Philippine Air Force - Paf Organization

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 6,750
  • Pages: 40
PERSONAL STAFF Office of the Air Force Inspector General Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to the performance of the mission, state of morale and discipline, efficiency and effectiveness of the Command. Tasks  Conducts inspections, investigations, research, surveys and studies; and establishes, promulgates and monitors Headquarters Philippine Air Force policies and procedures on Inspector General matters;  Advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force regarding the performance of the Command as to efficiency and economy in the use of resources;  Maintains/compiles records/data and reports on cases involving PAF personnel and furnishes the same to the Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Personnel, A-1, Headquarters Philippine Air Force (HPAF);  Manages the command inspection activities;  Keeps the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force and subordinates commanders informed as to status of operation efficiency of all activities under their jurisdiction;  Provides all unit commanders with a basis for action, with respect to cases unearthed in the course of the Inspector General inspection or complaints and allegation of serious and sensitive nature involving irregularities or gross violations of policies, directives, procedures and regulations;  Advises staff offices in Headquarters Philippine Air Force concerning matters noted during inspection, and furnishes them with copies of inspection reports to obtain appropriate action/comments on problem solution or complaints pertaining to their (HPAF Staff) respective area of interest;  Conducts Operational Readiness, Security System Inspection, Test and Evaluation (ORSITE) to PAF major units; and  Performs other functions as the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force may direct.

Air Force Safety Office Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to PAF safety management and flight crew standardization and evaluation. Tasks  Pursues an aggressive and effective safety program;

 Conducts PAF-wide safety education campaigns;  Conducts studies on strategic and special studies and projects not within the functional areas of other staff;  Conducts and supervises standardization and evaluation of individuals at various flying and ACW units;  Supervises training exercises to ensure the safe conduct of the activity;  Keeps tracks of the flying time of pilots, service ratings of rated, non-rated and Aircraft Control & Warning (ACW) personnel; and  Determines the Personnel Survival Equipment (PSE) requirements of the Command.

Office For Special Studies Function Assist and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to strategic and special studies of the Command

Tasks a.

Conducts continuing strategic studies on air power in the defense of the country;


Conducts studies on strategic and special studies and projects not within the functional areas of other staff;


Conducts or arranges studies to be undertaken by Philippine Air Force or civilian consultants relative to PAF, other major services, other government or private entities;


Serves as link between the PAF and existing research agencies for coordination and exchange of information and relevant PAF requirements;

e. f.


Establishes and maintains special research library; Determines, acquires and maintains an adequate collection of research studies, books, periodicals, pamphlets and other documents for reference purposes; and Conducts research and studies on the revolution in military affairs.

Office Of Ethical Standard & Public Accountability Function Enhances professionalism, promote honesty and integrity in the military service, instill ethical standards and inculcate a strong sense of public accountability among military and civilian personnel in the pursuit of a common commitment against graft and corruption in the Philippine Air Force.

Tasks a.

Inquires into and investigates complaints/reports of violation by military and civilian personnel of the following existing laws, rules and regulations:


RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees) and implementing rules thereof;


RA 3019, as amended (Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act);


RA 1379, as amended (an act declaring forfeiture in favor of the state of any property found to have been unlawfully acquired); and


Revised penal code title seven, crimes committed by public officers in relation to AW 94 (various crimes) and AW 95 (Fraud against government) with regard to military personnel.


Files and pursues civil, criminal and administrative cases related to acts violative of the laws mentioned in para 2a, hereof;


Collects, analyzes and compiles all sworn statement of assets and liabilities of military personnel and civilian employees of the PAF;


Pursues a continuous organizational development process to suit OESPA’s ultimate vision to eradicate graft and corrupt practices in the PAF;


Conducts continuous education and information dissemination program among PAF personnel;


Integrates and synthesizes for the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force all PAF policies and regulations, as well as, pertinent data gathered from the field units that have direct bearing on OESPA’s functions; and


Evolves a master plan which shall establish OESPA’s direction towards the attainment

of its function.

Public Information Office Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to general troop and public information and the establishment of harmonious use of mass communication media.

Tasks a.

