Pcl Appeal Letter

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Help PCL Get California on the Right Track Dear PCL Supporter:


July 9, 2009



Proposed Alignment Environmentally Preferred Alignment


As an advocate for smart land use, effective public transportation and San Francisco environmental protection, the Planning and Conservation League (PCL) has San Joie joined forces with Bay Area residents and California citizens to send a strong Giit'oy) message to the State Legislature - California must do High Speed Rail right! With the passage of Proposition 1A last November, voters chose to spend nearly $10 billion to construct a high speed train system that would stretch from Los Angeles to San Francisco and Sacramento. Support for this mega-project in such lean economic times is proof that Californians are willing to invest in a clean and innovative transportation network to meet future demands. However, since the election, many citizens and supporters are concerned with the process that the decision makers are using to plan the route. The lack of a thorough and objective analysis of the project has allowed the High Speed Rail Authority to disregard the project's impacts. This can potentially jeopardize the entire project. As a PCL supporter your donation ensures that we can ramp up our efforts on this issue at this critical juncture. In response to this lack of oversight, our coalition is working with several legislators who also share our concerns about this issue. We strongly believe that the current process the Rail Authority is undertaking will continue to alienate and disillusion local residents, ultimately dooming the project to failure. To prevent this, we are working on legislation to ensure a better process and we are actively monitoring the Rail Authority's budget. In fact, our coalition just recently packed the room at a Senate budget subcommittee hearing on funding for California's High Speed Rail Authority! This hearing was PCL's first chance to testify before the Senate. Many California residents spoke, asking for increased oversight and better community outreach. The subcommittee members heard our message loud and clear. As a League, we must remain engaged in this process to ensure High Speed Rail is constructed in a way that makes sense for our environment, our communities and our state. Please support PCL in carrying the message to more legislators at the Capitol that High Speed Rail needs to be constructed with careful planning and a great deal of outreach to ensure the best, most efficient, cost-effective train route is chosen with the least environmental impact. The High Speed Rail system will be the biggest construction project this state has ever undertaken. We need to get it right, and the time is now...to make sure we have a successful arrival! Sincerely, Traci Sheehan Executive Director P.S. To learn more about this issue and how you can make your voice heard visit www.HSR-LetsDatRight.corn. P.P.S. Take action! Make a donation to this effort and be sure to sign your name on the enclosed letter and mail it back in the return envelope so we can deliver hundreds of letters to our state legislators letting them know that our coalition supports getting High Speed Rail right!

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Help PCL Get California on the Right Track


Here are a few ways you can help make sure High Speed Rail is constructed in a way that makes sense for our environment, our communities and our state:


Gb Support PCL on this important environmental effort. High Speed Rail needs to be constructed with careful planning to ensure the most efficient, cost effective train route is chosen with the least environmental impact. Gil Sign this letter to your Senator and ask them to encourage legislative oversight on High Speed Rail. G6 Learn more about High Speed Rail by visiting www.HSR-LetsDoltRight.com .

Dear Senator:

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July 15, 2009

Congratulations on your leadership to create a High Speed Rail system. California has always been a leader with innovative and important investments in the state and its infrastructure. Though I'm excited about the possibilities of High Speed Rail, I am concerned that the current plans will significantly damage the environment and I believe the process needs more oversight. I believe, and hope you agree, that the High Speed Rail system can be a clean and innovative transportation network to meet California's future needs. However, I am not confident that the California High Speed Rail Authority is pursuing the project in an economically and environmentally sound manner. While I think that a High Speed Rail system could be a terrific asset, I don't think that the system currently being planned is the right route. The route chosen should be the least environmentally damaging and align well with existing population centers. As the California State Senate Transportation Committee has noted, there really isn't a viable "business plan" for the proposed High Speed Rail system at this point. As a taxpayer I want to be sure that the currently authorized bond money (the almost $10 billion approved by California voters in November 2008) will not be wasted on your watch. The State Senate can provide necessary oversight, and help correct the problems in the current plan. I urge you to do everything you can to make sure that the Senate in fact does that. Thank you for taking my concerns seriously. Signed:

I Support California Doing High Speed Rail Right! Gi Yes, I'd like to support PCL's efforts,



by giving:

q $250

q My Check is Enclosed


to PCL (for lobbying & advocacy, not tax-deductible) to PCL Foundation (tax-deductible, for research & education)

This amount woulci real hey

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Planning and Conservation League • 1107 9th Street, Suite 360 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-444-8726 • www.PCL.org

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