Permit Application Form

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 662
  • Pages: 2


PERSONAL DETAILS Company Name (if applicable): Surname: First Name/s: Address:

Post Code: Daytime Tel (including STD Code): Mobile: Email: Vehicle Make & Registration No: (in case of emergency) PERMIT TYPE



*6 day monthly permit (Mon-Sat)


*13 week quarterly permit (Mon-Sat)

£110.64 + VAT


*Please note the above permit tariffs exclude Sunday PAYMENT METHOD:(please tick where appropriate) *Standing Order **Cheque *If paying by standing order then please complete the attached Standing Order Mandate and return to us at the following address:Emco Group, The North Range, 4 Harewood Yard, Harewood, Leeds, LS17 9LF **If paying by cheque there will be a £5.00 administration charge for each cheque in addition to the relevant permit tariff chosen, so please take this into account when sending payment. Declaration I hereby apply for a parking permit and declare that the information provided is accurate and true. I understand that the permit remains the property of Emco Group and that replacements will be charged for. I understand that permits are not transferable and the facility may be withdrawn if the permit is misused. I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions overleaf.

Signature ………………………………………

Date ……………….

Data Protection Act 1998 – We will use the personal data you provide on this form to process your application for a permit in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

WEB Application Form

PARKING PERMIT TERMS & CONDITIONS These terms should be read in conjunction with the Permit Application details overleaf in respect of the car park to which the Permit is granted. 1. Permit Holders are required to complete a Permit Application Form.

2. A fee of £5.00 is required upon issue of the Permit. 3. Permits are issued for use in the car park area referred to on the Permit and are non-transferable to other car parks.

4. It is the responsibility of the Permit Holder to inform Emco Group in writing of any changes to the Permit Holder’s address, vehicle or registration details.

5. Permits are issued upon receipt of payment in advancewhich must reach the offices of Emco Group prior to the first of the calendar month. periods/delays when sending payment.

Please take into account busy postal

6. A £5.00 administration fee will be payable by any Permit Holder wishing to pay by cheque (£5.00 per cheque).

7. The Parking Permit may be terminated at any time by the Owner forthwith on any breach of any obligation. 8. If the Owner or Permit Holder wishes to terminate the Permit then they must do so by giving not less than 1 (one) month’s prior written notice.

9. All Permits are to commence on the first of the calendar month. 10. All Permits must be displayed inside the front windscreen of the Permit Holder’s vehicle in full view with all details showing. (Motor Bikes not exempt).

11. Permits are transferable between vehicles provided a valid Permit is displayed at all times in accordance with Clause 10.

12. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions will result in the Permit Holder’s vehicle being liable to the parking enforcement procedures operated and displayed in the parking area. 13. Vehicles are parked at the Permit Holder’s own risk. 14. Emco Group are not liable for any fines imposed on a vehicle under any circumstances.

15. The Permit Holder will pay the Owner on demand the sum of £10.00 (plus any Value Added Tax chargeable thereon) for the replacement of each lost or damaged Permit. The Permit shall be returned to the Owner on termination of the Permit in accordance with Clauses 7 and 8, otherwise The Permit will remain active and the Permit Holder will be invoiced accordingly. All payments for Permits must be made direct to Emco Group at the address as stated on the Permit Application Form. In case of emergency please contact:During Office Hours (8am- 5pm) Tel: 0113 218 1923

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