Coordinates and supervises all public information functions within the Command and all troop information to include information planning, dissemination of troop information, publication of newspaper and other information media operation of troop information broadcast stations and networks;


Insures that material for public release has been reviewed for security clearance under established policies; disseminates information pertaining to the Command for appropriate information media in accordance with established command and security policies; maintains liaison with, receives escorts and controls certain activities of civilian and military information media representatives, and assists them in obtaining and clearing material relating to the Command;


Observes and analyzes trend in public opinion, plans positive and continuing public relations programs to gain and maintain public understanding, goodwill and support. In counter insurgency situation, gives attention to requirements for exploitation of military assistance to civilians in civic action program. This may include assistance to indigenous forces and ensuring that their participation is emphasized to the indigenous population;


Provides still and motion picture photographic services to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force and staffs; provides PAF-wide photo coverage for news release purposes only and maintains a film library of all photographs taken for historical purposes;


On the outbreak of hostilities, implements and supervises, as directed, field press censorship in combat areas; and


Makes recommendation for the training and using of personnel assigned to information duties.

Office of the Air Force Internal Auditor Function Advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force in all matters pertaining to efficient management and utilization of PAF resources and assist members of management to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in discharging their respective duties and responsibilities

Tasks a. b.

Conducts management audit of all PAF Units; Develops, reviews and maintains policies and procedures throughout the command in order to safeguard from wastage or misuse and optimize the use of PAF resources;


Conducts system audit to PAF units and coordinate staff;


Coordinates with the different auditing offices of the AFP Major Services;


Conducts regular training to all auditing personnel in order to improve, update and maintain their knowledge and skills in auditing;


Coordinates with the COA resident auditor on matters pertaining to efficient use of the PAF resources;

g. h.

Coordinates with DND internal Auditor on matters pertaining to internal control; and Performs other functions as directed by the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force.

Air Force Resource Management Office Function Advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to resource management force structure


 Prepares the Programs Objective Memorandum (POM) and other submissions to the Chief of Staff, AFP (CSAFP) on the requirement priorities identified by HPAF, PAF Major Units and AFWSSUs.

 Assists in the preparation of the Programming Advice for submission to the Secretary of National Defense (SND)

 Prepares and reviews the PAF budget estimates to include Key Budgetary items and Special Funds and recommends adjustments in coordination with Program Directors and prepares the Operating Program & Budget.

 In charge in the overall allocation, analysis and justifications of the PAF Budget Estimation for the budget preparation phase of the budget cycle.

 Responsible for preparing the CG, PAF’s Advice to CSAFP on defense activity requirements and capability development.

 Consolidates and assesses PAF Requirements and Defense Acquisition Programs.

 Prepares and reviews the PAF budget estimates ion PAF Modernization Program,

prepares the annual financial requirements of the PAF Modernization Program and its utilization and adjustments, and sourcing of funds in coordination with other agencies

of the Government.

 Orchestrates HPAF Staff support of the requirements development process and oversees the Air Force Operations Capabilities Assessment process.

 Develops and analyzes alternatives force structures, assess the proposed PAF

acquisition policy and major weapon systems and perform program assessments in support of he Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) deliberate planning process.

 Maintains and populates data of the Defense Resource Management Model (DRMM) software to serve as a resource management tool in decision-making pertaining to force structure, readiness, and cost on personnel, equipment, maintenance, training, facilities, operational tempo, sustainment and other pertinent data.

 Responsible for program and budget assessment and cost- budget tradeoff analysis.

Office of the Command Sgt Major Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to the overall welfare of all enlisted personnel of the Command

Tasks a.

Advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on discipline, morale and welfare problems of enlisted personnel;


Maintains liaison with Sgt Majors and /or First Sergeants to improve services and facilities for enlisted personnel;


Acts as Chairman of the PAF NCO Advisory Council;


Conducts periodic visits to determine morale and welfare problems;


Solicits the assistance of other NCOs in building up “Esprit de Corps” among the enlisted personnel;


Represents the enlisted personnel during Command conferences;


Provides counsel and guidance to NCOs, airmen and their dependents;


Attends staff conferences and board meeting agenda of which are related to discipline, morale and welfare of enlisted personnel; and


Performs such other duties as the CG, PAF may direct.

Office of the Chief of Air Staff Function Coordinates and supervises the works/activities of the Coordinating and Special Staffs.

