Personal Information And Jobs

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  • Words: 1,953
  • Pages: 41
Lecture 2 Personal Information and Jobs

In this lecture… • • • • • • • • •

Some helpful tips on presentations Presentations start!!! Reminder about the homepage Quick review of last lecture Personal information Class activity: Asking for Personal Info. Guided conversation Common Wh- questions Listening practice

Some Helpful Tips for Presentations • • •

Body language Eye contact Speak clearly

• • •

Avoid monotone!!! Talking speed Watch punctuation


• • •

Know your voice Look smart and honest Practice, practice, practice!!!

 look confident, have good posture  look around the room and at the people  be careful how you say letters like “r”, “l” and “f”.  not too fast, not too slow  take short pauses at the end of sentences or important parts  speak so that the last row of students can hear you  use feeling in your voice

In-Class Presentation Assessment

Duration (timing)
























Level of language































Overall Impression









Weekly Homepage updates

EVERY Wednesday evening I will update our class homepage.

What’s in my weekly homepage updates:


that week’s Power Point file sometimes I will add extra information homework reminder sometimes I will add answers to the previous week’s homework - midterm/final exam review

Sometimes it's not what but HOW we speak

Intonation Your voice is like a rollercoaster, it goes up and down when you talk. Monotone = no intonation UP ENDING  excitement  question  surprise

DOWN ENDING  fact  statement

Nice to Meet You Adam: Hi. My name’s Adam. What’s your name? Kate: Hi, Adam. My name’s Kate. Adam: So, where are you from, Kate? Kate: I’m from Toronto. How about you? Adam: I’m from San Diego, California.

A: Hi. My name’s ____. What’s your name? B: Hi, ____. My name’s ____. A: So, where are you from, ____? B: I’m from ______. How about you? A: I’m from ______,________.

Statements with “be”

I’m a student. You’re from Mexico. He’s from Korea. She’s from Canada. We’re students. They’re from the US.

I am = I’m you are = you’re he is = he’s she is = she’s we are = we’re they are = they’re

I’m not a teacher. He isn’t from China. They aren’t teachers.

I’m a student. He’s from the US. They’re students.

Possessive Adjectives my your his her our their

is not = isn’t are not = aren’t

Questions with “be”

Are you a student? Is he a teacher? Is she an artist? Are you actors? Are they doctors? Who’s that? What’s your name? Where are you from? How are you? How old are you?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

I am. No, he is. No, she is. No, we are. No, they are. No,

Who is  Who’s What is  What’s

I’m not. he isn’t. she isn’t. we aren’t. they aren’t.

Human Find






isn't from Cheonan.

is my friend.

is a Angelina Joli fan.

is taller than me.

isn't from Busan.






is a student.

is an only child.

is a freshman.

is from a big family.

is my classmate.






is a soccer fan.

isn't 20.

is from Seoul.

is a gamer.

isn't single.






is a fan of SG Wanna Be.

is funnier than me.

is from my city.

is hard-working.

is very sweet.






is in love.

is very smart.

is the same age as me.

isn't from a big city.

isn't a MC Mong fan.

Now on to today’s lecture… Personal Information and Jobs

What job do you think is…

Smart Choice Focus: Vocabulary, page 10

Different Professions Architect Singer Doctor Model Taxi Driver Pilot Actor/Actress Teacher Police Officer Soccer Player

Basketball player Cook Office worker Nurse Personal Trainer Business Manager Store Owner Fire Fighter Ambulance Driver School Principle Musician

What is your ideal job? Why? Example: My ideal job is photographer because I like taking pictures.

Smart Choice Focus: Conversation, page 11

Small Talk Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle:

Where do you live? Well, I’m from Canada but I live in California. Interesting. And what do you do? I’m an architect. What about you? I’m a doctor. I work in a hospital in Seattle. Really? My sister lives in Seattle. What does she do? She’s a singer. What’s her name? Suzy Watson. Suzy? I know her! Hey! Small world!

Conversation Questions Read the conversation on page 11 and answer the following questions: • • • • •

What are their jobs? Why does Michelle say, “small world”? Who is a singer? Where did Michelle use to live? Who is Michelle to Eric?

HOW we speak WHAT we say is important but also HOW we say it. Things to remember when talking: * Intonation * Tone … low tone = boredom, low feeling, tired … high tone = high energy, happiness, excitement, scared * Volume * Stressing words * Pauses We pause when we talk when… … we are at the end of a sentence … at a comma (,) * Fluency * Speed

1- 2 - 3 - Crash!!! Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin:

Oh… I am so tired today. Why Calvin? We just had a long weekend! I know, but I had a huge fight with my parents. Really? What happened? Well… I crashed their car and didn’t tell them until three days later. Oh my gosh!!! Three days?! That’s terrible! I didn’t mean to crash it. But… Calvin… you should have told them right away. I know, I know. Wow, for a smart student, you’re not such a smart guy! Thanks.

Personal Information What do you think is your personal information?

