Peace Treaty

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Peace, Peace Treaty, Peace Process - The Peace FAQ

Peace, Peace Treaty Frequently Asked Questions: ● ● ●

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Is Peace the absence of violence and war? Is peace possible between Israel and the Arab world? Won't peace come when Israel gives the the Arabs more land and another state? Hasn't Israel already secured true peace with Jordan and Egypt using this 'Land for Peace' equasion? Once a peace treaty is signed, is Israel guaranteed true peace? What happens when the bribes the U.S. is paying to the Arabs runs out? Isn't peace our ultimate goal - that which we should put all of our effort? What is Arab Islamic tradition and history when it comes to treaties and peace-making? If only the two peoples could meet - especially the children wouldn't there be peace? What is the Palestinian demand of "Right of Return"? Once a Palestinian State is created, the Palestinians would have no reason to hate the Jews, right?

Is Peace the absence of violence and war? ●

"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice." - Baruch Spinoza

It is now widely seen that peace should be more than the mere absence of war: it should be a positive force that counters violence as a means of resolving the problems of human society. Justice should not only aim at controlling the negative traits in human nature, it should work to promote a sense of fairness, compassion and universal brotherhood. (1 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace prize winner in a message to the International Conference on "Universal Rights and Human Values: A Blueprint for Peace, Justice and Freedom" Edmonton, Canada, 26-28 November, 1998 ●

Peace is no longer considered to be simply the absence of war. That is far too limited a definition. In fact, "the absence of structural violence" is now viewed as a much more positive definition of peace. To understand why, we need to understand what is meant by the term "structural violence". The Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Johan Galtung extended the meaning of the term "violence" to include all things that stand in the way of the full flowering of human potential. He called oppressive forces that are deeply rooted in social conditions "structural violence". Of course, wars that cut off young lives at the root are the most wanton form of structural violence, but there are many other hindrances to the flowering of human potential, including hunger, poverty, the destruction of the environment, social injustices, discrimination, and backwardness in educational and medical policies. Thus, peace studies must seek practical means of creating a society without such structural violence, while the goal of peace education should be contributing to the establishment of such a society. To guarantee maximum fulfillment of human potential, it is essential to ensure maximum protection of human rights, for a peaceful society is surely one that offers its members a wealth of human rights. Peace education, then, is directly tied to human rights education aimed at eliminating all forms of prejudice including that against the traditional outcast class in Japan. It is also connected to education about protection of the environment. - EPILOGUE.html

Is peace possible between Israel and the Arab world? ●

"We can only arrive at peace with the Arabs through an evolution on their part that includes democracy. But wherever I turn my eyes to look, I don't see a shadow of democracy. I see only dictatorial regimes." - Golda Meir, in an interview with Oriana Fallaci in Jerusalem in November 1972

For the vast majority of Arabs, Israel is "taboo" -- the acceptance and legitimization of which simply inconceivable irrespective of diplomatic treaties. The current "peace process" is no different. (2 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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- from ISLAMIC ANTI-SEMITISM AS A POLITICAL INSTRUMENT, by Yossef Bodansky, in The Maccabean Online, January, 1998 ●

"It is only natural for Jews and Muslims to clash in the wake of the clarification that Islam aspires for higher values that contradict what the Jews call for." - Abd-Allah al-Thal, a former Jordanian General during the War of Independence, in The Danger of International Judaism to Islam and Christianity, cited by Y. Harkabi in Emdat haAravim beSikhsukh Yisrael-Arav [The Arabs' Position in the Arab-Israeli Conflict], Tel Aviv, Dvir, 1968

