Peter Goldberg

  • November 2019
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Day 1 Products which move energy

SYNERGY Greek:  to work together Def.  a combined or cooperative               action or force.

Training objective: How do the Nikken Wellness products work synergistically to support individual wellbeing?

Training Overview Session 1: The energetics of “aging gracefully”: * Human energetics and the fundamentals of “wellness” from western cellular and eastern “Chi” models: Energy Medicine & Biophysics * “Bio-terrain” basics * The “living matrix” * Stress Theory and aging

Western cellular model • • • •

“Live, die, age at cellular level” “Biological Organization” Cellular energy production Oxidative stress, free radicals, tissue acidity

Eastern “Chi” model 2,500 years old * Meridian energetics and acupuncture points * Flow of Chi and impact on aging and wellness

Session 2: “Energy Moving” Wellness Products 1)


Magnetic product lines Insoles, Kenko magnetic line, ElastoMag wraps, PalmMag, MagCreator Far Infra-red product lines Sleep System: combining magnetics & FIR Comforter, Kenko Pad & Pillow: synergy Fitness CardioStrides Thinking out of the Box!: Creative applications of the magnetic and FIR technologies

Session 3: “Energy Building” Wellness Products * Whole Food Complexes: Jade GreenZymes Kenzen Nutritionals Session 4: “Bringing it all together:” Product Synergy Session 5: “Beauty from the inside out” * Swiss Soflower products

                   Consider this:

Every second, 6 trillion reactions are  taking place in each cell. The skin replaces itself once a month. A new  stomach lining every five days. A new liver every six weeks. A new skeleton every three months. By the end of the year, 98% of the          atoms in your body will have been         exchanged for new ones!


Aging  Pain


Body / Mind / Emotions






Oxygen Nutrition


We live, age and die at the cellular level!

“All things are made of atoms and  everything that living things do  can be understood in terms of the  jiggling and wiggling of atoms.”                                                                                                               Physicist, Richard Feynman, PhD

Biological organization Organism / Physical body Organ systems Organs, tissues Cells Organelles Molecules Atoms Sub-atomic energies

Why is it important to understand the atomic level?


           Free radicals and anti­oxidants in the body      “Free radical:”              ­  any molecule with an unpaired electron molecule in                  its outer orbit             ­  results from:                   * living and breathing oxygen,  as a waste from the cell’s                        energy production (ATP)                   *  exposure to internal and external toxins                       “Antioxidant:”  nutrients that neutralize oxidative damage to cells                  in our body  caused by “free radicals”      

Note: When cellular metabolism and stress increase, more free radicals and acidic wastes are generated!

Stressors and stress Stressors are the situations,events, people, things etc. which cause the physiology to become unbalanced. Stress is the specific and nom-specific reaction of the physiology to the stressors. Homeostasis is the organism’s state of balance or wellness. Adaptation is the way the organism brings itself back to balance after being stressed.

STRESS: Internal origin: thoughts, emotions, hormones External origin: diet, environmental toxins, noise, light, temperature etc. Stress plays a major role in every disease process and affects every physiological system: disturbs digestion, increases proliferation of free radicals, depletes vitamins & minerals, disrupts sleep, congests the liver/colon, and depresses the immune system

*** increases the amount of acids in your system!

Move Chi Immune support     Waste Mgt           Lymph



           Bowel            Detox


Cellular health

Nutrition Oxygenation pH balance


“CHI” “Qi” “Ki”

Circulation - Flow • In Asian philosophy, chi is the life force in all things. – Chi is the flow of natural energy.

• Circulation - flow - supplies material to cells for energy. It carries away toxins. – Flow is necessary for good health.

In our bodies: • Blood flow • Air flow (breathing) • Electrochemical signals to brain • Digestion • At the cellular level

The “human power grid”

                    “STUCK CHI”  =  PAIN AND / OR LESS ENERGY

Rub your hands…. …feel the Chi!

Products which “move the energy”

Main points: * Move the energy (Chi) * Support flow and circulation (FIR)


Peaks and Valleys of Magnetic Energy “Steep Field Gradient”


Magnetic material


Kenko Dream Comforter

Kenko magnetic line ElastoMag products Magnetic jewelry


A Powerful magnetic force The PalmMag 1000 produces a strong magnetic field of 1,700 gauss. Synchronizes with the natural 7.8hz of the earth’s magnetic field. Fully adjustable speed.

