Presentaciòn Diacronia, German Vs Old English

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  • Pages: 11
Universidad Nacional Sede Regional Chorotega Campus Liberia Course: Diacronía de la Lengua Inglesa Prof.: Msc. David Villalobos B. Topic: Similarities among Old English and Current German Student’s Name: Teresa Torres R. II Semester 2009

Current German still uses many English patterns and grammatical features as in old English. Some of them can be some similarities in spelling, pronunciation and syntactically features.

German still operates on older grammatical type.

In current German language is still uses some spelling forms of words as in “ich” ( “I” in modern English form ) in order to form the first singular pronoun as was use in Old English (ic, ih). The unique variation is that in German is added a “h“ letter at the end of the word. And the pronunciation of the word is similar in both languages.

One similitude that share current German language with Old English is the possessive form of words that are not formed with an apostrophe(`) ; as in “Bruders “(brother’s in the modern English version) for Germany and in old English “ic nat”( for I don’t know in Modern English)

Germanic language keeping some word order patterns as Old English. E.g: The german sentence that is written as “Mein Name ist...“ it is something similar as the old version “ min nama...“

The word “Wilcume” written in old English has a pronunciation and share some spelling features as is represent in some Germany language words “willKummen” with the difference that in Germany is added an “n” at the end of the word and a “K” instead of the “c” but the pronunciation in both sound is the same.

In some Germany words there are similarities of consonants sounds as in old english for example the “d“ and “ð”. e.g; German: Ich habe einen “Bruder” namens Bob. Old English: Broðor

Another similarity among Old English and German is that both share the same pronunciation and Spelling for the Possessive Pronoun “mine”.

Some similitude Germanic Language and Old English is e spelling of the verb to be “is”. In Germanic language in this rb is only form by adding a “t” sound at the end of the word g. “ist” but is very similar as in spelling as in pronunciation old English.

Finally, Old English had a diverse group of dialects, that is reflecting by the great varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Great Britain. One of those dialect was the Germanic. Due to its origins this dialect nowadays keep some forms and structures from the Old English. One of the most of significantly change that this dialect has is that is commonly the addition of “k” instead of “c” in many of the words and some addition of some letters at the end of words.

Bibliography A comparison between English, German, and their ancestors Old English, Old High, and Old Low German. Disponible en: // gins e

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