Orolt cou il deqs hno
LANAO del Nofte Rep. A bdullah Dfunapom was cleared of gralt in .onnection witi the fertilizer fund scarl"
Dmaporo, the Sandiganbayan ., h exonerating the,ctate prosecutors failed Lo
prove hii invoivement
m the fertilizer fund scam. this case, the C_o_urt finds that the prosecution ,has"In not presented sufficient proof to sh6w lhat ac_ cusect Dtmaporo exercised manifest parfialitv arrd evrdent^bad faith in allocating the subiect fund io LFI (Lanao Founda hon lncorpora ted). An]. motive of self_ lnterest or LIJ {v1 ill) was not satislactorily estdbLished,,, tne anh-gratt cou_rt ruline read. idded Lhat rhe prosecurion _-le l{rdjganba}an. merery retied on its daim that LFI is not qt-ra]ified to unplement the proiect because of the latte/s tinarciai and opera tional incapdbility having an equitv of or v l'u,558.64 in order to impute bad -faith a;d;ranife;t
lloile solon
parti ali ty on accu sed Dima po ro in all oca 6n g
th e fun ds to the NCO. Il]e Sandiganbayan said t}e Department ol Asri. _ culture assured the couri thaL the founclation fiad already shor,r'n the.capabilitJ to de[ver projechs even tu11r(l the fertilizer issue. The Sandiganbayan's Se.ond Division last March -- qranqq Llimaporo's bid to challenge the prosecu_ ib tion s evidence. ln response, thecourtsard that the prosecution was nol-able to fully establish that Dmapbro acted in bad tarth \ahenhe reledsed firnds for Ltrepurchaseot 1O000 oags or reft[zer to Lll.
acquiftat, rhe hotd departure order ,-,F91io*Tg.tg rssuedagainsL Dimdporo h,s been lifted'a-rld 5et aside,
wtute,batl bonds he posted have been ordered re_ reasect. Jestof p. Manalastag
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