Pgweekly 2003 11 19 Part 2

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The Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter 19th November 2003 eBooks Readable By Both Humans and Computers For Since 1971 Part 2 In this week's Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter: Smart webtools for e-book preparation and editing revisited by Thierry Alberto ... Brand-new e-gourmet club is inviting you to the dinner next week ... Alice made a little expedition to find out what Early English Text Society really is ... Tomorrow is Universal Children's day, so it seems naturally to mention some works of Lewis Carroll in the Math and Poetry series ? ------------Editorial notes Dear readers, To make a newsletter is huge effort of many people. It takes lot of emails, sweat on the key-board and plenty of computer-time hours. We glad to present it to you every week and trying to keep it alive and interesting. Alice is working hard now to improve and enhance the form and content (that are deeply connected as we all know ?) of the PG source for news and amusement. Your feedbacks and comments are and always will be greatly appreciated by her and every member of the distributed newsletter team. Happy reading to everybody! Editor-on-duty send email to the newsletter editor at: [email protected] Founding editor: Michael Hart [email protected] Newsletter editor: Alice Wood [email protected] Project Gutenberg CEO: Greg Newby [email protected] Project Gutenberg website: Project Gutenberg Newsletter website: Radio Gutenberg: Distributed Proofreaders: Newsletter and mailing list subscriptions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------============= [ SUBMIT A NEW EBOOK FOR COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE ]============== If you have a book you would like to confirm is in the public domain in the US, and therefore suitable for Project Gutenberg, please do the following:

1. Check whether we have the eBook already. Look in which is updated weekly. (The searchable catalog at lags behind by several months) 2. Check the "in progress" list to see whether someone is already working on the eBook. Sometimes, books are listed as in progress for years - if so, email David Price (his address is on the list) to ask for contact information for the person working on the book. The "in progress" list: 3. If the book seems to be a good candidate (pre-1923 publication date, or 1923-1988 published in the US without a copyright notice), submit scans of the title page and verso page (even if the verso is blank) to: You'll hear back within a few days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------2) The Distributed Proofreaders Update is coming this week together with the new tools by Thierry Alberto Transitional periods are often disconcerting. History reveals that people throughout the world develop a fondness for the known and potentially familiar. While working on the upgrade of a web site interface a couple of years ago, I was involved in a debate with another designer over the scale of some new additions. He argued for keeping the old designs just as they were, adding that this was sure to be the preference of the existing audience. Then, as if to solidify his stance he said, "The only person who likes regular change is a wet baby." He did not win that day, but his words were tattooed upon my memory, by their charm. I have thought about them now and again, because I do not necessarily agree with their view. I believe that there is a certain type of individual who thrives within a transitional environment. Granted, you will not find large crowds of such people in any one place. By nature, such a person tends to be more at home in a small, loosely woven social cell. I can speak for this group because I am kin. After observing and interacting with the DP community for 9 months, I would say that here is the largest gathering of situational nomads I have ever encountered. Change is a constant at DP.

The project is like a river which is different every

time that you wade in, transforming even as it flows around you. This dynamic nature does not suit everyone, and after a taste or two a number of folks will move on. Among those who have stayed with DP for a measurable time are some who would never consider leaving, not with any lasting seriousness, anyway. It is this fair sized circle of people who are ever in the midst of the great transformations to the project. It might be fair to say that they are in fact the very agents of change, always at the heart of the latest upgrade, feature addition or process innovation. In searching for the thread to tie the weekly news with the production focus of this week, I found myself looking into these ever turning wheels of change that have made DP the unique success it is today. There is a loosely worded creed of sorts which is passed around the community now and again. While it is not officially stated anywhere, it comes very close to a standing policy. It goes more or less like, "If you see something that clearly needs doing, take the initiative and set it in motion. Others will soon join with you and iron out the wrinkles." Whether this process works or not is now beyond the shadows of doubt. Distributed Proofreaders itself is an example of this method; the follow through of an idea from one person is today a collective endeavor of thousands. Whether it is an easy choice to embrace such a process and remain dedicated is a topic for another column. One example of personal initiative at DP was introduced in last week's newsletter and will be explored a little further today. This is the development of the series of tool programs that help automate the different stages of text processing. The people who built these tools did not wait for approval or instructions, they saw a need and they went to work at constructing a satisfying solution. Over time, with trial and input, they evolved their initial efforts and continue to do so today. The exact measure of value these programs and scripts have added to DP's output is not possible to calculate. After you have used some of them a few times, it becomes clear that whatever the specific measurement, this contribution has made a profound difference in the both the degree and quality of DP's final product. Among the most widely used tools are Steve Schulze's guiprep and guiguts, their alter egos Winprep and Winguts; the tool suite of GutAxe; GutHammer; GutSweeper; GutWrench, written by Bill Flis and the Re-Wrap and Indent script created by Bill