Tasks  Directs, supervises and coordinates the work/activities of the staff, this includes: 1. Activities of all staff members except in those specific areas reserve by the

Commanding General, Philippine Air Force; Relations among the various members of the staff; and 3. Relations between the staff and subordinate units and agencies  Keeps the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force and staff informed on matters affecting the Command;


 Represents the Commanding General, PAF when authorized;

 Receives the Commander’s decisions and see that they are converted into orders by:

1. 2.

Instructing the staff to prepare and issue implementing orders; Assigning specific staff officers the task of preparing detailed plans, orders, reports and other staff actions;

Reviewing staff actions to insure that they are adequate integrated and designed to reduce the intended results; 4. Approving actions or obtaining the Commander’s approval; 5. Alerting subordinate unit commanders of the actions that will be required of them; and 6. Receiving additional decision from Commanding General, PAF when unexpected problem arises.  Maintains the master policy file and insures that all instructions issued to the Command agree with the Commander’s policies and plans; monitors the Command Standing Operating Procedure (SOP).


COORDINATING STAFF Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Personnel. A-1 Function Assist and advices the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) on the formulation of policies and in the planning, direction coordination and supervision of all matters pertaining to administration of Philippine Air Force (PAF) personnel.


 Develop plans, programs and policies for the procurement, classification, assignment, promotion, separation and retirement of Philippine Air Force (PAF) personnel;

 Continually develops plans, policies and orders to insure the most efficient use of human resources of the Command;

 Makes continuous estimates of the personnel strength of the command for present and

future situation; responsible for the maintenance of personnel daily summary report and related documents;  Maintains a continuous personnel loss estimate balance against personnel receipts, to determine the current and future strength requirements;

 Develop personnel replacement programs, to include procedures for administrative processing and movement of individual replacements;

 Develop plans, programs and policies pertaining to morale discipline, law and order, sports activities, physical fitness and other recreational activities of the Command; This includes among others, health services, discipline, law and order, awards and decorations, graves registrations, military values education and livelihood enhancement (soldier or Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) focused) and such other task as Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) may direct;

 Develops Plans, strategies, programs and policies pertaining to the female component of

the Philippine Air Force (PAF). This includes among others, performance targets, statistics on the status of women in the Philippine Air Force (PAF) and; the implementation of and controls overall female programs.

 Coordinates with the appropriate Armed Forces Philippines units on matters concerning prisoners of wars during wartime and emergency period.

 Assist the operations staff in determining manpower requirements by maintaining capability and obtaining information on manpower resources;

 Develops the portions of the command orders pertaining to the functions of the staff offices over which exercises general staff supervision;

 Performs such other task as maybe directed by higher authority.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Intelligence. A-2 Function Assist and advise the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) on all matters pertaining to air intelligence and counterintelligence activities of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Tasks  Controls and directs the air intelligence collection efforts, allocates air Intel tasks to Philippine Air Force (PAF) subordinate units and supervises the conduct of all Intel activities of the PAF.  Produces and disseminates air Intel reports to all Philippine Air Force (PAF) units.

 Studies and develops air intelligence/counter Intel plans and programs, formulates air Intel concepts, policies and objectives and allocates corresponding resources.  Carries out Intel exchanges and cooperation.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Operations. A-3 Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) on all matters pertaining to operations, organization, manpower, training and overall employment of forces of the Command Tasks  Promulgates policies, plans and programs on PAF manpower, organization, training and operations.  Reviews and process the PAF TOE/TDA and determines the PAF Troop Program.  Presides over the development and execution of the PAF Annual Operating Program; act as Program Director of PAF operations and as Project Administrator for PAF directed special operations.  Integrates and analyzes field operations reports, maintains data and statistics of PAF operations, and updates capability profile of operating units.  Establishes priority for the development, allocation and development of equipment, supplies, and other resources essential for mission accomplishment.  Ensures that the Air Force Center (AFOC) integrates efforts in gathering information/data needed on current PAF operations for decision-making at HPAF.  Formulates the PAF education and training thrusts, objectives, policies, plans and programs in line with the AFP education and training philosophy.  Determines training requirements and allocation of training slots for foreign and local courses and in civilian schools/universities as authorized under section 22k of the NDA and other similar grants.  Formulates plans and policies involving PAF civilian personnel training.  Performs periodic review of all training curriculum, policies, directives, circulars, regulations and related publication and recommended appropriate action.  Determines the training priorities in order to attain proficiency of personnel and combat/operational readiness of units in supports to PAF operations.  Oversees and monitors the military historical activities.  Reviews, validates and updates existing operational policies and doctrines, their relevance and and suitability to current PAF operations.  Determines, coordinates, and supervises unit, joint and combined training exercises and maneuvers.  Formulates strategies, policies and plans geared towards, enhancing the PAF role in pursuance of the national policy of reconciliation, people's security, and development assistance.  Conducts studies and researches, aimed at assisting national decision-makers to improve the psychological stability condition of the society through effective measures required by counter-insurgency operations.

