Analisis De La Pelicula Predestinación.docx

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  • Words: 1,058
  • Pages: 4
Analisis de la pelicula predestinación. Al principio de la pelicula se nos muestra la vida de un hombre que llega a un bar en el cual inicia una conversacion con el barman, aquí el personaje principal relata su vida de una manera extraordinaria. Comienza por contar que fue abandonada en un orfanato cuando era una bebe pequeña, aquí, decidieron darle el nombre de jane. De la misma manera, nos cuenta como tuvo una fea niñez y que no encajaba con los demas niños y que sabía que era distinta a los demás. Al llegar a la adultez debido a sus cualidades mentales y fisicas, se enlista en una agencia espacial. En la cual realiza distintas pruebas, pero debido que tenia la rara condición de ser hermafrodita fue rechazada (no le dijeron que lo era). Tiempo despues conoce a un hombre al salir de la escuela, sale con este hombre, se enamoran, y ella queda embarazada. Luego, el hombre desaparece de su vida. Despues jane da a luz a una niña, la cual es robada de el hospital, y casi al mismo tiempo se entera de que era hermafrodita y que debido a complicaciones tuvieron que remover sus organos femeninos. De esta manera jane se ajusta al cambio y pasa a llamarse john. Al pasar los años vá a un bar y ahí platica con el barman sobre su vida, depues de terminar de contarla el hombre le dice que si tuviera la oportunidad de matar a la persona que arruinó su vida ¿lo haría?. Entonces viajan al pasado por medio de una maquina del tiempo para llevar a john con el hombre que arruinó su vida, solo para darse cuenta de que aquel hombre de quién jane se enamoró fue john. Despues se muestra como la relación avanza y pasa lo inevitable, jane queda enbarazada de john. Asi mismo se muestra que john es reclutado por la empresa que antes lo rechazó siendo jane para ayudarlos a atrapar a un hombre que se hace llamar “fizzle bomber” . Asi se desarrolla la historia y se muestra que al paso de los años john tiene un accidente en el cual queda desfigurado y en estado de coma. Al despertar, john descubre que su aspecto es igual al del barman. Y asi continua la historia. Luego, se dá cuenta que en una de sus misiones él debe robar a un bebé del hospital siendo este bebe, su propia hija, para después dejarlo en el orfanato don de jane crecío, dandose cuenta que el/ella era ese bebé. Tiempo después intenta retirarse. Pero solo se da cuenta que al final de sus dias el se convertirá en ese personaje que a intentado detener toda su vida. Y asi se repite la historia infinitamente… fin?

Analysis of the film predestination. At the beginning of the movie we are shown the life of a man who comes to a bar where he starts a conversation with the barman, here, the main character recounts his life in an extraordinary way. It begins by telling that she was abandoned in an orphanage when she was a small baby, here, they decided to give her the name of jane. In the same way, he tells us how he had an ugly childhood and that he did not fit in with the other children and that he knew that he was different from the others. Upon reaching adulthood due to his mental and physical qualities, he enlists in a space agency, in which he make some tests, but because he had the rare condition of being hermaphrodite was rejected (they did not tell him it was). Later, she meets a man when she leaves school, goes out with this man, they fall in love, and she gets pregnant. Then, man disappears from his life. After Jane gives birth to a girl, which is stolen from the hospital, and almost at the same time learns that it was hermaphrodite and that due to complications had to remove their female organs. In this way jane adjusts to the change and begins to be called john. As the years go by he goes to a bar and talks to the bartender about his life, after finishing telling it, the man tells him that if he had the opportunity to kill the person who ruined his life, would he do it? Then they travel to the past by means of a time machine to take John with the man who ruined his life, only to realize that the man whose jane he fell in love with was John. After it shows how the relationship progresses and the inevitable happens, Jane becomes pregnant with John. Likewise, it is shown that John is recruited by the company that rejected him before being jane to help them catch a man who calls himself "fizzle bomber". Thus the story unfolds and it is shown that over the years John has an accident in which he is disfigured and in a coma. Upon awakening, John discovers that his appearance is equal to that of the bartender. And so the story continues. Then, he realizes that in one of his missions he must steal a baby from the hospital being this baby, his own daughter, and then leave him in the orphanage where jane grew up, realizing he / she was that baby. Some time later he tries to retire. But he only realizes that at the end of his days he will become that character who has tried to stop his whole life. And so the story repeats itself infinitely ... end?

Roman Coliseum. This is a beautiful place to visit, this place is one of the new seven wonders of the world. It was built around 1 century. originally it was called Flavian Amphitheater. Unlike other amphitheatres, it was built in the center of the city. Here people used to fight like gladiators or just beasts like lions. This place was built for 50000 people. This wonder of the world was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980, and since 2007, it became part of the new wonders of the modern world. Personally if i had the oportunity to visit this place i would be happy. This is an important places of the humanity what deserve be remember and presrved for the next generations.

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