Keir. These are by no means all the tools available to assist the DP process but those which are utilized in the Pre and Post production stages, that have been featured within the column previously. There are many other tools which have become incorporated into the proofing process. One is the customized proofing font, which makes it easier on the eyes to spot less obvious errors. Another valuable assist is the transliteration panel for Greek letters, originally created by DP's Donovan and long since incorporated as a fixed component in the proofing interface. In future columns we will explore each of these tools a little further. A permanent feature for the off-line programs and scripts is presently being constructed upon the newsletter archive site. Here, tools will be available for download to independent text developers along with background information and extensive help files. This effort has the full support of the tool masters, thus the archive feature should evolve into a valuable resource over time. Here in the column we will be providing space for the developers to introduce the tools in their own words. This week we begin our spotlight with the suite of tools created and maintained by Bill Flis ============================= GUTWRENCH SUITE (Windows only) All four programs are contained in a single .zip file, downloadable at: The programs come with documentation that explains their function in more detail. Email the author at [email protected] if you have any problems or suggestions. GutAxe and GutHammer are probably of most interest outside DP, as they are not at all DP-specific. Anyone interested in the Visual Basic source code is welcome to it. GutAxe This simple program helps make rapid corrections to errors in e-texts. These include many "Stealth Scannos" (OCR errors that will pass a spell-checker), words that are usually hyphenated or have accents or ligatures, and mistakes in punctuation and markups. It is intended mainly as a quick-and-dirty, time-saving, error-reducing tool, not as a replacement for other more thorough tools, such as Gutcheck or a spell-checker.

It works much like a spell-checker: when it finds an error, it shows the context and proposes the likely correction, asking the user to confirm. For example, if it finds the word "arid", it asks whether this should be changed to "and" (a "Stealth Scanno", because the erroneous word "arid" will pass a spell-checker). If it finds the string "Mrs," (with a comma), it asks whether it should be changed to "Mrs." (with a period). Of course, many errors do not have such predictable corrections or are too unlikely to occur (it doesn't flag "and" as possibly "arid", e.g.), and GutAxe does not attempt to be a completely general tool. However, it flags a relatively low percentage of "false positives" and enables the user to not only find but also correct a large number of errors in a short time. It is now set up to check English-language texts (with some French words). However, the errors that it detects and the corrections it offers are all contained in external text files, which could easily be edited to handle other languages (no re-programming needed). GutSweeper GutSweeper is a little time-saving tool intended to be used first in postprocessing at DP. It automatically cleans up clear-cut errors. It divides any very long lines of text (over a specified length). It does some general cleaning up: removes trailing and double blanks, and deletes blank lines at the bottoms of pages (before the DP-style Page Separators). A preliminary text-checking feature insures that it will not be confused by erroneous poetry and other markups. GutWrench This multi-purpose error-finding tool performs three kinds of functions: 1. Mapping the text. This function creates various tables concerning the text: a) List of all characters in the file and their frequencies. b) "Page Map" gives a brief (one-line) summary of special features (such as italic markups, paragraphs, special characters) that appear on each page of text (between DP-style Page Separators). This may be printed then quickly compared with the scan images to find missing features in the text. c) List of all hyphenated words, and occurrences of unhyphenated versions of them. d) List of all accented words, and occurrences of unaccented versions. e) Concordance (alphabetic list of all words, their frequencies, and point of first occurrence) f) List of all lines of text having adjacent UPPER CASE characters (useful for checking chapter headings and finding some errors).