 Develops CMO concepts, doctrines and program that will bring the people closer to the military organization and the duly constituted civilian authorities in government.0  Prepares CMO requirements for operational, administrative and logistics plans and orders.  Enhances efforts in neutralizing the various threat groups while sustaining a broad-based popular support for the PAF.  Contribute to the national growth and development through civil-military collaborative engagement on development activities.  Sustain the development of proactive concepts and strategies relevant to the prevailing security situation.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Logistics. A-4 Function The primary assistant to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force(PAF) in the formulation of concepts and policies and in planning, coordinating, directing, supervising and reviewing all activities pertaining to PAF logistics and other logistical matters as directed by higher authorities. Tasks  Formulate command policy guidance, develop doctrines and concepts and issue management policies regarding logistics;  Formulate logistics concept by conducting capability studies, preparing logistics estimates in support of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) operations plan/ orders and participating with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)/International Military Operations/ Exercises;  Formulate logistics strategic objectives of the PAF and contract/ agreements with private entries on research and development projects utilizing in-country production capabilities;  Establish the logistics portion of the PAF plans, programs and orders;

 Coordinate, direct and supervise preparation and implementation of the PAF logistics plans, programs, orders and directives to include munitions and armament requirements and the PAF SRDP programs;  Require and monitor the manufacture of prototypes for detailed test and evaluation before recommending the negotiation for bulk procurement;  Coordinate and monitor the placement of logistics career personnel as integral part of the PAF plans and program and;  Review and evaluate the level of efficiency in all areas of PAF logistic support operations.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Plans. A-5 Function To assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force( PAF) on matters pertaining to the overall welfare of all enlisted personnel of the Command. Tasks  Formulates, review and validates policies and strategies for the development of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) for wartime employment and for peacetime operations;  Formulates and reviews planning and programming processes and procedures in Philippine Air Force (PAF)  Formulates program advises for the Defense Planning Guidance (DGP)  Develops and updates Philippines Air Force short, medium and long term capability development plans and programs.  Develops and updates the Philippine Air Force (PAF) War Plans, Mobilization Capability Study (MCS), and PAF Mobilization Plan  Formulates, reviews and validates Philippine Air Force (PAF) Capabilities Study and evaluates appropriate weapon systems for the Philippine Air Force (PAF)  Prepares strategic, air power and special studies for peacetime, crisis and wartime employment of air force.  Acts as the Staff OPR in Philippine Air Force (PAF) commitments to international agreements and treaties, and other international defense conferences/symposia.  Participates and oversees command inter-agency coordination with other government and non-government organizations on matters affecting Philippine Air Force (PAF) interst.  Oversees the implementation of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Capability Development Program.  Formulates plans and policies; and exercises supervision over the development of Philippine Air Force (PAF) Doctrines.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Communications Electronics & Information Systems. A-6 Function To assist and advise the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) in the formulation of policies and management of communications, electronics and information systems. Tasks  Formulates objectives, policies, doctrines, plans and programs on Communications Electronics and Information System (CEIS) in support of Philippine Air Force (PAF) goals and objectives. This includes interoperability, integration, standardization, acquisition, utilization, development and maintenance of communications, electronics and information systems;  Exercises staff supervision over all communications, electronics and information systems organizations in the Philippine Air Force (PAF)  Provides systems design for PAF communications, electronics, and information systems;  Formulates plans and develops doctrines on meteorological services;  Plans for the career development and assignments of CEIS personnel in the PAF;

 Prepares guidelines and concepts of operations for PAF communications; and  Manages the PAF radio frequency spectrum allocated to PAF.

Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Reservist and Reserve Force Development, A-8 Function Assist and advises to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force (PAF) in all matters that pertaining to planning and policy formulation for the administration, development, organization, training, equipage, maintenance and utilization of the PAF Reserve Force. Tasks  Formulates plans, programs and policies pertaining to the development, administration and utilization of the reserve manpower of the PAF and those pertaining to PAF assistance activities, welfare and benefits of veterans, retirees and other former members of the PAF;  Exercises primary staff functions in planning organizing, controlling, directing, coordinating, supervising and monitoring all PAF activities pertaining to reservist and retiree affairs;  Formulates strategies, policies and plans and develop concepts, doctrines and programs geared toward enhancing the role of PAF Reserve Force in pursuance of the national policies;  Formulates plans and policies pertaining to reserve manpower administration, such as the accounting of graduates of the Citizen Military of authorized Basic Military Training Institutions as qualified PAF Reservist, and the following activities: 1. Recommends to higher headquarters the commissionship of reservists; 2. Allocates serial numbers to reservists; 3. Recommends the assignment of graduates to Reserve Units; 4. Recommends the conduct of Annual Active Duty Training (AADT); 5. Recommends the classification/ reclassification procedures of reservists; 6. Recommends the promotion or readjustment in rank of reservists; 7. Directs communication with the reservists; 8. Monitors the updating of individual reservist records; 9. Recommends separation and retirement of reservists;  Advises the CG, PAF on the implementation of DND and PAF policies regarding manpower reserve training and utilization of reservists during the period of national and local emergency;  Conducts studies of present plans and policies on all types of military reserve manpower, training, reserve affairs administration and reserve force development;  Establishes a computer-based PAF Reservists Master File for the effective administration, management, training and organization of the Citizen Armed Force;  Formulates plans, policies and procedures on matters pertaining to administration, training and utilization of Reserve Units (CAFGU, etc.) and supervises the execution of approved plans and programs relative thereto;

 Oversees the development and monitors reservists operational, administrative and logistic plans;  Prepares reserve force requirements for operational, administrative and logistic plans;  Exercises coordinating staff responsibility for the following specific reserve affairs programs/ activities: 1. Reservist Management a. Reservist Administration, b. Reservist Records Management; 2. Reserve Manpower Affairs a. Citizen Training, b. PAF CMT/ ACP Program, c. PAF Trainee Program; 3. Reserve Force Organization Development a. Volunteer Unit Organization, b. Affiliated Reserve Force Development, c. Reserve Unit Training, 4. Reservist Information Management -a. Reserve Information System, b. Research and Special Studies, c. Doctrines Development.

SPECIAL STAFF Office of the Air Force Adjutant Function Be the operational and administrative supervisor of the Command for personnel and administrative services.


 Develops and directs administrative policies and procedures;  Officially makes known the Command’s policies and wishes;  Establishes procedures for the preparation and use of correspondence, message and memoranda; controls policies, procedures, methods and promotes the use of simple language and formats related to these communications;

 Manages matters related to publication and supervises their production, keeps all

productions current and assumes responsibility for their format, preparation, editing readability and suitability;

 Receives, controls, accounts for and transmits classified documents; serves as custodian of these documents;

 Prepares, issues and distributes all general, special and other orders and directives of the Command and establishes formats for these orders;

 Prepares plans, policies and procedures for filing, retiring and destroying records;  Prescribes suspense and control system, assigns office symbols and outlines procedures for routing and recording of papers; continuously reviews the procedures for handling papers works and improving them if necessary;

 Manages mail centers and message facilities, postal services, security courier

operations, duplicating and certification of documents, administers oath, custody of military personnel records and other administrative works as directed;

 Receives, processes, routes, controls and distributes all incoming and outgoing written communications that are not electrically transmitted;

 Determines who has collateral interest in incoming communications, makes

appropriate assignments and provides message services;

 Acts as the custodian of civilian and military personnel records (current and noncurrent);

 Authenticates, publishes, distributes and maintains files of all administrative orders;  Verifies, attest to and certifies to the genuineness of Air Force documents and personal papers and acts as custodian of the Headquarters seal;

 Process and recommends approval of application for PAF Officers Candidates Schools and Call to Active Duty of commissioned officers;

 Takes charge of the placement of officers in the seniority and lineal lists;  Maintains statistics and records of military personnel in the active service;  Issues Command clearance on money and property accountability in the active service;

 Provides survivorship and assistance to the family of deceased military personnel;  Processes application for retirement, separation and benefit claims of military and civilian personnel of the Command;

 Performs administrative and secretarial services for all HPAF boards; and  Establishes linkages and liaison with government offices and other civilian agencies to expedite the processing and issuance of travel papers (passport, visa, etc.) of military and civilian personnel on schooling or mission abroad and processes/recommends the approval of various incentives on the same time.

