Water Treatment Decision: Stakeholders’ Panel August 6, 2009

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  • Pages: 14
Water Treatment Decision •Stakeholders’ Panel •August 6, 2009 1

Stakeholders’ Panel Your role – Understand Tacoma Water’s treatment decision • Why we must act • Options • Benefits & risks • Impacts – Help shape communication messages – Provide feedback to the Public Utility Board


Why Additional Treatment? Tacom a’s G re en Ri ver wat er sup ply i s un fi lter ed – Failing to me et an y o f 1 2 leg al requirem ents (crit eria t o remain unf il tered) trig gers f iltratio n

Fed er al la w r equi re s: – Treatment o f Cr yptos por id iu m in unf il tered sur face w at er sup pli es t o: • Reduce incidents of cryptosporidiosis – a gastrointestinal illness caused by ingestion of Cryptosporidium • Reduce exposure to other pathogens like Giardia that can co-occur with Cryptosporidium 3

Green River Treatment Plant Location


Treatment Option 1 – UV Light How ul tr avio let li gh t works – Ultraviolet (UV) light treatment exposes disease-causing organisms to high levels of photon energy at particular wavelengths sterilizing organisms’ reproductive DNA, making them unable to replicate and cause disease in humans. 


Utility Impacts - UV Treatment Be nef its • •

Regulatory compliance Lowest initial capital & operational costs If clearwells are constructed, associated water storage would improve reliability & emergency response

Ri sks •

Filtration might be required later Can create significant operational challenges Future water supply may have increased organic material with higher disinfection byproducts – UV will not be beneficial. Provides no response to changing water quality 6

How UV Light Impacts You Co st

Be nefi ts

Ri sks

• Approximately $70 million (-30% /+50%) • System-wide rate increase between 5-10%

• Protects public health through additional disinfection • Legal compliance

• No reduction in disinfection byproducts • No benefits for taste, smell, or appearance • Filtration may be required later causing even higher rates • Yellow water will continue to seasonally occur, be visible to you and impact private filtration systems. 7

Treatment Option 2 - Filtration How fi ltr ati on works – Adding specific chemicals to the water supply causes particles and harmful organisms like Cryptosporidium to stick together into larger particles that are captured in a six-foot filter of sand and sand-like material. After filtering chemicals, contaminants and sediments, we would disinfect, then serve clean water to you.


Utility Impacts - Filtration Be nefi ts • •

Legal compliance Broad protection of public health Positions utility to meet future regulations Handle a wider-range of water quality issues Increase reliable supply from the Green Rive Ability to respond to problematic water quality

Ri sks • • •

Rate increase to customers Waste removal = more $ Some operational complexity Increases competition for $ among other water system needs


How Filtration Impacts You Co sts

Be nefi ts

Ri sks

• Approx. $140 million (-30%/+50%) • System-wide rate increase approx. 15-20%

• Broad public health protection • Reduces sand/silt in system & cost for flushing • Reduces yellow water • Increases available water during fall & early winter • Legal compliance

• Higher impact on rates than UV


Schedule Installation deadline w/2-year extension (4/14)

Conclusion of Cryptosporidium monitoring (10/08) Public outreach Public Utility Board & RWSS Partner decision (1/10).




Water Treatment pilot testing Advertise consulting services RFP for decision process

City Council budget & rates



Environmental review, Water Treatment Plant design &

Anticipated operation of Fish Passage from Howard




Treatment plant construction

RWSS Partners = Covington Water District, City of Kent & Lakehaven Utility District


Schedule 2008 – Conclusion of Crypto monitoring

2009 – Water treatment pilot testing begins – Hire consultant to help examine options – Public outreach/education

2010 – Public Utility Board & RWSS Partner decision – City Council budget & rates approval – Water treatment pilot testing ends

– Treatment plant design & permitting begins

2011 – Environmental review begins

2012 – Treatment plant design & permitting ends

2013 – Construction begins

2014 – Environmental review ends – Installation deadline w/2yr ext.

2015 – Anticipated operation of Fish Passage at Howard Hanson


Summary Tacoma Water must build additional treatment facilities to meet new federal requirements. The Public Utility Board will decide between filtration and ultraviolet light treatment. Either option will significantly impact rates.   The Stakeholder panel plays a key role in providing feedback to help the Utility Board make its decision. 13

What’s Next? Next Stakeholders’ Panel Meeting Monday, August 31, 2009 11:30 a.m. to 1 p .m. Agenda – Public Outreach Plan – Messaging/sample print collateral


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