126CedarRoad,Witkoppe 2068 P O Box1029,Witkoppen Tel:0114652422 Fax: 0114673501 unity-college@unity-coliege lege.org.z www.unity-col PBO930006 s35
RegNo: 199U004663/08
14 April2008 To WhomIt MayConcem: YANTVROZEN Behavioural Therapifi
YanivRozenhasworkedwith the Unitylearnersand staffsinceJanuary2008.We at Unity considerit a privilegethat he forms part of our team, as a specialistwithinthe educationa field.
and UnityCollegeis a specialschoolattendedby pupilsfrom 6 - 20 yearswith intellectual problems scholastic delay. The collegecatersfor mentallyretardedlearnerswho experience which may be due to motor vehicleaccidents;birth trauma; near drowning;hereditar disorderse.g. FragileX, Down Syndrome,CerebralPalsy;medicalconditionse.g. Autism Aspergers, Epilepsy;generaldevelopment delaysand or dyslexia.
As a behaviouraltherapist,he displaysa great deal of knowleilgein his subjectarea. He looksfor and hashelpedus identifutriggersfor certainbehaviours, he thenchatsto the child His followthroughis and works with the teacherto ultimatelyeradicatethose behaviours. good as he documentsbehaviours. therapy He readilyshareshis knowledgeof behavioural and rnakessuggestions for certainstrategies. regardingthe implementation I havefound that he addsvalueto the Unity environmentprimarilyin the empoweringof teachersin the handlingof "difficult"learners. Yourssincerely
Direct0rs IM Andersen Vl Witt, PFvan der Schyff,lC Scott,JA Dannhauser, of SouthernAfrica) Memberof ISASA(IndependentSchoolsAssociation * Registration Registered as a non-profitorganisation No:051-231-NPC)