The answer is YES -- But only after mind-boggling changes in the Arab world. True peace can only be made after the Arab world undergoes democratization. Simply put, democracies rarely go to war with one another. All our major wars of the last two hundred years have been between dictators or between democracies defending themselves from dictators. When a ruler is elected by the people, he has a natural restraint preventing him from sending their sons and daughters into combat in an aggressive war. No such restraint exists anywhere in the Arab world. The second major change required of the Arab/Moslem world is to create secular states not subservient to the rule of Islam. The problem for Israel with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism is the very hostile attitude that Islam has toward Jews and any non-Islamic person. Islam is all encompassing and guides behavior, law, religion and attitudes and relations with non-Moslems. Islam perceives the world as two separate parts: 1.The first is Dar el-Islam or the World of Islam 2. All the rest is Dar el-Harb or the world of the sword or the world of war -- that is those non-Muslim nations that have yet to be conquered. The concept of JIHAD or Holy War has been understood by most of us but there is another concept in the Koran with which few of us are familiar. But it is essential to understand this concept when relating to Moslems. That is the law of HUDAIBIYA which dates back to Muhammad and states clearly that "Muslims are permitted to lie and break agreements with non-Muslims." This applies to business, personal life and politics. Would a peace treaty be worth much if the other party is Moslem? Islam divides the world between Believers and Infidels. Jews and (3 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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Christians are relegated to the status of Dhimmis or second class citizens. The Koran clearly calls on Moslems to degrade and humiliate both groups. The Arab/Moslem world will have to develop a tradition of respect for women, minorities, and human rights in general before they will be ready for peace with Israel. It seems a bit odd that our State Department is pushing democracy and human rights from one end of the globe to the other -- WITH THE REMARKABLE EXCEPTION OF THE MIDDLE EAST. Why are the Arabs insulated from pressure to democratize their societies? It is obvious that no peace agreement would be worth anything with people believing in the above Islamic tenets, failing to practice democracy or show respect for minorities and human rights. - Bernard J. Shapiro, Editor of the Freeman List ●

Since every culture has its own traditions, Prophethood, as a part of the Middle Eastern culture, has a validity for its own people. But thrusting it on other nations as Islam does for establishing Arab hegemony, is aggressive and undesirable. On the contrary, the Mosaic Prophethood is harmless because the Jews do not seek conversion through propaganda, persecution and promises. Still worse is the Islamic attitude that preaches destruction of the Jews as part of faith and means of salvation. It has caused such an inhuman animosity between the Muslim and Jewish groups that it is likely to threaten survival of the human race. - from ISLAM: The Arab Imperialism, by Anwar Shaikh

Won't peace come when Israel gives the the Arabs more land and another state? ●

If you believe what you read in most news sources, Palestinians want a homeland and Muslims want control over sites they consider holy. Simple, right? Well, as an Arab-American journalist who has spent some time in the Middle East dodging more than my share of rocks and mortar shells, I've got to tell you that these are just phony excuses for the rioting, trouble-making and land-grabbing. (4 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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...Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. - Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily ●

"We must remember that the main enemy of the Palestinian people, now and forever, is Israel." - Freih Abu Middein, the PA's justice minister, quoted in Arafat and the Uses of Terror, Commentary Magazine, by Jonathan Torop

"I say once more that Israel shall remain the principal enemy of the Palestinian people, not only now but also in the future." - Abu Middein, quoted as above but on another occasion, reading a speech in Arafat's name

"We will take ALL of Israel with Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and ONLY of this State, and anyone who doesn't like it can go drink Gaza sea water". "The Jews will leave and go back where they came from". "We will liberate the holy land of Palestine in blood and fire." - Yassir Arafat, in video from Palestine Broadcasting Company, after the Oslo handshake. Such statements have been made repeatedly since then. [source: Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst & commentator]

"No Jew has the right to relinquish the right of the Jewish People over the whole Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such authority, not even the whole Jewish People has the authority to waive the right (to the Land of Israel) for future generations for all time." - David Ben Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister and founder of the Labor Party, about the Jewish People's connection to the Land of Israel. (5 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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If the "Peace Process" produces a Palestinian state, the effects on enemy capabilities and intentions, and therefore on Israeli preemption options, will be significant. Here, Israel's substantial loss of strategic depth could be recognized by enemy states as a significant military liability for Jerusalem. Such recognition, in turn, could heat up enemy intentions against Israel, occasioning an accelerated search for capabilities and consequently a heightened risk of war. Louis Rene Beres Professor Department of Political Science Purdue University

Hasn't Israel already secured true peace with Jordan and Egypt using this 'Land for Peace' equasion? ●

See Camp David

Once a peace treaty is signed, is Israel guaranteed true peace? ●

"Once peace comes, Israeli doves, more than other Israelis, must assume a clear-cut 'hawkish' attitude concerning the duty of the future Palestinian regime to live by the letter and the spirit of its obligations". - Amos Oz, September 3, 1993, The Jerusalem Post,