Office of the Air Provost Marshal Function Assist and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on legal matters.


 Provides advice the CG, PAF, air staff and subordinates commanders;

 Supervises the administration of military justice with in the command such as:


Communicates directly with the PAF unit commanders on matter pertaining to military justice;


Examines and recommends to the convening authority they are referred for trial and recommends to the convening authority the action that he should take with respect thereto;


Provide counsels who are qualified lawyers within the sense of military laws, for trial and defense of general court-martial and as defense counsel when requested at investigation conducted as authorized;


Reviews of trial by special and summary court-martial for legal sufficiency and appropriate corrective action where necessary; is custodian of special and summary court-martial records of trial;


When required, prepares and processes correspondence concerned with the imposition of non- judicial punishment in appropriate cases, reviews appeals on punishment so imposed, and makes recommendations thereon to the commanders;


Recommends policies relating to conditions under which pretrial confinement of military personnel will be imposed; advises and assists other air staff and subordinate commands in the enforcement of published

policies relative to confinement; and


Recommends policies relating to liaison with law enforcement and judicial agencies in the civilian community.

 Reviews reports of boards of officers for determination of legal sufficiency and makes

appropriate recommendations to the commander; furnishes counsel when requested and available and when authorized by the appropriate regulations;

 Supervises military justice and other legal training within the command;

 Furnishes legal assistance and advice to military personnel, their dependents and other authorized persons concerning personnel, civil and legal problems;

 Supervises and administers all matters pertaining to claims and recommends action to be taken including certification of payments, if appropriate.

 Provides legal action/ opinions and advise on public/international law matters; both

customary and conventional; provides advice on foreign and private international law problems;

 Examines procurement contracts, furnishes legal advice in connection with dispute and other problems in the procurement field, when required; and furnishes legal

 Advice with respect to utilization and disposal of government property; and

 Supervises the administration of war crime matters within the Command.

Air Force Management & Fiscal Office Function Advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to fiscal operations and facilities the execution of PAF appropriated and other nonappropriated funds.


Fiscalizes and recommends adjustment on the utilization of PAF financial resources

available based on the approved Operating Program and Budget/annual Procurement Plan to ensure its efficient use;

Monitors all releases of the PAF appropriations to all units and offices;

Manages cash allocation of all PAF units and offices;

Reviews and analyzes the SARO releases by the DBM for the implementation of the PAF Programs/Projects/Activities, Expense Class, and Account codes together with realignments and adjustments;

Monitors deposits and releases from the AFP Modernization Act Trust Fund (AFPMATF);

Prepares financial action plans for implementation of approved projects and activities being supported by Non-Appropriated Funds;

Implements prescribed systems and procedure in the conduct of pre-audit to ensure effective fiscal control;

Designs, develops, and maintains financial information system applications in coordination with AFRMO and Accounting Office;

Provides financial information requirements to support proper financial resources


Manages the Financial Management Information System (FMIS);

 Formulates and develops plans, systems and policies to improve financial resource management;

 Reviews existing policies, systems, and procedures; and recommends necessary updates; and

 Prepares staff comments/positions and studies on matters affecting fiscal management.

Office of the Air Judge Advocate Function Assist and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on legal matters.


 Provides advice the CG, PAF, air staff and subordinates commanders;

 Supervises the administration of military justice with in the command such as:


Communicates directly with the PAF unit commanders on matter pertaining to military justice;


Examines and recommends to the convening authority they are referred for trial and recommends to the convening authority the action that he should take with respect thereto;


Provide counsels who are qualified lawyers within the sense of military laws, for trial and defense of general court-martial and as defense counsel when requested at investigation conducted as authorized;


Reviews of trial by special and summary court-martial for legal sufficiency and appropriate corrective action where necessary; is custodian of special and summary court-martial records of trial;


When required, prepares and processes correspondence concerned with the imposition of non- judicial punishment in appropriate cases, reviews appeals on punishment so imposed, and makes recommendations thereon to the commanders;


Recommends policies relating to conditions under which pretrial confinement of military personnel will be imposed; advises and assists other air staff and subordinate commands in the enforcement of published

policies relative to confinement; and


Recommends policies relating to liaison with law enforcement and judicial agencies in the civilian community.