2. Checking the text for errors (intended as a supplement to Gutcheck): a) Hyphens and dashes b) Italic and bold (HTML-style) markups c) Stealth scannos, including also optional lists of "ftealth fcannof" (old-style long "s" confused with "f") and French and "other" (mostly a few German) stealth scannos. (These lists are all contained in external text files, easily modified or expanded.) d) Other assorted errors in punctuation. 3. Modifying the text: a) Joins short lines of text (outside of poetry and other markups, and provided the result is shorter than a specified length). b) Deletes trailing blanks. c) Deletes DP-style Page Separators. d) Deletes poetry, block quote, and stet markups. GutHammer This is an easy-to-use text-rewrapping program. It uses a simplified version of Big_Bill's markups (see his RewrapIndent program) to handle poetry (indented), block quotes (indented and rewrapped), and tables (left as is). Optionally, it will simultaneously replace HTML-style italic and bold markups with specified characters, or convert bold to ALL UPPER CASE. It uses a GUI to adjust its settings (e.g., column width), but it runs non-interactively--just a few mouse-clicks and you're done! =========================== Next week we spotlight the tools of Steve Schulze and take a closer look at the forerunners of today's tools; GutCheck and PRTK (Proof Reader's Tool Kit). This week is still unfolding around us and there is much change taking place, even as I write these words. The most prominent alterations in recent days are immediately obvious to any regular visitor to the DP forums. In fact, it is fair to say that if you tend to the familiar and cozy, you may still be a little startled by the depth and width of the to this week's forum transformations. While it may seem to have occurred with the suddenness of an earthquake, the reorganization is long in planning and implemented with the best intentions for DP's future. The most important thing to be aware of is that nothing has been lost or removed. It may require a little searching around, but you will find everything is still there. Several new forums have been created, some for better organization, some to make the forums more

friendly and accessible to new members and others were added because their time had come. Among the new additions is a tier specifically set aside for new proofers and new forums for Project Management; Mentoring; Promotion, even a gathering place for historical events and discussions of significance to the various DP cultures. It may all be somewhat overwhelming at first. If so, take your time exploring and getting accustomed to all the new avenues and interesting side destinations. Just keep in mind, there's still proofing and content development to do! Not that the new forums will fare much better than anything else at slowing us down. I am running out of superlatives to relate this continuous growth in production. If October called us to reach up and stretch to be the best that we could, November is making that expanded effort look like our average workaday pace. We reached 2,500 distinctive texts posted to PG in the past week, without even much of a murmur in the forums. In November alone, 215 projects have been posted. By month's end that number will be greater than any previous month. The same looks to be true for all other measurements of production as quality and output continue to expand. On this course, November shall be the finest month to date for Distributed Proofreaders, and it appears certain that at December's end there will be great things to celebrate. The year behind us was nothing short of wondrous from beginning to end. The year ahead is already shining with promise and bright indications of great prosperity for world's first free and international library. If they only knew what was in store for 2004, many book lovers would agree, change is a good thing! Until next week... All the best! Thierry Alberto -------------------------3) Newsletter news: We are starting the new cookery club in the newsletter. See below an invitation to the perfect fall dinner by lovely club hostess Tonya Allen: Project Gutenberg's Cookery Club A few weeks ago we ran an article about PG's cookery book collection. Since then, still more cookbooks have been added, including the five-volume Library of Cookery; English Housewifery Exemplified In above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts Giving Directions for most Parts of Cookery; Directions for Cookery, in its

