Pembimbing Rakan Prs

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  • Words: 364
  • Pages: 8
Unit bimbingan dan kaunseling [ubk] Tokoh-tokoh kaunseling luar negara

(i) Sigmund Freud (Europe) Founder of psychoanalytic theory (18561939).  Trained as a neurologist and practice psychiatry  One of the first to say that hysteria could occur in men.  His first book, written in 1896 with his colleague Dr Joseph Breuer was titled ‘studies in hysteria’  Freud believe that the problem was in his patients minds-not in the conscious part but 

According to Freuds psychoanalytic theory, the man who thought he was blind thought so only in the conscious part of his mind. [psychoanalytic theory=the school of psychology founded by Sigmund.F that teaches that behavior is usually caused by unconscious mental processes. 

(ii) Rene Descartes (French) Leading proponent of dualism.(1596-1650)  A genius in mathmatics  Known for his rational approach to philosophy. That is, he wanted to discover the truth about the world through logical reasoning.  He believes that because he was able to experience his own thoughts, memories and awareness of the world, he must therefore exist.  The idea become the basis for his other conclusions about the truths of univesre around us. 

Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner(1904 – 1990) He went to New York City in the late 1920s to become a writer,majored in literature at Hamilton College in New York  Went to Harvard to study psychology, since he had always enjoyed observing animal and human behavior when he is not successful.  He developed the ideas of "operant conditioning" and "shaping behavior. 

Skinner expressed no interest in understanding the human psyche. He was as strict a behaviorist as John Watson, and he sought only to determine how behavior is caused by external forces. He believed everything we do and are is shaped by our experience of punishment and reward.

John Watson (South Carolina)  Watson had formed ideas that would

become a whole branch of psychology: behaviorism.  He studied the biology, physiology, and behavior of animals, inspired by the recent work of Ivan Pavlov. He began studying the behavior of children, as well, concluding that humans were simply more complicated than animals but operated on the same principles.


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