 Reviews reports of boards of officers for determination of legal sufficiency and makes

appropriate recommendations to the commander; furnishes counsel when requested and available and when authorized by the appropriate regulations;

 Supervises military justice and other legal training within the command;

 Furnishes legal assistance and advice to military personnel, their dependents and other authorized persons concerning personnel, civil and legal problems;

 Supervises and administers all matters pertaining to claims and recommends action to be taken including certification of payments, if appropriate.

 Provides legal action/ opinions and advise on public/international law matters; both

customary and conventional; provides advice on foreign and private international law problems;

 Examines procurement contracts, furnishes legal advice in connection with dispute and other problems in the procurement field, when required; and furnishes legal

 Advice with respect to utilization and disposal of government property; and

 Supervises the administration of war crime matters within the Command.

Office of the Chief Air Chaplain Function Assist and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on command religious program and provides religious ministry to the military personnel, their dependents and when appropriate, the civilian employee of the command.


 Administers the command chaplain program to “Bring man to God and God to men” by regularly conducting the following:


Religious worship and rites for all denominations comprising the command in all bases including hospitals, confinement center remotely located sites; this includes conduct of funerals and memorial services for Air Force personnel and dependents.


Pastoral ministry, such as military visitation program, including visits to the hospitalized, the bereaved and the confined to offer counsel and spiritual guidance; also cooperate with the staff judge advocate and the security and law enforcement officer to assist in the prisoner confinement and retaining program;


Religious education resembling those offered in civilian churches through organized Sunday schools, catechetical classes, vacation church schools, bible study, leadership training discussion groups, etc;


Laymen programs such as lay leadership training and social, cultural and educational activities for single and married PAF personnel and their dependents;


Spiritual renewal through family life programs, retreats and conferences whish are designed to renew periodically the spiritual awareness and religious commitment of Air Force personnel and their dependents;


Personnel counseling to assist his client to achieved increased spiritual and emotional maturity without disclosing the information given to the chaplain by

a person subject to military law


Charitable programs to relieve want and suffering by sharing with those who are less fortunate; and when the relationship[p is that of penitence and clergy man;


Public relation to promote understanding and goodwill between the military and civilian communities.

 Administers and manages a “Morale leadership Program”, a training program designed to instill a positive philosophy of spiritual and morale value and to develop strength of character in order to enable Air Force personnel to serve with honor and integrity; and

 Conducts course and seminar on guidance and counseling with the end-in- view of reducing behavioral problems thereby enhancing work efficiency and job satisfaction.

Office of the Chief Surgeon, Air Force Function Be the primary technical staff assistant to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on all matters pertaining to medical services to keep the Air Force in the state of readiness and effectiveness.


 Plans, implements and directs the medical programs, hospitalization system, and aeromedical evacuation system for the entire Command;

 Develops policies and procedures peculiar to aviation medicine and proper utilization and issuance of medical supplies and equipment;

 Supervises the conduct of special physical examination required for all pilots and air traffic controllers to ensure the highest possible state of physical and mental health;

 Develops and supervises the conduct of comprehensive and efficient preventive medicine program to include public health administration, health education, mental and industrial hygiene, immunization, and medical passive defense;

 Develops policies, procedures and training plans to improve the medical aspect o personal, protective and survival equipment;

 Advises on techniques for making air rescue/ air evacuation of sick and wounded personnel;

 Prepares directive relevant to the facilities scope, and functions of physiological training activities;

 Provides for aircrew instruction in the physiological effects of high altitude and high-speed flights.

 As member of the board, conducts investigation on aircraft accident and provide advisory

services during flight evaluation;

 Plans and supervises the rehabilitation program for the sick and wounded PAF personnel;

 Conducts research on the effects of flight on human body for the protection of pilots and other aircrews to ensure safety and operational efficiency;

 Develops policies and procedures on the implementation of medical civic action activities of the Command;

 Plans and recommends requirements for classification and employment of medical services;

 Formulates the budgeting requirements for the PAF medical service; and

 Formulates policies to enhance the medical aircrew effectiveness of the Command in the interest of flying safety in coordination with AFSO.