Great issues of war and peace as related to Israel are being debated by Jews in Israel and America. There are strong opinions on both sides of the Atlantic as well as both sides of the major issues. Professor Paul Eidelberg of Bar-Ilan University, reviews the historical facts: Between 1945 and 1978 the longest time without a war going on someplace was a mere 26 days. On an average day there are 12 wars being fought somewhere on earth. The consensus of scholars has been that the norm of international relations is not peace but war. As Eidelberg reports, "Indeed, the occurrence of 1,000 wars during the last 2,500 years indicates that "peace" is little more than a preparation for war. Which means that peace treaties are WORTHLESS, to say the least." (6 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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Eidelberg then quotes from a book by Lawrence Beilenson, entitled THE TREATY TRAP, saying, "After studying every peace treaty going back to early Roman times, Beilenson concludes that treaties are made to be broken. In fact, he shows that treaties for guaranteeing the territorial integrity of a nation are useless to the guaranteed nation, and worse than useless insofar as they engender a false sense of security. Such treaties can only benefit nations governed by rulers intending to violate them whenever expedient." - Bernard J. Shapiro, Editor of the Freeman List ●

British PM Neville Chamberlain's evaluation of Hitler after 1938 Munich conference: " a man who could be relied upon when he had given his word." (Life of Neville Chamberlain by Keith Feiling, London, 1946)

Hitler's evaluation of the British after the conference: "they are little worms; I saw them at Munich." (The Struggle for Europe by Chester Wilmot, London, 1952)

UN secretary-general Kofi Annan's evaluation of Saddam Hussein after meeting him in Baghdad: "someone I believe we can do business with." (Newsweek March 9, 1998)

What happens when the bribes the U.S. is paying to the Arabs runs out? ●

See Jihad (7 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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Isn't peace our ultimate goal - that which we should put all of our effort? "What I want to say is something that virtually the whole history of the 20th century teaches us and yet something we refuse to learn. And that is , when applied to the affairs of nations, peace is an evil word. Yes I said evil. And the idea of peace as we know it is an evil idea. From the peace of Versailles to "peace in our time" at Munich... each declaration of peace or expressions of longing for peace ended in slaughter. Not necessarily immediately and not necessarily directly, but slaughter all the same..." "For there is no such thing as making peace. Nations who are friendly do not need to do so, and nations or people who are hostiles cannot do so. To cry peace, peace when there is no peace, the prophet Jeremiah taught us long a go, is not the expression of hope, not even superstition but a reckless toying with the minds and hearts of people whose very future depends on their capacity to rise every day to the harsh morning light of the truth." - Midge Dector

What is Arab Islamic tradition and history when it comes to treaties and peace-making? ●

The 'Hudibiyya' and 'Salah a-Din' Agreements Mohammed, the 7th century founder of Islam, once signed a 10-year peace treaty with the enemy tribe of Koreish. However, after only two years into the treaty, Mohammed's military position improved whereupon he tore up this "Hudibiyya Agreement" and slaughtered the Koreishites. Salah a-Din (Saladin) was the Muslim leader who, after a cease-fire, declared a jihad against the Crusaders and captured Jerusalem If a PA (Palestinian Authority) cabinet minister were to compare the Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinian people to the Hudibiyya Agreement, he would be suggesting that the treaty were only a temporary truce. Not only have cabinet ministers done just that... so has the leader of the Palestinian people! Speaking to a rally of his Fatah movement in Ramallah just last November 16, 1998, Yasser Arafat said, "When we chose the peace of the brave [the Oslo and Wye Accords], we chose it with trust in the Prophet who agreed to the treaty of Hudibiyya..." On numerous previous occasions (and certainly to be continued in the future), both Arafat (8 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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and other senior PA officials have assured Arab audiences that their treaties with Israel are only "temporary truces" rather than genuine, permanent peace agreements. ●

