Triffon’s Over-done Ice Mining Guide

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  • Words: 5,083
  • Pages: 17


First Print ------ June 10th 2009 Second Print ----- June 22nd 2009

Author, Designer and Illustrator


About Over Done Guide’s I have been playing eve online for some time now and I think I know a bit more information than I did when I started. I learned a lot by reading guides that people have spent time in making. This has made me want to start my own line of guides to help every one out in their quest for total rule over New Eden. I don’t have a web site for this at the time, so the logo below has no link. I’m going to try and get a website later on maybe next year I don’t know but till then are going to host Over Done Guides. This will help out a lot at the moment I did this with no extra help from outside apart from the Host so I could show you the guides. I hope you enjoy this guide and future ones to come.


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By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Attributes, Implants and Learning Skills ................................................................................................. 5 Implants .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Learning Skills...................................................................................................................................... 6 Learning Skill Book’s List ................................................................................................................. 6 The Basics of Ice Mining .......................................................................................................................... 7 Looking at the Ship.................................................................................................................................. 8 Mackinaws .......................................................................................................................................... 8 The Ice Mining Hulk ............................................................................................................................ 9 Orcas ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Rorqual .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Cycle Times ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Ice Harvesters ................................................................................................................................... 11 Solo Ice Mining ...................................................................................................................................... 12 AFK Ice Mining ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Fleet Ice Mining..................................................................................................................................... 13 POS Ice Mining ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Ice Processing........................................................................................................................................ 14 Ship Setups ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Update Note’s ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 17 My Thanks ......................................................................................................................................... 17

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Introduction First off is I would like to thank all the people who helped me on my first guide by pointing out some things that needed changing. I am making this version of the guide as a major step up this version will have new sections and added information to all sections to make for better reading. I am not doing a full rewrite on this new version but it will not look the same. I think most people have not seen what can come out of ice mining in eve and this guide I hope will make people more into mining ice. Ice mining it takes a long time to do, but it’s great for relaxing with a drink and talking to mates or if you just doing house work or even school work you can ice mine at the same time earning extra isk you would never have had before. This guide will show you the tips and tricks of ice mining along with great ship setups and charts to help you decide what ice you will mine. I added pictures in this version to make for easy reading. So you know before reading the guide, it is not 100% accurate yet but with your help it can be. Please send feedback to me in the eve forum post of eve mail me in game. Enjoy


By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Attributes, Implants and Learning Skills Ok so your just starting out or maybe your been playing for 5 or so years. No matter how old you are this, I’m sure will help you to train faster in the skills you will be doing most of. One thing is all my upcoming guides will have a section like this in them So first off you will need the Attributes for the skills involved in Industry. So the main ones you need are Intelligence and Memory. But remember don’t let the Perception and Willpower attributes go down too far. These are used for Spaceship skills and you will need them too. This is a list of attributes from most needed to least needed.

Intelligence Memory Perception Willpower Charisma

Implants OK so to go with your attributes you will also need implants and these are used to raise attributes higher. You can get implants from the market or storyline missions. To get good industrial attributes you will need at least a set of +4 implants and set your attributes in the right order using the attributes remapping. I will take a bit of advice from Halada’s guide he said Intelligence and Memory should be around 25 Perception and Willpower around 20 then Charisma as low as possible. Ocular Filter - Perception Memory Augmentation - Memory Neural Boost - Willpower Cybernetic Subprocessor - Intelligence Social Adaptation - Charisma Skills needed for Implants  Cybernetics, level 1 - for up to +3 Implants  Cybernetics, level 4 - for up to +4 Implants  Cybernetics, level 5 - for up to +5 Implants Ice mining Implant you will need to look at getting is the Hardwiring – Inherent Implant ‘Yeti’ BX-2. You will need Cybernetics level 5 for this implant but it will take another 5% off your cycle time

