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: G*rv,/h^g. W, It --&o,"dffire -<+r3
TO Tt-lE Ut,uTED HAT|0l'tS
'l'h* ,.\.mbilssadlrrn ['crmanrn{ lttprcs*ntlttil
)Jew York,
d tu tre@n tr.&
March 2019
$e*- {&"4' d,n;,
I have thr pleasure o{'infirrn:ir:g you ahnut a scholarship programmc dcsigncd for l'oreign diplomats and r:rganized by Ministry ol' Forcign Aft'airs e and the ltonranian Agency for International Devclopment Cooperatiorr. "I'he cour$e will take pl*.. in!Br-.nio between 7-23 Septemher 2019, *.{, **riririu, br counlry.
During the lraining, a wide array *f t*pics r.vili be eovered, such as foreign poiicy, n:ultilateral cooperation, international law, economic diplonracy, management of crisis situation and resilienee to natural disasters. cyber securi{y and energy. anizers.
Herewith, we are sending y*u irttarhed the logistics note and the application form" The deadline lbr subrnitting ti:e narne of the participants is 1u(of April?019. Laoking {brward to hearing I}am you. I remain sincerely yourst
Ilr. I*n Jingu
H.E. Mr..lusri Luis Fi:tlho Rocha Pennanent Repr*senlativ* of the Republic o1'Cabo Yerde to the United Nations
571-571 3$ Avenue, l.lee{ Ysrh" NY 10016 Phon*: {2121 68}*3173, {2'12)68?-327,{, Fax {?121 68?-T746 t+nail: lanff!:qlu0mgQL$ fi tl$:{mpne'#yort,n]ae.re
I*#Htt vz:r,,,
Nffi ii4,*Aid
ForeignDiplo20I9@RSl Programm* designed for diplomats
fr*m $ub-Saharan Africa, Garibbean and Facific Group of $tates 7 *23 September 20{9 Romania
ForeignDiplaz0lg@RDl willtake place in Bucharesl. over a perir:d of
weeks, b*tween 7-
23 September I'019. Parti*ipants will arrive in Sucharest cn Septernber, the 7rn {for more details, please see section 4 Transportatlon) and the actual courses will begin on Sepiember, the
The programme will consist in lectures and 4 working visits to the fotlowing public institutions:
" .
The Ministry of Fareign Affairs
The Eomanian Government
The Romanian Parliament
All lectures will take place at The Romanian Diplomatic lnstitute { address: 17 Primaverii street, sectsr 1, Bucharest) The working visiis will take place at the headquarters of each respective institution
For the entire duraticn of the programme, accomrnodaticn will be provided in Bucharest {Hotel
TBA). Rooms at the hotel witl be reserved in advance for all participants The cost of accommodation will be fully cnvered by the organisers and paid directly to the hotel for the Participanis ar& r*$pon$ibte fnr paying for additional expenses {mini bar, drinks, t*lephone bill*, laundry servi*es etc.) directly to the hotel. Participants are kindty reque$t*d to settle all incidental costs befor* their departure.
Rfeff Vf,D
I n 20tg
in the Participants are expected to arrive on Saturday and Sunday {7-B September 2019) Travel afternoonlevening and leave nn later lhan Sept*mber, the 23rd, ?019 {TBA)' unless arrangements (including reservations and p*yment of air ticket*) are made by ftoAid otherulise agre*d. Transfers t* and lrom the airport will be provided by the organisers' On the Local transportatioil to and from lecture venues and any Other locations inffluded hours training agenda is provided by the organisers, unless otherwise indlcated' Departure in a timely are mentinned in the detailed programme or will be announced by the arganiser$ rnanner"
Please be sure lnsurance policies will be settl6d by RoAid to a maximum amnunt of 100 EUR' is subrnit by *mail the travel insuranse and the payment receipt to lhe organisers'
$hsrt-terml visa \&ihere needed, participants will be as$i$ted in obtaining th* visas. At request,
fe*s can also be settlcd
bY RoAid.
restaurant will be All maals wtlt be provided by the organisers. Transpcrtation to and from the will incur provid*d. Please, kindty notice that only set menus witl be served' Additional orders participanis extra expeilses, whirh need ia be settled dir*ctly with th* restaurant by setails regarding exlra-curricular activilies will be provided by the organisers'
participants will As the organisers will cav*r all travelling, accommodation and m*als costs' not be granted Daily Subsistence Allowances
''*ffienterandStaylnRsmafli*upto90days.Thesiandardvjuafegis60euro*. which other taxe$ appJy and somd"applicani categorres Nonetheless, thers ar* bilateral agreqments according to ?naqe=? rcreni nodel?QF--1 m ae ean be *xempted irar:n payment n{p,ivww ?.
Th* working language of the training (including working materials) and study visit is English Where needed, translation services from Romanian to Hnglish wili be pravided.
Fqr additional details, please don't hasitate to contact the organiser:
lulia Panta, iUlig.panta@i$tlg-, +4021 !33
Amelia llinca,
[email protected] , +4021 233 Sg 55, Romanian iliplomatic lnstitute
SS 55, Romanian Diplomatic lnstitute;
$,rrp :t T ?tj1$3
,uil N
LoR rx rt- tiN
IDR i nipt omati
Wffi, ffiffiw M!
Wffi l"\*:Aid
FnreignDiplo20l9@RDl Frogr*mme design*d for diplomats from Sub-$aharan Africa, Caribb*an snd Pacific Group of States 7
23 Eeptember 2019
Dear participanl, We would like to thank you for your interest in the Forergn}ipla1?lg@R)t Frogramme, which will take place in Romania, between 7 - 23 of September 201S, with artivities bCIth in Bucharest and within the country. This training is organized by Th* Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Romanian Diplomatic institute - Romanian Agency for lniernational Development Cooperation, The praject is dedicated to dlplomats from the African, Caribbean and Pacific states.
and RoAid
ln srder tc organlze your trip to Romania, we kindly ask you to fill in this application form and send it to amelia.ilinca@idr,ro, no later than April tgt 2019,
Surname/Familv name;
Phone number: E-mail address:
Date of issue: Date of exnirv:
lnstitution Your tit
Please check ffie bax
applies ta yau:
* I do not eat meat, I do not have anv food
but I do eat dairy products
I eat meat
porkl, dairy Praduct$, Btc. 0ther$:
alleroies? Do you have anY sPecific requirements thst would need specral assistance from our staff? l{ yes, please indicate this to us.
Cruntry and citY of
dcnarlt tra' Name of the airport of deParlure Do yau need an entrY vi*a for enter'inu Ramania? Do yau already hold a visa? lf yes, ptease sPecifY the
visa type {4.9. U.$., $chenqen) Do you have any travel restriciions? lf yes, please specifY. Do you have any specific reqiliremefits with respect to the travel itinerary to Romania? lf yes, ptease sp*cify"
e Presenf training'
inrng fe' g'
odtte ioi its fullduratiCIn and to actively
pa*i*ip*te in all tls aqtivities" ln case I will withdraw from the training without a subslantiatjuslification, after the RoAid Agency had already purcha*ed my flight ticksl*, t commit to cover the cnnesponding lo*es incurred by the Agency.
Fullname: $ignatur*; D*te:
We kindly ask ynu to attaCh to ihis applicaticn fonn a *cpy
ynur travel document (e.9.
For any quaaiigns, ple*se do not hesilate to uontact Ms. Amelia llinca, eilher by e*rnail {am*l ia. LlinqE @idr":A} or by phune {+4031 -?33'
3r J
RECETVED t'tAR 11 20tg