Penny, Plan, Arcos, Tie Placement Presentation

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More details

  • Words: 1,040
  • Pages: 44
Agenda • Background – Plan – Placement

• Objectives of the placement – Personal objectives – Agency objectives

• The project – Background – Project objective – Creative

• Outcomes

Background - Plan • Plan is a non-governmental organisation created in 1937, now working in 66 countries across the world. • Through its field work, Plan assists over 1.2 million children in the world, relying on the support of more than 1 million individual donors. • Established in Brazil in 1997, Plan now sponsors about 22,000 children. • This sponsorship is used to develop projects in local communities.

Background - Plan Approach • Plan’s child centred community development is a rights based approach in which children, families and communities are active participants in their own development. • They believe this approach enhances the opportunities to work together with the community, to address the structural causes and consequences of child poverty at all levels.

Background – Placement • Based in Recife, Brazil for 1 month starting on 1st November – 1st December 2007 • The original purpose of this communications project was to promote “Projecto Comunicando os directos da crianca e do adolescente” (communicating Children’s rights) within the municipality of Cabo

Communicating Children’s Rights • In 2004 the project was set up with 90 teenagers between 12 to 18 years old, from Cabo de Santo Agostino, NE Brazil. • The programme was designed to promote the rights of children by using audio-visual, radio journalism and radio theatre workshops. • Themes that are covered by the project include: – Violence in the community – Violence in school – Young pregnancy – Domestic violence – Street children – Sexual exploitation and abuse

Objectives of the Placement

Personal Objectives • Work on something really worthwhile • Help a company that has limited knowledge and understanding of communications • Expand my own skills

W+K Objectives • To help make truly meaningful contributions to communities or organisations that could really use the skills that we have to offer. • Developing the breadth and richness of experience of our people – both in professional and personal terms.

The Project

Background • The original brief for the placement was to promote the ‘Communicating Children’s Rights’ project itself. • However, after some initial discussions it became clear the task was much larger than this. • We needed to ensure a wider understanding of, and interest in, Children’s Rights as a whole. • We agreed we would achieve this by using the Rights project and the youth who have already taken part in the scheme.

Project Objectives • Plan’s objective – Promoting the Rights of Children and Adolescents

• Communications objective – Raise awareness and generate interest in Children’s Rights in the municipality of Cabo

Target Audience

The youth of Cabo de Santo Agostino, along with their families

Other areas to consider

What is Plan? • There was some confusion within Cabo as to who or what Plan is • Therefore, each communications project needed to start to build a picture of Plan’s role within the community

Talkability • By communicating children’s rights we are discussing difficult or uncomfortable subjects people would often rather ignore • We needed to make the topic interesting – Generate word of mouth – Raise awareness – Inspire people to want to get involved

Recommendations • We proposed to start with an event – Kick start the communications process – Raise awareness quickly to a wide number of people – Cool enough that people want to attend

Film festival • We recommended that we hold a film festival • Film is universally enjoyed and a great way to encourage the maximum number of people to attend the event • It also allowed us to use the assets we already have (the films the children have produced) • Lastly, this event has enough scope to promote all of the key elements – Plan – Children’s rights topics – The Communicating Children’s Rights project and the children who have already taken part

Film festival • The evening starts with an introduction to Plan International – Thus starting to explain the role of Plan within the municipality of Cabo

Film festival • The second part of the evening focuses on the key children’s rights topics – 1 short film from the Projecto Comunicando os directos da crianca e do adolescente shown per night – Also promotes the youth that have created these films

Film festival • To ensure the messages are clear, a debate on children’s rights will take place after these initial videos • Interesting speakers from the area will facilitate: – Cinematographers – Writers – Musicians

Film festival • To ensure maximum attendance we wanted the event to have some element of entertainment • So, for the final part of the programme we will show a Brazilian feature film • Local sponsors to provide free food and nonalcoholic drinks e.g.: – Popcorn – Succos – Sweets

Creative Development

Creative Development • The creative team wanted to develop work that would stand out but was also reflective of the people who lived in Cabo • Their concern was that any advertising which was too sophisticated would not speak to the community • It needed to be simple, taking references from graffiti and hip hop graphic styles from the local area

Creative • The creative will be distributed in and around Cabo: – – – – –

In schools Internet cafes Community centres Outside supermarkets On the local radio



Event Logo Copy: A new view

Main Poster Copy: Plan brings cinema to you

Poster for schools Copy: Your homework is to go to the cinema


Fly poster – Copy: Don’t go home go to the Cinema

Bus back


Internet cafe

Microsite home page



Outcomes • The event will be promoted for two weeks post carnival across the entire municipality of Cabo • The event itself will take place each evening between 27th and 29th February 2008

Outcomes • I believe that my personal and agency objectives have been met • But most importantly, Plan have realised the need to add a communications element to each of their projects • And the need to communicate who they are as an organisation more effectively

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