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Learning Skills Learning skills are the most important set of skills you need to train in eve. These skills I try to make sure all new and old players have them to a high level. There are two types of learning skills, Basic and Advanced learning skills. Basic learning skills, there the first ones you will need to get, there cheap and easy to train up - Rank 1s. Advanced learning skills, there the higher ranked skills that will cost more and take a bit longer to train up - Rank 3s. Learning skills add to you attributes permanently. You can get them from the market under skills - learning skills Learning Skill Book’s List

Basic Learning skills - List in order to train first to last      

Learning - Will raise all attributes by 2% Analytical Mind - Intelligence Instant Recall - Memory Spatial Awareness - Perception Iron Will - Willpower Empathy - Charisma

Advanced Learning skills     

Logic - Intelligence Eidetic Memory - Memory Clarity - Perception Focus - Willpower Presence - Charisma

Skill Name Training time Multiplier Given Attribute Analytical Mind 1x Intelligence Clarity 3x Perception Eidetic Memory 3x Memory Empathy 1x Charisma Focus 3x Willpower Instant Recall 1x Memory Iron Will 1x Willpower Learning 1x 2% to “All” Logic 3x Intelligence Presence 3x Charisma Spatial Awareness 1x Perception

By, Triffon

Market Cost 45,000.00 ISK 4,500,000.00 ISK 4,500,000.00 ISK 45,000.00 ISK 4,500,000.00 ISK 45,000.00 ISK 45,000.00 ISK 45,000.00 ISK 4,500,000.00 ISK 4,500,000.00 ISK 45,000.00 ISK

Over Done Ice Mining Guide The Basics of Ice Mining Ok first off, to ice mine you will need a mining barge or exhumer. These types of ships are the only ones in eve that can support the Ice harvesters. Once you’re in one of the ships and all set up you will need to find an ice belt to start mining in. There just like asteroid belts in systems you just right click and warp to the belt. There bigger too, some can be up to 300km long and no one can mine out an ice field no matter how many times you try.

Why should I ice mine? After refining ice you get Ozone, Heavy water, Strontium Clathrates and Isotopes, these are called ice product. All of the Ice products are used to fuel a POS (Player Owner Structure). Capital ships also use Isotopes, to use their jump drives. So there’s a lot of POS’s and Capital ships out there and the cost of these fuels are high on demand.

Ice mining is not like Asteroid mining. In asteroid mining you need to look at how much yield you’re getting in and try to improve that and make it as high as you can get it. But in ice mining you need to look at your cycle time and try to get it lower. At first you will have a very high cycle time that will be around 600 sec. In the end you will have achieved the lowest you can get in cycle time 205.01 sec. You will learn more on the cycle times later on in the guide. There are different types of ice in eve and all give a different amount, or a type of Product. First off each faction has their own type of ice and for each faction their got their own POS that will use only the isotopes from the ice found in that faction. So let’s say you live in Minmatar and you’re looking to get a POS up. For this I would recommend a Minmatar Control tower (POS). The reason why I am recommending that type of POS is because it will use the isotopes found in the ice that gets mined in Minmatar. There for it has less distance to travel and will cost less than other isotopes that had to be mined in other factions.











Ok so you now know there are different types of ice for each faction. But there is a lot of different ice in low sec (0.4 – 0.1) and null sec (0.0) as well, so I am going to place a table with the ice types and most common Sec levels you can find them in.

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Ice Type

Heavy Water

Liquid Ozone



Blue Ice White Glaze Clear Icicle Glacial Mass Thick Blue Ice Pristine White Glaze Enriched Clear Icicle Smooth Glacial Mass Glare Crust Krystallos Gelidus Dark Glitter

50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 1000 100 250 500

25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 500 250 500 1000

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 100 75 50





300 300 300 350

350 350 350

Sec level 0.8 – 0.1 0.8 – 0.1 0.8 – 0.1 0.8 – 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Looking at the Ship Mackinaws The ship you need to get to know most of all for ice mining is the Mackinaw. This ship is made for ice mining it’s the only job it’s good at, with its 100% bonus to ice yields per harvester it means you now get 4 units of ice out of each cycle. When you look at the ice harvesters you will see their got a 1,000 M³ yield and each unit of ice has a mass of 1,000 M³ so you only getting one ice per cycle per harvester with any other barge or exhumer apart from the Mackinaw.