Main points: * Moves the energy using active, biaxial magnetic field * Increases blood flow to tissues around targeted area

Active magnetic energy ! Biaxial magnetic rotation: - uses a revolving magnet that rotates on a second axis producing a magnetic field that constantly changes its angle

The PalmMag 1000 produces dynamic magnetic activity in a constantly changing field flow - not a pulsed field. By using a static magnet to produce an active field, PalmMag produces minimal electronic interference. The result is a magnetic field that is essentially three-dimensional. No other magnetic device can achieve this effect.

Increases blood flow to tissues


Bladder Meridian

Feel warmth from hands

Far infrared products

R. I. B. R eflection I  nsulation B reathability =  FIR

Nikken’s Sleep System !

Common Sleep Problems

Some reasons many don’t sleep well: Stress Digestive disorders Insomnia Movement disorders Respiratory disorders Physical discomfort

Studies Show… Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to: Irritability Moodiness Inability to concentrate Decreased resistance to stress Major medical conditions

Rest and Relaxation

Kenko™ Dream BENEFITS: Deluxe Pillow • Shapes to conform to the head and neck • Provides far-infrared energy • Creates a cocoon of magnetism • Releases negative ions like those found in soothing, relaxing forest air

Rest and Relaxation

Kenko™ Dream Deluxe Pillow FEATURES: • Breathable Aero-Cool top cover • Strategically placed magnets • Support foam cylinder containing tourmaline • Air ventilation • Viscoelastic foam

Kenko Dream Comforter

Special note! Ionic characteristics, negative ions, Tourmaline Stabilization of body heat, reduction of metabolic waste! R. I. B.

Thermographic studies


Day 2 Products which build energy

Q: Why do we eat and drink?

100,000,000,000,000 cells in your body are very hungry! “Eat dahlink!”

Oxygen Nutrition


PiMag Water


PiMag™ Vitalizing Shower™ with Vitamin C


PiMag™ Vitalizing Shower™ with FEATURES:

Vitamin C

• Pi Ceramics, far-infrared technology and ionic elements • Vitamin C cartridge • Magnet

Chlorine : a naturally occurring, toxic gas used to chemically disinfect public water systems because of its toxic effect on harmful germs, bacteria and disease-causing organisms. - during the bathing, chlorine evaporates out of the water and is inhaled, and can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others. - some reports claim that as much chlorine enters the body by inhaling steamy chlorinated shower vapors or through the open pores of the skin as that which enters the body by drinking chlorinated water during the entire day. - showering in chlorinated water results in the breakage of hair shafts,attacks the skin and skin oils, creating a dermal drying effect. - because chlorine is absorbed into the body through the skin, additional physical problems including eye, sinus and lung irritation.

Vitamin C : - used in the dechlorination of lab samples and for critical applications such as dialysis, where the introduction of chlorinated water or toxic chemical would be catastrophic. - combats various skin disorders, especially assisting in preventing, retarding and arresting certain degenerative changes associated with the aging process, such as dry and scaly skin and the formation of lines and wrinkles. - a powerful anti-oxidant , and has the proven ability to neutralize or counteract damage to the body's cells caused by free radicals which are understood to be the major cause of aging. - known as the most important ingredient in Collagen Synthesis (ie. it stimulates collagen production in the skin, an essential protein which forms the skin's supporting structure. ) - very difficult to get high enough concentrations in the skin through diet alone. For optimal skin health & vitality, Vitamin C has to be delivered onto and be absorbed into the skin in order for it to be effective for skin rejuvenation, repair and protection.


Creates a cocoon of         magnetism !!!

PiMag™ Vitalizing Shower™ with


Vitamin C • Adds Vitamin C to water • Naturally neutralizes Chlorine • Adds conditioning for skin and hair • Removes rust, particles and odor from water • Adds more negative ions for refreshing, outdoor feel • Creates a vortex effect as in the PiMag™ Optimizer II

Nutrition Q: How does the food get to the cells? What is “Bioavailability?”

Q: How does food and water get to the cells?

Jade GreenZymes

Very Bioavailable!

