Pfg Achievements

  • June 2020
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Programme for Government 2007



Climate Change The Government will set a target for this In progress administration of a reduction of 3% per year on average in our greenhouse gas emissions. Introduce over five years an additional €100 million Delivered of energy efficiency measures predominately attic and wall insulation. The Minister for Finance will present an outline Delivered Carbon Report (Carbon Budget) in conjunction with the annual financial Budget. Appropriate fiscal instruments, including a Carbon In progress Levy, will be phased in on a revenue-neutral basis over the lifetime of this Government. Introduce measures to further weight VRT and Delivered motor tax in favour of cars with lower emissions.

Climate change bill currently being drafted This scheme was upscaled and is now worth €100m per year. It has already created 2,000 jobs. Carbon budgets delivered in 2007 and 2008

Carbon Levy will be delivered in the upcoming budget The measures, introduced in 2008, led to a doubling in sales of lower emissions vehicles last year. Ensure Comhar is given a strengthened research role In progress Grant funding to Comhar as part of the National Economic and Social has increased from Development Office. Its functions will include €320,000 in 2006 to monitoring and advising on the effectiveness of policy €735,000 in 2009 in achieving the goals of the Climate Change Strategy. Improve the energy efficiency of new Irish homes by Delivered New building regulations up to 40% or more were enacted in 2007 Complete the phasing out of incandescent light In progress Incandescent bulbs are bulbs in favour of more energy-efficient compact now being phased out fluorescent bulbs to reduce our carbon emissions and across Europe following save on electricity costs John Gormley's lead in Ireland Public awareness campaign on issue of climate In progress Funding for change and other campaigns Education Commit to long-term funding for the 12 centres currently in the ABA pilot scheme.


Dept agreed to provide funding subject to schools meeting set out criteria Ensure that no rezoning of land for residential In progress Code of Practice on development can take place without a prior Provision of Schools commitment of an appropriate proportion of land will be delivered in the for schools. Planning and Development Amendment Bill Commitment to spending an additional €350 million Stalled €125m allocated in 2007. per year on new service developments in education. €534m was allocated to primary and post-primary school building projects in 2007; €614m in 2009. Increase the number of primary teachers by at least Stalled Primary school staffing 4,000. This will enable us to reduce class sizes. The schedules remain the staffing schedule will be reduced from a general rule same as 2007/08 school of at least one teacher for every 27 pupils in 2007/ year due to budget cuts 08, by one point a year, to one for every 24 children by 2010/11. Prioritise energy efficiency and eco-design in new Delivered Energy efficiency is now a school buildings central part of new school design and the Department has also 1

introduced an energy efficiency scheme in 2009 for existing schools. Ensure that schools help to make our children Delivered Specific references to the environmentally aware and include the Green Green Schools programme Schools Programme as part of any Whole School were inserted in the Evaluation. criteria for whole-school evaluation at primary and post-primary level. Expand the number of adult literacy training places In progress Funding for 3,000 by 4000, on top of the extra 3000 places being put in additional adult literacy place in 2007. places was provided in 2007 Energy Dramatically accelerate the growth of renewable energy sources in the electricity, heat and transport sectors of the economy. One third of all electricity consumed will come from renewable energy by 2020.


Remove any regulatory barriers to combined heat Delivered and power and district heating systems. Introduce new national building standards in Delivered 2007 to ensure that new housing has 40% lower heat energy demand than existing building standards and revise again in 2010 to achieve a 60% target in further years. Facilitate the introduction of net metering to allow In progress consumers to sell electricity back into the grid from any renewable power supplies they have.

With a 26% increase in installed capacity in 2008, Ireland now ranks fourth in the world for wind power. One windy day in August 2009, 39% of electricity demand was met by turbines. Targets were increased to 40 percent of consumption from renewable sources by 2020. In January 2008 New building regulations were enacted in 2007

The pilot phase of National Smart Metering Programme is underway and a final report is due in mid 2011 Devise a price support scheme to support and Delivered The REFIT support encourage investment in the development of wave programme has been and tidal power. extended to include operational support for electricity produced by guaranteeing a price of €220 per MWh produced Work with the EU Commission and other national grid In progress The EIB confirmed €300m operators to develop an offshore wind farm grid of support for an Eastconnection system to power the rest of Europe. West interconnector in September 09, (scottish programme?) Amend the remit of Science Foundation Ireland to Delivered €90m was allocated to include a third research pillar in the area of them for this purpose, to sustainable energy. turn Ireland into a centre of green energy. Require the public sector to lead the way on energy In progress National Energy Efficiency efficiency with a mandatory programme of Action Plan launched efficiency measures including the sole use of energyefficient lighting and heating in offices, schools and hospitals and other public buildings to produce 33% energy savings by 2020. 2

