Pet A

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,645
  • Pages: 6
PETA India's History: Compassion in Action People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India is a charitable organisation with affiliates in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. Founded in 2000, PETA India is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. PETA India operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. PETA India educates policy-makers and the public about animal abuse and promotes an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect. PETA India's animal protection work brings together members of the scientific, judicial and legislative communities to halt abusive practices. Aided by thorough investigative work, governmental involvement, consumer boycotts and international media coverage, PETA India's efforts frequently result in long-term changes which improve the quality of life for – and prevent the deaths of – thousands of animals.

Historic Cases PETA US has been responsible for such breakthroughs as closing the largest horseslaughter operation in the United States, shutting down a military laboratory where animals were shot, and stopping the use of cats and dogs in wound laboratories. reported, "Could we imagine a world without [PETA US]? . . . [T]he organization has inspired a few people to take action instead of lounging in their living rooms, wondering who let the dogs out".(1)

Other major accomplishments PETA US first uncovered the abuse of animals in experiments in 1981, launching the precedent-setting "Silver Spring monkeys" case. This resulted in the first arrest and criminal conviction of an animal experimenter in the United States on charges of cruelty to animals, the first confiscation of abused laboratory animals and the first US Supreme Court victory for animals in laboratories. PETA US released 70 hours of graphic video footage documenting the appalling treatment of primates at the University of Pennsylvania head-injury laboratory, resulting in government fines and the loss of funding for the cruel study. PETA US' undercover investigation of a huge contract testing laboratory in Philadelphia and subsequent campaign led to Benetton's permanent ban on animal tests – a first for a major cosmetics company. Other leading companies – such as Avon, Revlon and Estée Lauder – followed suit. Gillette announced a moratorium on animal tests following PETA US' 10-year campaign. PETA US now lists nearly 800 companies which do not test products on animals. PETA US was victorious over the General Motors Corporation, which ended crash tests on animals. PETA US released investigators' photographs and videotaped footage taken inside Carolina Biological Supply Company (CBSC), the US' largest biological supply house. The video footage documented that CBSC employees removed animals from gas chambers and injected them with formaldehyde without checking them for vital signs. Investigators also videotaped cats and rats who were still struggling while they were being embalmed and CBSC employees who spit on animals. The company was charged by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) with violations of the US Animal Welfare Act. With the help of celebrities such as Ewan McGregor and Martin Sheen; government officials in the US, Germany and Canada; and activists worldwide, PETA US was able to secure the release of polar bears who had been suffering for years in the Suarez Bros Circus. The bears are now recovering and thriving in more appropriate climates. PETA US distributed an undercover video showing Las Vegas casino "entertainer" Bobby Berosini beating orang-utans with a metal rod. The US Department of the Interior revoked Berosini's captive-bred wildlife permit, making it illegal for Berosini to buy or sell orang-utans. An undercover investigation of painful scabies experiments on dogs and rabbits at Ohio's Wright State University led to charges by the USDA of 18 violations of the Animal Welfare Act. The experiments were stopped. PETA US released undercover photographs and videotapes showing ducks being violently force-fed on a foie gras farm in New York, resulting in the first-ever police raid of a US factory farm. After learning the gory details of foie gras production, many airlines and restaurants dropped the so-called "delicacy" from their menus.