Why should I use a Mackinaw over a Hulk for fleet mining? Well with the Hulk you do have 3 harvesters and the Mackinaw only has 2 but this is where the 100% bonus comes into play. With the Hulk you’re only getting 3 units of ice per cycle and the Mackinaw you’re getting 4 units of ice per cycle. So total amount per hour is higher with the Mackinaw and you make more isk. The Mackinaw has a 5% reduction in Ice Harvester duration per level. 100% bonus Ice Harvester yield but 25% penalty to ice harvester duration

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide The Ice Mining Hulk The Hulk is an exhumer that is best suited for ore mining and should never be use in fleet ice mining as it will be too slow at getting the ice. The afk setup on the hulk is great as I’ve seen on the forum. They mine slower than my AFK Mackinaw setup but the Hulk holds a lot more and can stay out in the belts for a lot longer for people wanting more time to do stuff then you have with the Mackinaw setup. The Hulk uses 3 Ice harvesters and gets a 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration per exhumer skill level Hulk – AFK     

High Slots: 3xIce Harvester II Mid Slots: 1x Small Shield Booster II, 1xCap Recharger II, 2xResistance Amp II Low slots: 2x Expanded Cargohold II Rigs: 2x Mid Cargohold Optimization I Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2

Orcas The Orca is a very new and is the perfect fleet commend ship for mining ops. It’s got a capital ship feel to it yet still fly’s high sec. Well any ways this ship is very important to your ice mining fleet as it can use 3 gang links at the same time and can hold a lot of ice in the corp hanger and cargo bay. With the pilot skilled right and if he/she fitted the ship out right you should make the 205.01 sec cycle time easy. Orca – Booster  High Slots: 1xMining Foreman Link – Mining Laser Field Enhancement, 1xMining Foreman Link – Laser Optimization, 1x Siege Warfare Link – Shield Harmonizing  Mid Slots: 1x XL Shield Booster II, 1xCap Recharger II, 2xInvulnerbility Field II  Low slots: 2x Expanded Cargohold II  Rigs: 3xLarge Cargohold Optimization I  Drones: 5xMid Logistic Drones Remember that the Orca is a very slow ship and will take time to move into position. The Orca is also good because you can put the ice right into the corporation hanger and there for cutting the need for a jet can and stoping the can flippers.

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Rorqual The Rorqual is the mother of all industrial ships this is the biggest and most ore hungry ship in eve. This is a capital ship and can only be used in low sec and null sec (0.4 – 0.0). With this ship will get better cycle times, clone vat bays and ore compression. This ship when ice mining you can get as low as 198.79 sec, with that and the compression of ore you can make a ton of ISK by using this ship. This ship is best described in Halada’s Mining Guide and I will not go too much into it here only the ice mining side of this ship. With the compression you will need to buy the blue prints for them. You can find the blue prints in the market like all other Blue prints. This is a very expensive ship so I would leave it at a POS and haul the ice back to the Rorqual to compress it. Rorqual  High Slots: 1xMining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization, 1xSiege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing, 1xArmored Warfare Link - Passive Defence, 1xClone Vat Bay I, 1xCapital Shield Transporter I, 1xIndustrial Core I  Mid Slots: 1xPhoton Scattering Field II, 1xHeat Dissipation Field II, 1xBallistic Deflection Field II, 1xInvulnerability Field II, 1xCapital Shield Booster I, 2xHeavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800  Low Slots: 3xExpanded Cargohold II  Rigs: 3xLarge Cargohold Optimization I  Drones: 5xHeavy Logistic Drones


By, Triffon

Un-Compressed Volume 1,000.00 M³

Units need For Compression 1.00

Compressed Volume 100.00 M³

Compression Rate 10.00

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Cycle Times Cycle times are the most important thing in ice mining. There got to be as low as you can get them and in this section I will show you how to get to that magical 205.01 sec time. Also what ice per hour and isk per hour you’re going to be making. What Isk per hour and ice per hour do you get from the 205.01 sec cycle time? I will show you in this table what was said in other guides, that you get from a Mackinaw and then compare it to this guide. Remember this guide is using the full amount of skills you can get for ice mining and the lowest time you can get in a Mackinaw.