Address to a rally in Ramallah broadcast on official Palestinian Television, November 15, 1998: "We chose the peace of the brave out of faith in the prophet, in the Khudaibiya agreement." Newspaper interview, Al-Quds, May 10, 1998: Question: Do you feel sometimes that you made a mistake in agreeing to Oslo? Arafat: No . . . no. Allah's messenger Mohammad accepted the al-Khudaibiya [Hudibiyya] peace treaty and Salah a-Din accepted the peace agreement with Richard the LionHearted." Interview on Egyptian Orbit TV, April 18, 1998: Question: How do you explain that you occasionally ask the Palestinian street not to explode? Arafat: When the prophet Muhammad made the Khudaibiya [Hudibiyya] agreement, he agreed to remove his title "messenger of Allah" from the agreement. Then, Omar bin Khatib and the others referred to this agreement as the "inferior peace agreement." Of course, I do not compare myself to the prophet, but I do say that we must learn from his steps and those of Salah a-Din. The peace agreement which we signed is an "inferior peace". The conditions [behind it] are the intifada, which lasted for seven years. Question: For practical reasons, do you now suggest to maintain quiet despite everything? Arafat: Yes, I suggest we maintain quiet. We respect agreements the way that the prophet Muhammad and Salah aDin respected the agreements which they signed.

But, you may say, what about the Camp David Peace Accords? Mubarak annulled them 10 years after they were signed, as mandated by the tenets of Islam in the Koran: 'You may sign a peace treaty with your enemy, the infidel, but only for 10 years. When he's weakened, you must take back in blood what you previously lost.' The Arab states have broken over 350 agreements between themselves in this century. Contracts and agreements are meaningless in the Middle East, a simple fact the West and Israel have been slow to learn. (9 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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- Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst & commentator

If only the two peoples could meet - especially the children wouldn't there be peace? ●

"They took our school once to a Jewish camp on the cost of Eshdod for a week to mingle us with other Jewish schools, that didn't work, on the contrary, every teacher who spoke to a Jew was mocked." - Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector quoted from "Answering Islam"

What is the Palestinian demand of "Right of Return"? ●

The Specter of Saladin By AMOS OZ RAD, Israel -- I am sitting in front of the television in the living room, seeing Yasir Arafat receive a triumphant hero's welcome in Gaza, and all this for having said no to peace with Israel. The whole Gaza Strip is covered in flags and slogans proclaiming the "Palestinian Saladin." "Welcome home, Saladin of our era" is written on the walls. In silence, astounded, I watch, and I can't help reminding myself that the original Saladin promised the Arab people that he would not make pacts with the infidels; he would massacre them and throw them in the ocean. I see Mr. Arafat dressed in his gray-green combat uniform. It's an Arafat clothed like Che Guevara and treated like Saladin: my heart breaks. Already in 1967 I was one of the very few Israelis invoking the solution of two neighboring states, with Jerusalem as the capital city of both, reciprocal recognition and mutual acceptance. Since then, for many years, I was treated like a traitor by my own people. My children at school suffered all manner of insults, accused of being the children of one ready to sell off his homeland. And after all these difficult years, Prime Minister Ehud Barak went to Camp David to offer the solution I foretold over 30 years ago. I pause to reflect. I remember how in the old days a single phone booth would have sufficed to contain the entire national assembly of (10 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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Israeli peace activists. We could literally count ourselves on the tips of our fingers, a tiny minority among minorities. Today everything is different. More than half the nation is with us. And yet the Palestinians said no. They insist on their "right of return," when we all very well know that around here "right of return" is an Arab euphemism for the liquidation of Israel. Mr. Arafat doesn't insist on merely the right to a Palestinian state, a right I fully support. Now he demands that the Palestinian exiles should return not only to Palestine, but also to Israel, thus upsetting the demographic balance and eventually turning Israel into the 26th Arab country. After all, there are millions of Germans who will never return to their former homes in Poland, East Prussia or the Sudetenland. The Palestinians have a right to their own free and independent Palestine. But if they also want to have Israel, they should know that they will find me ready to defend my country: an old peace activist ready to fight for the survival of Israel. I believe this to be the last opportunity: the Palestinians must choose if they want a new Saladin, or to really work for peace. - from Amos Oz, the author of "Israel, Palestine and Peace."