Various Branches; 365 Foreign Dishes (well, foreign from the point of view of the apparently American author); and the most recent addition, the mammoth compendium The Book of Household Management, by Isabella Beeton. It occurred to some of us that this rich and growing collection could serve as the basis of an interactive weekly column. Each week we will present a menu, with recipes (or links to them). Our intrepid editorial staff will prepare one or more of these dishes, and will report successes, challenges, improvements, and even utter flops in the following issue of the newsletter. Now here's the interactive part: you, our readers, are invited to join the feast. Pick a recipe or two, give it a try at home, and send us your comments and ratings! All comments will be carefully collected and will be available online: INVITATION [loosely based on Mrs. Beeton's suggestions for civilized conduct in this sphere] The editorial staff present their compliments to their gentle readers, and request the honour of their company at dinner on Wednesday (or Thursday), the 26th (or 27th) of November next, depending on the publishing schedule. No R.S.V.P. necessary. Come as you are. An endless candlelit dining table with flexible seating awaits you in our corner of cyberspace. Our first full menu will appear next week. Meantime, we'll whet your appetites with this starter from The Belgian Cookbook : GOURMANDS' MUSHROOMS There was a man in Ghent who loved mushrooms, but he could only eat them done in this fashion. If you said, "Monsieur, will you have them tossed in butter?" he would roar out, "No--do you take me for a Prussian? Let me have them properly cooked." Melt in a pan a lump of butter the size of a tangerine orange and squeeze on it the juice of half a lemon. The way to get a great deal of juice from a lemon is to plunge it first of all for a few minutes, say five minutes, in boiling water. When the butter simmers, throw in a pound of picked small mushrooms, stir them constantly, do not let them get black. Then in three or four minutes they are well impregnated with butter, and the chief difficulty of the dish is over. Put the saucepan further on the fire, let it boil for a few minutes. Take out the mushrooms, drain them, sprinkle them with flour, moisten them with gravy, season with salt and pepper, put them back in the butter and stir in the yolk of an egg. Add also a little of the lemon juice that remains. While you are doing this you must get another person to cut and toast some bread and to butter it. Pour on to the bread the mushrooms (which are fit for the greatest saints to eat on Fridays), and serve them very hot. Tonya Allen ------------------Radio Gutenberg Two channels of broadcasting are available, but what for the subtle change in the web address, that's org not com. channel 1 - Sherlock Holmes "The Sign of Four" channel 2 - Robert Sheckley's "Bad Medicine" Both are high quality live readings from the collection. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Improved Service In a bid to make the newsletter more helpful to readers who may be using screen reading software. We are able to offer the booklisting in a different format to make your life a little easier. If you would like a weekly version of this list please email [email protected], and state which version you require. ---------------------------------------------------------------------QUICK WAYS TO MAKE A DONATION TO PROJECT GUTENBERG A. Send a check or money order to: Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation 809 North 1500 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 B. Donate by credit card online NetworkForGood: or PayPal to "[email protected]": /xclick/ Project Gutenberg's success is due to the hard work of thousands of volunteers over more than 30 years. Your donations make it possible to support these volunteers, and pay our few employees to continue the creation of free electronic texts. We accept credit cards, checks and money transfers from any country, in any currency. Donations are made to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation (PGLAF). PGLAF is approved as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization by the US Internal Revenue Service, and has the Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) 64-6221541. For more information, including several other ways to donate, go to

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---------------------------------------------------------------------3) Notes and Queries, Reviews and Features

Note 1: Early English Text Society Following a recent posting on gutvol about the EETS I decided to take a look and see what it was. Founded by Frederick James Furnivall, with the help of others in 1864, EETS seems to be an early prototype for Project Gutenberg. It's aims are to bring the mass of unprinted Early English literature within the reach of students and also to provide sound texts that could be a source for what is now called the Oxford English Dictionary. It continues to publish medieval English texts today. So what sorts of texts are we talking about? Current Publications include The Old English Gospels, Sidrack and Bokkus, and The First Translation of the Imitatio Christi. What??? Further investigation on the Oxford University Press website reveals these to be very highly regarded as texts that give a rare insigt into some of the popular beliefs of medieval England. Sidrack and Bokkus for example, is a previously unpublished book of knowledge, written in question and answer form and enclosed in a framing adventure story taken from an old French source. The archive looks like it could be a very valuable addition to Project Gutenberg, and I understand there may be a possibility that one of those marvellous Uber Projects at Distributed Proofreaders could be a useful way to get these through (This is known as a 'hint'!) You can find out more about EETS at Alice Wood ----------Note 2: Math and Poetry. The works of Lewis Carroll. Tomorrow is the Universal children day so it seems to me as non-English person very logical to speak about Lewis Carroll in our math and poetry series. It can be started something like ? ? once upon a time there was a mathematician who?s name was Lewis Carroll ?? And this is of course all wrong ? everybody knows that there was a poet called Lewis Carroll but his name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and he was actually a mathematician ? His mind games are fascinating, even as brightly pointed out our chief-editor, a little bit too much well-known. However, here is the paradox ? how much out of more than 15 books and plentitude of other printed works, you can list in your memory right now? I bet, that not more than are submitted on Project Gutenberg ?Alice in Wonderland?, ?Through the Looking-Glass?,