YOUR Personal Information Personal information is what makes you different than another person. Information about you that is just yours. It includes things like… … your name … where you were born … address (home and email) … status (single, married, divorced) … age … job title … telephone number … where you go to school/work

What personal information did Eric ask Michelle?

Small Talk Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle:

Where do you live? Well, I’m from Canada but I live in California. Interesting. And what do you do? I’m an architect. What about you? I’m a doctor. I work in a hospital in Seattle. Really? My sister lives in Seattle. What does she do? She’s a singer. What’s her name? Suzy Watson. Suzy? I know her! Hey! Small world!

Class Activity: Asking for personal info.

Identification First Name: Last Name:

Meghan Sloan

Street Address: City: Zip code:

218 Darth Avenue Warsaw, Poland NSW 2006

Telephone number:




E-mail: [email protected]

Identification First Name: Last Name:

Bobby Bee

Street Address: apt. 5 City: Zip code:

12 Queens Boulevard,

Telephone number:





[email protected]

New York, USA 033 098

Identification First Name: Last Name:

Stephen Pace

Street Address: City: Zip code:

333 Rosedale Drive Whitby, Canada L1N 6J2

Telephone number:



Police Officer

E-mail: [email protected]

Identification First Name: Last Name:

Elizabeth Chi

Street Address: City: Zip code:

92 Danglee, apt. 214 Beijing, China 2219 093

Telephone number:



TV Talk Show Host


[email protected]

Personal Information Conversation A: Excuse me, I am looking for _____. Are you her/him? B: No, sorry. I’m not. (conversation end) A: Excuse me, I am looking for _____. Are you her/him? B: Well, yes I am. A: Oh great! I need you to fill out this personal information form. First, what is your last name? B: It’s ______. A: Where do you live ________? B: I live at _____________. A: And what do you do? B: I am a ______________. A: OK, great. Last two questions. What is your telephone number and email address? B: My telephone number is __________ and my email is _________. A: Super, thanks a lot ___________.

Smart Choice Focus: Language Practice, page 12, #1-3

Common wh- questions What do you do? Where do you live?

I’m an architect. I live in San Francisco. I don’t live in Japan.

What does she do? Where does she go to school?

What do they do? Who do they work for? Where do they work?

She’s a college student. She goes to NYU. She doesn’t go to Harvard.

They’re pilots. They work for American Airlines. They work in an airport. They don’t work in an office.

Wh- Questions & Statements Wh- Questions

Where do do does does does do do

I you he she it we they

Affirmative (+) and Negative (-) Statements work? I You He She It We They

+ work work works works works work work

do not work here. do not work does not work does not work does not work do not work do not work

Spotlight: Grammar Regular Verbs I live / don’t live in Korea. Korea. You We They Irregular Verbs: have, go, do I have/ don’t have brown hair. You go/ don’t go to church. We do/ don’t do the housework. They Try these out: 14. John _________ red hair. 15. Ann ________ __________ blue hair.


lives/doesn’t live in

She It

He She It

4. 5.

has/ doesn’t have blue eyes. goes/ doesn’t go to work. does/ doesn’t do all of it.

I __________ long hair. They _______ ________ green

Rewrite the Story Max and Lisa My friends Max and Lisa live in Miami. They own a restaurant there. Max and Lisa like their jobs, but they don’t have a lot of free time. They work six days a week. On Monday they don’t work. On their day off, they sleep until noon and spend the afternoon at the beach. Max My friend Max _________ in Miami. He ______ a restaurant there. Max ________ his job, but he __________ _______ a lot of free time. He ________ six days a week. On Monday he _________ _________. On his day off, he _________ until noon and __________ the afternoon at the beach.

This Week’s Homework 1. Workbook pages: 7 (#1 & 2), 8 (#6), and 9 (#7 - 9)

Last Week’s Homework 2.

1. Student Profile Workbook pages: 2 (#1 & 4), 3 (#5 & 6), and 4 (#8 & 9)

Last Week’s Homework Answers Page 2 Activity #1 3. is 4. are 5. are 6. are 7. is Activity #4 10. Don and Roy aren’t actors. They’re doctors. 11. Frank isn’t an artist. He’s a student. 12. Ted and I aren’t from the US. We’re from Canada. 13. His name isn’t Daniel. His name is Douglas.

Page 3 Activity #5 3. Are 4. I’m not 5. Are 6. they are 7. Is 8. she is Activity #6 11.What is your name? 12.How old are you? 13.Where are you from?

Last Week’s Homework Answers (continued) Page 4 Activity #8 3. Where are you from? 4. And you? 5. Are you a student? 6. How about you?

Activity #9 2. What is your name? 3. Sally Robertson. 4. … to meet you 5. Hiroshi 6. Nice to meet you 7. Where are you from? 8. … from Australia. 9. Where are you from? 10. I’m from Japan. 11. Are you… 12. .. I’m a teacher. 13. How about you? 14. I’m a student.

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