Cycle Time (sec) Ice Units /hour Cycle /hour Isk /hour (0.8 – 0.1) Isk /hour (0.0) 317.28 205.01

44 68

11.34 17.56

5,192,000.00 8,024,000.00

22,880,000.00 35,360,000.00

Now for easy mining like this I think there good figures. But to get the 205.01 sec you need good skills and a good ship setup but luckily I put together my own setup and now going to show you how it can be done. Mackinaw  High slots: 2xIce Harvester II  Mid slots: ( Add any think you can and like to here)  Low Slots: 2xIHU II Skills Needed for 276.57sec  Exhumer, level 5  Ice Harvesting, level 5  Cybernetics, level 5, for Hardwiring – Inherent Implant ‘Yeti’ BX-2 Fleet Booster Needed for 205.01sec     

1x Mining foreman Link – Laser Optimization Mining Director, level 5 Mining Foreman MindLink Warfare Link Specialist, Level 5 Industrial Command Ships, level 5

Ice Harvesters You have got two types of harvesters in eve, so let’s have a look at both and we will get started. There are Ice Harvester I and Ice Harvester II.


Cycle Time Costs

Ice Harvester I 600.00s Ice Harvester II 500.00s

2Mil - Market 4.5Mil - Market

So all you really need to mine ice is Ice harvester I and a Retriever. But we are going to get you in to that great ice miner you’re looking for and for that you going to need skills and fleet Boosters. Cycle time will change to the condition you’re trying to mine in. There are 4 ways to mine ice Fleet, POS, AFK and solo, we will look at Solo ice mining first.

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Solo Ice Mining It’s a great way to get isk for you and can be done with one or two accounts. I would suggest using two accounts for this as you may be targeted by can flippers (a type of pirate). So first off you need a Miner and a hauler get them into fleet and head out to find a good spot in the ice belt. Once out there place a jet can down by right clicking on some think in your cargo bay and pressing jettison. This Jet can is able to hold up to 27 units of ice at one time. But remember to change the can every 1 hour 30 mins or you have the chance of popping the can and losing all your ice. For this mining style set your ship up to max out your cycle time by playing two IHU’s (Ice Harvest Upgrades) in the low slots. Make sure you have drones in your drone bay because you will not have a tank on with the two IHUs in. Mackinaw  High slots: 2xIce Harvester II  Mid slots: (You should only be solo mining in high sec so rats will not do much no need for tank)  Low Slots: 2xIHU II  Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2 With your hauler make sure he is out at the belt and pulling from the can all the time. Then when he is full head back to the station and unload. Make sure you have got an ok tank on you hauler so the rats don’t blow him up.

AFK Ice Mining This Style of mining is great for the people who are doing home work or working on their work stuff on another PC or maybe your just playing another game. Any way the point about this style is easy, it’s to try and make it less needy, as in you don’t need to be all over eve and not get a break. The way you achieve such a style of mining is to get you cargo capacity as high as it can go. So I had help from a mate who told me of this great AFK ice mining setup so I took it on and tried it out and it works so good I’m using this style right now as I am writing the guide here. Some people have said to me why are you mining like that you can make so much more mining in fleet or with IHUs in. My answer to all of them was, Well I’m playing another game or working on some house work and I am making more isk doing the afk mining then I would if I was not mining at all, because I don’t have the time to sit there and keep unloading my cargo into the can every 4 mins. This setup is a great but it cost a bit at first to get the rigs so till you have the isk for the rigs you will only have room for 8 units of ice not 12. Yes with the full setup you can get a full 3 cycles before having to unload. Mackinaw     

High Slots: 2xIce Harvester II Mid Slots: 2xCap recharger II, 1xSmall Shield Booster II, 1xResistance Amp II Low Slots: 2xExpanded Cargohold II Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2 Rigs: 2xMid Cargohold Optimization I

