Philosophy Paper- I I

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 373
  • Pages: 2
PHILOSOPHY PAPER- I I TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No.8 which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. 1. ‘Ashari’s formulation of dogma essentially represents an attempt at a synthesis of orthodoxy and that of Mutazila’. Explain. 2. How does al-Ghazali ground the Sharia on spiritual basis? 3. Give an account of Marx’s notion of’ alienation. 4. How does Iqbal conceive the possibility of social change through the reconstruction of Islamic law? 5. Why did Sir Syed’s synthesis of Westernism and Islamic Values fail to lead to a genuine Islamic Modernism? 6. State and explain Heidegger’s notion of Dasein. 7. Write notes on the following: (a) Pragmatism (b) Cartesian dualism (c) Mutazila (d) Living-Sunna (Fazl-ur-Rehman) COMPULSORY QUEST ION 8. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions. (A) Fill in the blanks: 1) Al-Madina al-Fadila is written by 2) Isharat is written by ____________ 3) Varieties of Religious Experience is written by 4) Creative Evolution is written by ____________ 5) Being and Time is written by ____________ (B) Choose the correct: 6) Postponed judgments on the people until the Last Day. (a) Kharijites (b) Asharites (c) Murjites 7) God is pure essence having no eternal names and qualities. (a) Kharijites (b) Asharites (c) Murjites

8) No obligations follow from reason but from Sharia. (a) Ibn-Sina (b) al-Ghazali (c) al-Farabi 9) Intuitive revelation (Kashf) is the highest and the only source of knowledge. (a) Ibn al-Arabi (b) Ibn-Sina (c) Ibn-Taimiyyah 10) Final experience is the revelation of a new life-process. (a) Rumi (b) Iqbal (c) Sir Syed (C) Name the theory that holds: 11) The essence of life is duration. 12) An idea is true so long as to believe it is profitable. 13) The reality of sensible thing consists in being perceived. 14) There is nothing in cause except invariable succession. 15) Will to power. 16) Nothing is good but the good will. 17) General happiness is summum bonum. 18) Civilizational superstructure is the outcome of its mode of production. 19) Inquiry is the essence of Logic not truth or knowledge. 20) A great part of philosophy may be reduced to something that may be called syntax. ******************************

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