Phil Smith Dance List 31.12.06
Dance Circles Circassian Circle Jacobs Chain Caerphilly March Lucky Seven
Instep used
32 Reel/Jig
Planxty Polkas √
Miss Locksley’s
32 Jig
Squares Latvian Polka Strip the Willow Square Henley Square Sparrow Polka Waterloo Dance
32 Reel 32 Polka 32 Reel/Polka
32 Polka 48 Jig
Odds Prime Minister (3’s) Sidbury 5 hand reel Double Grand Gents have
Uncle Bernard’s /Jenny Lind√ Carnival of Venice√
32 Reel 48 Polka 48 Polka
Sicilian Circle Oyster Race 32 Jig Willow Waltz 16 (32) Waltz
Thompson’s Reel Breton Mazurka
Walter Bulwer’s Polka √ Donkey Riding/Harpers Frolic Uncle’s Jig
32 Polka
O’Carolan tunes√ Michael Colemand etc √ Portsmouth etc √
32 Travelling Waltz
64 Polka/Reel
Soldiers Joy/Far From Home√
48 Polka /Rant 32 Hornpipe/Reels
………… ………..
Phil Smith Dance List 31.12.06 all the luck (3’s) Chippenha m Waltz Snake Longways Emily’s 32 Reel arrival Off She 32 Jigs Goes, (Faversham) Drops of Brandy Gipsy Reel Tag Roger de Coverley Foula Reel
32 Reel 32 Jig Slip Jigs
Mary Pontons The Trench More
32 Reel
Preston Cock Suffragette Mary’s Gallop Mike Veal Double Goucester Hornpipe Bottoms up Nottingham Swing
32 Jig Reel
Cornish 6 hand reel
64 bar
Rifleman Rat Dance Willow Tree
32 Reel /Rant Bransle de Rat 48 Jig
Four Jolly
48 Jig
32 Reel
Off She Goes/Roaring Jelly√ Foxhunters/Roger de Coverley/Drops of Brandy √ Rosin the bow/etc√
Merry Blacksmith/StAnne’s Reel√
32 Polka March
Centenary March/Luc y Farrz
64 Polka 48 Jig 32 Reel 32 Hornpipe 32 Reel 16 Hornpipe
Worcester Hornpipe/Hunting the hare√ John Mickey Barry/Salmon up Tails√ Bransle de Rat√ Cook in the Kitchen √ Sweets of May √
Phil Smith Dance List 31.12.06 Sheepskins Stoke Golding
Set dance
Johnny comes marching home etc