Once a Palestinian State is created, the Palestinians would have no reason to hate the Jews, right? ●

Anti-Semitism in the Palestinian Authority "Dennis Ross amuses himself on his visits like a Shylock, deriving pleasure from imagining how he will slice three percent from the body of the victim... [The] biased mediator [is] part of the oppressive racist Zionist apparatus [influenced by the] Likudnik Zionist lobby in the American administration." Fatah newsletter, reprinted in official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat AlJadeedaSeptember 17, 1998 "The Israelis' haste in sending in a rescue team to Africa with American approval was in order to create solidarity among the victims for Israel... What the Israelis are doing is attempting to Judaize every (11 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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tragedy on the face of the earth and erase the ongoing tragedies occurring to the Palestinian people. This is a despicable act from the point of view of turning the facts on their head, exploiting emotions and directing accusations at the victim. It is giving credit to the hang- men, the murderers and the thieves who have stolen land." Editorial in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaAugust 15, 1998 "Everywhere, the Jews have been the subjects of hatred and disdain because they control most of the economic resources upon which the livelihoods of many people are dependent... There is no alternative but to say that the success of the Jews is not coincidental but rather the result of long years of planning and a great investment of effort in order to obtain their wretched control over the world's media... The winds began blowing in their favor when the campaign of persecution against them was begun by Hitler the Nazi... the international Jewish communications media under their control exploited this in the best possible way, and then the show started. They began to disseminate frightful pictures of mass executions and invented the shocking story of the gas ovens, where Hitler allegedly burned them... they focused on women, children and old people and have exploited this to arouse sympathy for themselves when demanding financial compensation, donations and grants from all over the world." "The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a deceitful myth which the Jews have labeled the Holocaust and have exploited to get sympathy.... And even if it is possible that Hitler's assault against the Jews hurt them a little, the fact is it did them a clear service whose fruits they are reaping until today..." Article, "The Jews and the Media Monopoly," in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaJuly 2, 1998 "Washington's decisions are not made in the White House, which is busy cleaning up its bed- rooms, but in the offices of Netanyahu, who is feverishly trying to recruit America and its allies to serve the hated agenda of the Torah." From an article in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al (12 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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JadeedaMarch 25, 1998 "[Israeli border control policy] should remind the Europeans of Nazi occupation by Nazi soldiers surrounding churches and places of worship during the Second World War. Israeli practices in many aspects are equal with, if not more brutal than, those practiced by occupying Nazi soldiers dealing with French-Dutch citizens during the Second World War." PAInformation Ministry press release December 10, 1997 "We must not lay aside the blade of the Palestinian struggle which we grasp with Arab and inter- national support, a blade with which we must struggle to shatter the two elements in the Likud's ideology: the racist-Torah part and the nationalist-fascist part." Article in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaDecember 6, 1997 "... 'Netanyahu's Plan' completely matches the foundations of the greater Zionist plan which is organized according to specific stages that were determined when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were composed and when Herzl along with Wiezmann traveled around the world in order to determine the appropriate location for the implementation of this conspiracy." Article in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaNovember 30, 1997 "We must act on the international level in the framework of a detailed information plan which will expose the Zionist-Colonist plot and its goals, which destroy not only our people but the entire world." PAAgriculture Minister Abdel Jawad Salehin an interview with the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaNovember 6, 1997 "Whoever comes in contact with the banks discovers that they act in Shylock's way.... We do not want Shylock-style banks that empty our pockets, but national banks; we have had enough of the Shylock of the lands and settlements." (13 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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Article, "The Banks and Shylock" by Hafez al-Barghouti, Editor, in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaNovember 5, 1997 "Israeli society started feeling ashamed of Netanyahu's rise to the highest position of power... when all of his qualities amount to his outdated Talmudic arrogance and his absolute belief that he is the spoiled child of Brooklyn's nymphs." Communiqué issued by Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction of the PLO, quoted in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaNovember 4, 1997 U.S. Ambassador-Designate to Israel Edward Walker "underwent extensive hearings