n INSERT "fam-1 caption.wpt"o
PETITION TO SET ASIDE PATERNITY AFFIDAVIT The nClient's party designationo, requests an Order from this court Setting Aside the Paternity Affidavit executed in this case on the grounds of fraud or mistake: 1. The nClient's party designationo executed a paternity affidavit based upon representations of the nOpposing party's party designationo that he was the only potential father ofnChild's nameo. 2. No paternity was requested by the nClient's party designationo based on the representations of the nOpposing party's party designationo.
3. Since nOpposing party's party designationo executed the paternity affidavit and since the court entered its nIF Was there a Decree of Paternity?oDecree of PaternitynELSEoFindings and Recommendations on Verified Petition to Establish Child SupportnEND IFo, the nOpposing party's party designationo has admitted that nClient's party designationo was not the only potential father ofnChild's nameo and was likely not even the child's potential father. 4. The nClient's party designationo requests genetic testing and if the genetic testing excludes nClient's party designationo as the child's father then asks the court to set aside the paternity affidavit and ORDER of Paternity. I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that the foregoing representations are true.
_____________________________________ nClient's nameo