JCP064 Manifestation of the Son of God, The 1 John 3:8 JCP153 Marks of Grace, The 1 Thess. 1:9, 10 JCP427 Master's Bounty, and the Servant's Obedience, The Psalm 119:17 JCP194 Meeting at the Mercy Seat, The Exodus 25:22 JCP029 Mercies of a Faithful God Displayed toward His Loving Saints, The Psalm 91:14, 15 JCP143 Merciful & Sympathizing High Priest, A Hebrews 2:17, 18 JCP013 Mighty God in the Midst of Zion, The Zeph. 3:16, 17 JCP185 Mighty Put Down, and the Lowly Exalted, The Luke 1:52, 53 JCP347 Mighty Watcher, and His Twofold Work, The Jeremiah 31:28 JCP123 Miracles Not Ceased Matthew 11:6 JCP283 Moab at Ease from His Youth and Settled on His Lees Jeremiah 48:11 JCP284 Mould of Diving Teaching, The Romans 6:17 JCP349 Mountain made a Plain, The Zech. 4:7 JCP105 Narrow Way, The Isaiah 30:21 JCP248 New Covenant and the Blood of Sprinkling, The Hebrews 12:24 JCP162 New and Living Way into the Holiest, The Hebrews 10:19, 20, 21, 22 JCP004 No Condemnation Romans 8:1 JCP027 Northern Iron and the Steel, The Jeremiah 15:12 JCP350 Not our Own, for We are Bought with a Price 1 Cor. 6:19, 20 JCP073 Obedience from the Heart Romans 6:17 JCP108 Old Man Put Off and the New Man Put On, The Ephesians 4:22, 23, 24 JCP069 SERMON INDEX – Volume 7 One God and One Mediator 1 Tim. 2:5 JCP428 Only Safe Keeping, The 1 Peter 1:5 JCP351 Only Safe Protection, and the only sure Refuge, The Psalm 17:8 JCP098 Opening the Mouth for the Dumb Proverbs 31:8, 9 JCP286 Ordering of the Cause before the Mercy-Seat, The Job 23:3, 4 JCP352 Patience and Faith of the Saints, The Rev 14:12 JCP067

Patience and Her Perfect Work James 1:2-4 JCP287 Peace of God keeping the Heart & Mind, The Philippians 4:6, 7 JCP030 Peace, Tribulation, Victory John 16:33 JCP124 Peculiar People, A 1 Peter 2:9 JCP241 Peculiar People, A Titus 2:14 JCP160 Performer of All Things, The Psalm 57:2, 3 JCP122 Pilgrims' Hunger and Pilgrims' Food Deuteronomy 8:2, 3 JCP196 Pleasant Plants and Desperate Sorrow Isaiah 7:10, 11 JCP289 Plenteous Redemption Psalm 130:7, 8 JCP128 Poor Raised Up Out of the Dust, and the Beggar Lifted Up from the Dunghill, The 1 Samuel 2:8 JCP354 Poor Set in Safety, The Psalm 12:5 JCP356 Possession and Dispossession of the Strong Man Armed, The Luke 11:21, 22 JCP121 Pouring Out of the Spirit upon Zion's Offspring Isaiah 44:3-5 JCP434 Power and the Form, The 2 Timothy 3:5 JCP357 Power Given to the Faint Isaiah 40:29-31 JCP292 Power of the Gospel, The 1 Thess. 1:5 JCP109 Prayer and its Answer Jeremiah 33:3 JCP116 Prayer, and Its Answer Psalm 91:15 JCP211 Prayer of the Church, A Psalm 20:9 JCP411 Prayer of Jabez, The 1 Chronicles 4:10 JCP359 Prayer of Moses, The Psalm 90:15-17 JCP134 Prayer of Solomon, The 2 Chronicles 6:20 JCP360 Precept and the Promise, The Proverbs 23:17, 18 JCP193 Precious Faith, with Its Benefits and Blessings 2 Peter 1:1, 2 JCP236 Precious Taken forth from the Vile, The Jeremiah 15:19 JCP363 Precious Trial of Faith, The 1 Peter 1:6, 7 JCP181 Precious and the Vile, The Jeremiah 15:19 JCP361 Prevailing Pleas or the Hope and Saviour of Israel Jeremiah 14:8, 9 JCP046 Pride Proverbs 8:13 JCP316 Profane, Wicked Prince Overturned, and the Rightful King Set Up, The Ezekiel 21:27 JCP078 Profit and Penury Proverbs 14:23 JCP247 Profitable Teaching and Sure Guidance Isaiah 48:17 JCP293 Promise of God to His Afflicted Church, The Isaiah 54:11, 12 JCP418 Promises Inherited through Faith and Patience, The Hebrews 6:12 JCP192 Proving All Things 1 Thess. 5:21 JCP155

