Phantom Of The Opera

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 9
Phantom of the opera Name

: Amir Haziq Bin Zainudin


: 1Bestari


: Sultan Alam Shah


: Phantom of the opera

Theme Appearance and reality

What we see may not be what is true. Erik appears hideous but he is a multi-talented genius. Unfortunately, people only see his ugliness, and this ruins Erik’s life. He is forced to hide behind a mask from his childhood days because people cannot accept him as he is. Only Christine is willing to see beyond physical reality. She sees that Erik is not just the monster he has been forced to become, he is also a lonely, deeply hurt man who only wants to loved for who he is. This what everyone wants.

Rejection corrupts When Erik is rejected and treated like a monster, he actually does turn into a monster. Hurt and angry, he becomes selfish and manipulative in order to survive. He makes use of people like the directors. He is cruel and violent when people do not give him what he want. When Carlotta insists on singing after he warns her not to, he simply destroys her career by humiliating her during a performance. He even causes the death of an innocent woman, but he does not care one bit.

Sacrifice Sacrifice is the highest, noblest form of love. When we give up our own comfort or safety for the sake of someone else, we show how great our love for that person is. Christine gives up her happiness for the sake of raoul, and also because she understands how lonely and desperate Erik is to be loved. We also see that sacrifice has the power to change people. When Christine agrees to marry Erik, he is so touched by her compassion for him and her willingness to sacrifice her own happiness that he lets her and the others go. Christine’s sacrifice prompts Erik to make a sacrifice too and he lets his prisoners go.

Love Like sacrifices, love is powerful too. Christine’s love for Raoul and her sympathy toward Erik makes her choose to sacrifice her happiness for them.

Compassion Compassion can save even the damned. Erik may be an evil monster, but a little compassion from Christine melts his heart. He shows that even after years of hatred and selfishness, his sense of human kindness is not dead. His suprising softness at the end does, in some way, redeem him.

Sypnosis A dancer at The Paris Opera House claims to have seen the Phantom, supposedly a ghost that haunts the opera house. Another dancer, Meg Giry, warns them not to speak about the Phantom. Madame Giry, Meg’s mother who is a doorkeeper at the opera house, tells the girls that Joseph Buquet, a stage worker, has been found dead. The two new director, Monsieur Armand Moncharmin and Monsieur Firmin Richard,

receive a letter from the Phantom demanding Box 5 for his personal use as well as 20 000 francs. They think it is a bad joke. La Carlotta, the lead singer, falls ill and Christine Daae, her understudy, takes her place. Christine is an immediate success. Raoul, a handsome young nobleman, is in audience. He remembers Christine whom he met in Brittany four years earlier, and goes to see her in the dressing room after the show. Christine pretends not to know him. She tells him to leave. He waits outside, then goes back to her room. Standing outside, he hears a man’s voice in Christine’s room. The director get a second letter from the Phantom. This time, he also insists that Christine should sing instead of La Carlotta. They ignore this latter too. Madame Giry warns them to take the Phantom’s demand seriously. They refuse to listen to her. Christine writes to Raoul to say she wants to meet him. They meet in the Tuileries Grdens. She teels him about the Phantom. She says the Phantom is her music teacher. La Carlotta is angry. She will not agree. That evening, the Phantom disrupts La Carlotta’s performance, and cause a chandelier to crash down on the audience. A woman killed. La Carlotta is so afraid that she never sings again. The opera house closes for two weeks. Christine disappears, then sends a letter to Raoul to meet her secretly. She tells him that the Phantom has taken her to his home on the lake under the opera house. Hw=e wants her to marry him. Roul insists that Christine must marry only him. Christine must marry only him. Christine begs Raoul not to see her again, otherwise, the Phantom will kill him. The Phantom has been listening to their conversation. The mysterious Persian appears and helps them get away safely. Raoul’s older brother advises him to forget Christine because of her lowly status. The director, afraid, finally

reserve Box 5 for the Phantom and leave the money he requested there for him. Christine is kidnapped during the show. The Persian and Raoul look for her. The Persian leads Raoul to the Phantom’s underground lake. They are trapped in the room of mirrors. The Phantom forced Christine to marry him. She agrees when he says the Persian and Raoul will die if she does not. Christine kisses the Phantom on the mouth. He is deeply moved. He decides to let her and the man go. Madame Giry goes to see the Persian. He tells her what happened. Christine and Raoul are never heard of again. The Phantom commits suicide.

Main Character Erik The person who is called as Phantom of the Opera. He wears a mask because he has a terrible face, has no nose and has just two black holes in his yellow face.

Characters Raoul The one who love Christine very much and wanted to marry her. He is young and handsome. He goes against his brother’s wishes and vows to marry Christine. He does not let wealth, power or status stand in the way of his love to Christine. Raoul is ready to take on the Phantom although everyone else is terrified of him. He dashes off to rescue Christine when the Phantom kidnaps her during a performance.

Christine The women who also loved Raoul but their relationship have been interrupted by Erik known as The Phantom Of The Opera. She is a young and pretty woman. She sings like an angel. She comes from Norway to Paris to become the best singer in the world. She was all alone after her father dies. She was in dilemma when Erik wanted to kill Raoul if she doesn’t accept his love.

The Phantom He is an intelligent man. He is Shrewd, cunning and manipulative. He is selfish and reckless in getting what he wants. Other than that, he is vengeful. He is Passionate and deeply emotional. The Phantom is the person that has an ugly face. He uses people’s fear of ugliness to get what he wants by ‘turning’ himself into Phantom or Ghost.

The Persian He is always in the Opera House and knows about Erik. He also knows about Erik’s bad intention to Christine. One day, The Persian helped Raoul and Christine by showing the right stairs to escape. He is a person that has a mysterious figure who seems to know Erik well. He is the one who follows Erik from Persia to France.

ABOUT Opera House in Paris The Opera House in Paris is a very famous and beautiful building. It is the biggest Opera House in the world. Work on the building began 1861, finished in 1875, and cost forty-seven million franc. It has seventeen floors, ten above the ground, and seven under the ground. Behind and under the stage, there are stairs and passages and many, many rooms-dressing-rooms for the singers and the dancers, rooms for the stage workers, the opera dresses and shoes…There are

more than 2,500 doors in the building. You can walk for hours and never see daylight, under the Paris Opera House. And the Opera House has a ghost, a phantom, a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, or a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes… This is the story of the Phantom Of The Opera. It begins one day in 1880, in the dancers’ dressing room…

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