Total M³: 12,899.3

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Fleet Ice Mining Now unlike both of the top styles of mining Fleet is the most involved. When doing the Fleet Ice mining style you should go all out with your cycle time. As in set up your Mackinaw the same as for solo mining with the 2 T2 IHU’s. In fleet there should be an Orca or Battle cruiser out in the belt with a Mining foreman Link – Laser Optimization. This style of mining will get you that magical cycle time of 220.82 sec. I’m not going to get all into fleet here so set up a fleet like you would for asteroid mining. Don’t forget you can mine the same ice asteroid with the full fleet because there so big..... NOTE: In fleet Ice mining you don’t need to have a tank as there are a lot of drones out and by the time you start taking damage, the rats will be dead. Also try adding some logistic Drones to some of the ships! Mackinaw    

High slots: 2xIce Harvester II Mid slots: (For this you don’t need to add any think in the Mid, but go ahead if you like to) Low Slots: 2xIHU II Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2

With fleet mining you also have a better time hanging out with mates having a talk and you really don’t need to worry much about the game. Is so good to just jump on and fleet up with mates and forget about all the hassles you’re had at work and relax.

POS Ice Mining So you have a POS now and you’re not going to pay the price of isotopes on the market, you ever started thinking about ice mining for your fuels? Well you can use your POS for Storing that Ice while you mine it. This style of mining is based on all the others and needs the other styles to achieve it. What you are doing with a POS is hauling from the belt and placing the ice into the corporation hanger you have sitting there. This cuts the time of docking and you can get right back out there to haul some more. This works best for afk ice mining so you just fly your Mackinaw back to the Corporation hanger and unload and if you placed your POS at the moon closest to the ice belt then it will save time and add to your isk per hour rate. When hauling back to the station you have to wait for you ships to warp there and then fly there if your 2000m out. Once inside you need to unload and then undock. After undocking you need to warp to the belt again and this could waste a lot of time that can be saved if you use the POS for storing ice till you done mining. NOTE: When jet-can mining you should add a bookmark (found in people and places) to the can so when all the ice is removed you don’t have the can pop on you. The bookmark has no mass so it will not affect ore mining and ice mining at all.

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Ice Processing Ice processing is a lot like ore refining but there are more skills that you need to processing ice. For some the skills are too long but I have to say they get you a lot more isk per hour then not getting them and selling the ice without processing it. You should also get high standing with the corp that owns the station you processing at so you can take the tax away and add even more to your isk per hour rate. The tables below are what you get from 1 unit of ice with ether 5% tax or 0% tax. 0% Waste & 5% Tax: Ice Type

Heavy Water

Liquid Ozone



Blue Ice White Glaze Clear Icicle Glacial Mass Thick Blue Ice Pristine White Glaze Enriched Clear Icicle Smooth Glacial Mass Glare Crust Krystallos Gelidus Dark Glitter

47 47 47 47 71 71 71 71 950 95 237 475

23 23 23 23 38 38 38 38 475 237 475 950

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 95 71 47


Ice Type

Heavy Water

Liquid Ozone



Blue Ice White Glaze Clear Icicle Glacial Mass Thick Blue Ice Pristine White Glaze Enriched Clear Icicle Smooth Glacial Mass Glare Crust Krystallos Gelidus Dark Glitter

50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 1000 100 250 500

25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 500 250 500 1000

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 100 75 50





285 285 285 332 332 332 332

0% Waste & 0% Tax: Nitrogen



300 300 300 350 350 350 350

Skills Needed For Ice Processing:       

Industry, level 5 Refining, level 5 Science, level 5 Engineering, level 5 Refining Efficiency, level 5 Hydromagnetic Physics, level 4 Ice Processing, level 1, Will get 100% no waste if Station has 50% base refine

So you’re a miner and you don’t have many combat skills to run missions for a corp to get their standings up. Well what you need to do is tag along, on as many level 4 missions with your corp mates as you can and that will get your standing up to a good level.