in the Congress or, that is, in the 'Council of the Elders of Zion,' in order to win his post." Article by Hafez al-Barghouti, Editor, in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaOctober 30, 1997 ..."The Jews always set a trap for the community of Muslims... The Koran repeatedly warns against the traps and plots of the 'people of the book.' They relentlessly scheme in all times and places and this is what they do today and tomorrow against the Muslim camp." Excerpts from the weekly Friday prayer sermon at Al-AqsaMosque broadcast on the official PAradio station, the Voice of PalestineOctober 24, 1997 "It is impossible to rely on international or Arab national circles as long as Netanyahu's claws of hatred dive into our Palestinian blood in search of oxygen-rich blood cells.... our movement found in Netanyahu something it could not ignore which is the dismemberment of the agreement by the fangs of hatred and the chewing of the peace by the teeth of the Talmud.... We must recognize that this stubborn enemy, locks itself in the Talmud's cocoon...." Excerpts from a position paper issued by Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction of the PLO, published in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat AlJadeedaOctober 18, 1997 "Just as Hitler's Mein Kampf was a warning sign for his (14 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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future political path which brought disaster on Germany and the world, so Netanyahu's A Place Among the Nations explains all of the author's initiatives since he took power in Israel... The racist curses against the enemy and the legendary praises of himself make a noticeable point of similarity between Hitler's and Netanyahu's books.... Netanyahu tries to calm Jewish fears about the demo- graphic superiority and the natural Arab birth rates in Palestine.... HE does not refer to the means he will employ to achieve the goal of a reduction of the Arab birth rate.... In this point we are reminded of Hitler's statements about the sterilization of undesired segments of the populations." Article by PALegislative Council member, Nahid Muir Al-Rayis, AlQudsOctober 15, 1997 "This reminds me of the Goebbels [Hitler's propaganda minister] who said 'tell lies and lies, and in the end they will believe you.' The same is true of the Jews. It is a disgrace that they are issuing an arrest war- rant against me. Apparently they have learned Goebbels' methods." PAPolice Chief Ghazi Jabali, in reaction to the arrest warrant issued against him by Israelfor his involvement in terroristattacks, quoted in Ma'arivSeptember 12, 1997 "The appearance of the Zionist movement prompted the emergence of terrorist, racist ideologies, such as, the Nazi ideology. There is great similarity between the two ideologies: The Zionists believe that they are 'God's Chosen People,' and that other nations were created to be used and ridiculed... the Zionist Jews claim that they hate the nations since they persecute them out of jealousy of their wisdom, their success and their being God's chosen similarly, the Nazis claim that the Aryans are the chosen and the pure and that the anti-Semitism is the punishment of the Jewish Germans who betrayed their country.... Of course the similarity between the two racist ideologies -- the Zionist and the Nazi -- is obvious and the despicable racial content of each of them is clear... This proves the shared roots of Nazi and Zionist thought. This also ex- plains the cooperation between the Jews and the Nazis during World War II, through which were revealed the forged claims of the Zionists regarding (15 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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alleged acts of slaughter perpetrated against the Jews during the same period.... There is no difference between Hitler and Ben-Gurion, and if there was a difference at all, it was one of quantity and not one of substance. Anyone who investigates the crimes of the Zionists. . . discovers explicitly the complementary traits between Zionism, which is a racist terrorist movement, and the Nazi movement." Article in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaSeptember 3, 1997 "Since its establishment, the racist Zionist entity has been implementing various forms of terrorism on a daily basis which are a repetition of the Nazi terror.... This also explains the cooperation between the Jews and the Nazis during World War II, through which were revealed the forged claims of the Zionists regarding alleged acts of slaughter perpetrated against the Jews during the same period." Article in the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-JadeedaSeptember 3, 1997 "It is important to conduct the conflict according to the foundations which both are leaning on... particularly the Jews... such as the Torah, the Talmud and the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]... All signs unequivocally prove that the conflict between the Jews and the Muslims is an eternal on-going conflict, even if it stops for short intervals...This conflict resembles the conflict between man and Satan... This is the fate of the Muslim nation, and beyond that the fate of all the nations of the world, to be tormented by this nation [the Jews]. The fate of the Palestinian people is to struggle against the Jews on behalf of the Arab peoples, the Islamic peoples and the peoples of the entire world." Article from the official PAnewspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, summarizing the work of a Palestinianresearcher September 1, 1997 - source for the above quotes: The Anti-Defamation League ●