?Haunting of the Snark?, ?Sylvie and Bruno? ? what else do we have in GUTINDEX ? and the Phantasmagoria and Other Poems http://www Bright and genius they are, with amusing interweaving of math and poetry inside. The highly structured formlessness of his poetry is always reminding me the water ? it suits every occasion but yet it can not be squeezed much. Zen koans are somewhat similar ? the huge mind space created by skilful nonsense. Speaking about the kids and math, my favorite math book in the childhood was A Tangled Tale with its Mad Mathesis (translated to my home language as Mad Mathemathilda ?), Her Radiance and other strange personages. You can find it on the internet, so as usually if not to submit to PG, but at least to enjoy the reading. There is quite many other e-texts forgotten due to the overwhelming popularity of their author, which sounds as another L.C. paradox, isn?t it? This one however is easier to solve than one of the Achilles , I think ? List of works: Diaries: Nursery Alice: Complete stories: What Tortoise said to Achilles: 'Achilles had overtaken the Tortoise, and had seated himself comfortably on its back. "So you've got to the end of our race-course?" said the Tortoise. "Even though it does consist of an infinite series of distances? I thought some wiseacre or other had proved that the thing couldn't be done?" "It can be done," said Achilles. "It has been done! Solvitur ambulando. You see the distances were constatntly diminishing: and so -" "But if they had been constantly increasing?" the Tortoise interrupted. "How then?" "Then I shouldn't be here," Achilles modestly replied; "and you would have got several times round the world, by this time!" "You flatter me - flatten, I mean," said the Tortoise; "for you are a heavy weight, and no mistake! Well now, would you like to hear of a race-course, that most people fancy they can get to the end of in two or three steps, while it really consists of an infinite number of distances, each one longer than the previous one?" "Very much indeed!" said the Grecian warrior, as he drew from his helmet (few warriors possessed pockets in those days) an enormous note-book and a pencil. "Proceed! And speak slowly, please! Short-hand isn't invented yet!" "That beautiful First Proposition of Euclid!" the Tortoise murmured dreamily. "You admire Euclid?" "Passionately! So far, at least, as one can admire a treatise that won't be published for some centuries to come!" ?..?


And for the desert and entertainment let's play Doublets - the word game invented by mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson with much help of poet Lewis Carroll. Its name got transformed to the Word Ladders, Word Chains or Stepword however it's essence remained untouched since 1879, when Mr.Dodgson has published his new invention in the magazine Vanity Fair : "The rules of the Puzzle are simple enough. Two words are proposed, of the same length; and the Puzzle consists in linking these together by interposing other words, each of which shall differ from the next word in one letter only. That is to say, one letter may be changed in one of the given words, then one letter in the word so obtained, and so on, till we arrive at the other given word. The letters must not be interchanged among themselves, but each must keep to its own place. As an example, the word 'head' may be changed into 'tail' by interposing the words 'heal, teal, tell, tall'. I call the given words 'a Doublet' , the interposed words 'Links', and the entire series 'a Chain', of which I here append an example: Head Heal Teal Tell Tall Tail It is, perhaps, needless to state that it is de rigueur that the links should be English words, such as might be used in good society." Here are a few more examples: Make DOOR LOCK in 3 steps DOOR boor book look LOCK Obtain LOAN from BANK BANK bonk book look loon LOAN See on the for more interesting word ladders' examples. You can also try on your own: Turn RIVER to FLOOD (suggested 11 steps) HARD to SOFT (suggested 4 steps) CLIMB to HILLS (suggested 8 steps) SMALL to GREAT (suggested 9 steps)

---------------------------------------------------------------------Mailing list information For more information about the Project Gutenberg's mailing lists please visit the following webpage: Trouble? If you are having trouble subscribing, unsubscribing or with anything else related to the mailing lists, please email "[email protected]" to contact the lists' (human) administrator. If you would just like a little more information about Lyris features, you can find their help information at ---------------------------------------------------------------------Credits Thanks this time go to Brett and George for the numbers and booklists. Alice, Thierry, Tonya, Gali, Greg, Michael, Mark and Larry Wall. Entertainment for the editor-on-duty provided mostly by MA recordings: ?Sera una noche? and ?Naster?. Special thanks for the readers! free e-mail - Check out our value-added Premium features, such as an extra 20MB for mail storage, POP3, e-mail forwarding, and ads-free mailboxes! Powered by Outblaze ---

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