Philosopher Believes

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 768
  • Pages: 2
the believes of a philosopher (ancient greeks study written by spyros nagos 18681933) you must believe that: god under various definitions, he was presented to human kind by the religions founder's, and he is every ware in nature in shape formation and evolution of things, of all the substances! all the personalities in the universe, are a unique (one and only) action of god. each and every on of the universe personalities has god�s breath of life and when we are thrust and abuse against others we are against god. there is nothing between people that divides them! no nation, no race, no class, or any other thing that, mans sick-mind, has invented, for mans own disaster! any �action� of nature is in favor of living (with soul) beings and also for the (un-soul) matter that is guided to be alive to! so, anything that exists deserves the benefits of mother nature. if you disregard this, you never find the path to god. believe that: the light and every of any other bright-constituent (form of light) contains in it: the � life giving, restraint, twisting -in its tracksall of existing things! light is the extreme expression of god. for as long the human eyes, are not able to see, the functions of nature, humans will continue to decompose and compose again! believe that: the biggest virtue is, living a �natural life� with love, which is the nearest place where gods exists! [it�s my interpretation -i can find a really true mach in english] your own figure is reiterated with all figures in universe. god is acting true your �figure� and the intercommunion of all, in order to some day the �perfect philosopher being� will exists and he will take his-deserving- place as the: �citizen of the universe�. thru his perfect senses he will feel the harmony of the universal rules. an undeserved man, (an inequitable, injurious, unjust man) is living his life away from light like the blind, which never show the sun! believe that: he, who can not love others, he can not love him self either! his life will be: itinerancy and pain. light illuminates people�s souls, only then, when they are deeply attached to love and justice. it is a different thing, when you are learning about your purpose, and is an other thing, to consciously be this knowledge! (the information is not enough) when you learn you can reach the idea of goodness. but when you �know� you can reach the greatness of lights thru your soul. people have passions and they are enticed to them. we like flattery, vanity fair, to be admired by others. these are moments, drops in the ocean; they don�t leave anything behind for as. nothing good for our spirit and our happiness, contrariwise these misleading �directions� are putting as in crucible adversity. ask for the happiness, of hard work-only for good causes- and don�t be complaining all the time but contribute to goodness. the gods will give you happiness and they�ll take care of you. [don�t be a parasite] yes! you can see the sun and the visible light, but you don�t get the inner luminous intensity that saves the spirit, defines it with absolute value, unchangeable, and turn it and crown it! (embrace it in a way) be careful! don�t you allow others to turn you in a (latria, dogma?) that are not on the side of the truth? don�t dispute the validity of the sun and the light. this will bring you many sorrows and darkness. gods are not leading the mortal�s souls to the darkness. they are sorry

when that happens. the ignorance, the breach of faith, on nature�s power, and nature�s lows, are leading as to the darkness. the spirits, witch are closer, to the natures operation ways, are able to understand the gods of natures forces. approach nature, reach for her forces and connect with them. worship, those natures forces gods; they are the only real gods. is a false god, he who is not a god of a natural power (a nature�s force?) he is a god of darkness and he acts only for dark. there is only one temple, where the people should go and pay they respects! that is nature�s divine �accomplishment� [----try to thing what nature is the completeness�--- ] all of the people in that temple are having their harts filled with feelings, and their minds filled with admiration! the rest are addressing for glory to false un-existent gods.

is not the perfect translation �...i did my best�. if there are some mistakes you have to forgive me��.

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