Philippine Nursing Act Of 2002 (revised)

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 58
Philippine Nursing Act of 2002

RA 9173

As a registered nurse, you are covered by the law regulating the practice of nursing in the Phils. Which is: a. RA 4704 b. RA 7164 c. RA 877 d. RA 9173

The implementing rules and regulations of the said law was passed through: a. BON Resolution 425,s 2003 b. BON Resolution 524, s 2002 c. BON resolution 459, s 2002 d. BON Resolution 99-14, s 1999

The Phil Nursing Act was promulgated in 2002. What month?    

A. January B. March C. October D. December


Composition: Chairperson & 6 members

APPOINTMENT ? Vacancy PNA nominates 3 per vacancy

PRC recommends two

Appointment by the PRESIDENT of the Phil

Term of office: a. Appointed for 3 years  reappointment for one term only b. Appointment to vacancy shall be for the unexpired portion of the term c. proper oath of office

Types of appointment: 1. Regular appointment 2. Ad interim appointment 3. Doctrine of Hold- over

BON: Qualifications:

Natural born citizen and resident Member of good standing of PNA RN with master’s degree At least 10 years continuous practice of the profession prior to appointment  Last 5 years shall be in the Phil. Not convicted of any offense (moral turpitude)

BON shall represent 3 areas of Nursing (Sec. 4)

Community Health Nursing Nursing Education Nursing Service 

BON: powers, duties, functions Conduct Licensure examination for nurses Issue, suspend, revoke certificates of registration Monitor & enforce quality standards of nursing practice in the Phil. Ensure quality education Conduct hearings & investigations (may issue subpoena) Promulgate CODE OF ETHICS Prescribe, adopt, issue regulations for the improvement of the profession

Removal/suspension (BON) 


C commission/ tolerance of irregularities

Incompetence/ continuous neglect of duty in the board exam

U unprofessional, immoral & dishonorable conduct

Who among the ff has the power to appoint or remove members of the BON? ❧ ❧ ❧

Chairperson of PRC The president of the republic President of the Philippine Nurses Association The chairman of the Board of Nursing

The major responsibility of the BON is to ensure that RA 9173 is properly implemented. Which of the following is not within the jurisdiction of the BON? a. Setting minimum standards of practice b. Establishing the implementing rules and regulations c. Disciplining those unfit to practice nursing d. Approving nursing education program

Qualifications of FACULTY 

Holder of master’s degree in nursing/ education/ allied health sciences

At least one year clinical practice  RN 

Member with Good standing in the accredited professional organization

(Sec. 27)

Position BON

Ma Qualification Yrs of Exp MA in Nursing, Educ, allied courses

CI/ Faculty Dean

10 1

MA in Nursing only


9 units in mgt & adm




CN/ NsgDirector

Supervisor CN primary Hosp

Staff Nurse

Q: For a faculty member to be promoted as a dean, she/he must meet the ff except: a) b)

c) d)

At least five years experience in nursing With masters degree in any allied health profession Member of good standing of PNA With MAN


Provides nursing care: different stages of life (from conception to old age) Promotion of health & Prevention of illnesses – independent practitioner Initiates & performs nursing services in any health care setting - IFC

Collaborate with other health care

providers for the preventive, curative & rehabilitative aspects of care

It shall be the duty of the nurse to: (sec 28) 

 

Do utilize NURSING PROCESS in providing nursing care Undertake nursing & health human resource development training & research Teach, guide, supervise nursing students Interrelationship/ linkages with community resources & health care team Educate individual,families, community on health Strict/ duty-bound observance of the CODE OF ETHICS

The practice of Nursing includes following activities, EXCEPT: a. Supervision and teaching of capillary workers b. Observation and care of clients c. Judging the nature of disease or injury d. Safeguarding public health the and welfare


Nurses who have not actively practiced the profession for FIVE (5) consecutive years can return to practice:

ONE MONTH didactic training  THREE MONTHS practicum 


Medical mission Outstanding expert or specialist Professors on exchange employment  permit valid for the duration of the project, mission or employment contract.


The Nursing Education Program shall provide sound general & professional foundation for the practice of nursing

Resolved the controversy on: 

“Upper 40 percent (40%)” by deleting the provision on General

Entrance Requirements found in Sec 23 Art IV of RA 7164 

“Applicants desiring to enroll in a nursing course must belong to the upper forty percent of the graduating class of the general secondary course, as certified by the school”


Led to a new round of proliferation of nursing schools There are more than 400 nursing schools in the country today Greater challenge: QUALITY NURSING EDUCATION


Learning experiences: settings     


Learning experiences shall not be less than six (6) units or its equivalent. Sec. 25


In accordance with RA 8981 (PRC

Modernization Act of 2000) 

Given TWICE a year



You just passed the Board Exam and is waiting for your certificate. Whose responsibility is the issuance of the Cert of Registration?    

A. PNA B. Board of Nursing C. PRC D. Pres of the Phil

QUALIFICATIONS (Admission to Licensure Examination) Citizen of the Philippines  Person of good moral character  BSN holder (recognized school: complies with the standards of nursing education) 

List of documents 

TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS Special order number  Date of graduation  Seal of the school  Scanned picture 

List of documents Marriage contract (for married)  4 pcs passport size colored pix;  Current Community Certificate  RLE record (Chief Nurse & Dean)  Certificate of Live birth 

List of documents 

ACTUAL CASES Operating room  Deliveries assisted  Signed: 

Chief nurse  Dean  Clinical instructors 

To apply for the Nurse Licensure Examination, the applicant must meet the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Holder of a BSN degree 2. Citizen of the Philippines 3. Of good moral character 4. At least 21 years of age a. 1, 2, and 3. c. 1, 3, and 4 b. 2, 3, and 4 d. 1, 2, and 4

ratings 

General average: 75% No grade below 60% in any subject *removal exam within two years after last failed exam

Of the following concepts on Nursing Education and Nursing Licensure Examination, which is correct?