Undercover investigations at pig-breeding factory farms in North Carolina and Oklahoma revealed horrific conditions and daily abuse of pigs, including one pig who was skinned alive. The investigation led to the first-ever felony indictments of farm workers in the US. In another precedent-setting case, a California furrier was charged with cruelty to animals after a PETA US investigator filmed him electrocuting chinchillas by clipping wires to the animals' genitals. The American Veterinary Medical Association denounced the killing method, saying it causes animals to experience the pain of a heart attack while completely conscious. In another undercover exposé, PETA US videotaped a fur rancher injecting minks with weed-killer, causing them to die in agony. Both farms agreed to stop these cruel killing methods. After exposing the US National Air and Space Administration's Bion experiment, in which straitjacketed monkeys were to be launched into space implanted with electrodes, PETA US succeeded in pressuring the US to pull out of the project. PETA US' undercover investigation of a Florida exotic-animal "training school" revealed that big cats were beaten with axe handles, which encouraged the USDA to develop new regulations governing methods of animal training. PETA US' undercover investigation of Boys Town National Research Hospital's experiments, in which kittens' heads were cut into and cats were starved in order to study deafness, spurred the US National Institutes of Health to issue a report condemning Boys Town's animal care and use program. The USDA found that Boys Town had failed to comply with the Animal Welfare Act. PETA US convinced Mobil, Texaco, Pennzoil, Shell and other oil companies to cover their exhaust stacks after showing how millions of birds and bats had become trapped in the shafts and were burned alive. Following two years of negotiations and more than 400 demonstrations worldwide, McDonald's became the first fast-food chain to agree to make basic welfare improvements for farmed animals. Burger King and Wendy's followed suit within a year's time, and within two years, Safeway, Kroger and Albertson's had also agreed to adopt stricter guidelines in order to improve the lives of billions of animals slaughtered for food. PETA US convinced national chains Target, Walgreens, Eckerd, Rite Aid, Kroger and Albertson's to stop selling AquaBabies, which were tiny cubes in which fish, frogs or snails were imprisoned.

Other Projects Since its inception in 2001, PETA US' mobile "Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please!" (SNIP) programme has sterilised thousands of dogs and cats at a reduced cost in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, area, preventing the births of tens of thousands of unwanted animals. PETA US has participated in the production of three animal rights albums (Liberation: Songs to Benefit PETA, Tame Yourself and Animal Liberation), featuring artists such as Chrissie Hynde, Howard Jones, Indigo Girls, Michael Stipe, Belinda Carlisle and Good Charlotte. PETA US has also held several "Rock Against Fur" and "Fur Is a Drag" benefit

concerts, featuring The B-52s, kd lang and other prominent performers. Long-time supporter Sir Paul McCartney invited PETA US to set up literature stalls on his world tour. Supermodels Christy Turlington and Marcus Shenkenburg, actors Kim Basinger and Pamela Anderson, The Go-Go's and other celebrities have posed for PETA US' internationally publicised "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign. PETA US persuaded top modelling agency Boss Models to announce that their models would no longer wear fur and received pledges from filmmakers – including Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese and Rob Reiner – to keep fur off movie sets. Top designers, including Stella McCartney, have banned the use of fur in their designs. PETA US convinced 40 companies – including Adidas-Salamon, May Department Stores, DaimlerChrysler, Nike and Reebok – to refuse to use Indian leather in their products after our investigation revealed horrific abuses during the illegal transport of cows to slaughter. "We found the treatment of animals, as documented by [PETA US], to be totally unacceptable and not in keeping with the image or standards of our company", said the CEO of Florsheim.(2) Supermodel Tatjana Patitz, actor Jennie Garth and tennis star Martina Navratilova appeared in PETA US' "Live and Let Live" vegetarian campaign. "Few are as colorful or effective for its size as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [US]", reported PETA US staffers speak to students at elementary schools and up through the university level. In just one year, PETA US distributed information packs to every elementary school in the US, reaching millions of young people. PETA supporter and actor Alicia Silverstone launched a national "Cut Out Dissection" campaign, educating students about their right not to dissect. "Meet Your Meat", a video produced by PETA US and narrated by Alec Baldwin, is a powerful look at each of the stages of the lives of animals who are raised for food. It was distributed to every member of the US Congress with a letter from Baldwin which encouraged them to "protect animals from the array of abuses that are standard in the farmed-animal industry".(4) In addition to our flagship site,, PETA India has dozens of websites, including, and PETA US' president, Ingrid E Newkirk, has written a how-to book for animal rights activists, titled You Can Save the Animals!, a children's version, titled Kids Can Save the Animals!; a history of the animal liberation movement in the United States, titled Free the Animals; and the first animal rights cat-care book, 250 Ways to Make Your Cat Adore You. PETA US has produced three cookbooks: The Compassionate Cook, published by

Warner Bros; Cooking With PETA, published by the Book Publishing Company; and The PETA Celebrity Cookbook, published by Lantern Books.

Contributions PETA India is a company limited by guarantee not for profit under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Donations to PETA India qualify for deduction u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

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