"Just as Jews can't come to the Ka'aba in Mecca, they can't come to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. These are holy Islamic places." (16 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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- Palestinian Legislative Council member Ra'fat Al-Najjar (IMRA, June 12) Editor's note: the Temple Mount and the Cave of the Patriarchs are the two most sacred sites for Jews. ●

"Five Zionist Jews are running the policy of the United States in the Middle East: Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Dennis Ross, [Ross' deputy Aaron] Miller and [ambassador] Martin Indyk. It is not possible that the American nation, which consists of 250 million people, cannot find anyone other than five Zionist Jews to conduct the peace process with the Palestinians." - PA "Justice Minister" Freih Abu Middein (Yediot Ahronot, April 13, 1997)

The following are selected quotes which appear in the Israel Government Press Office (GPO) report: "Israeli practices in many aspects are equal with, if not more brutal than, those practiced by occupying Nazi soldiers dealing with French- Dutch citizens during the Second World War." - PAInformation Ministry press release, December 10, 1997 "... 'Netanyahu's Plan' completely matches the foundations of the greater Zionist plan which is organized according to specific stages that were determined when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were composed" - from an article in the official PAnewspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, November 30, 1997 "Just as Hitler's Mein Kampf was a warning sign for his future political path which brought disaster on Germany and the world, so Netanyahu's A Place Among the Nations explains all of the author's initiatives since he took power in Israel The racist curses against the enemy and the legendary praises of himself make a noticeable point of similarity between Hitler's and Netanyahu's books.." - from an article by Nahid Munir Al-Rayyis, a member of the PA's Legislative Council (Al- Quds, October 15, 1997) (17 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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"The appearance of the Zionist movement prompted the emergence of terrorist, racist ideologies, such as, the Nazi ideology. There is great similarity between the two ideologies: There is no difference between Hitler and Ben- Gurion, and if there was a difference at all, it was one of quantity and not one of substance. Anyone who investigates the crimes of the Zionists discovers explicitly the complementary traits between Zionism, which is a racist terrorist movement, and the Nazi movement." - from an article in the official PAnewspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeedah, September 3, 1997 "It is well-known that every year the Jews exaggerate what the Nazis did to them. They claim there were 6 million killed, but precise scientific research demonstrates that there were no more than 400,000." - from a cultural affairs program broadcast on the official PAtelevision station on August 25, 1997. "The [Palestinian] Authority cannot do a thing, except protect its people and itself from an enemy which bares its Jewish fangs from the four corners of the earth... - - from an article in the official PAnewspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, August 6, 1997 "We believe that the Israelis are not adventuresome because the Jewish brain is cowardly and does not tend toward adventure, but rather exchanges it for plotting..." - from an article in the official PAnewspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, July 27, 1997 "Israel is distributing food containing material that causes cancer and hormones that harm male virility and other spoiled food products in the Palestinian Authority's territories in order to poison and harm the Palestinian population." - PADeputy Minister of Supplies Abdel Hamid al-Qudsi in a newspaper interview, Yediot Aharonot, June 25, 1997 (18 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

Peace, Peace Treaty, Peace Process - The Peace FAQ

"Oh, Allah, destroy America for it is controlled by Zionist Jews...Allah will avenge, in the name of his Prophet, the colonialist settlers who are the descendants of monkeys and pigs...forgive us, oh Muhammad, for the acts of these monkeys and pigs who wished to profane your holiness". - from the weekly Friday prayer sermon by PAMuftiIkrima Sabri broadcast on the official PAradio station the Voice of Palestine, July 11, 1997. "Israeli authorities infected by injection 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus during the years of the intifada." - Palestinianrepresentative Nabil Ramlawi at a session of the United NationsCommission on Human Rightsin Geneva (Jerusalem Post, March 17, 1997) ●

"It is well-known that every year the Jews exaggerate what the Nazis did to them. They claim there were 6 million killed, but precise scientific research establishes that there were no more than 400,000." - from a "cultural programme" broadcast on PA television

"I think we are talking about an investment. They [the Jews] have profited materially, spiritually, politically and economically from the talk about the Nazi killings. This investment is favourable to them and they view it as a profitable activity so they inflate the number of victims all the time. In another ten years, I do not know what number they will reach. Last year, for the first time, a statistic appeared according to which 1.5 million children were killed by the Nazis. This number was not previously known ... If this number was indeed correct, then someone would certainly have remembered it .... In my opinion, it is an investment, and as you know, when it comes to economics and investments, the Jews have been very experienced ever since the days of the Merchant of Venice." - Palestinian writer Ahsan al-Agha during the same "cultural programme" (19 of 19)8/9/2007 10:28:11 AM

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