SERMON INDEX – Volume 8 Purging of the Conscience from Dead Works to Serve the Living God, The Hebrews 9:13, 14 JCP061 Quickening and Maintaining Ephesians 1:19 JCP425 Reconciliation and Salvation Romans 5:10 JCP038 Reconciliation by Death, and Salvation by Life Romans 5:10 JCP200 Redemption by Price, & Redemption by Power Jeremiah 31:11 JCP062 Refuge of the Oppressed, The Psalm 9:9, 10 JCP365 Reproach Answered, The Psalm 119:41, 42 JCP366 Riches of God's Mercy, The Ephesians 2:3-6 JCP235 Righteous and Their Blessings, The Psalm 37:39, 40 JCP407 Rising of the Day Star, The 2 Peter 1:19 JCP367 River of Life and the Trees on Its Banks, The Ezekiel 47:12 JCP368 Road to Christ's Table and Christ's Throne, The Luke 22:28-30 JCP369 Rule of Christian Union an Sacrifice Bound to the Horns of the Altar, The Psalm 118:27 JCP210 Saint's Path to Eternal Glory, The 1 Peter 5:10 JCP370 Salted Sacrifice, The Mark 9:49, 50 JCP167 Salvation & Sanctification, in Present Grace, and Future Glory 2 Thess. 2:13, 14 JCP043 Salvation Worked Out with Fear and Trembling Phil. 2:12, 13 JCP221 Saviour of Israel, The Psalm. 35:3 JCP126 Secret of the Lord with them that fear Him, The Psalm 25:14 JCP106 Seed of Israel, Justified in Christ, The Isaiah 45:24, 25 JCP417 Seeds of Light and Gladness Psalm 97:11 JCP136 Sending Out of Light and Truth, The Psalm 43:3 JCP212 Sentence of Death in Ourselves, The 2 Cor 1:9, 10 JCP018 Servants and Sons John 8:35 JCP295 Shaking of Things Made, and Firmness of Things Given Hebrews 12:27, 28 JCP296 Sick Man's Prayer and the Sinner's Cry, The Jeremiah 17:14 JCP371 Sieve and its Effects, The Luke 22:31, 32 JCP137 Signs Seen, and Not Seen Psalm 74:9 JCP297 Sin Condemned & Righteousness Fulfilled Romans 8:3, 4 JCP017 Sin-Sick Soul and the Great Physician, The Matthew 9:12 JCP372 Solemn Appeal and Earnest Cry of a

Waiting Soul, The Psalm 39:7, 8 JCP373 Sons of God, Their Blessings and Their Privileges, The 1 John 3:1 JCP035 Sons of God, Their Blessings and Privileges, The John 1:11, 13 JCP144 Soul's Pursuit after God, The Psalm 63:8 JCP086 Spirit's Intercession, The Romans 8:26, 27 JCP157 Spirit of Power, of Love, and of a Sound Mind 2 Timothy 1:7 JCP001 Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation in the Knowledge of Christ, The Ephesians 1:17, 18 JCP058 Spiritual Apprehension and Deficient Attainment Philippians 3:12 JCP182 Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places Ephesians 1:3, 4 JCP044 Spiritual Chase, The Psalm 63:8 JCP225 Spiritual Conflict, The Galatians. 5:17 JCP087 SERMON INDEX – Volume 9 Spiritual Death and a Hidden Life, A Col. 3:2-4 JCP233 Spiritual Delight and Confiding Trust Psalm 37:4, 5, 6 JCP114 Spiritual Fruit Hosea 14:8 JCP215 Spiritual Mysteries 1 Cor. 14:2 JCP244 Spiritual Paradoxes 2 Cor. 6:9, 10 JCP173 Spiritual Poverty and Heavenly Riches 2 Cor. 6:10 JCP104 Spiritual Sickness and Health 3 John 2 JCP432 Spiritual Times and Seasons Eccl. 3:3, 4 JCP298 Spiritual Union Ephes. 4:4, 5, 6 JCP014 Spiritual Warfare Gal. 5:16, 17 JCP145 Staggerings of Unbelief, and the Persuasions of Faith, The Romans 4: 20, 21 JCP053 Sticking to God's Testimonies, The Psalm 119:31 JCP209 Straying Sheep & the Sin-bearing Shepherd, The 1 Peter 2:24, 25 JCP070 Strength Made Perfect in Weakness 2 Cor. 12:9 JCP213 Subjection of All Things Under the Feet of Jesus Hebrews 2:8 JCP177 Substance the Inheritance of the Saints Prov. 8:20, 21 JCP208 Suffering and Its Benefits 1 Peter 5:10 JCP300 Suffering Saviour and an Obedient People, A Hebrews 5:7, 8, 9 JCP188 Superaboundings of Grace over the Aboundings of Sin Romans 5:20, 21 JCP374 Supply for Every Need, A Philippians 4:19 JCP251

