Philippine Star, Mar. 28, 2019, China's Progress Propels Common Development In Asia - Philippine House Speaker Arroyo.pdf

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o MARCH 28, 2OI9

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China's progress propels common development inAsia Philippine House SpeakerAmoyo MANILA, March 26 (Xinhua) hina's rapid development in the


the world are the keys to China's among the developing countries that most extraordinary develolar4ent will benefit {rom the Belt and Road and transformation in the last..40 Initiative. ' "With the infrastructurd Build, years. China has given importaned"tit technology, she added. Build, Build program of President During the Boao Forum for Asia Rodrigo Dul.erte, the Belt and Road Annual Conlerence 201& China made Initiative will be very important a promise of furthering the openhg up for the Philippines in the coming to the outside world. years," Arroyo said, adding that "I believe in globalization and free "there's no couniry in the world that trade, It's very important that the matches the recent track record of leading countries in the world will China and capability in the area of

rst 40 years has spurred common

evelopment in Asia, said Gloria [acapagal-Arroyo, a member of the oard of Directors of the Boao Forum nAsia (BFA) and Speaker of the House I Representatives of ihe Philippines.

Indeed, Arroyo, also a former hilippine president, lold. Xinhua in r exclusive interview on Monday :fore she attends the BFA 2019 annudl rnference that China has proven to be gobd parbrer rather than a rival for the st of developing Asia.

champion globalization" Arroyo said. "Nbw if we look at the history the world's leading economy was the US, which saw its role to spearhead globalization and ftee trade. However, what hapoened is that there is now a new tr'eird in ihe US - the Trumpstvle un.ilateralism and conservatism.

The 40-year cooperation between hina and'other As-ian countries has 'ought tremendous progress, she said. This year's annual meeting of BFA, heduled from March 25 io 29 in Boao,

town in China's southern island


rovince of Hainan, has the theme of

stated'we have to enhance reform and opening up.' So, that's very important that China is now taken up the cudgels for globalization through reforms and

ihared Future, Concerted Actio& ommon Development."

Arrovo recalled that when China beginnirg the reform and opening :40 years ago, the rest of developing sia like the Philippines wondered hether China would become a rival as



partner in development, ifs a market for developing countries, a donor and a provider of capital and technology. Tliat's how the lhared development - '

has progressed," Arroyo


The BFA annual conference 2019

it (China) progresses in the will focus on openness, innovation and lyears of reform and opening up, globalization. e began to realize that China is not Arroyo said she hopes that the competitor. It was proven to be a forum will look back to the reform and "But


opening up of China at the conference. "Look at what happened to China 40 veirrs since it started its and op6nitrg up. opening ,rp. It has meted 800 million people out of povetty," Arroyo said. "So, that is what reform and opening up did, that is what openness and qlohelirafion did to C}lina-" globalization China." She said irmovation and long-term vision of reform and opening up to


new potiry China has correctly

opening up," she added.

The Belt and Road lnitiative, proposed by China in 2013, aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe, Africa and beyond. Now, the initiative has won wide support across the


Arroyo said the Philippines


infrastructurq," "l'm really very impressed by the enthusiasm displayed by China and so we in the Philippines shouJd match that enthusiasm on the implementation

side," Arroyo said. Arrovo was elected as a member the Boaid of Directors of the BFA. S spoke highly of the role played during the last

tha t the BF 18 years.

Arroyo stressed the import of the BFA to the world, espe< to developing countries

Philippines. "The BFA gives an oppor the world's leaders in and society who are deeply involved Asia to step back from their pressi issues of govemance, of busineqs and


looK at the bigger brggerlssues. issues. society socrety and look think that is the use of {he Boao forum, Arrovo said.

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