Communications Rollout of National Broadband Scheme. Encourage shift to IP based Next Generation Networks

Enact a Broadcasting Bill

Establish the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Establish a postcode system for Ireland

In progress High-speed broadband going to every second level school in the country. In progress Next generation broadband 'Gateway to a knowledge Ireland' published in June 2009 Delivered Bill will establish framework for Irish film channel, Oireachtas channel and new code for junk food advertising. Delivered Broadcasting Authority appointed October 2009 In progress An alphanumeric postcode system will be introduced in the first half of 2011

Environmental Protection The EPA is now over a decade in existence. It is now In progress A comprehensive review of timely for a review of the role, procedures and the EPA will be legislation governing it. Following this review, commenced shortly and legislation will be enacted to ensure the Agency can will be carried out by an meet the environmental challenges that lie ahead. expert group to include members with relevant international experience. Publish comprehensive legislation on Noise Pollution Delivered Heads of noise have been approved and bill is being drafted Fully implement the Aarhus Convention In progress Final piece of legislation required to be published Review the levels of fines and sentences which can Delivered Nitrates pollution fines be applied by the lower Courts in cases of pollution, increased to €500,000 dumping etc., so that the punishment fits the crime. max.On-the spot litter fine increased to €150. Environment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill due before the Dáil before Christmas will increase fines for air pollution Continue to invest in waste water schemes to In progress Record investment in ensure that discharges into our rivers, lakes and water services coastal waters meet the highest international infrastructure in 2009 standards. Provide supports to facilitate and ensure the In progress ECJ case against Ireland implementation of EU Directives on water, waste, over Nitrates Directive nitrates and integrated pollution concluded. New regulations regarding illegal shipments of waste. New regulations to facilitate return of used batteries to retail outlets We will establish a Dublin Bay Area Task Force to Delivered Established in May 2008 maximise the potential of the Bay for the people of our


capital city. We will consider legislation, if necessary, to implement the recommendations of this Task Force We will support the development of environmental In progress New €13m development technologies in Ireland to achieve a win/win programme for developing situation of improved competitiveness and domestic recyclates to environmental performance. products industry. Access to user-friendly information on water quality data


Instructions issued to local authorities to publish online information on water quality

Heritage Update and consolidate the law on national monuments to maximise and clarify the protection provided to our archaeological heritage

In progress A Bill to update National Monuments legislation is being drafted based on the recommendations of the Expert Advisory Committee on the Review of Archaeological Policy & Practice. New policy on protecting historic urban defences launched in 2009

Foreign Affairs Extraordinary Rendition: The Government will In progress Cabinet Sub-Committee prioritise effective enforcement of a) Criminal Justice on International Human (United Nations Convention Against Torture) Act, Rights formed Nov 2008. 2000 b) The Geneva Conventions Acts 1962-1998. Two exonerated The Government will encourage and support An Guantánamo detainees Garda Siochana in the investigation and enforcement resettled in Ireland in Sept of these Statutes. It will do so by making resources 09 available for specialized training in the provisions of those Statutes and by other means as may be required by An Garda Siochana. We will ensure that all relevant legal instruments are used so that the practice of extraordinary rendition does not occur in this State in any form. Increase ODA to 0.7% of GNP by 2012. The In progress ODA remains at 0.48% of annual Budget statement will contain an outline of the GNP due to budgetary cuts target for the coming year and a report on progress to date. Agriculture Set a target to convert a minimum 5% of acreage to organic farmland by 2012

Seek to negotiate the establishment of an AllIreland GM-Free Zone

Review the Forestry Premium levels and, ensure by 2012 that a minimum of 30% broadleaf will be planted annually

In progress Organic Farming Action Plan published in 2008. Land under organic production grew by 9% in that year. New Teagasc FETAC accredited courses. In progress Ireland has changed its voting position at the European Council on the import of GM feed. The republic is on track to declare itself a GM free zone In progress Forestry premiums increased by 15% in 2007, but fell by 8% in 2009 due 4

Encourage more direct selling from farmer to customer by restoring and promoting a national network of farmers’ markets.

to budget constraints.Under the main Afforestation scheme, higher premiums are paid in respect of plantations made up of broadleaves. In progress Significant increase in number of and interest in farmers' markets. Standards scheme for farmers' markets launched September 2009.

Health We will double the income limit eligibility of parents of children under 6 years of age and treble them for parents of children with an intellectual disability under 18 years of age.