Sweet Loathed and the Bitter Relished, The Prov. 27:7 JCP224 Sword of the Spirit, The Hebrews 4:12 JCP376 Temple Built by Zerubbabel, and Its Spiritual Signification, The Zech. 4:9 JCP239 Temptation, its Dangers and its Safeguards Matt. 26:41 JCP112 Thief's Prayer and Its Answer, The Luke 23:42, 43 JCP377 Things Freely Given, and the Spirit by Whom They are Made Known 1 Cor. 2:12 JCP378 Things which God hath Prepared for Them that Love Him, The 1 Cor. 2:9, 10 JCP051 Thorn in the Flesh, or Strength made perfect in Weakness, The 2 Cor. 12:9 JCP021 Threefold Overthrow of Self, The Ezekiel 21:27 JCP379 Three Working Graces, The 1 Thess. 1:3 JCP231 Tillage of the Poor, The Proverbs 13:23 JCP381 Tillage of the Poor, The Proverbs 13:23 JCP414 Treasures of Darkness Isaiah 45:2, 3 JCP395 Trees of the Field, and Their Appointed Destiny Ezekiel 17:24 JCP382 Trial by Fire of Every Man's Work, The 1 Cor. 3:12, 13 JCP383 Triumphs of Mercy, The Micah 7:18, 19 JCP056 True Discipleship, or the Liberty of Truth John 8:31, 32 JCP077 True God and the Attesting Witness, The John 3:33 JCP111 Trying the Spirits 1 John 4:1 JCP045 Trying the Spirits 1 John 4:1 JCP396 SERMON INDEX – Volume 10 Unction of the Holy One, The 1 John 2:20 JCP431 Union with Christ in Death and Life 2 Tim. 2:11-13 JCP397 Valley of Achor for a Door of Hope, The Hosea 2:14, 15 JCP164 Valley of Baca, The Psalm 84:5, 6, 7 JCP117 Valley Exalted, and the Mountain laid low, The Isaiah 40:4, 5 JCP006 Veil Taken Away, The 2 Cor. 3:16 JCP246 Vine and its Branches, The John 15:1, 2 JCP130 Vine and the Branches, or Union and Communion with the Lord Jesus, The John 15:4, 5 JCP055 Waiting Eye and the Bounteous Hand, The Psalm 145:15, 16 JCP384 Waiting Soul and a Gracious Lord, A Isaiah 26:8 JCP198

Walk in the Fields and Among the Vineyards, The Song. 7:11,12 JCP385 Walking with God Amos 3:3 JCP010 Waters which Do Not Drown & Flames which Do Not Burn Isaiah 43:1, 2 JCP012 Way-Worn Pilgrim's Hiding Place, The Isaiah 32:2, 3 JCP387 Weak Hands Strengthened, and the Feeble Knees Confirmed, The Isaiah 35:3, 4 JCP388 Well and the Wall, or the Fruitful Bough and the Abiding Bow, The Genesis 49:22, 23, 24 JCP172 What is it that Saves a Soul? Job 9:2 JCP433 What is Truth? or Truth in its Purity and Truth in its Power John 18:38 JCP179 What Things to Flee, what Things to Follow 1 Timothy 6:11 JCP096 Whole Armour of God, The Ephesians 6:13 JCP165 Whole Armour of God, The Ephesians 6:13 JCP389 Wilderness and its Fruits, The Hosea 2:14, 15 JCP201 Wilderness Hunger and Heavenly Manna Deuteronomy 8:2, 3 JCP186 Wine of Astonishment and the Banner of Truth and Love, The Psalm 60:3, 4 JCP169 Winter Afore Harvest or the Soul's Growth in Grace Isaiah 18:5, 6 JCP398 Wisdom of Men and the Power of God, The 1 Cor. 2:3, 4, 5 JCP048 Witness of the Spirit, The Romans 8:16, 17 JCP007 Woman at the Well of Samaria, The John 4:10 JCP090 Wonders Shown to the Dead Psalm 88:10-12 JCP402 Word of God's Grace, The Acts 20:32 JCP393 Work of His Ministering Servants, The Isaiah 62:10 JCP421 Word of Men and the Word of God, The 1 Thess. 2:13 JCP049 Work of Faith, the Patience of Hope, and the Labour of Love, The 1 Thess. 1:3 JCP040 Work of Faith with Power, The 2 Thess. 1:11, 12 JCP163 Work of Faith with Power, The 2 Thess. 1:11, 12 JCP139 Working of All Things Together for Good, The Romans 8:28 JCP394 Wrestling Jacob Genesis 32:26 JCP403 Zion's Blessings Psalm 132:15, 16 JCP222 Zion's Foundations, Windows, Gates, and Borders Isaiah 54:11, 12 JCP404 Zion's Gates and the King's Highway Isaiah 62:10 JCP405 Zion's Wayfarers and Their Earnest Resolve Jeremiah 50:5 JCP240 Zion's Waymarks Jer. 31:21, 22 JCP023

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