Office Of The Air Dental Surgeon Function Be the primary technical staff to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on all matters pertaining to dental services within the Command.



Coordinates with Chief Surgeon, Air Force regarding referral cases and other staff activities;


Develops plans, policies and procedures for the efficient operations of all PAF services;


Supervises the conduct of special physical examination required for all pilots and air traffic controllers to ensure the highest possible state of physical and mental health;


Formulates the budgetary requirements for the PAF dental service in coordination with the Office of the AcofAS for Logistics, A-4;


Determines and recommends requirement for employment/deployment of dental units and personnel;


Plans and supervises the preventive dentistry program of the Command;


Recommends modification of dental equipment through research and development studies; and


Coordinates the conduct of dental civic action activities with other staff concerned.

Office of the Chief Nurse, Air Force Function Be the primary technical staff to Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on all matters pertaining to PAF nursing services.


 Be the primary point of contact between the PAF and AFP nurse corps;  Establishes and implements nursing standards in accordance with nursing practices;  Assists in the planning and implementation of the Command medical program,

hospitalization and aero medical system, preventive medicine program, the sick-andwounded rehabilitation program, medical research activities, and medical civic action activities;  Develops and issues policies and procedures peculiar to the field of flight nursing;

 Develops, policies, procedures and training plans to improve the flight training aspect of the medical service; and

 Maintains liaison with other professional nursing activities and organization.

Office of the Air Force Chief of Engineers Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force in all matters pertaining to base development and engineering services.



Controls and directs all activities pertaining to the master planning of PAF installations and development of engineering and design criteria for real property facilities including the preparation of definitive plans and outline specification;


Controls and directs all programmed activities relating to the construction of real property facilities, its maintenance, rehabilitation and repair including programming, budgeting, funding, surveillance and inspection of construction activities whether horizontal or vertical;


Determines requirements of Corps of Air Force Engineers equipment and supplies for the requisitioning, procurement, distribution and documentation;


Exercises technical supervision over engineering activities to all PAF subordinate units;


Formulates policies and procedures pertaining to construction and maintenance of base facilities, real estate acquisition and disposal; and


Establishes guidelines environmental control.







Office of the Chief Historical & Cultural Activities Function Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on matters pertaining to all military historical programs and activities and museology of the Command.


a. Prepares and maintains the official history of the Philippine Air Force; b. Operates, administers and maintains the Air Force museum; c.

Coordinates and supervises all historical activities in the Command and assists lower units in programming relevant to historical activities;


Coordinates with units in planning coverage of historical activities;

e. Supervises the collection, preservation/disposition of historical records and properties; f.

Establishes policies and procedures in the implementation of all historical programs of the Command;


Publishes summaries of historical events of the Command; and


Performs special researches as required by the Command.

Project Management Staff Office Function

Assists and advises the Commanding General, Philippine Air Force on all matters pertaining to life cycle management of PAF weapons systems and related activities, facilities and equipment.


 Identifies the need for a weapon system/support equipment/technical training program or its upgrade, based on the national defense strategy and the PAF Modernization Program;

 Prepares the circular of requirements and systems evaluation/specification parameters for approval by the PAFMB, CG, PAF, CS, AFP and SND;

 Prepares Request for Proposals (RPs) based on final system requirements;

 Coordinates all presentations and PAF unit/site visits with the Secretariat of the PAFMB and monitors all evaluations and plant visits to manufacturer through the Secretariat;

 Consolidates

all reports and evaluation of the weapon system/support equipment/technical training program for assessment by the PAFMB;

 Ensures that the PAFMB is updated with the latest developments in the technology, upgrade, competition and other changes in the weapon system;

 Prepares the shortlist for approval by the PAFMB, through the Secretariat;

 Prepares all data background material for the rationalization of the selected

weapons system/support equipment/technical training program at GHQ, DND and/or Congress;

 Acts as the primary liaison between the PAF and the manufacturing contractor, sub-

contractor, foreign governments and supervising agencies to ensure that program deliverables are met on time, on cost and within quality standards;

 Plans and coordinates with appropriate units/offices for the acquisition, acceptance

and turnover of the weapon system/support equipment/technical training program to the receiving unit; and

 Monitors

the performance effectiveness of the weapon system/support equipment/technical training program. The PMSO will ensure system supportability and maintainability by coordinating system requirements across functional staff and command supervision.

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