In progress Steering group established to review the eligibility criteria for the assessment of medical cards will take account of the PFG commitments We will ensure greater equality in access and care In progress A central objective of the between private and public patients in the healthcare new consultants’ contract system and audit same to measure progress. is to improve access for public patients to public hospital services We will reform use of beds in hospitals to ensure In progress A bed designation system equity of access has been introduced to control the level of private activity in publicly funded hospitals and to help ensure equitable access for public patients to services in these hospitals Planning Legislation will be brought forward on foot of the In progress 80% windfall tax on recommendations of the All-Party Committee on the development land to be Constitution on Property Rights introduced We will ensure that residential areas are geared more In progress The National Recreation towards the needs of children and incorporate Policy for Young People sufficient space to safely play, socialise, walk was published in 2007 and and cycle funding is in place for many elements of the plan Introduce new urban design guidelines for building Delivered Further guidelines on local new housing developments so that future area plans etc. in progress generations can look back with pride with the environment which we are building today, New e-Planning policy Delivered New online planning submissions/objections system. Justice Fully implement into Irish law the EU and Council of Europe human rights instruments against trafficking in human beings, and provide supports for the victims of such trafficking Appoint a Minister of State to implement a national integration policy, bringing together key officials


Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 has been enacted.


Minister of State appointed in June 2007


from government departments who provide services to immigrants. Taking account of the options paper prepared by the Delivered Colley Group and the pending Supreme Court case, we will legislate for Civil Partnerships at the earliest possible date in the lifetime of the Government

Legislation published. Law by end of 2009.

Political Reform Establish an independent Electoral Commission to In progress Substantial progress has take responsibility for electoral administration and been made in this area oversight. We will introduce a directly elected Mayor for In progress Will be in place in 2010, a Dublin with executive powers by 2011. year earlier than planned We will reform Local Government making it more In progress Green Paper published; for transparent and more responsive to its customers. A the first time, limits to Green Paper on Local Government Reform will be spending on local published within six months of coming into office. elections, have become This will include a review of expenditure in Local law in Ireland. Elections. Transport We will introduce a multi-criteria analysis of all In progress Sustainable Travel and transport projects to take into account Transport Plan published environmental factors on a whole project basis in June 09 Conduct integrated transport and land use plans In progress Forthcoming Planning and in the Spatial Strategy hubs immediately taking into Development Bill (2009). account both current and future needs Conduct feasibility studies to be completed in two In progress Near completion: studies years into Luas-style light rail transit systems in expanded to include Bus Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford Rapid Transit as well as Luas. Largely completed in Cork, Galway and Waterford. Limerick soon be completed We will establish and support the work of the Dublin Delivered Completed: the DTA act Transport Authority (DTA), which will have overall was passed in July 2008 responsibility for surface transport in the Greater and the Authority will be Dublin Area functioning by the end of the year following the recent recruitment of a CEO We will extend the Safe Routes Programme, and In progress €5m allocated for 2009/ introduce a National Cycling Route and a Dublin Coast 2010 for cycling Walk and Cycle Route infrastructure and cycle path repair. 18% reduction car school trips resulting from Green schools travel programme We will reopen the Western Rail Corridor from In progress Near completion: due to Ennis to Claremorris. open in December Extending Luas to Docklands In progress Complete by the end of the year, services early 2010 Extending Luas to Citywest and Cherrywood In progress In construction, services in 2010 & 2011 Opening the Cork-Midleton rail service Delivered Services commenced summer 09 Reforming bus licensing In progress Public Transport Regulation Bill in Seanad


QBCs and bus priority

In progress Bus Gate at College Green, 7/10 green routes in Cork, over 200kms of QBCs in Dublin

Items not in original Programme for Government Cycle to work scheme introduced in January 2009, Delivered brought in tax breaks to encourage sustainable commuting. Tens of thousands of commuters have a new bike under the scheme and are now cycling to work. Housing Bill 2009 introduced important measures on Delivered social and affordable housing and combating antisocial behaviour New State policy on architecture 2009-2015 Delivered New regulations regarding illegal shipments of waste Planning exemptions for renewable energy microgenerators Ending of the ‘Cinderella clause’ regarding “taxexiles” And end to the electronic voting project


Significant increase in funding for natural and built heritage protection Increase in resource tax rate on oil and gas companies exploring Irish shores Allocation of additional milk quota to organic milk producers Plan for electrification of Irish motoring: target of 10% of Irish cars to be powered by electricity by 2020 Cut in number of junior ministers


Delivered Delivered Delivered

Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered

New strategic plan for the ESB with a renewable Delivered energy future: target of carbon net-zero by 2035. New strategic, greener plan for Bord na Móna with Delivered thousands of jobs to be created New regulations to facilitate return of used batteries Delivered to retail outlets New regulations against backyard burning of waste Delivered High Level Government Action Group on Green economy New legislation to clamp down on text message and phone line scams New strategy for developing the digital economy

Waste Management Regulations 2009 In progress Recommendations due shortly In progress Government approval of Bill In progress 6 Government actions to create 30,000 jobs over 5-10 year period.


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