Ph Alkaline

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 598
  • Pages: 3 888-225-7501 ALKALINE/ACID-FORMING FOODS LIST Alkaline Forming Foods

All fresh and raw fruits, vegetables, and sprouts, including those listed here: Alfalfa sprouts Apple cider vinegar Barley Apples Appreciation Apricots Avocados Bananas Beans, green Beets & greens Berries Blackberries Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cantaloupe Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cherries Collard greens Cucumbers Dates Dulse Figs Fresh corn Fresh, raw juice Fun Goat whey

Acid-Forming Foods

Grapefruits Grapes Herbal teas Honey, raw Kale Kelp Leaf lettuce Leeche nuts Lemons Lima beans, green Limes Love Mangoes Maple syrup Melons (all) Millet* Molasses* Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Onions Oranges Parsley Parsnips Peaches Pears Peas, green Peppers Pineapple Plums & prunes Potatoes*

Alcohol All processed foods Anger Barley Bread, baked (or any) Cake Canned fruits and veggies Cereals (all) Chickpeas Chocolate Cigarettes Coffee Complaining Cooked grains (except millet and quinoa) Corn, dried Cornstarch Dairy products Drugs Eggs Foods cooked with oils Fruits, glazed or sulfured Ketchup Legumes Lentils Meat, fish, birds, shellfish Mustard, prepared Nuts, seeds, beans Oatmeal Pasta Pepper, black Popcorn Salt

Alkaline-forming foods Quinoa* Radishes Raisins Raspberries Raw, cold-pressed, organic olive and flax seed oils Rhubarb Rutabagas Sauerkraut Spinach Squash Turnip Greens Watercress Yams

Acid-forming Foods Soda - any type Crackers Soft drinks Soy products Soy beans- fresh Stress Sugar, white and processed Sweeteners, artificial (Splenda, Equal, Aspartame, etc.) Tea, black & green Vegetables, overcooked Vinegar, distilled Vitamin C Wheat, all forms Tomatoes

*When doing an internal cleanse, these foods will significantly slow the cleanse process. Note: All foods become acid when sugar is added.

Go for fresh and alive as much as possible! Avoid processed foods. Alkalizing is the key as a foundation for health. Any disease condition, pathogen, imbalance, etc., can only exist in an acid environment. To become more alkaline, we need an adequate supply of minerals. Commercially grown produce is usually deficient in minerals and toxic with chemicals. Studies have shown that organically grown produce has 50-400% more nutrition than commercially grown produce, and significantly less lead and mercury. How We Deplete Ourselves of Minerals • • • • • • • •

Negative emotions (stress) Eating too many acid-forming foods Medicinal drugs Poor digestion and assimilation Eating foods from inadequate soil-commercially grown Bacteria and parasite infections Dysfunctional adrenals or kidneys Shallow breathing

Ways to Maintain Health and Build Mineral Reserves • • • • • • • • •

Develop a happy and positive point of view Eat wholesome, organically grown fruits and vegetables Eat a diet that is 80% or more alkaline forming Cleanse and purify the entire body and mind frequently Rebuild the digestive system, then the liver and other organs Avoid drugs, vaccines, chlorine, fluoride, and other poisons Get plenty of exercise and rest Breathe deeply Form the habit of feeling sincere appreciation for the many gifts that life gives us How to Make a Vegetable Broth (for alkalizing the body) Take three quarts of distilled water and add three medium to large whole potatoes, two to three stalks of cut celery, and one or two large leaves any greens (collard, chard, mustard, kale, turnip, beet or carrot tops) and a ½ bunch of parsley. You can add kelp if you want high concentrates of minerals. Use a stainless steel pot and bring to a light boil with the lid on. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the color leaves the vegetables. Cool and strain; keep only the juice. Refrigerate and drink two to three cups per day. You can play with this recipe and add more veggies or less water for more concentration. From “Cleanse & Purify Thyself” by Richard Anderson, ND, NMD

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