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Ship Setups Mackinaw – AFK     

High Slots: 2xIce Harvester II Mid Slots: 2xCap recharger II, 1xSmall Shield Booster II, 1xResistance Amp II Low Slots: 2xExpanded Cargohold II Rigs: 2xMid Cargohold Optimization I Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2

Mackinaw – Solo and Fleet    

High slots: 2xIce Harvester II Mid slots: (For this you don’t need to add any think in the Mid, but go ahead if you like to) Low Slots: 2xIHU II Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2

Mackinaw - Tank     

High Slots: 2xIce Harvester II Mid Slots: 1xGistii B-Type Small Shield booster, 1xHeat Dissipation Field II, 1xPhoton Scattering Field II Low Slots: 1xDamage Control II, 1xCo-Processer II Rigs: 1xAnti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I, 1xAnti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Drones: 5xMid Logistic Drones

Iteron Mark V – Max hauler     

High Slots: 1xSmall Tractor Beam I, 1xSalvager I Mid Slots: 1xSmall Shield Booster II, 1xResistance Amp II, 3x Cap Recharger II Low Slots: 5xExpanded Cargohold II Rigs: 3xMid Cargohold Optimization I For ore uses, add Giant cargo containers

Orca – Booster  High Slots: 1xMining Foreman Link – Mining Laser Field Enhancement, 1xMining Foreman Link – Laser Optimization, 1x Siege Warfare Link – Shield Harmonizing  Mid Slots: 1x XL Shield Booster II, 1xCap Recharger II, 2xInvulnerbility Field II  Low slots: 2x Expanded Cargohold II  Rigs: 3xLarge Cargohold Optimization I  Drones: 5xMid Logistic Drones

Rorqual – 0.0 Monster  High Slots: 1xMining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization, 1xSiege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing, 1xArmored Warfare Link - Passive Defence, 1xClone Vat Bay I, 1xCapital Shield Transporter I, 1xIndustrial Core I  Mid Slots: 1xPhoton Scattering Field II, 1xHeat Dissipation Field II, 1xBallistic Deflection Field II, 1xInvulnerability Field II, 1xCapital Shield Booster I, 2xHeavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800  Low Slots: 3xExpanded Cargohold II  Rigs: 3xLarge Cargohold Optimization I  Drones: 5xHeavy Logistic Drones

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Hulk – AFK     

High Slots: 3xIce Harvester II Mid Slots: 1x Small Shield Booster II, 1xCap Recharger II, 2xResistance Amp II Low slots: 2x Expanded Cargohold II Rigs: 2x Mid Cargohold Optimization I Drones: 5xMid Scout Drones T1 or T2

Update Note’s Version 1.0 to 1.2.1 Update Notes: June 10th 2009 – V1.0 

First release of Guide.

June 10th 2009 – V1.1     

Typo’s, fixed Extra Information added – Cycle Times Mackinaw section titled Extra Information added to Fleet Ice Mining Ship Setups section added

June 12th 2009 – V1.2      

Typo’s, fixed Added more Information to parts of guide Orca section added Ice Reprocessing section added Magical Cycle time changed to 220.82 sec New Over Done Guide’s Logo added

June 12th 2009 – V1.2.1    

Added new info Magical cycle time changed to 205.01 Orca setup changed Implant added

Version 2.0 Update Notes: June 22nd 2009 – V2.0  Second release of Guide

By, Triffon

Over Done Ice Mining Guide Resources This was fun to do this guide and I will update it as often as I can. I know there are some missing things in here but I will work on this guide all the time to get it to the True over Done Guide standards.

My Thanks First off I will like to say thanks to Halada for his mining guide, The Complete Miners Guide, his work inspired me to work on this guide and I am going to make more Over Done Guides for all to work off. Links to V3.0 The Complete Miners Guide Eve forum Post Download PDF

Thanks to for hosting this guide on their server

A thanks go’s to Microsoft Word 2007 for helping me do this guild with good spelling and gramma

*Donations Accepted by Triffon

By, Triffon

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