A.) Applicants to a nursing school must be high school graduate who belong to the upper forty (40) percent of the graduating class B.) The college of nursing must be accredited C.) To pass the examination, a general weighted average of 75% with no grade below sixty (60) percent in any subject must be obtained D.) A refresher course for those who failed the examination for the third time may be offered by any college of nursing

Should the candidate fail in one subject, but obtained the required gen. Average, which of the following should he do? a. Take the whole set of exam all over again b. Take examination on the subject below required average c. Makes an appeal to the board for rechecking of paper d. Enroll in a refresher course for one year

RECONSIDERATION OF RATINGS Grounds: mechanical, clerical or clear error or malfeasance in the rating of paper * Request filed within 90 days from date of official release of exam results

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Full name of the professional  Serial number  Signature of the chairperson of the commission & members of the board  Official seal of the commission  Scanned picture 

Professional Identification Card 

  

 

Full name of the professional License number Date of registration Date of issuance and expiration Signature of the chairperson Bar code Picture of the RN

An institution or an organization that is responsible for approving the certificate to operate as a  a. Board of Nursing nursing school in the Philippines.   

c. b. d.

PNA Commission on Higher Education PRC

Upon passing the licensure exam, which is a priority action for the passer? a. take an oath of profession before the board b. apply for registration with PRC c. apply for membership to the PNA d. prepare credentials for job hunting

The nurse should renew her license when?    

A. third year on her birth date B. third year on her birth month C. anytime after one year D. no need to renew

a. b. c. d.

Attendance in mandatory continuing professional education programs is recommended annually for: 20 contact hours 10 contact hours 60 contact hours 25 contact hours

SUSPENSION/REVOCATION of certificate of registration/license    

Gross incompetence/serious ignorance Unprofessional/unethical conduct Malpractice/negligence Fraud/deceit in obtaining certificate of registration/license Practice of profession during suspension from the practice Conviction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude

Re-issuance of revoked certificates Expiration of a minimum of four years from the date of revocation  The CAUSE of revocation has disappeared/corrected  Proper application  Payment of required fees 

Q: A nurse will lose his/her professional license for the following reasons EXCEPT: a.) used deceit and fraud in obtaining the license b.) accused of gross incompetence c.) guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct d.) practicing with an invalid certificate of registration

PROHIBITIONS in the practice of Nursing 

 

 

Without certificate of registration/ professional license Use of other’s identification card (misdemeanor) Use of invalid/revoked/suspended certificate of registration Use of false evidence to the BON to obtain certificate of registration/ professional license Falsely poses/advertises as a registered licensed nurse Falsely Appending BSN/RN to his/her name Assisting in illegal practice

Penalties:  a fine of not less than P50000. Nor more than P100,000. Or imprisonment of not less than 1 year nor more than six years, or both, upon the discretion of the court.

Situation: The Nursing Act of 2002 or RA 9173 has a provision that the nurse must continue learning. 1. Which of the following is formal continuing education? a. refresher course b. enrolment in graduate school c. attendance in conferences d. seminars

2. Which of the following is the required qualification of a dean? a. masters degree in related fields b. 9 units in nursing administration c. doctoral degree d. masters degree in nursing

3. The faculty of a College of Nursing must have a master’s degree which is a. psychology b. public health c. nursing only d. nursing or related field

4. Nurses in the Nursing Service must also be qualified. The Nursing service director must have a. MA in any field of nursing b. MA in Health Sciences c. MA in Public Administration d. MA in Nursing major in Administration/ management

5. To be qualified, the nurse supervisors in the hospital must at least have a. Masters of arts in nursing b. 9 units in mgt and administration course in graduate level c. masters of public health d. 9 units masters degree in nursing

Situation: The Nurse Practice Act of 2002 or RA 9173 was passed and signed in Oct 2002. 1. Among the important provisions was the composition of the Board. Which of the following is NOT provided for in RA 9173? a. have at least 10 years of continuous practice of the profession b. The BON shall be composed of 7 members c. The qualifying age should not be more than 70 years of age d. The academe qualification of the members shall be a holder of MA in Nursing or related field

2. Which of the following is an additional function of the board which is a departure from RA 7164? a. describe subjects in the licensure examination b. recommends the opening and closure of Colleges of Nursing c. promulgate decision for the improvement of nursing d. issue, suspend, revoke cert of registration

3. Which of the following activities is considered to be an expanded scope of the nursing practice? a. advance nursing practice b. teaching in colleges of nursing c. conducting health education classes d. counseling and doing research

4. The following positions require that the nurse must be a holder of MA in Nursing. 1. Dean of the College of Nursing 2. Chief nurse of a hospital 3. Instructors in college of nursing 4. Supervisors of a general hospital  a. 2 and 3 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 4 d. 1 and 2

5. Who among the following is not qualified to practice nursing in the Philippines under the Special or temporary permit? a. a licensed nurse from Canada who is in a medical mission to work as a volunteer nurse in the ER of PGH for one month b. A certified nurse specialist from Texas invited by a local university as a guest lecturer in the training of organ donation and transplant team c. A Fil- Am nurse who is part of the medical team of a brain surgeon who is in the country upon invitation to operate on a well known oligarch d. An American RN who is part of the medical team invited by the Basilan governor to perform cleft palate operation in the province for free

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