Main points: * Builds cellular energy * Supports alkalinity / pH * Provides nutritional spectrum * Whole Foods Complex

Dr Yoshihide Hagiwara “It is my belief that the steady depletion of natural green power in the human diet, and its displacement by other nutrients of questionable value-constitutes the most serious threat of all to good health.”

Grown in a Pure Environment • Near the sea and snow-covered mountains • Refreshed with pure rainwater • Free of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides • Grown under Japan’s strict organic regulations

Carefully Prepared • Only young barley grass is harvested, at the point when it is most alive with nutrients • Vital juice is extracted, pulp is discarded • Dried under low temperatures (cold processing) to preserve enzymes • Combined with Nikken PiMag™ Proprietary Blend

Nikken PiMag™ Proprietary Blend • Galactomannan-water soluble fiber • Kombu Extract-brown seaweed cultivated in Japan, high in minerals • Pearl Barley Extract-energy source • PiMag™ Water

Jade GreenZymes is Core Nutrition • Core nutrition-central to the body’s function • Found in whole foods • A synergy between components within a whole food • Balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and phytochemicals

Benefits of Jade GreenZymes™ • • • • •

Helps in balancing your system naturally Aids in replenishing the body’s natural energy supply Helps correct food imbalances Support for immune system Detoxifying properties that may help improve circulation and colon health • Supports healthy skin for reducing the appearance of aging • ***Supports acid/alkaline (pH) regulation

Suggested Use of Jade GreenZymes • 3 servings per day • Mix with 4-6 ounces of PiMag water – Soy milk – Favorite juice Mix with only cold liquids!

Why is “pH’ so important?

            A balanced pH allows for: 1.  Healthy oxygen flow to tissues 2.  Access to energy reserves 3.  Proper calcium utilization to lessen           probability  of osteoporosis and arthritis 4.  Cellular regeneration and DNA­RNA         synthesis 5.  Proper fat metabolism, weight control and         healthy insulin production 6.  Smooth blood flow through arteries and veins 7.  Proper blood pressure regulation 8.  Critical lipid, fatty acid and hormonal        metabolism 9.  Appropriate cholesterol levels 10.  Proper electrolyte activity

Kenzen Wellness

Main points: * Builds cellular energy * Whole Food Nutritional Complex * Cell wall support * Anti-oxidation * Gender specific nutritional support *** COMPLIANCE !

What Is Kenzen™ Wellness? “Kenzen” is a Japanese word meaning wholesome and wellness

Kenzen™ Wellness Is… • Daily Nutrition Packs COMPLIANCE ! • Based on the “Whole Foods Concept” • Targets men’s and women’s health concerns

Essential Vitamin and Mineral Formulation Whole Foods Complex With Digestive Enzymes (Three Capsules)

• Proprietary Whole Foods Complex – Carrot, broccoli, spinach, parsley, celery seed, beet root, cabbage and tomato – Natural way to add essential elements to your diet

• Digestive Enzymes – Amylase-assists in carbohydrate metabolism – Protease-assists in protein metabolism – Lipase-assists in fat metabolism

Kenzen™ Wellness Daily Nutrition Packs

Josei Women (Two Capsules)

• Isoflavone Plus Complex Ingredients – Cranberry Fruit – Red Clover – Don Quai – Fenugreek – Soy Isoflavones

Specialized blend of natural ingredients including isoflavones & natural phytoestrogens - Associated with maintaining stable levels of vitamins and antioxidants for women’s health. - May assist in reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause. - Aid in controlling appetite, maintaining blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

Kenzen™ Wellness Daily Nutrition Packs

Dansei Men (Two Capsules)

• ProstaPlus Complex Ingredients – Saw Palmetto (prostate health) – Curcumin Complex (tumeric root) – Pygeum Africanmum Extract (prostate) – Taurine (cardiovascular support)

Kenzen™ Wellness Daily Nutrition Josei & Dansei (Two Capsules)

• Nikken Oxidative Defense Formula – Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione, Lycopene, Lutein – Provides a blend of free-radical-fighting compounds to help the body resist aging – Supports antioxidant activity in the body and reduces oxidative damage to cell components – Supports the body’s natural defense systems – Supports cardiovascular health *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

SYNERGY Greek:  to work together Def.  a combined or cooperative               action or force.

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